"It's been more than 2 years since the previous release. The ILSpy core team has been busy with SharpDevelop 5, so we haven't done much on ILSpy -- just some bugfixes.
However, we've had several external contributors who have supplied us with a few new features (and lots of bugfixes):
#345: Added option to allow folding on all braces #345: Added context menu to code view with folding commands #384: Show all images contained in .ico resource #423: Decompiling as a Visual Studio project now creates AssemblyInfo file #467: Added option to display metadata tokens in tree Fixed lots of decompilation bugs In the future, our team would like to get back to work on ILSpy. We have some ideas for a new decompiler engine that could fix many of the remaining decompilation issues, and hopefully simplify our code at the same time."
However, one thing changed for the binaries distribution: we do not include the debugger addin by default (it is part of the source download). The reason is that it is not stable enough - we´re improving the debugger in SharpDevelop and don´t have the resources to port those changes over to ILSpy just yet.