[原创]易恢复 EasyRecovery 中文企业版 破解思路/过程
2014-7-18 18:34 9045

[原创]易恢复 EasyRecovery 中文企业版 破解思路/过程

2014-7-18 18:34

PEiD查壳,显示:UPolyX v0.5 [Overlay] *
平均信息量:5.94 (未加密)
EP 检查:未加密

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2448
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C558

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2449
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C578

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2450
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C588

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2451
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C578

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2452
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5A8

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2453
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C578

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2454
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5C8

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2455
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C578

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2456
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5E8

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2457
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C578

0049AFBB  |. /0F85 46010000   jnz EREnt.0049B107                ;  这里跳过demo的文件总个数限制、大小限制、类型限制等
0049AFC1  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049AFC4  |. |C640 04 01      mov byte ptr ds:[eax+4],1
0049AFC8  |. |6A 00           push 0                            ; /Arg2 = 00000000
0049AFCA  |. |68 00400100     push 14000                        ; |Arg1 = 00014000
0049AFCF  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049AFD4  |. |B9 58C57300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C558            ; |demototalamountlimit
0049AFD9  |. |BA 78C57300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C578            ; |demo
0049AFDE  |. |E8 1D320000     call EREnt.0049E200               ; \EREnt.0049E200
0049AFE3  |. |8B4D F8         mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049AFE6  |. |8941 18         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+18],eax
0049AFE9  |. |8951 1C         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+1C],edx
0049AFEC  |. |6A 00           push 0                            ; /Arg2 = 00000000
0049AFEE  |. |6A 0A           push 0A                           ; |Arg1 = 0000000A
0049AFF0  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049AFF5  |. |B9 88C57300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C588            ; |demonumberoffileslimit
0049AFFA  |. |BA 78C57300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C578            ; |demo
0049AFFF  |. |E8 FC310000     call EREnt.0049E200               ; \EREnt.0049E200
0049B004  |. |8B4D F8         mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B007  |. |8941 20         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+20],eax
0049B00A  |. |8951 24         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+24],edx
0049B00D  |. |6A 00           push 0                            ; /Arg2 = 00000000
0049B00F  |. |68 00280000     push 2800                         ; |Arg1 = 00002800
0049B014  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049B019  |. |B9 A8C57300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5A8            ; |demofilesizelimit
0049B01E  |. |BA 78C57300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C578            ; |demo
0049B023  |. |E8 D8310000     call EREnt.0049E200               ; \EREnt.0049E200
0049B028  |. |8B4D F8         mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B02B  |. |8941 30         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+30],eax
0049B02E  |. |8951 34         mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+34],edx
0049B031  |. |8D45 A4         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-5C]
0049B034  |. |E8 87A1F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B039  |. |C745 A4 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-5C],0
0049B040  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049B045  |. |8D45 90         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]
0049B048  |. |E8 B338F7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049B04D  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049B052  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B055  |. |E8 A638F7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049B05A  |. |8D55 80         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B05D  |. |B8 BCC57300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C5BC
0049B062  |. |E8 E92FF7FF     call EREnt.0040E050
0049B067  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B06A  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
0049B06B  |. |8D45 90         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]     ; |
0049B06E  |. |50              push eax                          ; |Arg1
0049B06F  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049B074  |. |B9 C8C57300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5C8            ; |demofiletypelimitfilter
0049B079  |. |BA 78C57300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C578            ; |demo
0049B07E  |. |E8 FD2D0000     call EREnt.0049DE80               ; \EREnt.0049DE80
0049B083  |. |8D45 90         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]
0049B086  |. |8D55 A4         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-5C]
0049B089  |. |E8 D232F7FF     call EREnt.0040E360
0049B08E  |. |8B45 A4         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-5C]
0049B091  |. |E8 3AD9F6FF     call EREnt.004089D0
0049B096  |. |8B5D F8         mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B099  |. |8D43 28         lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+28]
0049B09C  |. |E8 1FA1F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B0A1  |. |8B45 A4         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-5C]
0049B0A4  |. |8943 28         mov dword ptr ds:[ebx+28],eax
0049B0A7  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049B0AC  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B0AF  |. |E8 4C38F7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049B0B4  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049B0B9  |. |8D45 90         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]
0049B0BC  |. |E8 3F38F7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049B0C1  |. |8D55 90         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]
0049B0C4  |. |B0 01           mov al,1
0049B0C6  |. |E8 352FF7FF     call EREnt.0040E000
0049B0CB  |. |8D45 90         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-70]
0049B0CE  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
0049B0CF  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]     ; |
0049B0D2  |. |50              push eax                          ; |Arg1
0049B0D3  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049B0D8  |. |B9 E8C57300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C5E8            ; |shouldwritedemofilecounter
0049B0DD  |. |BA 78C57300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C578            ; |demo
0049B0E2  |. |E8 992D0000     call EREnt.0049DE80               ; \EREnt.0049DE80
0049B0E7  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B0EA  |. |E8 5132F7FF     call EREnt.0040E340
0049B0EF  |. |8B55 F8         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B0F2  |. |8842 38         mov byte ptr ds:[edx+38],al
0049B0F5  |. |8B5D F8         mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B0F8  |. |8D43 40         lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+40]
0049B0FB  |. |E8 C0A0F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B100  |. |C743 40 0000000>mov dword ptr ds:[ebx+40],0
0049B107  |> \E8 042AF7FF     call EREnt.0040DB10

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2495
 反汇编=mov edx,EREnt.0073C918
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2497
 反汇编=mov ebx,EREnt.0073C918

0049BD58  |. /0F85 0B010000   jnz EREnt.0049BE69                ;  此处不能跳, nop
0049BD5E  |. |8D85 6CFFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-94]
0049BD64  |. |E8 5794F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049BD69  |. |C785 6CFFFFFF 0>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-94],0
0049BD73  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049BD78  |. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
0049BD7E  |. |E8 7D2BF7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049BD83  |. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
0049BD88  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049BD8B  |. |E8 702BF7FF     call EREnt.0040E900
0049BD90  |. |8D55 80         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049BD93  |. |B8 F4C87300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C8F4            ;  ASCII 04,"DEMO"
0049BD98  |. |E8 B322F7FF     call EREnt.0040E050
0049BD9D  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049BDA0  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
0049BDA1  |. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]     ; |
0049BDA7  |. |50              push eax                          ; |Arg1
0049BDA8  |. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
0049BDAD  |. |B9 04C97300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C904            ; |runningmode
0049BDB2  |. |BA ECC87300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C8EC            ; |license
0049BDB7  |. |E8 C4200000     call EREnt.0049DE80               ; \EREnt.0049DE80
0049BDBC  |. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
0049BDC2  |. |8D95 6CFFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-94]
0049BDC8  |. |E8 9325F7FF     call EREnt.0040E360
0049BDCD  |. |8B85 6CFFFFFF   mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-94]
0049BDD3  |. |8D55 EC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049BDD6  |. |E8 D5AFF7FF     call EREnt.00416DB0
0049BDDB  |. |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049BDDE  |. |BA 18C97300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C918            ;  demo
0049BDE3  |. |E8 48D1F6FF     call EREnt.00408F30
0049BDE8  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049BDEA  |. |74 21           je short EREnt.0049BE0D           ;  此处不能跳,下面Full的Call要执行
0049BDEC  |. |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049BDEF  |. |BA 28C97300     mov edx,EREnt.0073C928            ;  full
0049BDF4  |. |E8 37D1F6FF     call EREnt.00408F30
0049BDF9  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049BDFB  |. |74 10           je short EREnt.0049BE0D           ;  此处必须跳,下面demo不能执行
0049BDFD  |. |BB 18C97300     mov ebx,EREnt.0073C918            ;  demo
0049BE02  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049BE05  |. |E8 B693F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049BE0A  |. |895D EC         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-14],ebx
0049BE0D  |> |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]

Ultra 字符串参考
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.00708F58
 文本字符串= demo

|. /74 50           je short EREnt.00436D39           ;  这里je改成jmp跳过demo显示
|. |8D45 84         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
|. |E8 CFE4FCFF     call EREnt.004051C0
|. |C745 84 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],0
|. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
|. |E8 BDE4FCFF     call EREnt.004051C0
|. |C785 70FFFFFF 0>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-90],0
|. |8D95 70FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
|. |8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
|. |E8 C5940500     call EREnt.004901E0
|. |8B95 70FFFFFF   mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
|. |8D45 84         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
|. |B9 588F7000     mov ecx,EREnt.00708F58            ;   demo
|. |E8 D21CFDFF     call EREnt.00408A00
|. |8B55 84         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
|. |8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
|. |E8 07DB0500     call EREnt.00494840
|> \8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 810
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0070B210

|. /74 50           je short EREnt.0043F7F6           ;  跳过现在购买窗口, je改jmp
|. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]
|. |E8 4DF1FCFF     call EREnt.0040E900
|. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
|. |8D45 B0         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |E8 40F1FCFF     call EREnt.0040E900
|. |8D55 B0         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |B0 01           mov al,1
|. |E8 36E8FCFF     call EREnt.0040E000
|. |8D45 B0         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]     ; |
|. |50              push eax                          ; |Arg1
|. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
|. |B9 10B27000     mov ecx,EREnt.0070B210            ; |actionbuynowvisible
|. |BA 9C907000     mov edx,EREnt.0070909C            ; |main
|. |E8 9AE60500     call EREnt.0049DE80               ; \EREnt.0049DE80
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]
|. |E8 52EBFCFF     call EREnt.0040E340
|. |84C0            test al,al
|. |74 04           je short EREnt.0043F7F6
|. |B2 01           mov dl,1
|. |EB 02           jmp short EREnt.0043F7F8
|> \B2 00           mov dl,0

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 812
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0070B22C

|. /74 50           je short EREnt.0043F867           ;  跳过注册激活窗口, je改jmp
|. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]
|. |E8 DCF0FCFF     call EREnt.0040E900
|. |BA 9C0B7000     mov edx,EREnt.00700B9C
|. |8D45 B0         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |E8 CFF0FCFF     call EREnt.0040E900
|. |8D55 B0         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |B0 01           mov al,1
|. |E8 C5E7FCFF     call EREnt.0040E000
|. |8D45 B0         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-50]
|. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]     ; |
|. |50              push eax                          ; |Arg1
|. |A1 C0D87300     mov eax,dword ptr ds:[73D8C0]     ; |
|. |B9 2CB27000     mov ecx,EREnt.0070B22C            ; |actionlicenseactivatevisible
|. |BA 9C907000     mov edx,EREnt.0070909C            ; |main
|. |E8 29E60500     call EREnt.0049DE80               ; \EREnt.0049DE80
|. |8D45 98         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-68]
|. |E8 E1EAFCFF     call EREnt.0040E340
|. |84C0            test al,al
|. |74 04           je short EREnt.0043F867
|. |B2 01           mov dl,1
|. |EB 02           jmp short EREnt.0043F869
|> \B2 00           mov dl,0

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2460
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C638
 文本字符串=demototalamountlimit=%d, totalamountsaved=%d, demonumberoffileslimit=%d, numberoffilessaved=%d, demofilesizelimit=%d, itemsize=%d, demolimitreached=%d

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2461
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C6D8
 文本字符串=demofiletypelimitfilter=%s - skipping %s

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2462
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C70C
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2464
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C730
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2467
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C754
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2470
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C770
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2472
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C78C
Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2474
 反汇编=mov eax,EREnt.0073C7A0

Ultra 字符串参考,项目 2475
 反汇编=mov ecx,EREnt.0073C7B8
 文本字符串=exception occured

0049B2C9  |. /0F85 8F050000   jnz EREnt.0049B85E                ;  此处je改jmp, 跳过demo各种限制、提示等
0049B2CF  |. |C645 F4 01      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-C],1
0049B2D3  |. |8B5D F8         mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B2D6  |. |8D43 3C         lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+3C]
0049B2D9  |. |E8 E29EF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B2DE  |. |C743 3C 0000000>mov dword ptr ds:[ebx+3C],0
0049B2E5  |. |8D4D B4         lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4C]
0049B2E8  |. |8D55 9C         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-64]
0049B2EB  |. |B8 01000000     mov eax,1
0049B2F0  |. |E8 4B25F7FF     call EREnt.0040D840
0049B2F5  |. |E8 F646F7FF     call EREnt.0040F9F0
0049B2FA  |. |50              push eax
0049B2FB  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B2FD  |. |0F85 EB040000   jnz EREnt.0049B7EE
0049B303  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B306  |. |8A40 04         mov al,byte ptr ds:[eax+4]
0049B309  |. |84C0            test al,al
0049B30B  |. |0F84 45050000   je EREnt.0049B856
0049B311  |. |C645 F4 00      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-C],0
0049B315  |. |C645 F0 00      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-10],0
0049B319  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B31C  |. |8B50 18         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+18]
0049B31F  |. |8B40 1C         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+1C]
0049B322  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B325  |. |75 05           jnz short EREnt.0049B32C
0049B327  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B32A  |. |74 22           je short EREnt.0049B34E
0049B32C  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B32F  |. |8B48 08         mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
0049B332  |. |8B40 0C         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
0049B335  |. |034D 08         add ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
0049B338  |. |1345 0C         adc eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
0049B33B  |. |8B55 F8         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B33E  |. |3B42 1C         cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+1C]
0049B341  |. |7F 07           jg short EREnt.0049B34A
0049B343  |. |7C 09           jl short EREnt.0049B34E
0049B345  |. |3B4A 18         cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+18]
0049B348  |. |76 04           jbe short EREnt.0049B34E
0049B34A  |> |C645 F0 01      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-10],1
0049B34E  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B351  |. |8B50 20         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+20]
0049B354  |. |8B40 24         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+24]
0049B357  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B35A  |. |75 05           jnz short EREnt.0049B361
0049B35C  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B35F  |. |74 1C           je short EREnt.0049B37D
0049B361  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B364  |. |8B55 F8         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B367  |. |8B48 10         mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+10]
0049B36A  |. |8B40 14         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+14]
0049B36D  |. |3B42 24         cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+24]
0049B370  |. |7F 07           jg short EREnt.0049B379
0049B372  |. |7C 09           jl short EREnt.0049B37D
0049B374  |. |3B4A 20         cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+20]
0049B377  |. |72 04           jb short EREnt.0049B37D
0049B379  |> |C645 F0 01      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-10],1
0049B37D  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B380  |. |8B50 30         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+30]
0049B383  |. |8B40 34         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+34]
0049B386  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B389  |. |75 05           jnz short EREnt.0049B390
0049B38B  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B38E  |. |74 19           je short EREnt.0049B3A9
0049B390  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B393  |. |8B50 30         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+30]
0049B396  |. |8B40 34         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+34]
0049B399  |. |3B45 0C         cmp eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
0049B39C  |. |7C 07           jl short EREnt.0049B3A5
0049B39E  |. |7F 09           jg short EREnt.0049B3A9
0049B3A0  |. |3B55 08         cmp edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
0049B3A3  |. |73 04           jnb short EREnt.0049B3A9
0049B3A5  |> |C645 F0 01      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-10],1
0049B3A9  |> |8A45 F0         mov al,byte ptr ss:[ebp-10]
0049B3AC  |. |84C0            test al,al
0049B3AE  |. |0F9445 F4       sete byte ptr ss:[ebp-C]
0049B3B2  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B3B5  |. |E8 069EF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B3BA  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B3C1  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B3C4  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B3C5  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B3C8  |. |83C0 18         add eax,18                        ; |
0049B3CB  |. |8985 5CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A4],eax     ; |
0049B3D1  |. |C785 58FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8],10      ; |
0049B3DB  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B3DE  |. |83C0 08         add eax,8                         ; |
0049B3E1  |. |8985 64FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-9C],eax     ; |
0049B3E7  |. |C785 60FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A0],10      ; |
0049B3F1  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B3F4  |. |83C0 20         add eax,20                        ; |
0049B3F7  |. |8985 6CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-94],eax     ; |
0049B3FD  |. |C785 68FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-98],10      ; |
0049B407  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B40A  |. |83C0 10         add eax,10                        ; |
0049B40D  |. |8985 74FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8C],eax     ; |
0049B413  |. |C785 70FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-90],10      ; |
0049B41D  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B420  |. |83C0 30         add eax,30                        ; |
0049B423  |. |8985 7CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-84],eax     ; |
0049B429  |. |C785 78FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-88],10      ; |
0049B433  |. |8D45 08         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]      ; |
0049B436  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax     ; |
0049B439  |. |C745 80 1100000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-80],11      ; |
0049B440  |. |0FB645 F0       movzx eax,byte ptr ss:[ebp-10]    ; |
0049B444  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax     ; |
0049B447  |. |C745 88 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],0       ; |
0049B44E  |. |8D95 58FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8]     ; |
0049B454  |. |B9 06000000     mov ecx,6                         ; |
0049B459  |. |B8 38C67300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C638            ; |demototalamountlimit=%d, totalamountsaved=%d, demonumberoffileslimit=%d, numberoffilessaved=%d, demofilesizelimit=%d, itemsize=%d, demolimitreached=%d
0049B45E  |. |E8 5DD9F7FF     call EREnt.00418DC0               ; \EREnt.00418DC0
0049B463  |. |8B4D 94         mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B466  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B469  |. |BA 04000000     mov edx,4
0049B46E  |. |E8 CD040F00     call EREnt.0058B940
0049B473  |. |8A45 F0         mov al,byte ptr ss:[ebp-10]
0049B476  |. |84C0            test al,al
0049B478  |. |0F85 9C000000   jnz EREnt.0049B51A
0049B47E  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B481  |. |8B40 28         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+28]
0049B484  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B486  |. |0F84 8E000000   je EREnt.0049B51A
0049B48C  |. |8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
0049B48F  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B491  |. |0F84 83000000   je EREnt.0049B51A
0049B497  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B49A  |. |E8 219DF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B49F  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B4A6  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B4A9  |. |8B40 28         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+28]
0049B4AC  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B4AE  |. |74 03           je short EREnt.0049B4B3
0049B4B0  |. |8B40 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-4]
0049B4B3  |> |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B4B6  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B4B9  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B4BA  |. |8B4D 8C         mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-74]     ; |
0049B4BD  |. |8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]      ; |
0049B4C0  |. |BA 01000000     mov edx,1                         ; |
0049B4C5  |. |E8 76DCF6FF     call EREnt.00409140               ; \EREnt.00409140
0049B4CA  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B4CD  |. |8B55 F8         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B4D0  |. |8B52 28         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx+28]
0049B4D3  |. |E8 58DAF6FF     call EREnt.00408F30
0049B4D8  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B4DA  |. |74 3E           je short EREnt.0049B51A
0049B4DC  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B4DF  |. |8B40 28         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+28]
0049B4E2  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B4E5  |. |C745 80 0B00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-80],0B
0049B4EC  |. |8B45 FC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
0049B4EF  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B4F2  |. |C745 88 0B00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],0B
0049B4F9  |. |8D45 80         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B4FC  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg2
0049B4FD  |. |6A 01           push 1                            ; |Arg1 = 00000001
0049B4FF  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B502  |. |B9 D8C67300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C6D8            ; |demofiletypelimitfilter=%s - skipping %s
0049B507  |. |BA 04000000     mov edx,4                         ; |
0049B50C  |. |E8 3F030F00     call EREnt.0058B850               ; \EREnt.0058B850
0049B511  |. |C645 F4 00      mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-C],0
0049B515  |. |E9 3C030000     jmp EREnt.0049B856
0049B51A  |> |8A45 F0         mov al,byte ptr ss:[ebp-10]
0049B51D  |. |84C0            test al,al
0049B51F  |. |75 2C           jnz short EREnt.0049B54D
0049B521  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B524  |. |8B5D 08         mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
0049B527  |. |8B55 0C         mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
0049B52A  |. |8B48 08         mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
0049B52D  |. |8B70 0C         mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
0049B530  |. |01D9            add ecx,ebx
0049B532  |. |11D6            adc esi,edx
0049B534  |. |8948 08         mov dword ptr ds:[eax+8],ecx
0049B537  |. |8970 0C         mov dword ptr ds:[eax+C],esi
0049B53A  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B53D  |. |8340 10 01      add dword ptr ds:[eax+10],1
0049B541  |. |8350 14 00      adc dword ptr ds:[eax+14],0
0049B545  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B548  |. |E8 33040000     call EREnt.0049B980
0049B54D  |> |807D F0 00      cmp byte ptr ss:[ebp-10],0
0049B551  |. |0F84 97020000   je EREnt.0049B7EE
0049B557  |. |8D55 EC         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B55A  |. |B8 0CC77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C70C            ;  demomsgstart
0049B55F  |. |E8 6CE8FBFF     call EREnt.00459DD0
0049B564  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B567  |. |8B50 20         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+20]
0049B56A  |. |8B40 24         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+24]
0049B56D  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B570  |. |75 05           jnz short EREnt.0049B577
0049B572  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B575  |. |74 62           je short EREnt.0049B5D9
0049B577  |> |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B57A  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B57D  |. |B8 24C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C724            ;  \n
0049B582  |. |8945 88         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],eax
0049B585  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B588  |. |E8 339CF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B58D  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B594  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B597  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B598  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B59B  |. |83C0 20         add eax,20                        ; |
0049B59E  |. |8985 5CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A4],eax     ; |
0049B5A4  |. |C785 58FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8],10      ; |
0049B5AE  |. |8D95 58FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8]     ; |
0049B5B4  |. |B9 00000000     mov ecx,0                         ; |
0049B5B9  |. |B8 30C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C730            ; |demomsgfiles
0049B5BE  |. |E8 6DE8FBFF     call EREnt.00459E30               ; \EREnt.00459E30
0049B5C3  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B5C6  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B5C9  |. |8D55 84         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
0049B5CC  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B5CF  |. |B9 02000000     mov ecx,2
0049B5D4  |. |E8 97D5F6FF     call EREnt.00408B70
0049B5D9  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B5DC  |. |8B50 30         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+30]
0049B5DF  |. |8B40 34         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+34]
0049B5E2  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B5E5  |. |75 09           jnz short EREnt.0049B5F0
0049B5E7  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B5EA  |. |0F84 8B000000   je EREnt.0049B67B
0049B5F0  |> |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B5F3  |. |8945 80         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-80],eax
0049B5F6  |. |B8 48C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C748            ;  ,
0049B5FB  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B5FE  |. |B8 24C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C724            ;  \n
0049B603  |. |8945 88         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],eax
0049B606  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B609  |. |E8 B29BF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B60E  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B615  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B618  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B619  |. |6A 00           push 0                            ; |/Arg4 = 00000000
0049B61B  |. |68 00040000     push 400                          ; ||Arg3 = 00000400
0049B620  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; ||
0049B623  |. |FF70 34         push dword ptr ds:[eax+34]        ; ||Arg2
0049B626  |. |FF70 30         push dword ptr ds:[eax+30]        ; ||Arg1
0049B629  |. |E8 52D0F6FF     call EREnt.00408680               ; |\EREnt.00408680
0049B62E  |. |8985 70FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-90],eax     ; |
0049B634  |. |8995 74FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8C],edx     ; |
0049B63A  |. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]     ; |
0049B640  |. |8985 7CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-84],eax     ; |
0049B646  |. |C785 78FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-88],10      ; |
0049B650  |. |8D95 78FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-88]     ; |
0049B656  |. |B9 00000000     mov ecx,0                         ; |
0049B65B  |. |B8 54C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C754            ; |demomsgmaxfilesize
0049B660  |. |E8 CBE7FBFF     call EREnt.00459E30               ; \EREnt.00459E30
0049B665  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B668  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B66B  |. |8D55 80         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B66E  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B671  |. |B9 03000000     mov ecx,3
0049B676  |. |E8 F5D4F6FF     call EREnt.00408B70
0049B67B  |> |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B67E  |. |8B50 18         mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+18]
0049B681  |. |8B40 1C         mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+1C]
0049B684  |. |83F8 FF         cmp eax,-1
0049B687  |. |75 09           jnz short EREnt.0049B692
0049B689  |. |83FA FF         cmp edx,-1
0049B68C  |. |0F84 8B000000   je EREnt.0049B71D
0049B692  |> |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B695  |. |8945 80         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-80],eax
0049B698  |. |B8 48C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C748            ;  ,
0049B69D  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B6A0  |. |B8 24C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C724            ;  \n
0049B6A5  |. |8945 88         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],eax
0049B6A8  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B6AB  |. |E8 109BF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B6B0  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B6B7  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B6BA  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B6BB  |. |6A 00           push 0                            ; |/Arg4 = 00000000
0049B6BD  |. |68 00040000     push 400                          ; ||Arg3 = 00000400
0049B6C2  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; ||
0049B6C5  |. |FF70 1C         push dword ptr ds:[eax+1C]        ; ||Arg2
0049B6C8  |. |FF70 18         push dword ptr ds:[eax+18]        ; ||Arg1
0049B6CB  |. |E8 B0CFF6FF     call EREnt.00408680               ; |\EREnt.00408680
0049B6D0  |. |8985 70FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-90],eax     ; |
0049B6D6  |. |8995 74FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8C],edx     ; |
0049B6DC  |. |8D85 70FFFFFF   lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]     ; |
0049B6E2  |. |8985 7CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-84],eax     ; |
0049B6E8  |. |C785 78FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-88],10      ; |
0049B6F2  |. |8D95 78FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-88]     ; |
0049B6F8  |. |B9 00000000     mov ecx,0                         ; |
0049B6FD  |. |B8 70C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C770            ; |demomsgtotalamount
0049B702  |. |E8 29E7FBFF     call EREnt.00459E30               ; \EREnt.00459E30
0049B707  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B70A  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B70D  |. |8D55 80         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-80]
0049B710  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B713  |. |B9 03000000     mov ecx,3
0049B718  |. |E8 53D4F6FF     call EREnt.00408B70
0049B71D  |> |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B720  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B723  |. |B8 24C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C724            ;  \n
0049B728  |. |8945 88         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],eax
0049B72B  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B72E  |. |E8 8D9AF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B733  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B73A  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B73D  |. |50              push eax                          ; /Arg1
0049B73E  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B741  |. |83C0 10         add eax,10                        ; |
0049B744  |. |8985 5CFFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A4],eax     ; |
0049B74A  |. |C785 58FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8],10      ; |
0049B754  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]      ; |
0049B757  |. |83C0 08         add eax,8                         ; |
0049B75A  |. |8985 64FFFFFF   mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-9C],eax     ; |
0049B760  |. |C785 60FFFFFF 1>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-A0],10      ; |
0049B76A  |. |8D95 58FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8]     ; |
0049B770  |. |B9 01000000     mov ecx,1                         ; |
0049B775  |. |B8 8CC77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C78C            ; |demomsgend
0049B77A  |. |E8 B1E6FBFF     call EREnt.00459E30               ; \EREnt.00459E30
0049B77F  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B782  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B785  |. |8D55 84         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
0049B788  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B78B  |. |B9 02000000     mov ecx,2
0049B790  |. |E8 DBD3F6FF     call EREnt.00408B70
0049B795  |. |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B798  |. |8945 84         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C],eax
0049B79B  |. |B8 24C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C724            ;  \n
0049B7A0  |. |8945 88         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-78],eax
0049B7A3  |. |8D45 94         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B7A6  |. |E8 159AF6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B7AB  |. |C745 94 0000000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C],0
0049B7B2  |. |8D55 94         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B7B5  |. |B8 A0C77300     mov eax,EREnt.0073C7A0            ;  demomsgendbuy
0049B7BA  |. |E8 11E6FBFF     call EREnt.00459DD0
0049B7BF  |. |8B45 94         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-6C]
0049B7C2  |. |8945 8C         mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-74],eax
0049B7C5  |. |8D55 84         lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
0049B7C8  |. |8D45 EC         lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B7CB  |. |B9 02000000     mov ecx,2
0049B7D0  |. |E8 9BD3F6FF     call EREnt.00408B70
0049B7D5  |. |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B7D8  |. |E8 F3D1F6FF     call EREnt.004089D0
0049B7DD  |. |8B5D F8         mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B7E0  |. |8D43 3C         lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+3C]
0049B7E3  |. |E8 D899F6FF     call EREnt.004051C0
0049B7E8  |. |8B45 EC         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
0049B7EB  |. |8943 3C         mov dword ptr ds:[ebx+3C],eax
0049B7EE  |> |E8 1D23F7FF     call EREnt.0040DB10
0049B7F3  |. |58              pop eax
0049B7F4  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B7F6  |. |74 66           je short EREnt.0049B85E
0049B7F8  |. |B8 FFFFFFFF     mov eax,-1
0049B7FD  |. |E8 DE24F7FF     call EREnt.0040DCE0
0049B802  |. |8D4D 84         lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-7C]
0049B805  |. |8D95 58FFFFFF   lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-A8]
0049B80B  |. |B8 01000000     mov eax,1
0049B810  |. |E8 2B20F7FF     call EREnt.0040D840
0049B815  |. |E8 D641F7FF     call EREnt.0040F9F0
0049B81A  |. |50              push eax
0049B81B  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B81D  |. |75 12           jnz short EREnt.0049B831
0049B81F  |. |8B45 F8         mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
0049B822  |. |B9 B8C77300     mov ecx,EREnt.0073C7B8            ;  exception occured
0049B827  |. |BA 02000000     mov edx,2
0049B82C  |. |E8 0F010F00     call EREnt.0058B940
0049B831  |> |E8 DA22F7FF     call EREnt.0040DB10
0049B836  |. |58              pop eax
0049B837  |. |85C0            test eax,eax
0049B839  |. |74 0F           je short EREnt.0049B84A
0049B83B  |. |E8 B023F7FF     call EREnt.0040DBF0
0049B840  |. |E8 FB24F7FF     call EREnt.0040DD40
0049B845  |. |E8 3624F7FF     call EREnt.0040DC80
0049B84A  |> |E8 0123F7FF     call EREnt.0040DB50
0049B84F  |. |E8 EC24F7FF     call EREnt.0040DD40
0049B854  |. |EB 08           jmp short EREnt.0049B85E
0049B856  |> |E8 B522F7FF     call EREnt.0040DB10
0049B85B  |. |58              pop eax
0049B85C  |. |EB 00           jmp short EREnt.0049B85E
0049B85E  |> \E8 AD22F7FF     call EREnt.0040DB10




地址       堆栈       函数例程 / 参数                       调用来自                      框架
0184FB18   7C92DF5A   包含 ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet          ntdll.7C92DF58                0184FB7C
0184FB1C   7C8025DB   ntdll.ZwWaitForSingleObject           kernel32.7C8025D5             0184FB7C
0184FB80   7C802542   ? kernel32.WaitForSingleObjectEx      kernel32.7C80253D             0184FB7C
0184FB84   000001FC     hObject = 000001FC (window)
0184FB88   FFFFFFFF     Timeout = INFINITE
0184FB8C   00000000     fAlertable = FALSE
0184FB94   004B8696   ? <jmp.&kernel32.WaitForSingleObject  EREnt.004B8691                0184FB90
0184FB98   000001FC     hObject = 000001FC (window)
0184FB9C   FFFFFFFF     Timeout = INFINITE
0184FBB0   004B85DC   EREnt.004B8680                        EREnt.004B85D7                0184FBAC
0184FCF0   004A0CF1   可能 EREnt.004B85D3                     EREnt.004A0CEB                0184FCEC
0184FD64   0049BF92   EREnt.004A0C30                        EREnt.0049BF8D                0184FD60
0184FE60   00403E77   EREnt.0049BC30                        EREnt.00403E72                0184FE5C
0184FF9C   00413851   可能 EREnt.00403190                     EREnt.0041384F                0184FF98
0184FFC0   006FE866   ? EREnt.004137E0                      EREnt.<模块入口点>+11
0184FFC4   7C81776F   可能 EREnt.<模块入口点>                      kernel32.7C81776C             0184FFF0

0184FB94   004B8696   ? <jmp.&kernel32.WaitForSingleObject  EREnt.004B8691                0184FB90

004B8680  /$  55            push ebp
004B8681  |.  89E5          mov ebp,esp
004B8683  |.  83EC 0C       sub esp,0C
004B8686  |.  8945 FC       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],eax
004B8689  |.  6A FF         push -1                                 ; /Timeout = INFINITE
004B868B  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]            ; |
004B868E  |.  FF70 3C       push dword ptr ds:[eax+3C]              ; |hObject
004B8691  |.  E8 3A8DF4FF   call <jmp.&kernel32.WaitForSingleObject>; \WaitForSingleObject //显示的调用在这
004B8696  |.  8945 F4       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
004B8699  |.  83F8 FF       cmp eax,-1
004B869C  |.  0F9545 F8     setne byte ptr ss:[ebp-8]
004B86A0  |.  807D F8 00    cmp byte ptr ss:[ebp-8],0
004B86A4  |.  74 08         je short EREnt.004B86AE                 ;注意这里
004B86A6  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B86A9  |.  E8 E2F1FFFF   call EREnt.004B7890
004B86AE  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B86B1  |.  C680 84000000>mov byte ptr ds:[eax+84],0
004B86B8  |.  8A45 F8       mov al,byte ptr ss:[ebp-8]
004B86BB  |.  C9            leave
004B86BC  \.  C3            retn

我们在段首,也就是004B8680:push ebp这里下断。

004B80E0  /.  55            push ebp
004B80E1  |.  89E5          mov ebp,esp
004B80E3  |.  81EC 34010000 sub esp,134
004B80E9  |.  899D CCFEFFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-134],ebx
004B80EF  |.  8945 FC       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-4],eax
004B80F2  |.  C785 30FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0],0
004B80FC  |.  C785 34FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC],0
004B8106  |.  C785 38FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8],0
004B8110  |.  C785 3CFFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4],0
004B811A  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B8124  |.  C785 44FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC],0
004B812E  |.  8D8D 64FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-9C]
004B8134  |.  8D95 4CFFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-B4]
004B813A  |.  B8 01000000   mov eax,1
004B813F  |.  E8 FC56F5FF   call EREnt.0040D840
004B8144  |.  E8 A778F5FF   call EREnt.0040F9F0
004B8149  |.  50            push eax
004B814A  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B814C  |.  0F85 8A040000 jnz EREnt.004B85DC
004B8152  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8155  |.  C640 64 01    mov byte ptr ds:[eax+64],1
004B8159  |.  C745 F8 00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8],0
004B8160  |.  C745 F0 00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],0
004B8167  |.  C745 F4 00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],0
004B816E  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8171  |.  8B40 48       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+48]
004B8174  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8176  |.  0F85 8E000000 jnz EREnt.004B820A
004B817C  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B817F  |.  8B40 50       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+50]
004B8182  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8184  |.  75 21         jnz short EREnt.004B81A7
004B8186  |.  8B0D 148C7400 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[748C14]           ;  EREnt.00748798
004B818C  |.  BA F8867400   mov edx,EREnt.007486F8
004B8191  |.  B8 00000000   mov eax,0
004B8196  |.  E8 E562F6FF   call EREnt.0041E480
004B819B  |.  89E9          mov ecx,ebp
004B819D  |.  BA 9B814B00   mov edx,EREnt.004B819B
004B81A2  |.  E8 C958F5FF   call EREnt.0040DA70
004B81A7  |>  8D85 44FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC]
004B81AD  |.  E8 CE18F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B81B2  |.  C785 44FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC],0
004B81BC  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B81C2  |.  E8 E929F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B81C7  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B81D1  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B81D4  |.  8B40 50       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+50]
004B81D7  |.  8D95 40FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B81DD  |.  E8 4E40F5FF   call EREnt.0040C230
004B81E2  |.  8B85 40FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B81E8  |.  8D95 44FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC]
004B81EE  |.  E8 7D2BF5FF   call EREnt.0040AD70
004B81F3  |.  8B85 44FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC]
004B81F9  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B81FB  |.  75 05         jnz short EREnt.004B8202
004B81FD  |.  B8 70DE7F00   mov eax,EREnt.007FDE70
004B8202  |>  8945 F0       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax
004B8205  |.  E9 26010000   jmp EREnt.004B8330
004B820A  |>  8D85 3CFFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4]
004B8210  |.  E8 6B18F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B8215  |.  C785 3CFFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4],0
004B821F  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8225  |.  E8 8629F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B822A  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B8234  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8237  |.  8B40 48       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+48]
004B823A  |.  8D95 40FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8240  |.  E8 EB3FF5FF   call EREnt.0040C230
004B8245  |.  8B85 40FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B824B  |.  8D95 3CFFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4]
004B8251  |.  E8 1A2BF5FF   call EREnt.0040AD70
004B8256  |.  8B85 3CFFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4]
004B825C  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B825E  |.  75 05         jnz short EREnt.004B8265
004B8260  |.  B8 70DE7F00   mov eax,EREnt.007FDE70
004B8265  |>  8945 F8       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-8],eax
004B8268  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B826B  |.  8B40 50       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+50]
004B826E  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8270  |.  75 60         jnz short EREnt.004B82D2
004B8272  |.  8D85 38FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8]
004B8278  |.  E8 0318F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B827D  |.  C785 38FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8],0
004B8287  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B828D  |.  E8 1E29F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B8292  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B829C  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B829F  |.  8B40 48       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+48]
004B82A2  |.  8D95 40FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B82A8  |.  E8 833FF5FF   call EREnt.0040C230
004B82AD  |.  8B85 40FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B82B3  |.  8D95 38FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8]
004B82B9  |.  E8 B22AF5FF   call EREnt.0040AD70
004B82BE  |.  8B85 38FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8]
004B82C4  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B82C6  |.  75 05         jnz short EREnt.004B82CD
004B82C8  |.  B8 70DE7F00   mov eax,EREnt.007FDE70
004B82CD  |>  8945 F0       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax
004B82D0  |.  EB 5E         jmp short EREnt.004B8330
004B82D2  |>  8D85 34FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC]
004B82D8  |.  E8 A317F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B82DD  |.  C785 34FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC],0
004B82E7  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B82ED  |.  E8 BE28F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B82F2  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B82FC  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B82FF  |.  8B40 50       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+50]
004B8302  |.  8D95 40FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8308  |.  E8 233FF5FF   call EREnt.0040C230
004B830D  |.  8B85 40FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8313  |.  8D95 34FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC]
004B8319  |.  E8 522AF5FF   call EREnt.0040AD70
004B831E  |.  8B85 34FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC]
004B8324  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8326  |.  75 05         jnz short EREnt.004B832D
004B8328  |.  B8 70DE7F00   mov eax,EREnt.007FDE70
004B832D  |>  8945 F0       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-10],eax
004B8330  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8333  |.  8B40 54       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+54]
004B8336  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8338  |.  74 5E         je short EREnt.004B8398
004B833A  |.  8D85 30FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0]
004B8340  |.  E8 3B17F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B8345  |.  C785 30FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0],0
004B834F  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8355  |.  E8 5628F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B835A  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B8364  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8367  |.  8B40 54       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+54]
004B836A  |.  8D95 40FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B8370  |.  E8 BB3EF5FF   call EREnt.0040C230
004B8375  |.  8B85 40FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B837B  |.  8D95 30FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0]
004B8381  |.  E8 EA29F5FF   call EREnt.0040AD70
004B8386  |.  8B85 30FFFFFF mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0]
004B838C  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B838E  |.  75 05         jnz short EREnt.004B8395
004B8390  |.  B8 70DE7F00   mov eax,EREnt.007FDE70
004B8395  |>  8945 F4       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C],eax
004B8398  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B839B  |.  8B40 5C       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+5C]
004B839E  |.  8B55 FC       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B83A1  |.  8B52 5C       mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx+5C]
004B83A4  |.  8B12          mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx]
004B83A6  |.  FF92 80000000 call dword ptr ds:[edx+80]
004B83AC  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B83AE  |.  74 10         je short EREnt.004B83C0
004B83B0  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B83B3  |.  8B40 5C       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+5C]
004B83B6  |.  E8 35FAFFFF   call EREnt.004B7DF0
004B83BB  |.  8945 EC       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-14],eax
004B83BE  |.  EB 07         jmp short EREnt.004B83C7
004B83C0  |>  C745 EC 00000>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-14],0
004B83C7  |>  8D8D 24FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-DC]
004B83CD  |.  8D95 0CFFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-F4]
004B83D3  |.  B8 01000000   mov eax,1
004B83D8  |.  E8 6354F5FF   call EREnt.0040D840
004B83DD  |.  E8 0E76F5FF   call EREnt.0040F9F0
004B83E2  |.  50            push eax
004B83E3  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B83E5  |.  0F85 A4010000 jnz EREnt.004B858F
004B83EB  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B83EE  |.  E8 5DF9FFFF   call EREnt.004B7D50
004B83F3  |.  8945 E8       mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-18],eax
004B83F6  |.  8D55 DC       lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]
004B83F9  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B83FC  |.  E8 1FFBFFFF   call EREnt.004B7F20
004B8401  |.  8D55 D0       lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-30]
004B8404  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8407  |.  E8 44FBFFFF   call EREnt.004B7F50
004B840C  |.  8D95 7CFFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-84]
004B8412  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8415  |.  E8 66FBFFFF   call EREnt.004B7F80
004B841A  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B841D  |.  F740 2C 04000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],4
004B8424  |.  74 2C         je short EREnt.004B8452
004B8426  |.  8D85 7CFFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-84]
004B842C  |.  50            push eax                                ; /Arg2
004B842D  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]            ; |
004B8430  |.  F740 2C 08000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],8            ; |
004B8437  |.  0F94C0        sete al                                 ; |
004B843A  |.  50            push eax                                ; |Arg1
004B843B  |.  8D8D 70FFFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]           ; |
004B8441  |.  8D95 74FFFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8C]           ; |
004B8447  |.  8D85 78FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-88]           ; |
004B844D  |.  E8 2EFCFFFF   call EREnt.004B8080                     ; \EREnt.004B8080
004B8452  |>  8D8D FCFEFFFF lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-104]
004B8458  |.  8D95 E4FEFFFF lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-11C]
004B845E  |.  B8 01000000   mov eax,1
004B8463  |.  E8 D853F5FF   call EREnt.0040D840
004B8468  |.  E8 8375F5FF   call EREnt.0040F9F0
004B846D  |.  50            push eax
004B846E  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8470  |.  0F85 AD000000 jnz EREnt.004B8523
004B8476  |.  8D45 C0       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-40]
004B8479  |.  50            push eax                                ; /pProcessInfo
004B847A  |.  8D85 7CFFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-84]           ; |
004B8480  |.  50            push eax                                ; |pStartupInfo
004B8481  |.  FF75 F4       push dword ptr ss:[ebp-C]               ; |CurrentDir
004B8484  |.  FF75 EC       push dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]              ; |pEnvironment
004B8487  |.  FF75 E8       push dword ptr ss:[ebp-18]              ; |CreationFlags
004B848A  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]            ; |
004B848D  |.  8A40 64       mov al,byte ptr ds:[eax+64]             ; |
004B8490  |.  08C0          or al,al                                ; |
004B8492  |.  0F95C0        setne al                                ; |
004B8495  |.  25 FF000000   and eax,0FF                             ; |
004B849A  |.  F7D8          neg eax                                 ; |
004B849C  |.  50            push eax                                ; |InheritHandles
004B849D  |.  8D45 D0       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-30]           ; |
004B84A0  |.  50            push eax                                ; |pThreadSecurity
004B84A1  |.  8D45 DC       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-24]           ; |
004B84A4  |.  50            push eax                                ; |pProcessSecurity
004B84A5  |.  FF75 F0       push dword ptr ss:[ebp-10]              ; |CommandLine
004B84A8  |.  FF75 F8       push dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]               ; |ModuleFileName
004B84AB  |.  E8 7092F4FF   call <jmp.&kernel32.CreateProcessW>     ; \CreateProcessW
004B84B0  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B84B2  |.  75 54         jnz short EREnt.004B8508
004B84B4  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B84B7  |.  8B40 50       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+50]
004B84BA  |.  8985 D4FEFFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-12C],eax
004B84C0  |.  C785 D0FEFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-130],0B
004B84CA  |.  E8 318CF4FF   call <jmp.&kernel32.GetLastError>       ; [GetLastError
004B84CF  |.  8985 DCFEFFFF mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-124],eax
004B84D5  |.  C785 D8FEFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-128],0
004B84DF  |.  8D85 D0FEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-130]
004B84E5  |.  50            push eax                                ; /Arg2
004B84E6  |.  6A 01         push 1                                  ; |Arg1 = 00000001
004B84E8  |.  BA F8867400   mov edx,EREnt.007486F8                  ; |
004B84ED  |.  B9 58887400   mov ecx,EREnt.00748858                  ; |ASCII "Failed to execute %s : %d"
004B84F2  |.  B8 00000000   mov eax,0                               ; |
004B84F7  |.  E8 A460F6FF   call EREnt.0041E5A0                     ; \EREnt.0041E5A0
004B84FC  |.  89E9          mov ecx,ebp
004B84FE  |.  BA FC844B00   mov edx,EREnt.004B84FC
004B8503  |.  E8 6855F5FF   call EREnt.0040DA70
004B8508  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B850B  |.  8B55 C0       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-40]
004B850E  |.  8950 3C       mov dword ptr ds:[eax+3C],edx
004B8511  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8514  |.  8B55 C4       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-3C]
004B8517  |.  8950 40       mov dword ptr ds:[eax+40],edx
004B851A  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B851D  |.  8B55 C8       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-38]
004B8520  |.  8950 34       mov dword ptr ds:[eax+34],edx
004B8523  |>  E8 E855F5FF   call EREnt.0040DB10
004B8528  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B852B  |.  F740 2C 04000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],4
004B8532  |.  74 44         je short EREnt.004B8578
004B8534  |.  8B45 B4       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4C]
004B8537  |.  E8 8477F6FF   call EREnt.0041FCC0
004B853C  |.  8B45 B8       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-48]
004B853F  |.  E8 7C77F6FF   call EREnt.0041FCC0
004B8544  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8547  |.  F740 2C 08000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],8
004B854E  |.  75 08         jnz short EREnt.004B8558
004B8550  |.  8B45 BC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-44]
004B8553  |.  E8 6877F6FF   call EREnt.0041FCC0
004B8558  |>  FFB5 70FFFFFF push dword ptr ss:[ebp-90]
004B855E  |.  8B8D 74FFFFFF mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8C]
004B8564  |.  8B95 78FFFFFF mov edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-88]
004B856A  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B856D  |.  8B5D FC       mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8570  |.  8B1B          mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
004B8572  |.  FF93 DC000000 call dword ptr ds:[ebx+DC]
004B8578  |>  58            pop eax
004B8579  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B857B  |.  74 08         je short EREnt.004B8585
004B857D  |.  48            dec eax
004B857E  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8580  |.  E8 FB56F5FF   call EREnt.0040DC80
004B8585  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B8588  |.  C680 84000000>mov byte ptr ds:[eax+84],1
004B858F  |>  E8 7C55F5FF   call EREnt.0040DB10
004B8594  |.  8B45 EC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
004B8597  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8599  |.  74 08         je short EREnt.004B85A3
004B859B  |.  8B45 EC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14]
004B859E  |.  E8 0D75F5FF   call EREnt.0040FAB0
004B85A3  |>  58            pop eax
004B85A4  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B85A6  |.  74 08         je short EREnt.004B85B0
004B85A8  |.  48            dec eax
004B85A9  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B85AB  |.  E8 D056F5FF   call EREnt.0040DC80
004B85B0  |>  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B85B3  |.  F740 20 10000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+20],10
004B85BA  |.  75 20         jnz short EREnt.004B85DC
004B85BC  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B85BF  |.  F740 2C 02000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],2
004B85C6  |.  74 14         je short EREnt.004B85DC
004B85C8  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B85CB  |.  F740 2C 01000>test dword ptr ds:[eax+2C],1
004B85D2  |.  75 08         jnz short EREnt.004B85DC
004B85D4  |.  8B45 FC       mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
004B85D7  |.  E8 A4000000   call EREnt.004B8680
004B85DC  |> \E8 2F55F5FF   call EREnt.0040DB10                     ;  我们出来后到了这里,有四个跳转到这里,我们可以向上找来源。
004B85E1  |.  8D85 30FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0]
004B85E7  |.  E8 9414F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B85EC  |.  C785 30FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-D0],0
004B85F6  |.  8D85 34FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC]
004B85FC  |.  E8 7F14F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B8601  |.  C785 34FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-CC],0
004B860B  |.  8D85 38FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8]
004B8611  |.  E8 6A14F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B8616  |.  C785 38FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C8],0
004B8620  |.  8D85 3CFFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4]
004B8626  |.  E8 5514F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B862B  |.  C785 3CFFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C4],0
004B8635  |.  8D85 40FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0]
004B863B  |.  E8 7025F5FF   call EREnt.0040ABB0
004B8640  |.  C785 40FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-C0],0
004B864A  |.  8D85 44FFFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC]
004B8650  |.  E8 2B14F5FF   call EREnt.00409A80
004B8655  |.  C785 44FFFFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-BC],0
004B865F  |.  58            pop eax
004B8660  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
004B8662  |.  74 05         je short EREnt.004B8669
004B8664  |.  E8 1756F5FF   call EREnt.0040DC80
004B8669  |>  8B9D CCFEFFFF mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-134]
004B866F  |.  C9            leave
004B8670  \.  C3            retn


跟踪后发现:004B84AB  |.  E8 7092F4FF   call <jmp.&kernel32.CreateProcessW>     ; \CreateProcessW
那么我们前面:004B8470  |. /0F85 AD000000 jnz EREnt.004B8523




0059F730 >/$  C605 30806200>mov byte ptr ds:[628030],0
0059F737  |.  E8 B4FFFFFF   call licman.0059F6F0
0059F73C  |.  B8 10F46200   mov eax,licman.0062F410
0059F741  |.  E8 1A28E7FF   call licman.00411F60
0059F746  \.  C3            retn






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heihu 2014-7-18 19:27
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zhczf 2014-7-18 20:40
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yunfeng 1 2014-7-20 17:47
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王者之剑 1 2014-7-21 10:08
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