发表于: 2013-8-13 16:34 7495
TITLE Row Sum Calculation (RowSumMacro.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
mCalc_row_sum MACRO index, arrayOffset, rowSize, eltType
; Calculates the sum of a row in a two-dimensional array.
; Receives: row index, offset of the array, number of bytes
; in each table row, and the array type (BYTE, WORD, or DWORD).
; Returns: EAX = sum.
push ebx ; save changed regs
push ecx
push esi
; set up the required registers
mov eax,index
mov ebx,arrayOffset
mov ecx,rowSize
; calculate the row offset.
mul ecx ; row index * row size
add ebx,eax ; row offset
; prepare the loop counter.
shr ecx,(TYPE eltType / 2) ; byte=0, word=1, dword=2
; initialize the accumulator and column indexes
mov eax,0 ; accumulator
mov esi,0 ; column index
IFIDNI <eltType>, <DWORD>
mov edx,eltType PTR[ebx + esi*(TYPE eltType)]
movzx edx,eltType PTR[ebx + esi*(TYPE eltType)]
add eax,edx ; add to accumulator
inc esi
loop L1
pop esi ; restore changed regs
pop ecx
pop ebx
tableB BYTE 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeB = ($ - tableB)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
tableW WORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeW = ($ - tableW)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
tableD DWORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeD = ($ - tableD)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
index DWORD ?
main PROC
; Demonstrate Base-Index mode:
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableB, RowSizeB, BYTE
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableW, RowSizeW, WORD
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableD, RowSizeD, DWORD
main ENDP
END main
TITLE Row Sum Calculation (RowSumMacro.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
mCalc_row_sum MACRO index, arrayOffset, rowSize, eltType
; Calculates the sum of a row in a two-dimensional array.
; Receives: row index, offset of the array, number of bytes
; in each table row, and the array type (BYTE, WORD, or DWORD).
; Returns: EAX = sum.
push ebx ; save changed regs
push ecx
push esi
; set up the required registers
mov eax,index
mov ebx,arrayOffset
mov ecx,rowSize
; calculate the row offset.
mul ecx ; row index * row size
add ebx,eax ; row offset
; prepare the loop counter.
shr ecx,(TYPE eltType / 2) ; byte=0, word=1, dword=2
; initialize the accumulator and column indexes
mov eax,0 ; accumulator
mov esi,0 ; column index
IFIDNI <eltType>, <DWORD>
mov edx,eltType PTR[ebx + esi*(TYPE eltType)]
movzx edx,eltType PTR[ebx + esi*(TYPE eltType)]
add eax,edx ; add to accumulator
inc esi
loop L1
pop esi ; restore changed regs
pop ecx
pop ebx
tableB BYTE 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeB = ($ - tableB)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
tableW WORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeW = ($ - tableW)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
tableD DWORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
RowSizeD = ($ - tableD)
DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
index DWORD ?
main PROC
; Demonstrate Base-Index mode:
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableB, RowSizeB, BYTE
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableW, RowSizeW, WORD
mCalc_row_sum index, OFFSET tableD, RowSizeD, DWORD
main ENDP
END main