ASProtect.2.x.Inline.Patching-JW 教学
发表于: 2005-10-26 12:53 5033

ASProtect.2.x.Inline.Patching-JW 教学

2005-10-26 12:53


[课程]FART 脱壳王!加量不加价!FART作者讲授!

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雪    币: 108
活跃值: (42)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2005-10-26 13:50
雪    币: 233
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
2005-10-26 14:04
雪    币: 61
活跃值: (160)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:170 )

ASProtect 1.x -> 2.x inline patching tutorial by JohnWho.

In this tutorial i'll show you how to inline patch ASProtect 1.2 -> 2.x without dealing with any crypto stuff. The
example program(PatchMe.exe) which will be our target has a startup NAG we need to patch away. The target
is protect with ASProtect 2.1.

Tool used:  SoftICE, Hex Workshop, Hiew, LordPE.

Let's get started. First thing to do would be to find out where to patch our target so we get rid of that annoying
NAG, but we'll skip that in this tutorial(easy anyway, patch 40108D 74 -> EB).

Now we need to get to the code where to VirtualAlloc call is made, it will tell us where ASProtects code will
be allocated to. ASProtect uses 4-5 decryption loops/blocks to decrypt the code where the first 2 VirtualAlloc
calls are made, we need to reach the 2nd call.

Run the target and make sure you break on EP(401000), from here trace into all calls with F7 until you reach
the below code chunk.

End of 1st decryption block:
0040B170   0F85 1A000000  JNZ     PatchMe.0040B190  <----- This jump will keep jumping until 2nd decryption block is decrypted.
0040B176   BF CAFFB26D    MOV     EDI, 6DB2FFCA
0040B17B   E9 21000000    JMP     PatchMe.0040B1A1  <----- When we reach this jump the 2nd decryption block is decrypted to memory
0040B180   58             POP     EAX                   and ready to get patched. We use this jump as our 1st redirection, notice
0040B181   B1 96          MOV     CL, 96                that this will be the only hardcoded redirection as the rest will be in memory
0040B183   17             POP     SS                    on runtime.
0040B184   04 ED          ADD     AL, 0ED
0040B186   22B3 70E96E0F  AND     DH, BYTE PTR DS:[EBX+F6EE970]
0040B18C   9C             PUSHFD
0040B18D   A5             MOVS    DWORD PTR ES:[EDI], DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
0040B18E   7A 2B          JPE     SHORT PatchMe.0040B1BB
0040B190   66:8BFE        MOV     DI, SI
0040B193   E9 75FFFFFF    JMP     PatchMe.0040B10D

Now set a breakpoint on address 40B17B and press F5, when you break on address 40B17B keep tracing with
F7 until you reach the below code chunk.

End of 2nd decryption block:
0040B278   0F85 11000000  JNZ     PatchMe.0040B28F  <----- This jump will keep jumping until 3rd decryption block is decrypted.
0040B27E   66:BF 624F     MOV     DI, 4F62
0040B282   E9 19000000    JMP     PatchMe.0040B2A0  <----- When we reach this jump the 3rd decryption block is decrypted to memory
0040B287   B0 29          MOV     AL, 29                and ready to get patched. We use this jump as our 2nd redirection.
0040B289   AE             SCAS    BYTE PTR ES:[EDI]
0040B28A   4F             DEC     EDI
0040B28B   DCE5           FSUBR   ST(5), ST
0040B28D   BA 6B668BF9    MOV     EDX, F98B666B
0040B292   E9 4BFFFFFF    JMP     PatchMe.0040B1E2

Now set a breakpoint on address 40B282 and press F5, when you break on address 40B282 keep tracing with
F7 until you reach the below code chunk.

End of 3rd decryption block:
0040B32F   0F85 25000000  JNZ     PatchMe.0040B35A  <----- This jump will keep jumping until 4th decryption block is decrypted.
0040B335   E8 05000000    CALL    PatchMe.0040B33F
0040B33A   B9 FE5FAC75    MOV     ECX, 75AC5FFE
0040B33F   80D6 57        ADC     DH, 57
0040B342   5E             POP     ESI
0040B343   E9 2B000000    JMP     PatchMe.0040B373  <----- When we reach this jump the 4th decryption block is decrypted to memory
0040B348   62F3           BOUND   ESI, EBX              and ready to get patched. We use this jump as our 3rd redirection.
0040B34A   B0 29          MOV     AL, 29
0040B34C   AE             SCAS    BYTE PTR ES:[EDI]
0040B34D   4F             DEC     EDI
0040B34E   DCE5           FSUBR   ST(5), ST
0040B350   BA 6BC86186    MOV     EDX, 8661C86B
0040B355   47             INC     EDI
0040B356   74 9D          JE      SHORT PatchMe.0040B2F5
0040B358   12E3           ADC     AH, BL
0040B35A   66:8BD1        MOV     DX, CX
0040B35D   E9 81FFFFFF    JMP     PatchMe.0040B2E3

Now set a breakpoint on address 40B343 and press F5, when you break on address 40B343 keep tracing with
F7 until you reach the below code chunk.

End of 4th decryption block:
0040B40E   0F85 13000000  JNZ     PatchMe.0040B427  <----- This jump will keep jumping until the code part with the first 2 VirtualAlloc
0040B414   66:8BDE        MOV     BX, SI                calls are decrypted.
0040B417   E9 1F000000    JMP     PatchMe.0040B43B  <----- When we reach this jump the the code part with the first 2 VirtualAlloc calls
0040B41C   A7             CMPS    DWORD PTR DS:         is decrypted and ready to be patched. We use this jump as our 4th redirection.
0040B41D   54             PUSH    ESP
0040B41E   FD             STD
0040B41F   F2:            PREFIX REPNE:
0040B420   43             INC     EBX
0040B421   C0F9 3E        SAR     CL, 3E
0040B424   9F             LAHF
0040B425   EC             IN      AL, DX
0040B426   B5 66          MOV     CH, 66
0040B428   8BF1           MOV     ESI, ECX
0040B42A   E9 8DFFFFFF    JMP     PatchMe.0040B3BC

So far so good. We now got the info on where to patch in order to get through the decryption blocks with control
on our side. The following addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP 0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP 0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP 0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP 0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)

Now set a breakpoint on address 40B417 and press F5, when you break on address 40B417 keep tracing with
F8 until you reach the below code chunk.

0040B4EF   6A 00          PUSH    0
0040B4F1   FF95 F0030000  CALL    NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+3F0]  <----- This is the 1st VirtualAlloc call.
0040B4F7   8985 CC010000  MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+1CC], EAX
0040B4FD   8B9D 00040000  MOV     EBX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+400]
0040B503   039D 0D040000  ADD     EBX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+40D]
0040B509   50             PUSH    EAX
0040B50A   53             PUSH    EBX
0040B50B   E8 04010000    CALL    PatchMe.0040B614
0040B510   6A 40          PUSH    40
0040B512   68 00100000    PUSH    1000
0040B517   FFB5 08040000  PUSH    DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+408]
0040B51D   6A 00          PUSH    0
0040B51F   FF95 F0030000  CALL    NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+3F0]  <----- This is the 2nd VirtualAlloc call. When this call has been executed
0040B525   8985 31040000  MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+431], EAX      EAX will contain the address baserange where ASProtects code
0040B52B   8985 D0010000  MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+1D0], EAX      will be decrypted to. We need this baserange address in order to
........                                                           patch ASProtects virtual allocated code.
Skipping code
0040B5EA   53             PUSH    EBX
0040B5EB   6A 00          PUSH    0
0040B5ED   6A 00          PUSH    0
0040B5EF   6A 01          PUSH    1
0040B5F1   57             PUSH    EDI
0040B5F2   8B5E 08        MOV     EBX, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+8]
0040B5F5   03DF           ADD     EBX, EDI
0040B5F7   53             PUSH    EBX
0040B5F8   68 00800000    PUSH    8000  <--------------------------------------------------- Here EDI contains the address baserange. We use this as our 5th
0040B5FD   6A 00          PUSH    0                                redirection.
0040B5FF   56             PUSH    ESI
0040B600   FF95 F4030000  CALL    NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+3F4]
0040B606   68 00000000    PUSH    0
0040B60B   C3             RETN          <--------------------------------------------------- This return will bring us to the 1st part of ASProtect virtual allocated
                                                                   memory. So from this point on we need to use our baserange to
                                                                   all further patching of ASProtect code!

So far we got following addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP  0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP  0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP  0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP  0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)
5. 0040B5F8 6800800000   PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EDI hold our address baserange)

Now set a breakpoint on address 40B5F8 and press F5, when you break on address 40B5F8 keep tracing with
F8 until you reach the below code chunk. Notice that from now on the address range probably is different on
your computer.

007C00B6   6A 04          PUSH    4
007C00B8   68 00100000    PUSH    1000
007C00BD   68 46050000    PUSH    546
007C00C2   6A 00          PUSH    0
007C00C4   FF95 79294400  CALL    NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442979]  <----- This is the 3rd VirtualAlloc call.
007C00CA   8985 75294400  MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442975], EAX
007C00D0   8D9D 452A4400  LEA     EBX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A45]
007C00D6   50             PUSH    EAX
007C00D7   53             PUSH    EBX
007C00D8   E8 74050000    CALL    007C0651
007C00DD   8BC8           MOV     ECX, EAX
007C00DF   8DBD 452A4400  LEA     EDI, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A45]
007C00E5   8BB5 75294400  MOV     ESI, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442975]
007C00EB   F3:A4          REP     MOVS BYTE PTR ES:[EDI], BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]
007C00ED   8B85 75294400  MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442975]
007C00F3   68 00800000    PUSH    8000  <--------------------------------------------------------- We redirect here. This is our 6th redirection.
007C00F8   6A 00          PUSH    0
007C00FA   50             PUSH    EAX
007C00FB   FF95 7D294400  CALL    NEAR DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+44297D]
007C0101   8D85 512C4400  LEA     EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442C51]
007C0107   50             PUSH    EAX
007C0108   C3             RETN

So far we got following addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP  0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP  0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP  0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP  0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)
5. 0040B5F8 6800800000   PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EDI hold our address baserange)
6. 007C00F3 68008000006A PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory)

Keep tracing with F8 until you reach the below code chunk.

007C030D   8B9D 552A4400  MOV     EBX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A55]
007C0313   0BDB           OR      EBX, EBX
007C0315   74 0A          JE      SHORT 007C0321
007C0317   8B03           MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
007C0319   8785 592A4400  XCHG    DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A59], EAX
007C031F   8903           MOV     DWORD PTR DS:[EBX], EAX
007C0321   8DB5 712A4400  LEA     ESI, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A71]
007C0327   833E 00        CMP     DWORD PTR DS:[ESI], 0
007C032A   0F84 D3000000  JE      007C0403
007C0330   8DB5 712A4400  LEA     ESI, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442A71]
007C0336   8B46 04        MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+4]
007C0339   6A 04          PUSH    4
007C033B   68 00100000    PUSH    1000
007C0340   50             PUSH    EAX
007C0341   6A 00          PUSH    0
Skipping code
007C05BB   8985 112F4400  MOV     DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+442F11], EAX
007C05C1   61             POPAD  <--------------------------------------------------------------- We redirect here. This is our 7th redirection.
007C05C2   75 08          JNZ     SHORT 007C05CC
007C05C4   B8 01000000    MOV     EAX, 1
007C05C9   C2 0C00        RETN    0C
007C05CC   68 00000000    PUSH    0
007C05D1   C3             RETN

So far we got following addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP  0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP  0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP  0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP  0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)
5. 0040B5F8 6800800000   PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EDI hold our address baserange)
6. 007C00F3 68008000006A PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
7. 007C05C1 617508B80100 xxx  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory)

Clear all breakpoints you may have and set a new one on MapViewOfFileEx, press F5 and then
F12 2 times. You should now see the below code chunk.

007AD400   6A 00          PUSH    0
007AD402   6A 00          PUSH    0
007AD404   6A 00          PUSH    0
007AD406   6A 04          PUSH    4  <--------------------------------------------------------------- We need to patch this instruction to push 1 so the
007AD408   A1 58A57B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7BA558]          mapped .exe in memory becomes writeable.
007AD40D   50             PUSH    EAX
007AD40E   A1 D4277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B27D4]
007AD413   8B40 08        MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8]
007AD416   FFD0           CALL    NEAR EAX  <------------------------------------------------- MapViewOfFile call.
007AD418   8BD8           MOV     EBX, EAX  <------------------------------------------------- Here EAX point at mapped .exe in memory. We need to
007AD41A   57             PUSH    EDI                                 patch the mapped .exe to deal with the CRC check. We     
007AD41B   E8 4B010000    CALL    007AD56B                            use this as our 8th redirection.
0040B5FD   6A 00          PUSH    0

So far we got following addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP  0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP  0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP  0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP  0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)
5. 0040B5F8 6800800000   PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EDI hold our address baserange)
6. 007C00F3 68008000006A PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
7. 007C05C1 617508B80100 xxx  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory)
8. 007AD418 8BD857E84B01 xxx  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EAX point at memory mapped .exe)

Now the CRC check is dealt with and we only need to patch our target to get rid of the NAG, but at this
point code we wanna patch hasn't been decrypted to memory so we need one more redirection after
it has been decrypted.

Clear your breakpoint and set a new one on read to memory address  40108D (bpm 40108D r) which is
the address we wanna patch to get rid of NAG. Press F5 5 times, the 3rd time you break you can see
that the bytes on address 40108D has been decrypted. The 5th time you break your in the memory
CRC check routine and you should see the below code chunk.

0078F3A0   81C7 A1EBD96E  ADD     EDI, 6ED9EBA1  <------- You should be here.
0078F3A6   8BEE           MOV     EBP, ESI
0078F3A8   33EB           XOR     EBP, EBX
0078F3AA   33E8           XOR     EBP, EAX
0078F3AC   03FD           ADD     EDI, EBP
0078F3AE   03CF           ADD     ECX, EDI
0078F3B0   8BF9           MOV     EDI, ECX
0078F3B2   C1E7 03        SHL     EDI, 3
0078F3B5   C1E9 1D        SHR     ECX, 1D
0078F3B8   0BF9           OR      EDI, ECX
0078F3BA   8BCF           MOV     ECX, EDI

Press F12 or single step over/into the RET instruction on address 78F436 and you should see the
below code chunk.

0078F59D   83C7 40        ADD     EDI, 40  <--------------------------------------- You should be here.
0078F5A0   83EB 40        SUB     EBX, 40
0078F5A3   83FB 40        CMP     EBX, 40
0078F5A6   7D EC          JGE     SHORT 0078F594
0078F5A8   8B0424         MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
0078F5AB   03C5           ADD     EAX, EBP
0078F5AD   8D56 08        LEA     EDX, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+8]
0078F5B0   8BCB           MOV     ECX, EBX
0078F5B2   E8 A130FFFF    CALL    00782658
0078F5B7   5A             POP     EDX
0078F5B8   5D             POP     EBP
0078F5B9   5F             POP     EDI
0078F5BA   5E             POP     ESI
0078F5BB   5B             POP     EBX
0078F5BC   C3             RETN

Clear your breakpoints and set one on address 78F5BC, press F5 and you break on address 78F5BC. Press
F12 2 times and you'll see the code chunk below.

007AE13C   53             PUSH    EBX  <------------------------------------------------- You should be here.
007AE13D   56             PUSH    ESI
007AE13E   57             PUSH    EDI
007AE13F   55             PUSH    EBP
007AE140   83C4 D8        ADD     ESP, -28
007AE143   A1 9C277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B279C]
007AE148   C600 D2        MOV     BYTE PTR DS:[EAX], 0D2
007AE14B   B2 01          MOV     DL, 1
007AE14D   A1 F4B07900    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[79B0F4]
007AE152   E8 F9CFFEFF    CALL    0079B150
007AE157   8BF0           MOV     ESI, EAX
007AE159   E8 7EE7FFFF    CALL    007AC8DC
007AE15E   8BD8           MOV     EBX, EAX
007AE160   A1 E0277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B27E0]
007AE165   8B00           MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
007AE167   8946 04        MOV     DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+4], EAX
007AE16A   A1 04277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B2704]
007AE16F   8B00           MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
007AE171   33D2           XOR     EDX, EDX
007AE173   8950 04        MOV     DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4], EDX
007AE176   A1 F0277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B27F0]
007AE17B   8B00           MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
007AE17D   8B00           MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
007AE17F   8B15 04277B00  MOV     EDX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B2704]  <---- When we reach this address the memory CRC check
007AE185   8B12           MOV     EDX, DWORD PTR DS:[EDX]         is done and we can patch target in memory. So we
007AE187   8942 50        MOV     DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+50], EAX      use this as our 9th and last redirection.
007AE18A   A1 04277B00    MOV     EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[7B2704]
2005-10-26 14:16
雪    币: 61
活跃值: (160)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:170 )

Now we got all addresses we wanna use as redirections to our cave:

1. 0040B17B E921000000   JMP  0040B1A1 (harcoded in .exe)
2. 0040B282 E919000000   JMP  0040B2A0 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
3. 0040B343 E92B000000   JMP  0040B373 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
4. 0040B417 E91F000000   JMP  0040B43B (encrypted, we patch in memory)
5. 0040B5F8 6800800000   PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EDI hold our address baserange)
6. 007C00F3 68008000006A PUSH 00008000 (encrypted, we patch in memory)
7. 007C05C1 617508B80100 xxx  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory)
8. 007AD418 8BD857E84B01 xxx  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory) (EAX point at memory mapped .exe)
9. 007AE17F 8B1504277B00 MOV  xxxxxxxx (encrypted, we patch in memory) (Here we patch target in memory)

Let's prepare the .exe for our patch cave/code. Open .exe in LordPE, click on the "Sections"
button and then right click on last section and select "edit section header". Change RawSize
from 00000000 -> 00001000. Save changes and close LordPE, then open .exe in Hex Workshop and
scroll down to the bottom of the .exe and insert 1000 "90" bytes(hex). Close Hex Workshop and
confirm to save changes.

Run target and break on MapViewOfFileEx, when your located on address 7AD418 which is right
after the MapViewOfFile call, do a search for the bytes 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90. You
should find the bytes on address 42B005, these are the bytes we added with Hex Workshop but
some of them has been overwritten by ASProtect so we do this search to find out where the
patch cave actually start. So our patch cave will start on address 42B005.

Open .exe in Hex Workshop, scroll down to the end of the file and select the 1000 "90" bytes
and fill them with 00. This is optional, but it does make it a lot easier when we are gonna
write our patch code into the cave.

Let's redirect end of 1st decryption block to our cave. Open .exe in Hiew and search for the
bytes E921000000, these are the bytes of our 1st redirection we found which is the only
redirection that is hardcoded. You should see this in Hiew >

.0040B176: BFCAFFB26D      mov         edi,06DB2FFCA
.0040B17B: E921000000      jmp        .00040B1A1  ---  (4)  <------ We need to change this jump to goto the patch cave.
.0040B180: 58              pop         eax

.0040B176: BFCAFFB26D      mov         edi,06DB2FFCA
.0040B17B: E985FE0100      jmp        .00042B005  ---  (4)  <------ This jump now goes to the patch cave.
.0040B180: 58              pop         eax

Now it's time to write the patch code into our cave.....

[drinking coffee and beating the crap out of the keyboard]

...here's our finished patch cave >

Cave Part 1:
0042B005 C70582B24000E98DFD01 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40B282],1FD8DE9 <-- Patching 2nd redirection to goto cave part 2.
0042B00F E98D01FEFF           JMP     Patched_.0040B1A1 <------------------ Jumping back to original destination the
                                                                   the jump we used as redirection 1 jumped to.

Cave Part 2:
0042B014 C70543B34000E9DBFC01 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40B343],1FCDBE9 <-- Patching 3rd redirection to goto cave part 3.
0042B01E E97D02FEFF           JMP Patched_.0040B2A0 <-------------------------- Jumping back to original destination the
                                                                   the jump we used as redirection 2 jumped to.

Cave Part 3:
0042B023 C70517B44000E916FC01 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40B417],1FC16E9 <-- Patching 4th redirection to goto cave part 4.
0042B02D E94103FEFF           JMP Patched_.0040B373 <-------------------------- Jumping back to original destination the
                                                                   the jump we used as redirection 3 jumped to.

Cave Part 4:
0042B032 C705F8B54000E944FA01 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40B5F8],1FA44E9 <-- Patching 5th redirection to goto cave part 5.
0042B03C E9FA03FEFF           JMP Patched_.0040B43B <-------------------------- Jumping back to original destination the
                                                                   the jump we used as redirection 4 jumped to.

Cave Part 5:
0042B041 893DFCBF4200         MOV DWORD PTR DS:[42BFFC],EDI <------------------ Moving aspr address baserange into end of cave.
0042B047 C705F8B5400068008000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40B5F8],800068 <------------ Patching back original bytes to redirection 5 address.
0042B051 C787F30004006867B042 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+400F3],42B06768 <-- Patching 6th redirection to goto cave part 6 by using
0042B05B C687F8000400C3       MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+400F8],0C3          address baserange in EDI
0042B062 E99105FEFF           JMP Patched_.0040B5F8 <---------------------------------- Jumping back to the restored redirection 5 address.

Cave Part 6:
0042B067 60                   PUSHAD <---------------------------------------------------------------------- Save registers(EAX).
0042B068 A1FCBF4200           MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[42BFFC] <---------------- Move address baserange into EAX.
0042B06D C780F300040068008000 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+400F3],800068 <------ Patching back original bytes to redirection 6 address
0042B077 C680F80004006A       MOV    BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+400F8],6A           by using address baserange in EAX.
0042B07E C780C105040068A2B042 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+405C1],42B0A268 <-- Patching 7th redirection to goto cave part 7 by using
0042B088 66C780C505040000C3   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+405C5],0C300        address baserange in EAX.
0042B091 05F3000400           ADD    EAX, 400F3 <------------------------------------------------ Adding address return base to EAX.
0042B096 A39DB04200           MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[42B09D],EAX <------------------ Moving return address from EAX to PUSH instruction.
0042B09B 61                   POPAD <------------------------------------------------------------------------ Restore registers(EAX).
0042B09C 6800000000           PUSH   0 <------------------------------------------------------------------ Push return address.
0042B0A1 C3                   RETN <-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to return address.

Cave Part 7:
0042B0A2 60                   PUSHAD <---------------------------------------------------------------------- Save registers(EAX).
0042B0A3 A1FCBF4200           MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[42BFFC] <---------------- Move address baserange into EAX.
0042B0A8 C780C1050400617508B8 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+405C1],B8087561 <-- Patching back original bytes to redirection 7 address
0042B0B2 66C780C50504000100   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+405C5],1            by using address baserange in EAX.
0042B0BB C68007D4020001       MOV    BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+2D407],1 <------------------ Patch PUSH 6A04 -> 6A01 to make mapped .exe in mem writable
0042B0C2 C78018D4020068E6B042 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2D418],42B0E668 <-- Patching 8th redirection to goto cave part 8 by using
0042B0CC 66C7801CD4020000C3   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+2D41C],0C300        address baserange in EAX.
0042B0D5 05C1050400           ADD    EAX, 405C1 <------------------------------------------------ Adding address return base to EAX.
0042B0DA A3E1B04200           MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[42B0E1],EAX <------------------ Moving return address from EAX to PUSH instruction.
0042B0DF 61                   POPAD <------------------------------------------------------------------------ Restore registers(EAX).
0042B0E0 6800000000           PUSH   0 <------------------------------------------------------------------ Push return address.
0042B0E5 C3                   RETN <-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to return address.

Cave Part 8:
0042B0E6 C680F902000000       MOV    BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+2F9],0 <---------------------- Patching back "1000" bytes in mem mapped .exe(in header)
0042B0ED C7807B5F0000E9210000 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+5F7B],21E9 <------------ Patching back redirection 1 in mem mapped .exe. CRC check killed.
0042B0F7 60                   PUSHAD <---------------------------------------------------------------------- Save registers(EAX).
0042B0F8 A1FCBF4200           MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[42BFFC] <---------------- Move address baserange into EAX.
0042B0FD C78018D402008BD857E8 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2D418],E857D88B <-- Patching back original bytes to redirection 8 address
0042B107 66C7801CD402004B01   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+2D41C],14B          by using address baserange in EAX.
0042B110 C68007D4020004       MOV    BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+2D407],4 <------------------ Patch PUSH 6A01 -> 6A01 so ASProtect won't crash us.
0042B117 C7807FE10200683BB142 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2E17F],42B13B68 <-- Patching 9th redirection to goto cave part 9 by using
0042B121 66C78083E1020000C3   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+2E183],0C300        address baserange in EAX.
0042B12A 0518D40200           ADD    EAX, 2D418 <------------------------------------------------ Adding address return base to EAX.
0042B12F A336B14200           MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[42B136],EAX <------------------ Moving return address from EAX to PUSH instruction.
0042B134 61                   POPAD <------------------------------------------------------------------------ Restore registers(EAX).
0042B135 6800000000           PUSH   0 <------------------------------------------------------------------ Push return address.
0042B13A C3                   RETN <-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to return address.

Cave Part 9:
0042B13B 60                   PUSHAD <---------------------------------------------------------------------- Save registers(EAX).
0042B13C A1FCBF4200           MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[42BFFC] <---------------- Move address baserange into EAX.
0042B141 C7807FE102008B150427 MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2E17F],2704158B <-- Patching back original bytes to redirection 9 address
0042B14B 66C78083E102007B00   MOV    WORD PTR DS:[EAX+2E183],7B           by using address baserange in EAX.
0042B154 C6058D104000EB       MOV    BYTE PTR DS:[40108D],0EB <-------------------- Patching our NAG away
0042B15B 057FE10200           ADD    EAX, 2E17F <------------------------------------------------ Adding address return base to EAX.
0042B160 A367B14200           MOV    DWORD PTR DS:[42B167],EAX <------------------ Moving return address from EAX to PUSH instruction.
0042B165 61                   POPAD <------------------------------------------------------------------------ Restore registers(EAX).
0042B166 6800000000           PUSH   0 <------------------------------------------------------------------ Push return address.
0042B16B C3                   RETN <-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to return address.

Well thats it.
2005-10-26 14:17
雪    币: 108
活跃值: (42)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2005-10-26 16:48
雪    币: 200
活跃值: (13)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2005-11-2 19:56
雪    币: 180
活跃值: (59)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2005-11-2 22:27
雪    币: 200
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2005-11-16 16:27
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