In part two of this three part article series, the native interface to Windows debugging is dissected in detail. The reader is expected to have some basic knowledge of C and general NT Kernel architecture and semantics. Also, this is not an introduction on what debugging is or how to write a debugger. It is meant as a reference for experienced debugger writers, or curious security experts.
Now it's time to look at the native side of things, and how the wrapper layer inside ntdll.dll communicates with the kernel. The advantage of having the DbgUi layer is that it allows better separation between Win32 and the NT Kernel, which has always been a part of NT design. NTDLL and NTOSKRNL are built together, so it's normal for them to have intricate knowledge of each others. They share the same structures, they need to have the same system call IDs, etc. In a perfect world, the NT Kernel should have to know nothing about Win32.
Additionally, it helps anyone that wants to write debugging capabilities inside a native application, or to write a fully-featured native-mode debugger. Without DbgUi, one would have to call the Nt*DebugObject APIs manually, and do some extensive pre/post processing in some cases. DbgUi simplifies all this work to a simple call, and provides a clean interface to do it. If the kernel changes internally, DbgUi will probably stay the same, only its internal code would be modified.
We start our exploration with the function responsible for creating and associating a Debug Object with the current Process. Unlike in the Win32 world, there is a clear distinction between creating a Debug Object, and actually attaching to a process.
As you can see, this is a trivial implementation, but it shows us two things. Firstly, a thread can only have one debug object associated to it, and secondly, the handle to this object is stored in the TEB's DbgSsReserved array field. Recall that in Win32, the first index, [0], is where the Thread Data was stored. We've now learnt that [1] is where the handle is stored.
Again, these are very simple implementations. We can learn, however, that the kernel is not responsible for actually breaking inside the remote process, but that this is done by the native layer. This DbgUiIssueRemoteBreakin API is also used by Win32 when calling DebugBreakProcess, so let's look at it:
/* Make sure a debugger is enabled; if so, breakpoint */
if (NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged) DbgBreakPoint();
/* Exit the thread */
Nothing special at all; the thread makes sure that the process is really being debugged, and then issues a breakpoint. And, because this API is exported, you can call it locally from your own process to issue a debug break (but note that you will kill your own thread). In our look at the Win32 Debugging implementation, we've noticed that the actual debug handle is never used, and that calls always go through DbgUi. Then the NtSetInformationDebugObject system call was called, a special DbgUi API was called before, to actually get the debug object associated with the thread. This API also has a counterpart, so let's see both in action:
For those familiar with object-oriented programming, this will seem similar to the concept of accessor and mutator methods. Even though Win32 has perfect access to this handle and could simply read it on its own, the NT developers decided to make DbgUi much like a class, and make sure access to the handle goes through these public methods. This design allows the debug handle to be stored anywhere else if necessary, and only these two APIs will require changes, instead of multiple DLLs in Win32.
Not surprisingly, these functions are also wrappers in DbgUi. However, this is where things start to get interesting, since if you'll recall, DbgUi uses a completely different structure for debug events, called DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE. There is one API that we have left to look at, which does the conversion, so first, let's look at the documentation for this structure:
The fields should be pretty self-explanatory, so let's look at the DBG_STATE enumeration:
// Debug States
typedef enum _DBG_STATE
If you take a look at the Win32 DEBUG_EVENT structure and associated debug event types, you'll notice some differences which might be useful to you. For starters, Exceptions, Breakpoints and Single Step exceptions are handled differently. In the Win32 world, only two distinctions are made: RIP_EVENT for exceptions, and EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT for a debug event. Although code can later figure out if this was a breakpoint or single step, this information comes directly in the native structure. You will also notice that OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING event is missing. Here, it's DbgUi that's at a disadvantage, since the information is sent as an Exception, and post-processing is required (which we'll take a look at soon). There are also two more states that Win32 does not support, which is the Idle state and the Reply Pending state. These don't offer much information from the point of view of a debugger, so they are ignored.