( LV9,RANK:3410 )
3 楼
普通标准壳 00DCAC0D FF15 D820DF00 call dword ptr ds:[DF20D8] ; kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
00DCAC13 8B0D E4C9DF00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[DFC9E4]
00DCAC19 89040E mov dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx],eax
00DCAC1C A1 E4C9DF00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[DFC9E4]
00DCAC21 391C06 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+eax],ebx
00DCAC24 75 16 jnz short 00DCAC3C
00DCAC26 8D85 B4FEFFFF lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-14C]
00DCAC2C 50 push eax
00DCAC2D FF15 E020DF00 call dword ptr ds:[DF20E0] ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
00DCAC33 8B0D E4C9DF00 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[DFC9E4]
00DCAC39 89040E mov dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx],eax
00DCAC3C A1 E4C9DF00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[DFC9E4]
00DCAC41 391C06 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+eax],ebx
00DCAC44 0F84 35010000 je 00DCAD7F
//jmp 00DCAD7F
00DCAC4A 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
00DCAC4C 8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]
00DCAC4E 3918 cmp dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx
00DCAC50 74 06 je short 00DCAC58
00DCAC52 41 inc ecx
00DCAC53 83C0 0C add eax,0C
00DCAC56 EB F6 jmp short 00DCAC4E 0053B170 55 push ebp
0053B171 8BEC mov ebp,esp
0053B173 83C4 E8 add esp,-18
0053B176 53 push ebx
0053B177 56 push esi
0053B178 57 push edi
0053B179 33C0 xor eax,eax
0053B17B 8945 E8 mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-18],eax
0053B17E 8945 EC mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-14],eax
0053B181 B8 B0A85300 mov eax,53A8B0
0053B186 E8 2164ECFF call 004015AC 脱壳文件改为swdoctor.exe即可正常运行
( LV8,RANK:130 )
6 楼
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object LabelState: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 81
Width = 265
Height = 14
Caption = 'You have used the software for 0 days out of 30.'
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Font.Style = [fsBold]
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object lblText: TLabel
Left = 8
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Width = 417
Height = 48
AutoSize = False
Caption =
'To purchase the program please click "Purchase Online" or click ' +
'"Continue" to access the trial version. Registered users please ' +
'provide your registration and license information below to activ' +
'ate the full version.'
WordWrap = True
object lblName: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 162
Width = 30
Height = 14
Caption = 'Name:'
object lblLicense: TLabel
Left = 16
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Width = 41
Height = 14
Caption = 'License:'
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Left = 16
Top = 11
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Caption = 'Need help registering?'
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object ButtonEvaluate: TButton
Left = 312
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Caption = 'Continue'
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object bbPurchaseOnline: TBitBtn
Left = 152
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OnClick = bbPurchaseOnlineClick
=============== OnClick = ButtonRegisterClick ========================================
0048FDFC 55 push ebp
0048FDFD 8BEC mov ebp, esp
0048FDFF B905000000 mov ecx, $00000005
0048FE04 6A00 push $00
0048FE06 6A00 push $00
0048FE08 49 dec ecx
0048FE09 75F9 jnz 0048FE04
0048FE0B 51 push ecx
0048FE0C 8955F8 mov [ebp-$08], edx
0048FE0F 8945FC mov [ebp-$04], eax
0048FE12 33C0 xor eax, eax
0048FE14 55 push ebp
0048FE15 688EFF4800 push $0048FF8E
***** TRY
0048FE1A 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
0048FE1D 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
0048FE20 8D55F4 lea edx, [ebp-$0C]
0048FE23 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditLicense:TEdit'
0048FE26 8B8010030000 mov eax, [eax+$0310]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@GetText$qqrv
0048FE2C E8CF80F9FF call 00427F00
0048FE31 8B45F4 mov eax, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrToPChar$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FE34 E89F14F7FF call 004012D8
0048FE39 50 push eax
0048FE3A 8D55F0 lea edx, [ebp-$10]
0048FE3D 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditName:TEdit'
0048FE40 8B800C030000 mov eax, [eax+$030C]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@GetText$qqrv
0048FE46 E8B580F9FF call 00427F00
0048FE4B 8B45F0 mov eax, [ebp-$10]
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrToPChar$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FE4E E88514F7FF call 004012D8
0048FE53 50 push eax
* Reference to: ntdll.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error
0048FE54 E89FEBFFFF call 0048E9F8
0048FE59 84C0 test al, al
0048FE5B 743B jz 0048FE98 <===============TEST
0048FE5D 8D55EC lea edx, [ebp-$14]
0048FE60 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditLicense:TEdit'
0048FE63 8B8010030000 mov eax, [eax+$0310]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@GetText$qqrv
0048FE69 E89280F9FF call 00427F00
0048FE6E 8B45EC mov eax, [ebp-$14]
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrToPChar$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FE71 E86214F7FF call 004012D8
0048FE76 50 push eax
0048FE77 8D55E8 lea edx, [ebp-$18]
0048FE7A 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditName:TEdit'
0048FE7D 8B800C030000 mov eax, [eax+$030C]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@GetText$qqrv
0048FE83 E87880F9FF call 00427F00
0048FE88 8B45E8 mov eax, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrToPChar$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FE8B E84814F7FF call 004012D8
0048FE90 50 push eax
* Reference to: ntdll.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error
0048FE91 E86AEBFFFF call 0048EA00
0048FE96 EB05 jmp 0048FE9D
* Reference to: ntdll.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error
0048FE98 E87BEBFFFF call 0048EA18
0048FE9D A16C2E5400 mov eax, dword ptr [$542E6C]
0048FEA2 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FEA4 8B4024 mov eax, [eax+$24]
0048FEA7 50 push eax
0048FEA8 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FEAA FF500C call dword ptr [eax+$0C] <== 只看到这个call
0048FEAD 84C0 test al, al <=================== TEST
0048FEAF 7552 jnz 0048FF03 <==== 改为 jmp 则提示注册成功 (只是提示信息哦)
0048FEB1 689CFF4800 push $0048FF9C
0048FEB6 689CFF4800 push $0048FF9C
* Reference to: ntdll.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error
0048FEBB E838EBFFFF call 0048E9F8
0048FEC0 8D4DE4 lea ecx, [ebp-$1C]
0048FEC3 A118335400 mov eax, dword ptr [$543318]
0048FEC8 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
* Possible String Reference to: "Msg29"
0048FECA BAA8FF4800 mov edx, $0048FFA8
0048FECF E82872FBFF call 004470FC
0048FED4 8B45E4 mov eax, [ebp-$1C]
0048FED7 BA30000400 mov edx, $00040030
0048FEDC E8FFC7F9FF call 0042C6E0
0048FEE1 33D2 xor edx, edx
0048FEE3 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditLicense:TEdit'
0048FEE6 8B8010030000 mov eax, [eax+$0310]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@SetText$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FEEC E81780F9FF call 00427F08
0048FEF1 33D2 xor edx, edx
0048FEF3 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible Reference to Control 'EditName:TEdit'
0048FEF6 8B800C030000 mov eax, [eax+$030C]
* Reference to: kernel32.@Controls@TControl@SetText$qqrx17System@AnsiString
0048FEFC E80780F9FF call 00427F08
0048FF01 EB63 jmp 0048FF66
0048FF03 E858030900 call 00520260
0048FF08 A16C2E5400 mov eax, dword ptr [$542E6C]
0048FF0D 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FF0F 8B400C mov eax, [eax+$0C]
0048FF12 E8790F0900 call 00520E90
0048FF17 8D45E0 lea eax, [ebp-$20]
0048FF1A 50 push eax
0048FF1B 8D4DDC lea ecx, [ebp-$24]
0048FF1E A118335400 mov eax, dword ptr [$543318]
0048FF23 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
* Possible String Reference to: "Msg28"
0048FF25 BAB8FF4800 mov edx, $0048FFB8
0048FF2A E8CD71FBFF call 004470FC
0048FF2F 8B45DC mov eax, [ebp-$24]
0048FF32 50 push eax
0048FF33 A178315400 mov eax, dword ptr [$543178]
0048FF38 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FF3A 8945D4 mov [ebp-$2C], eax
0048FF3D C645D80B mov byte ptr [ebp-$28], $0B
0048FF41 8D55D4 lea edx, [ebp-$2C]
0048FF44 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
0048FF46 58 pop eax
* Reference to: kernel32.@Sysutils@Format$qqrx17System@AnsiStringpx14System@TVarRecxi
0048FF47 E85475F9FF call 004274A0
0048FF4C 8B45E0 mov eax, [ebp-$20]
0048FF4F BA40000400 mov edx, $00040040
0048FF54 E887C7F9FF call 0042C6E0
0048FF59 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
0048FF5C C7804C02000001000000 mov dword ptr [eax+$024C], $00000001
0048FF66 33C0 xor eax, eax
0048FF68 5A pop edx
0048FF69 59 pop ecx
0048FF6A 59 pop ecx
0048FF6B 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: "?]?
0048FF6E 6895FF4800 push $0048FF95
0048FF73 8D45DC lea eax, [ebp-$24]
0048FF76 BA03000000 mov edx, $00000003
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrArrayClr$qqrpvi
0048FF7B E8D812F7FF call 00401258
0048FF80 8D45E8 lea eax, [ebp-$18]
0048FF83 BA04000000 mov edx, $00000004
* Reference to: GDI32.@System@@LStrArrayClr$qqrpvi
0048FF88 E8CB12F7FF call 00401258
0048FF8D C3 ret
0048FF8E E95D12F7FF jmp 004011F0
0048FF93 EBDE jmp 0048FF73
****** END
0048FF95 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
0048FF97 5D pop ebp
0048FF98 C3 ret 小结:
****** Reference to: ntdll.RtlRestoreLastWin32Error
0048FE98 E87BEBFFFF call 0048EA18
0048FE9D A16C2E5400 mov eax, dword ptr [$542E6C]
0048FEA2 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FEA4 8B4024 mov eax, [eax+$24]
0048FEA7 50 push eax
0048FEA8 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
0048FEAA FF500C call dword ptr [eax+$0C] <== 只看到这个call
0048FEAD 84C0 test al, al <=================== TEST
0048FEAF 7552 jnz 0048FF03 <==== 改为 jmp 则提示注册成功(只是有提示筐而已啦)
0048FEB1 689CFF4800 push $0048FF9C
0048FEB6 689CFF4800 push $0048FF9C
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PCTools\Live Update\Subscription]
问题是不知道程序 call dword ptr [eax+$0C] 进哪里了?????
( LV9,RANK:3410 )
7 楼
0048E9F8 - FF25 F0875400 jmp dword ptr ds:[5487F0]
0048E9FE 8BC0 mov eax,eax
0048EA00 FF25 EC875400 jmp dword ptr ds:[5487EC]
0048EA06 8BC0 mov eax,eax
0048EA08 FF25 E8875400 jmp dword ptr ds:[5487E8]
0048EA0E 8BC0 mov eax,eax
0048EA10 FF25 E4875400 jmp dword ptr ds:[5487E4]
0048EA16 8BC0 mov eax,eax
0048EA18 FF25 E0875400 jmp dword ptr ds:[5487E0]