用Ollydbg手脱SafeDisc V2.43.000加壳的DLL
【调试环境】:WinXP、Ollydbg V1.10、PEiD、LordPE、ImportREC、WinHex
本教程演示的AdobeLM.dll V1.0.2.38是Adobe Premiere Pro V1.5的文件,SafeDisc V2.43.000保护,不是最新版,况且一般壳保护DLL时强度都要降低,SafeDisc对此DLL没有使用驱动和CC解码,因此相对来说难度不高。但是SafeDisc的输入表和SDK修复比较麻烦。
1005A05E 55 push ebp
1005A05F 8BEC mov ebp,esp
1005A061 60 pushad
1005A062 BB 5EA00510 mov ebx,1005A05E
1005A067 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
1005A069 8A0D 3DA00510 mov cl,byte ptr ds:[1005A03D]
1005A06F 85C9 test ecx,ecx
1005A071 74 0C je short 1005A07F
1005A073 B8 D3A00510 mov eax,1005A0D3
1005A078 2BC3 sub eax,ebx
1005A07A 83E8 05 sub eax,5
1005A07D EB 0E jmp short 1005A08D
1005A07F 51 push ecx
1005A080 B9 19A10510 mov ecx,1005A119
1005A085 8BC1 mov eax,ecx
1005A087 2BC3 sub eax,ebx
1005A089 0341 01 add eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+1]
1005A08C 59 pop ecx
1005A08D C603 E9 mov byte ptr ds:[ebx],0E9
1005A090 8943 01 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx+1],eax
1005A093 51 push ecx
1005A094 68 09A00510 push 1005A009
1005A099 33C0 xor eax,eax
1005A09B 85C9 test ecx,ecx
1005A09D 74 05 je short 1005A0A4
1005A09F 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
1005A0A2 EB 00 jmp short 1005A0A4
1005A0A4 50 push eax
1005A0A5 E8 76000000 call 1005A120
1005A0AA 83C4 08 add esp,8
1005A0AD 59 pop ecx
1005A0AE 83F8 00 cmp eax,0
1005A0B1 74 1C je short 1005A0CF
1005A0B3 C603 C2 mov byte ptr ds:[ebx],0C2
1005A0B6 C643 01 0C mov byte ptr ds:[ebx+1],0C
1005A0BA 85C9 test ecx,ecx
1005A0BC 74 09 je short 1005A0C7
1005A0BE 61 popad
1005A0BF 5D pop ebp
1005A0C0 B8 00000000 mov eax,0
1005A0C5 EB 97 jmp short 1005A05E
1005A0C7 50 push eax
1005A0C8 A1 29A00510 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[1005A029]
1005A0CD FFD0 call eax
1005A0CF 61 popad
1005A0D0 5D pop ebp
1005A0D1 EB 46 jmp short 1005A119
1005A0D3 807C24 08 00 cmp byte ptr ss:[esp+8],0
1005A0D8 75 3F jnz short 1005A119
1005A0DA 51 push ecx
1005A0DB 8B4C24 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
1005A0DF 890D 13A10510 mov dword ptr ds:[1005A113],ecx
1005A0E5 B9 F1A00510 mov ecx,1005A0F1
1005A0EA 894C24 04 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+4],ecx
1005A0EE 59 pop ecx
1005A0EF EB 28 jmp short 1005A119
1005A0F1 50 push eax
1005A0F2 B8 2DA00510 mov eax,1005A02D
1005A0F7 FF70 08 push dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
1005A0FA 8B40 0C mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
1005A0FD FFD0 call eax
1005A0FF B8 2DA00510 mov eax,1005A02D
1005A104 FF30 push dword ptr ds:[eax]
1005A106 8B40 04 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
1005A109 FFD0 call eax
1005A10B 58 pop eax
1005A10C FF35 13A10510 push dword ptr ds:[1005A113]
1005A112 C3 retn
1005A119 E9 A6CEFCFF jmp 10026FC4
SafeDisc V2.43.000对OllyDBG的反调试还是很少的,下面没有分析对SoftICE的Anti
BP IsDebuggerPresent
00879ACA FFD0 call eax
00879ACC 8BF0 mov esi,eax
00879ACE 66:85F6 test si,si
00879AD1 74 13 je short 00879AE6
00879AD3 E8 A277FFFF call 0087127A
00879AD8 66:8BF0 mov si,ax
00879ADB 66:F7DE neg si
00879ADE 1BF6 sbb esi,esi
00879AE0 46 inc esi
00879AE1 66:85F6 test si,si
00879AE4 75 13 jnz short 00879AF9
00879AE6 8B4424 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
00879AEA 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00879AEC 81E1 EA894267 and ecx,674289EA
00879AF2 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
00879AF4 66:8BC6 mov ax,si
00879AF7 5E pop esi
00879AF8 C3 retn
BP GetCurrentProcess
00879889 FF15 B4208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C20B4] ; kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
0087988F 50 push eax
00879890 FFD7 call edi ; ntdll.ZwQueryInformationProcess
00879892 8B4424 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00879896 85C0 test eax,eax
00879898 75 02 jnz short 0087989C
00879520 53 push ebx
00879521 8B19 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00879523 803C03 CC cmp byte ptr ds:[ebx+eax],0CC
00879527 75 01 jnz short 0087952A
00879529 46 inc esi
0087952A 83C1 04 add ecx,4
0087952D 4A dec edx
0087952E 75 F1 jnz short 00879521
00879530 5B pop ebx
00879531 33D2 xor edx,edx
00879533 3BD6 cmp edx,esi
00879535 5E pop esi
00879536 1BC0 sbb eax,eax
00879538 F7D8 neg eax
0087953A 66:85C0 test ax,ax
0087953D 75 12 jnz short 00879551
好了,SafeDisc V2.43.000对OllyDBG的Anti手段就这么点
重新加载AdobeLM.dll,运行SafeDisc V2.43.000.osc脚本。脚本运行完毕后OllyDBG自动暂停在OEP
10026FC4 55 push ebp
10026FC5 8BEC mov ebp,esp
10026FC7 53 push ebx
10026FC8 8B5D 08 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
10026FCB 56 push esi
10026FCC 8B75 0C mov esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
10026FCF 57 push edi
10026FD0 8B7D 10 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]
10026FD3 85F6 test esi,esi
10026FD5 75 09 jnz short 10026FE0
10026FD7 833D 80AE0410 00 cmp dword ptr ds:[1004AE80],0
10026FDE EB 26 jmp short 10027006
10026FE0 83FE 01 cmp esi,1
10026FE3 74 05 je short 10026FEA
10026FE5 83FE 02 cmp esi,2
10026FE8 75 22 jnz short 1002700C
10026FEA A1 08C60410 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[1004C608]
10026FEF 85C0 test eax,eax
10026FF1 74 09 je short 10026FFC
10026FF3 57 push edi
10026FF4 56 push esi
10026FF5 53 push ebx
10026FF6 FFD0 call eax
10026EF8 FF15 E4610310 call dword ptr ds:[100361E4]; kernel32.GetSystemTime
10036000 BB D5 DC 77 8E 77 DA 77 E7 EB DA 77 F0 6B DA 77
10036010 1B 76 DA 77 83 78 DA 77 B3 77 DA 77 00 00 00 00
10036020 39 34 17 5D 00 00 00 00 3B 6A EF 77 A6 6C EF 77
10036030 FC C6 EF 77 D5 5F EF 77 10 5E EF 77 82 9A EF 77
10036040 C0 6D EF 77 0B 5D EF 77 F1 5F EF 77 A7 5B EF 77
10036050 21 A8 EF 77 0C D1 EF 77 A0 59 EF 77 00 00 00 00
10036060 D7 EF 80 7C 0E 18 80 7C 77 9B 80 7C C7 A0 80 7C
10036070 7A A1 87 7C 8F 0C 81 7C AC 92 80 7C 37 97 80 7C
10036080 57 B3 80 7C A1 97 83 7C 62 5F 82 7C AD 9C 80 7C
10036090 4B 6F 82 7C 28 AC 80 7C 51 28 81 7C 31 03 93 7C
100360A0 66 AA 80 7C 30 25 80 7C CB CA 81 7C 59 35 81 7C
100360B0 24 1A 80 7C 19 90 83 7C 29 9F 80 7C 25 16 80 7C
100360C0 42 24 80 7C 6E 9C 80 7C A9 26 82 7C 72 17 81 7C
100360D0 50 F8 81 7C CB D8 81 7C 57 BB 80 7C 80 A4 80 7C
100360E0 B9 8C 83 7C C0 9F 80 7C ED 70 83 7C 7E D4 80 7C
100360F0 E3 12 81 7C 53 C1 81 7C 81 9A 80 7C 14 9B 80 7C
10036100 29 29 81 7C 10 11 81 7C 6A 48 81 7C 78 2C 81 7C
10036110 23 CC 81 7C 5F 48 81 7C 3F DC 81 7C EE 1E 80 7C
10036120 69 10 81 7C A9 2C 81 7C CF C6 80 7C 8A 2B 86 7C
10036130 86 03 81 7C 58 CD 80 7C A6 0D 81 7C 9F 0F 81 7C
10036140 2A E8 81 7C 43 99 80 7C 50 97 80 7C 40 03 93 7C
10036150 53 34 81 7C 0F 2B 81 7C ED 09 93 7C B3 9E 80 7C
10036160 C4 2F 88 7C 29 B5 80 7C 11 03 81 7C E0 C6 80 7C
10036170 4E 99 80 7C 4C 17 81 7C 54 2A 82 7C ED 10 92 7C
10036180 05 10 92 7C A1 9F 80 7C 8A 18 93 7C 8D B7 80 7C
10036190 6C 94 80 7C FE B9 80 7C FC B7 80 7C 2F 08 81 7C
100361A0 3F EB 80 7C BD E4 81 7C 28 9C 80 7C 7C 2F 81 7C
100361B0 1B EC 80 7C A7 24 80 7C 0D E0 80 7C 8D 2C 81 7C
100361C0 AB 14 81 7C AD 97 80 7C 94 97 80 7C 7B 97 80 7C
100361D0 40 7A 95 7C E1 EA 81 7C F5 9B 80 7C A9 CC 80 7C
100361E0 AE 94 83 7C 6B 17 80 7C C1 C9 80 7C 2B 2E 83 7C
100361F0 3D 04 93 7C D4 05 93 7C FD 79 93 7C A2 CA 81 7C
10036200 4E A3 80 7C C4 CE 80 7C E6 2B 81 7C 93 D2 80 7C
10036210 16 1E 80 7C 00 00 00 00 62 DB D1 77 AE E2 D1 77
10036220 6D 86 D1 77 C5 D3 D1 77 56 B5 D1 77 97 86 D1 77
10036230 DE D4 D1 77 5A DC D1 77 E1 88 D2 77 A8 67 D2 77
10036240 C9 6C D2 77 50 8E D1 77 7C 94 D1 77 C5 B4 D1 77
10036250 EF 01 D3 77 B1 B4 D1 77 A4 52 D2 77 AE 21 D2 77
10036260 8E C7 D1 77 D3 DE D1 77 75 8F D1 77 7C B5 D1 77
10036270 1A 8C D1 77 BB D7 D1 77 98 EC D3 77 B8 E7 D1 77
10036280 3C FC D1 77 2E F8 D3 77 9D B4 D1 77 FA E8 D1 77
10036290 A8 C6 D1 77 DC E5 D1 77 2F 3A D2 77 A9 F8 D3 77
100362A0 2C 90 D1 77 64 C0 D1 77 4B E3 D1 77 2F 15 D3 77
100362B0 32 E0 D1 77 D4 C4 D1 77 06 8C D1 77 DE A2 D1 77
100362C0 BC C6 D1 77 0B 05 D5 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
OEP RVA=00026FC4 IAT RVA=00036000 IAT Size=2C8
SafeDisc V2.43.000.osc 辅助脚本如下
// FileName : SafeDisc V2.43.000.osc
// Comment : SafeDisc V2.43.000 FixedImportingFunction
// Environment : WinXP SP2,OllyDbg V1.10,OllyScript V0.92
// Author : fly
// WebSite : http://www.unpack.cn
// Date : 2005-11-23 22:00
var EP
var Temp
var IsDebuggerPresent
var GetCurrentProcess
var ZwQueryInformationProcess
var CreateEventA
var MagicJmp
var FixedOver
mov EP,eip
log EP
gpa "IsDebuggerPresent", "KERNEL32.dll"
mov IsDebuggerPresent,$RESULT
eob IsDebuggerPresent
bp IsDebuggerPresent
log eip
cmp eip,IsDebuggerPresent
jne GoOn0
bc IsDebuggerPresent
00879889 FF15 B4208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C20B4] ; kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
0087988F 50 push eax
00879890 FFD7 call edi ; ntdll.ZwQueryInformationProcess
00879892 8B4424 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00879896 85C0 test eax,eax
00879898 75 02 jnz short 0087989C
gpa "GetCurrentProcess", "KERNEL32.dll"
mov GetCurrentProcess,$RESULT
eob GetCurrentProcess
bp GetCurrentProcess
cmp eip,GetCurrentProcess
jne GoOn1
bc GetCurrentProcess
find eip, #8B44240C85C0#
cmp $RESULT, 0
je NoFind
mov ZwQueryInformationProcess,$RESULT
log ZwQueryInformationProcess
eob ZwQueryInformationProcess
bp ZwQueryInformationProcess
bc ZwQueryInformationProcess
mov Temp,esp
add Temp,0C
mov [Temp],0000
gpa "CreateEventA", "KERNEL32.dll"
mov CreateEventA,$RESULT
eob CreateEventA
bphws CreateEventA, "x"
log eip
cmp eip,CreateEventA
jne GoOn2
bphwc CreateEventA
add EP,1
mov Temp, [EP]
add Temp,4
add EP,Temp
add EP,6
log EP
mov Temp, [EP]
and Temp,0FF
log Temp
add EP,1
add EP,Temp
log EP
//jmp Second
008BF088 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF08B 40 inc eax
008BF08C 8945 F4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
008BF08F 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF092 3B45 14 cmp eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]
008BF095 73 55 jnb short 008BF0EC
008BF097 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF09A C1E8 03 shr eax,3
008BF09D 8B4D F8 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
008BF0A0 8B15 DCEC8D00 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[8DECDC]
008BF0A6 8B0C8A mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+ecx*4]
008BF0A9 0FB60401 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx+eax]
008BF0AD 8B4D F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF0B0 83E1 07 and ecx,7
008BF0B3 6A 01 push 1
008BF0B5 5A pop edx
008BF0B6 D3E2 shl edx,cl
008BF0B8 23C2 and eax,edx
008BF0BA 85C0 test eax,eax
008BF0BC 75 2C jnz short 008BF0EA
008BF0BE 8B45 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
008BF0C1 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF0C7 8B0D E0EC8D00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF0CD 8B4401 4C mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+4C]
008BF0D1 8B4D F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF0D4 FF3488 push dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx*4]
008BF0D7 FF75 F8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
008BF0DA E8 DB000000 call 008BF1BA
008BF0DF 59 pop ecx
008BF0E0 59 pop ecx
008BF0E1 8B4D F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF0E4 8B55 18 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+18]
008BF0E7 89048A mov dword ptr ds:[edx+ecx*4],eax
008BF0EA EB 9C jmp short 008BF088
008BF0EC EB 07 jmp short 008BF0F5
eob FixedImportingFunction
find eip, #D3E223C285C0752C8B45F8#
cmp $RESULT, 0
je NoFind
add $RESULT,4
mov MagicJmp,$RESULT
bphws MagicJmp, "x"
find MagicJmp, #EB9CEB07#
cmp $RESULT, 0
je NoFind
add $RESULT,2
mov FixedOver,$RESULT
bphws FixedOver, "x"
bphws EP, "x"
cmp eip,MagicJmp
je MagicJmp
cmp eip,FixedOver
je MagicJmp
cmp eip,EP
je EP
bphwc MagicJmp
asm MagicJmp, "xor eax,eax"
asm MagicJmp, "test eax,eax"
bphws MagicJmp, "x"
jmp GoOn3
bphws EP, "x"
eob EP
log EP
bphwc MagicJmp
bphwc FixedOver
bphwc EP
log eip
cmt eip, "This is the OEP! Found By: fly"
MSG "Just : OEP ! Dump and Fix IAT/Reloction. Good Luck "
MSG "Error! Maybe It's not SafeDisc V2.43.000 ! "
把SafeDisc V2.43.000.osc中“//jmp Second”的“//”去掉,新开个OllyDBG,重新加载AdobeLM.dll,运行脚本。现在脚本没有处理输入表函数,直接停在OEP处。
Alt+M 察看AdobeLM.dll内存
10000000 00001000 (4096.) AdobeLM 10000000 PE header
10001000 00035000 (217088.) AdobeLM 10000000 .text code
10036000 00008000 (32768.) AdobeLM 10000000 .rdata
1003E000 0000F000 (61440.) AdobeLM 10000000 .data
1004D000 00005000 (20480.) AdobeLM 10000000 .rsrc
10052000 00005000 (20480.) AdobeLM 10000000 .reloc
10057000 00003000 (12288.) AdobeLM 10000000 stxt774
1005A000 00004000 (16384.) AdobeLM 10000000 stxt371 SFX,imports
1003E000 60 pushad
1003E001 BE 00100010 mov esi,10001000
1003E006 BF 005F0310 mov edi,10035F00
1003E00B 3BF7 cmp esi,edi
1003E00D 7C 05 jl short 1003E014
1003E00F E9 91000000 jmp 1003E0A5
1003E014 8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]
1003E016 3D 00600310 cmp eax,10036000
1003E01B 7D 03 jge short 1003E020
1003E01D 46 inc esi
1003E01E EB EB jmp short 1003E00B
1003E020 3D C8620310 cmp eax,100362C8
1003E025 7F F6 jg short 1003E01D
1003E027 8B18 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
1003E029 85DB test ebx,ebx
1003E02B 74 F0 je short 1003E01D
1003E02D 81FB 00000010 cmp ebx,10000000
1003E033 7F E8 jg short 1003E01D
1003E035 8D4E FE lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi-2]
1003E038 66:8B19 mov bx,word ptr ds:[ecx]
1003E03B 66:81FB FF15 cmp bx,15FF
1003E040 75 DB jnz short 1003E01D
//循环扫描符合call dword ptr ds:[10036XXX]条件的
1003E042 8B1D F0E00310 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[1003E0F0]
//[1003E0F0]处预先写入1003E100 ★
1003E048 8933 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],esi
1003E04A 83C3 04 add ebx,4
1003E04D 891D F0E00310 mov dword ptr ds:[1003E0F0],ebx
1003E053 8935 F4E00310 mov dword ptr ds:[1003E0F4],esi
1003E059 FFE1 jmp ecx
1003E05A 90 nop
1003E05B 90 nop
1003E05C 90 nop
1003E05D 90 nop
1003E05E 90 nop
1003E05F 90 nop
1003E060 90 nop
1003E061 90 nop
1003E062 90 nop
1003E063 90 nop
1003E064 8B1D F0E00310 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[1003E0F0]
1003E06A 8B0424 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp]
1003E06D 8903 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],eax
1003E06F B9 C8020000 mov ecx,2C8
1003E074 BF 00600410 mov edi,10046000
//把我们第三步获取的10036000-100362C8函数地址复制到10046000处 ★
1003E079 F2:AF repne scas dword ptr es:[edi]
1003E07B 75 28 jnz short 1003E0A5
1003E07D 90 nop
1003E07E 90 nop
1003E07F 90 nop
1003E080 90 nop
1003E081 81EF 04000100 sub edi,10004
//10046000-10036000=100000 再减4就是找到的存放函数地址的地址了 ★
1003E087 8B35 F4E00310 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[1003E0F4]
1003E08D 893E mov dword ptr ds:[esi],edi
1003E08F 83C6 04 add esi,4
1003E092 E9 6FFFFFFF jmp 1003E006
1003E097 8B35 F4E00310 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[1003E0F4]
1003E09D 83C6 04 add esi,4
1003E0A0 E9 61FFFFFF jmp 1003E006
1003E0A5 61 popad
//Game Over 修复完毕
1003E0A6 EB FE jmp short 1003E0A6
60 BE 00 10 00 10 BF 00 5F 03 10 3B F7 7C 05 E9 91 00 00 00 8B 06 3D 00 60 03 10 7D 03 46 EB EB
3D C8 62 03 10 7F F6 8B 18 85 DB 74 F0 81 FB 00 00 00 10 7F E8 8D 4E FE 66 8B 19 66 81 FB FF 15
75 DB 8B 1D F0 E0 03 10 89 33 83 C3 04 89 1D F0 E0 03 10 89 35 F4 E0 03 10 FF E1 90 90 90 90 90
90 90 90 90 8B 1D F0 E0 03 10 8B 04 24 89 03 B9 C8 02 00 00 BF 00 60 04 10 F2 AF 75 28 90 90 90
90 81 EF 04 00 01 00 8B 35 F4 E0 03 10 89 3E 83 C6 04 E9 6F FF FF FF 8B 35 F4 E0 03 10 83 C6 04
E9 61 FF FF FF 61 EB FE
10001403 FF15 C4620310 call dword ptr ds:[100362C4]
00AED180 68 1713EABF push BFEA1317
00AED185 9C pushfd
00AED186 60 pushad
00AED187 54 push esp
00AED188 68 C0D1AE00 push 0AED1C0
00AED18D E8 0322DDFF call 008BF395
008BF395 55 push ebp
008BF396 8BEC mov ebp,esp
008BF398 83EC 40 sub esp,40
008BF39B 53 push ebx
008BF39C 56 push esi
008BF39D 57 push edi
008BF39E F0:FF05 742F8D00 lock inc dword ptr ds:[8D2F74]
008BF3A5 74 0E je short 008BF3B5
008BF3A7 6A FF push -1
008BF3A9 FF35 48ED8D00 push dword ptr ds:[8DED48]
008BF3AF FF15 84208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C2084]
008BF3B5 EB 0A jmp short 008BF3C1
008BF3D5 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF3D8 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
008BF3DA 8945 E0 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-20],eax
008BF3DD 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF3E0 8B40 04 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
008BF3E3 8945 E4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C],eax
008BF3E6 837D E0 FF cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-20],-1
008BF3EA 0F85 A5000000 jnz 008BF495
008BF3F0 8365 E0 00 and dword ptr ss:[ebp-20],0
008BF3F4 EB 07 jmp short 008BF3FD
008BF3F6 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF3F9 40 inc eax
008BF3FA 8945 E0 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-20],eax
008BF3FD A1 E0EC8D00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF402 8B4D E0 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF405 3B48 0F cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+F]
008BF408 0F83 87000000 jnb 008BF495
008BF40E FF75 E0 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF411 E8 F7040000 call 008BF90D
008BF416 59 pop ecx
008BF417 0FB7C0 movzx eax,ax
008BF41A 85C0 test eax,eax
008BF41C 74 72 je short 008BF490
008BF41E 8365 E4 00 and dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C],0
008BF422 EB 07 jmp short 008BF42B
008BF424 8B45 E4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF427 40 inc eax
008BF428 8945 E4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C],eax
008BF42B 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF42E 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF434 8B0D E0EC8D00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF43A 8B55 E4 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF43D 3B5401 58 cmp edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+58]
008BF441 73 43 jnb short 008BF486
008BF443 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF446 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF44C 8B4D E4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF44F 69C9 C3040000 imul ecx,ecx,4C3
008BF455 8B15 E0EC8D00 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF45B 8B8402 C3000000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+eax+C3]
008BF462 8B55 08 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF465 8B52 08 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx+8]
008BF468 3B9408 AA040000 cmp edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+4AA]
008BF46F 75 13 jnz short 008BF484
008BF471 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF474 8B4D E4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF477 8948 04 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+4],ecx
008BF47A 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF47D 8B4D E0 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF480 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
008BF482 EB 02 jmp short 008BF486
008BF484 EB 9E jmp short 008BF424
008BF486 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008BF489 8338 FF cmp dword ptr ds:[eax],-1
008BF48C 74 02 je short 008BF490
008BF48E EB 05 jmp short 008BF495
008BF490 E9 61FFFFFF jmp 008BF3F6
008BF495 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF498 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF49E 8B0D E0EC8D00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF4A4 8B8401 C3000000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+C3]
008BF4AB 8945 DC mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-24],eax
008BF4AE 8B45 C8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF4B1 8945 FC mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],eax
008BF4B4 FF75 C8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF4B7 FF75 E4 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF4BA FF75 DC push dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
008BF4BD E8 E1F1FFFF call 008BE6A3
008BF4C2 83C4 0C add esp,0C
008BF4C5 8945 F4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
008BF4C8 837D F4 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],0
008BF4CC 74 39 je short 008BF507
//Patch①、jmp 008BF507 ★ 强制每次都解密
008BF507 8B45 E4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF50A 8945 D8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],eax
008BF50D 8D45 CC lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-34]
008BF510 50 push eax
008BF511 8D45 D0 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-30]
008BF514 50 push eax
008BF515 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
008BF518 50 push eax
008BF519 FF75 C8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF51C E8 4F040000 call 008BF970
008BF521 83C4 10 add esp,10
008BF524 0FB7C0 movzx eax,ax
008BF527 83F8 01 cmp eax,1
008BF52A 0F85 75010000 jnz 008BF6A5
008BF530 8B45 C8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF533 2B45 CC sub eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-34]
008BF536 50 push eax
008BF537 E8 7C0EFCFF call 008803B8
008BF53C 50 push eax
008BF53D E8 7B0EFCFF call 008803BD
008BF542 59 pop ecx
008BF543 59 pop ecx
008BF544 0FB7C0 movzx eax,ax
008BF547 85C0 test eax,eax
008BF549 0F84 A5000000 je 008BF5F4
008BF54F 8B45 C8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
//Patch②代码: ★
008BF54F F0:FF0D 742F8D00 lock dec dword ptr ds:[8D2F74]
008BF556 78 0C js short 008BF564
008BF558 FF35 48ED8D00 push dword ptr ds:[8DED48]
008BF55E FF15 4C208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C204C]
008BF564 8B65 0C mov esp,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
008BF567 61 popad
008BF568 9D popfd
008BF569 58 pop eax
008BF56A 83C4 04 add esp,4
008BF56D E9 25EB770F jmp 1003E097
F0 FF 0D 74 2F 8D 00 78 0C FF 35 48 ED 8D 00 FF 15 4C 20 8C 00 8B 65 0C 61 9D 58 83 C4 04 E9 25
EB 77 0F
008BF5F4 8B45 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
008BF5F7 0345 CC add eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-34]
008BF5FA 8B4D C8 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF5FD 2BC8 sub ecx,eax
008BF5FF 894D F0 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],ecx
008BF602 FF75 F0 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-10]
008BF605 E8 14070000 call 008BFD1E
008BF60A 59 pop ecx
008BF60B 0FB7C0 movzx eax,ax
008BF60E 83F8 01 cmp eax,1
008BF611 0F85 8E000000 jnz 008BF6A5
008BF617 8B45 E4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF61A 69C0 C3040000 imul eax,eax,4C3
008BF620 8B4D FC mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
008BF623 8B55 DC mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
008BF626 8B49 02 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2]
008BF629 3B8C02 AA040000 cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+eax+4AA]
008BF630 75 73 jnz short 008BF6A5
008BF632 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
008BF635 0FB600 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax]
008BF638 3D FF000000 cmp eax,0FF
008BF63D 75 66 jnz short 008BF6A5
008BF63F 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
008BF642 0FB640 01 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+1]
008BF646 83F8 15 cmp eax,15
008BF649 75 5A jnz short 008BF6A5
008BF64B 8B45 E4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF64E 8945 D8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],eax
008BF651 A1 E0EC8D00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF656 8B40 26 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+26]
008BF659 0345 F0 add eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-10]
008BF65C 50 push eax
008BF65D FF75 D8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF660 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF663 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF669 8B0D E0EC8D00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF66F FF7401 58 push dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+58]
008BF673 E8 AA020000 call 008BF922
008BF678 83C4 0C add esp,0C
008BF67B 8945 D8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],eax
008BF67E 8B45 D8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF681 C1E8 03 shr eax,3
008BF684 8B4D E0 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF687 8B15 DCEC8D00 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[8DECDC]
008BF68D 8B0C8A mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+ecx*4]
008BF690 0FB60401 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx+eax]
008BF694 8B4D D8 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF697 83E1 07 and ecx,7
008BF69A 6A 01 push 1
008BF69C 5A pop edx
008BF69D D3E2 shl edx,cl
008BF69F 23C2 and eax,edx
008BF6A1 85C0 test eax,eax
008BF6A3 74 AC je short 008BF651
008BF6A5 8B45 E0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF6A8 69C0 8D000000 imul eax,eax,8D
008BF6AE 8B0D E0EC8D00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[8DECE0]
008BF6B4 8B4401 4C mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+4C]
008BF6B8 8B4D D8 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF6BB 8B0488 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx*4]
008BF6BE 8945 D8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28],eax
008BF6C1 8B45 D8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF6C4 69C0 C3040000 imul eax,eax,4C3
008BF6CA 8B4D DC mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
008BF6CD 8B8401 72040000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+472]
008BF6D4 8945 F4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
008BF6D7 837D F4 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],0
008BF6DB 75 26 jnz short 008BF703
008BF6DD FF75 D8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF6E0 FF75 E0 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-20]
008BF6E3 E8 D2FAFFFF call 008BF1BA
008BF6E8 59 pop ecx
008BF6E9 59 pop ecx
008BF6EA 8945 F4 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
008BF6ED 8B45 D8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-28]
008BF6F0 69C0 C3040000 imul eax,eax,4C3
008BF6F6 8B4D DC mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
008BF6F9 8B55 F4 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF6FC 899401 72040000 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+472],edx
008BF703 FF75 F4 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF706 FF75 C8 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
008BF709 FF75 E4 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-1C]
008BF70C FF75 DC push dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
008BF70F E8 F0EFFFFF call 008BE704
008BF714 83C4 10 add esp,10
008BF717 8B45 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
008BF71A 83C0 24 add eax,24
008BF71D 8945 C0 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-40],eax
008BF720 8B45 C0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-40]
008BF723 8B4D F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]
008BF726 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
008BF728 8B45 C0 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-40]
008BF72B 83C0 04 add eax,4
008BF72E 50 push eax
008BF72F E8 1F61FDFF call 00895853
008BF734 59 pop ecx
008BF735 F0:FF0D 742F8D00 lock dec dword ptr ds:[8D2F74]
008BF73C 78 0C js short 008BF74A
008BF73E FF35 48ED8D00 push dword ptr ds:[8DED48]
008BF744 FF15 4C208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C204C]
008BF74A 8B65 0C mov esp,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
008BF74D 61 popad
008BF74E 9D popfd
008BF74F C3 retn
//Patch③:jmp 1003E064 解密完毕后跳回去控制处理,[ESP]是解密后的函数系统地址
修改上面Patch③的008BF74F处为jmp 1003E0DD,控制流程。
1002DE3F 33C0 xor eax,eax
1002DE41 6A 00 push 0
1002DE43 394424 08 cmp dword ptr ss:[esp+8],eax
1002DE47 68 00100000 push 1000
1002DE4C 0F94C0 sete al
1002DE4F 50 push eax
1002DE50 E9 D3990200 jmp AdobeLM.10057828
10057828 53 push ebx
10057829 E8 98FCFFFF call AdobeLM.100574C6
100574C6 870424 xchg dword ptr ss:[esp],eax
100574C9 9C pushfd
100574CA 05 DF100000 add eax,10DF
100574CF 8B18 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
100574D1 6BDB 2E imul ebx,ebx,2E
100574D4 0358 04 add ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
100574D7 9D popfd
100574D8 58 pop eax
100574D9 871C24 xchg dword ptr ss:[esp],ebx
100574DC C3 retn
00AFCBC9 68 56DE0210 push 1002DE56
00AFCBCE 68 0A13EABF push BFEA130A
00AFCBD3 9C pushfd
00AFCBD4 60 pushad
00AFCBD5 54 push esp
00AFCBD6 68 09CCAF00 push 0AFCC09
00AFCBDB E8 B527DCFF call ~df394b.008BF395
00AFCBE0 83C4 08 add esp,8
00AFCBE3 6A 00 push 0
00AFCBE5 58 pop eax
00AFCBE6 61 popad
00AFCBE7 9D popfd
00AFCBE8 C3 retn
1003E0A8 60 pushad
1003E0A9 BE 0000AE00 mov esi,00AE0000
1003E0AE BF 00600410 mov edi,10046000
1003E0B3 46 inc esi
1003E0B4 81FE 0050B100 cmp esi,00B15000
1003E0BA 7D 53 jge short 1003E10F
1003E0BC 803E 68 cmp byte ptr ds:[esi],68
1003E0BF 75 F2 jnz short 1003E0B3
1003E0C1 66:817E 04 1068 cmp word ptr ds:[esi+4],6810
1003E0C7 75 EA jnz short 1003E0B3
1003E0C9 817E 0A 9C605468 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+A],6854609C
1003E0D0 75 E1 jnz short 1003E0B3
1003E0D2 817E 01 00000010 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+1],10000000
1003E0D9 74 30 je short 1003E10B
1003E0DB FFE6 jmp esi
1003E0DD 3E:8B0424 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esp]
//SafeDisc解密后强制跳到这里 ★
1003E0E1 8B5E 01 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+1]
1003E0E4 66:C743 FA FF15 mov word ptr ds:[ebx-6],15FF
1003E0EA 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
1003E0EC 3B0439 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edi]
1003E0EF 74 0F je short 1003E100
1003E0F1 83C1 04 add ecx,4
1003E0F4 81F9 D0020000 cmp ecx,2D0
1003E0FA 72 F0 jb short 1003E0EC
1003E0FC EB FE jmp short 1003E0FC
1003E0FE 90 nop
1003E0FF 90 nop
1003E100 8D0C39 lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edi]
1003E103 81E9 00000100 sub ecx,10000
//10046000-10036000=100000 找到的存放函数地址的地址
1003E109 894B FC mov dword ptr ds:[ebx-4],ecx
1003E10C EB A5 jmp short 1003E0B3
1003E10E 90 nop
1003E10F 61 popad
1003E110 EB FE jmp short 1003E110
60 BE 00 00 AE 00 BF 00 60 04 10 46 81 FE 00 50 B1 00 7D 53 80 3E 68 75 F2 66 81 7E 04 10 68 75
EA 81 7E 0A 9C 60 54 68 75 E1 81 7E 01 00 00 00 10 74 30 FF E6 3E 8B 04 24 8B 5E 01 66 C7 43 FA
FF 15 33 C9 3B 04 39 74 0F 83 C1 04 81 F9 D0 02 00 00 72 F0 EB FE 90 90 8D 0C 39 81 E9 00 00 01
00 89 4B FC EB A5 90 61 EB FE
10002463 E8 611D0000 call 100041C9
//有很多call 100041C9
100041C9 51 push ecx
100041CA 50 push eax
100041CB E8 13F3FFFF call 100034E3
100034E3 B8 7BEFFFFF mov eax,-1085
100034E8 59 pop ecx
100034E9 8D0408 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx]
100034EC 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
100034EE FFE0 jmp eax ; ~df394b.0088127D
可以手动察看,搜索所有的call 100041C9命令,把假的SDK去掉再扫描修复。
1000109B E8 29310000 call AdobeLM.100041C9
1000109A 6A E8 push -18
1000109C 2931 sub dword ptr ds:[ecx],esi
1000109E 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
100010A0 8B4C24 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
100010A4 85C9 test ecx,ecx
100010A6 74 06 je short AdobeLM.100010AE
1002AF0A C3 retn
1002AF0B E8 B992FDFF call AdobeLM.100041C9
1002AF10 55 push ebp
1002AF11 8BEC mov ebp,esp
把以下地址暂时修改为call 100041CC
1000109B call 100041C9
10001FAB call 100041C9
10002F0B call 100041C9
1000380B call 100041C9
10003B8B call 100041C9
1000476B call 100041C9
10004FBB call 100041C9
1000572B call 100041C9
100066AB call 100041C9
1000EB5B call 100041C9
1000FE3B call 100041C9
1000FEEB call 100041C9
10011B9B call 100041C9
10011DDB call 100041C9
1001379B call 100041C9
10013A5B call 100041C9
10013BDB call 100041C9
10013C3B call 100041C9
10013D0B call 100041C9
1001409B call 100041C9
1001439B call 100041C9
1001441B call 100041C9
1002908B call 100041C9
1002913B call 100041C9
1002AF0B call 100041C9
1002D53B call 100041C9
1003E112 60 pushad
1003E113 BE 00100010 mov esi,10001000
1003E118 46 inc esi
1003E119 81FE 905A0310 cmp esi,10035A90
1003E11F 77 18 ja short 1003E139
1003E121 803E E8 cmp byte ptr ds:[esi],0E8
1003E124 75 F2 jnz short 1003E118
1003E126 8B46 01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+1]
1003E129 03C6 add eax,esi
1003E12B 83C0 05 add eax,5
1003E12E 3D C9410010 cmp eax,100041C9
1003E133 75 E3 jnz short 1003E118
//循环扫描所有call 100041C9的地方
1003E135 FFD6 call esi
1003E137 EB DF jmp short 1003E118
1003E139 61 popad
1003E13A EB FE jmp short 1003E13A
60 BE 00 10 00 10 46 81 FE 90 5A 03 10 77 18 80 3E E8 75 F2 8B 46 01 03 C6 83 C0 05 3D C9 41 00
10 75 E3 FF D6 EB DF 61 EB FE
0088127D 58 pop eax
0088127E 59 pop ecx
0088127F 68 00004000 push 400000
00881284 9C pushfd
00881285 60 pushad
00881286 54 push esp
00881287 E8 D2FFFFFF call 0088125E
0088128C 5C pop esp
0088128D 61 popad
0088128E 9D popfd
0088128F C3 retn
0088128F BC C0E10600 mov esp,6E1C0
00881294 C3 retn
注意,这里的mov esp,XXXXXXXX具体是何要看此时的堆栈。
0006E1BC 1000F0FE AdobeLM.1000F0FE
0006E1C0 1003E137 返回到 AdobeLM.1003E137
00881192 55 push ebp
00881193 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00881195 81EC D0020000 sub esp,2D0
0088119B 53 push ebx
0088119C 8BD9 mov ebx,ecx
0088119E 56 push esi
0088119F 57 push edi
008811A0 8D43 20 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+20]
008811A3 50 push eax
008811A4 8945 FC mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],eax
008811A7 FF15 70208C00 call dword ptr ds:[8C2070]
008811AD 8D85 30FDFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-2D0]
008811B3 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
008811B5 50 push eax
008811B6 FF75 08 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
008811B9 E8 E5FEFFFF call 008810A3
008811BE 8B85 E8FDFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-218]
008811C4 B9 60ED8D00 mov ecx,8DED60
008811C9 8BF8 mov edi,eax
008811CB 2B43 04 sub eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+4]
008811CE 50 push eax
008811CF E8 E6FE0300 call 008C10BA
008811D4 50 push eax
008811D5 E8 F1010000 call 008813CB
008811DA 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
008811DC E8 FC010000 call 008813DD
008811E1 8BF0 mov esi,eax
008811E3 85F6 test esi,esi
008811E5 74 3F je short 00881226
008811E7 66:837B 08 01 cmp word ptr ds:[ebx+8],1
008811EC 75 3D jnz short 0088122B
008811EE 8D85 30FDFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-2D0]
008811F4 8BCE mov ecx,esi
008811F6 50 push eax
008811F7 E8 E7550100 call 008967E3
008811FC 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
008811FE E8 8AFEFFFF call 0088108D
00881203 83F8 04 cmp eax,4
00881206 72 14 jb short 0088121C
//Patch⑤: NOP 强制解码
00881208 8BCE mov ecx,esi
0088120A E8 BA540100 call 008966C9
0088120F 83F8 04 cmp eax,4
//Patch⑥:cmp eax,6 解码字节数
00881212 72 08 jb short 0088121C
//Patch⑦:ja short 0088121C 超过6位则不解码
00881214 57 push edi
00881215 8BCE mov ecx,esi
00881217 E8 FE540100 call 0089671A
0088121C 56 push esi
0088121D 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
0088121F E8 33FEFFFF call 00881057
00881224 EB 05 jmp short 0088122B
0088140E 394424 14 cmp dword ptr ss:[esp+14],eax
00881412 74 0B je short 0088141F
00881414 45 inc ebp
00881415 81FD 80000000 cmp ebp,80
0088141B 72 CF jb short 008813EC
0088141D EB 0C jmp short 0088142B
0088141F 8D1C76 lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+esi*2]
00881422 C1E3 04 shl ebx,4
00881425 81C3 E0EE8D00 add ebx,8DEEE0
0088142B 5F pop edi
0088142C 5E pop esi
0088142D 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0088142F 5D pop ebp
00881430 5B pop ebx
00881431 C2 0400 retn 4
00881434 A1 DCED8D00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[8DEDDC]
00881439 C3 retn
0088141D EB 15 jmp short 00881434
0088141F 8D1C76 lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+esi*2]
00881422 C1E3 04 shl ebx,4
00881425 81C3 E0EE8D00 add ebx,8DEEE0
0088142B 5F pop edi
0088142C 5E pop esi
0088142D 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0088142F 5D pop ebp
00881430 5B pop ebx
00881431 C2 0400 retn 4
00881434 33DB xor ebx,ebx
00881436 EB F3 jmp short 0088142B
000560A0 00 A0 05 00
000560B0 20 00 00 00 63 30 6B 30 74 30 81 30 95 30 C9 30
000560C0 E1 30 E6 30 F3 30 00 31 0E 31 00 00 00 C0 05 00
000560D0 10 00 00 00 8A 33 92 33 73 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00
000560E0 00 00 00 00 60 3B 68 3B 70 3B 78 3B 80 3B 88 3B
000560F0 90 3B 98 3B A0 3B A8 3B B0 3B B8 3B C0 3B C8 3B
00056100 D0 3B 6C 3C 70 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1002DE50 FF15 00610310 call dword ptr ds:[10036100] ; kernel32.HeapCreate
Game Over
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/'_,\ --~ \ ~~~- ,;;\___( (.-~~~-. 换了破解轻狂
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/~~//' /' `~\ ) /--.._, )_ `~
" `~" " `" /~'`\ `\\~~\
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UnPacked By : heXer、fly
2005-12-24 00:00