typedef struct AppleImg3KBAGHeader {
uint32_t key_modifier; // key modifier, can be 0 or 1
uint32_t key_bits; // number of bits in the key, can be 128, 192 or 256 (it seems only 128 is supported in current iBoot)
} AppleImg3KBAGHeader;
int AES_set_encrypt_key(
const unsigned char *userKey,
const int bits,
AES_KEY *key);
int AES_set_decrypt_key(
const unsigned char *userKey,
const int bits,
AES_KEY *key);
void AES_cbc_encrypt(
const unsigned char *in,
unsigned char *out,
const unsigned long length,
const AES_KEY *key,
unsigned char *ivec,
const int enc);
typedef struct Unparsed_KBAG_256 {
uint32_t magic; // string with bytes flipped ("KBAG" in little endian)
uint32_t fullSize; // size of KBAG from beyond that point to the end of it
uint32_t tagDataSize; // size of KBAG without this 0xC header
uint32_t cryptState; // 1 if the key and IV in the KBAG are encrypted with the GID Key
// 2 is used with a second KBAG for the S5L8920, use is unknown.
uint32_t aesType; // 0x80 = aes128 / 0xc0 = aes192 / 0x100 = aes256
uint8_t encIV[16]; // IV for the firmware file, encrypted with the GID Key
uint8_t encKey[32]; // Key for the firmware file, encrypted with the GID Key
} UparsedKbagAes256_t;