kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If a kernel debugger is available get the stack backtrace.
Arg1: 0000001e, memory referenced
Arg2: 00000002, IRQL
Arg3: 00000000, bitfield :
bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only on chips which support this level of status)
Arg4: 804fac6b, address which referenced memory
Debugging Details:
READ_ADDRESS: 0000001e
804fac6b 803b02 cmp byte ptr [ebx],2
PROCESS_NAME: >14ã.exe
TRAP_FRAME: b182aa48 -- (.trap 0xffffffffb182aa48)
ErrCode = 00000000
eax=00004e24 ebx=0000001e ecx=00000000 edx=b182ab00 esi=81e21da8 edi=81e21e18
eip=804fac6b esp=b182aabc ebp=b182aadc iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000 efl=00010246
804fac6b 803b02 cmp byte ptr [ebx],2 ds:0023:0000001e=??
Resetting default scope
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 804f8bad to 80528c0c
b182a5fc 804f8bad 00000003 b182a958 00000000 nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction
b182a648 804f979a 00000003 0000001e 804fac6b nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x19
b182aa28 8054173b 0000000a 0000001e 00000002 nt!KeBugCheck2+0x574
b182aa28 804fac6b 0000000a 0000001e 00000002 nt!KiTrap0E+0x233
b182aadc 80533383 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0xbb
b182ab14 80533885 81f03380 00000003 b182aba8 nt!ExpWaitForResource+0x2f
b182ab24 805b3b2c 81b67a58 00000001 81b67900 nt!ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite+0x6f
b182aba8 805b43e9 b182ac0c 81e21020 81f03398 nt!ObpIncrementUnnamedHandleCount+0x48
b182ac00 805b9ce8 81f03398 001f000f 00000001 nt!ObpCreateUnnamedHandle+0x89
b182acf4 8063a74c 81f03398 00000000 001f000f nt!ObInsertObject+0xbc
b182ad4c 8053e6d8 7ffdff24 001f000f 0012d740 nt!NtCreateDebugObject+0xca
b182ad4c 7c92e514 7ffdff24 001f000f 0012d740 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8
0012d724 7c92d07a 7c972044 7ffdff24 001f000f ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0012d728 7c972044 7ffdff24 001f000f 0012d740 ntdll!ZwCreateDebugObject+0xc
0012d758 7c85b105 0012da9c 027523ce 00000484 ntdll!DbgUiConnectToDbg+0x4a
0012d760 027523ce 00000484 0012db04 00477fa8 kernel32!DebugActiveProcess+0xa
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0012da9c 77d18734 000202cc 00000111 00000001 advancedolly!ODBG_Plugininit+0x46d
0012dac8 77d23ce4 00477fa8 000202cc 00000111 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012db34 77d23b30 00000000 00477fa8 000202cc USER32!UserCallDlgProcCheckWow+0x146
0012db7c 77d3e599 00000000 00000111 00000001 USER32!DefDlgProcWorker+0xa8
0012db98 77d18734 000202cc 00000111 00000001 USER32!DefDlgProcA+0x22
0012dbc4 77d18816 77d3e577 000202cc 00000111 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012dc2c 77d2927b 00000000 77d3e577 000202cc USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150
0012dc68 77d292e3 00700fb8 016f5938 00000001 USER32!SendMessageWorker+0x4a5
0012dc88 77d4ff7d 000202cc 00000111 00000001 USER32!SendMessageW+0x7f
0012dca0 77d465d2 0171bf78 00000000 0171bf78 USER32!xxxButtonNotifyParent+0x41
0012dcbc 77d25e94 006398c8 00000001 00000000 USER32!xxxBNReleaseCapture+0xf8
0012dd40 77d3b082 0171bf78 00000202 00000000 USER32!ButtonWndProcWorker+0x6df
0012dd60 77d18734 000102ce 00000202 00000000 USER32!ButtonWndProcA+0x5d
0012dd8c 77d18816 77d3b036 000102ce 00000202 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012ddf4 77d189cd 00000000 77d3b036 000102ce USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150
0012de54 77d18a10 0012dea4 00000000 0012de88 USER32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x306
0012de64 77d274ff 0012dea4 00000000 01700fb8 USER32!DispatchMessageW+0xf
0012de88 77d2763c 000202cc 0171bf78 0002028a USER32!IsDialogMessageW+0x572
0012dec4 77d249c4 000202cc 0002028a 00000010 USER32!DialogBox2+0x144
0012deec 77d24a06 00400000 005ad484 00020294 USER32!InternalDialogBox+0xd0
0012df0c 77d3b190 00400000 005ad484 00020294 USER32!DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW+0x37
0012df38 7084b679 00400000 004c2198 00020294 USER32!DialogBoxParamA+0x4c
0012df94 004786aa 00400000 004c2198 00020294 SOD____!ODBG_Plugindestroy+0x1425
0012f290 77d18734 0002028a 00000111 000007d2 ____!Attachtoactiveprocess+0x91e
0012f2bc 77d18816 004323d4 0002028a 00000111 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012f324 77d2a013 00000000 004323d4 0002028a USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150
0012f354 77d2a998 004323d4 0002028a 00000111 USER32!CallWindowProcAorW+0x98
0012f374 20003f71 004323d4 0002028a 00000111 USER32!CallWindowProcA+0x1b
0012f3a0 77d18734 0002028a 00000111 000007d2 IDAFicator+0x3f71
0012f3cc 77d18816 20003864 0002028a 00000111 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012f434 77d2a013 00000000 20003864 0002028a USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150
0012f464 77d2a998 20003864 0002028a 00000111 USER32!CallWindowProcAorW+0x98
0012f484 7084904b 20003864 0002028a 00000111 USER32!CallWindowProcA+0x1b
0012f4a4 77d18734 0002028a 00000111 000007d2 SOD____!ODBG_Plugincmd+0x6fcb
0012f4d0 77d18816 70848fef 0002028a 00000111 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28
0012f538 77d189cd 00000000 70848fef 0002028a USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150
0012f598 77d196c7 0012f5c0 00000001 0012ff88 USER32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x306
0012f5a8 00439442 0012f5c0 00000000 004b00c4 USER32!DispatchMessageA+0xf
0012ff88 004ad357 00400000 00000000 005b2410 ____!Go+0x4a2e
0012ffc0 7c817077 00340036 00360033 7ffd8000 ____!Createpatchwindow+0xe0f7
0012fff0 00000000 00401000 00000000 78746341 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23
CHKIMG_EXTENSION: !chkimg -lo 50 -d !nt
804f779c - nt!KdDisableDebugger
[ 8b:c3 ]
804f87d8-804f87de 7 bytes - nt!KiAttachProcess (+0x103c)
[ 8b ff 55 8b ec 53 8b:b8 1c df 5f b1 ff e0 ]
80502c20-80502c23 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+64 (+0xa448)
[ 8e 2d 5b 80:64 c9 59 b1 ]
80502d40-80502d43 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+184 (+0x120)
[ 9a a6 57 80:d9 0a 73 f8 ]
80502da4-80502da7 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+1e8 (+0x64)
[ f8 23 5c 80:34 cc 59 b1 ]
80502dbc-80502dbf 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+200 (+0x18)
[ 84 26 5c 80:44 cb 59 b1 ]
80502e24-80502e27 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+268 (+0x68)
[ 5e 3d 5c 80:e4 c9 59 b1 ]
80502e48-80502e4b 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+28c (+0x24)
[ a0 c1 5b 80:44 cd 59 b1 ]
80502e70-80502e73 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+2b4 (+0x28)
[ a8 95 60 80:04 ce 59 b1 ]
80502f50-80502f53 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+394 (+0xe0)
[ 76 2e 5c 80:94 b9 59 b1 ]
80502f7c-80502f7f 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+3c0 (+0x2c)
[ d6 78 60 80:a1 14 73 f8 ]
80503014-80503017 4 bytes - nt!KiServiceTable+458 (+0x98)
[ 5c 32 50 80:e4 b9 59 b1 ]
805aa85a-805aa860 7 bytes - nt!NtReadVirtualMemory
[ 6a 1c 68 e0 a4 4d 80:b8 10 dd 5f b1 ff e0 ]
805aa964-805aa96a 7 bytes - nt!NtWriteVirtualMemory (+0x10a)
[ 6a 1c 68 f8 a4 4d 80:b8 16 de 5f b1 ff e0 ]
805c2616-805c261b 6 bytes - nt!NtOpenProcess+21e (+0x17cb2)
[ ff 75 c8 ff 75 dc:e9 f5 17 2b 31 90 ]
805c261d-805c2620 4 bytes - nt!NtOpenProcess+225 (+0x07)
[ 7d fe fe ff:29 58 04 31 ]
805c2898-805c289d 6 bytes - nt!NtOpenThread+214 (+0x27b)
[ ff 75 cc ff 75 e0:e9 03 18 2b 31 90 ]
805c289f-805c28a2 4 bytes - nt!NtOpenThread+21b (+0x07)
[ fb fb fe ff:73 b8 03 31 ]
8063a6e2-8063a6e5 4 bytes - nt!NtCreateDebugObject+60 (+0x77e43)
[ c0 10 55 80:50 78 b6 81 ]
8063b007-8063b00a 4 bytes - nt!NtWaitForDebugEvent+a7 (+0x925)
[ c0 10 55 80:50 78 b6 81 ]
8063b7ba-8063b7bd 4 bytes - nt!NtDebugActiveProcess+5c (+0x7b3)
[ c0 10 55 80:50 78 b6 81 ]
8063b870-8063b873 4 bytes - nt!NtRemoveProcessDebug+42 (+0xb6)
[ c0 10 55 80:50 78 b6 81 ]
8063b929-8063b92c 4 bytes - nt!NtDebugContinue+7b (+0xb9)
[ c0 10 55 80:50 78 b6 81 ]
102 errors : !nt (804f779c-8063b92c)
MODULE_NAME: memory_corruption
IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption
FOLLOWUP_NAME: memory_corruption
Followup: memory_corruption
[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)