发表于: 2005-10-8 09:26 4212


2005-10-8 09:26
00415BDA <>|> \8B08       mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]                 ;  假码奇数位->ecx,12E9EC
00415BDC   |.  8B7A 0C    mov edi,dword ptr ds:[edx+C]               ;  EFCDAB89->edi,(b)
00415BDF   |.  8B5A 10    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[edx+10]              ;  98BADCFE->ebx,(c)
00415BE2   |.  8B72 14    mov esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+14]              ;  10325476->esi,(d)
00415BE5   |.  894C24 2C  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+2C],ecx              ;  37353331(假码奇数位前4位)->[12e8b4]
00415BE9   |.  8BCF       mov ecx,edi                                ;  EFCDAB89(b)->ECX
00415BEB   |.  8B52 08    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx+8]               ;  67452301->edx,(a)
00415BEE   |.  8BEB       mov ebp,ebx                                ;  98BADCFE(c)->EBP
00415BF0   |.  F7D1       not ecx                                    ;  not b
00415BF2   |.  23CE       and ecx,esi                                ;  and d
00415BF4   |.  23EF       and ebp,edi                                ;  c and b
00415BF6   |.  0BCD       or ecx,ebp
00415BF8   |.  8B6C24 2C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]              ;  37353331(假码奇数位前4位)->ebp
00415BFC   |.  03CD       add ecx,ebp                                ;  f(b,c,d)+37353331(假码奇数位前4位)
00415BFE   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi                                ;  b->ebp
00415C00   |.  8D9411 78A>lea edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edx+D76AA478]
00415C07   |.  8BCA       mov ecx,edx
00415C09   |.  C1E9 19    shr ecx,19
00415C0C   |.  C1E2 07    shl edx,7                                  ;  ff(1)
00415C0F   |.  0BCA       or ecx,edx
00415C11   |.  8B50 04    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]               ;  65636139->edx
00415C14   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi                                ;  +b
00415C16   |.  895424 34  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34],edx              ; 
00415C1A   |.  8BD1       mov edx,ecx
00415C1C   |.  23E9       and ebp,ecx                                ;  b and
00415C1E   |.  F7D2       not edx
00415C20   |.  23D3       and edx,ebx
00415C22   |.  0BD5       or edx,ebp
00415C24   |.  8B6C24 34  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
00415C28   |.  03D5       add edx,ebp
00415C2A   |.  8DB432 56B>lea esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+esi+E8C7B756]
00415C31   |.  8BD6       mov edx,esi
00415C33   |.  C1EA 14    shr edx,14
00415C36   |.  C1E6 0C    shl esi,0C
00415C39   |.  0BD6       or edx,esi
00415C3B   |.  8B70 08    mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
00415C3E   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00415C40   |.  897424 3C  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],esi
00415C44   |.  8BF2       mov esi,edx
00415C46   |.  8BEA       mov ebp,edx
00415C48   |.  F7D6       not esi
00415C4A   |.  23F7       and esi,edi
00415C4C   |.  23E9       and ebp,ecx
00415C4E   |.  0BF5       or esi,ebp
00415C50   |.  8B6C24 3C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]
00415C54   |.  03F5       add esi,ebp
00415C56   |.  8BEA       mov ebp,edx
00415C58   |.  8D9C1E DB7>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+ebx+242070DB]
00415C5F   |.  8BF3       mov esi,ebx
00415C61   |.  C1EE 0F    shr esi,0F
00415C64   |.  C1E3 11    shl ebx,11
00415C67   |.  0BF3       or esi,ebx
00415C69   |.  8B58 0C    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00415C6C   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00415C6E   |.  895C24 20  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],ebx
00415C72   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415C74   |.  23EE       and ebp,esi
00415C76   |.  F7D3       not ebx
00415C78   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00415C7A   |.  0BDD       or ebx,ebp
00415C7C   |.  8B6C24 20  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
00415C80   |.  03DD       add ebx,ebp
00415C82   |.  8BEE       mov ebp,esi
00415C84   |.  8DBC3B EEC>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[ebx+edi+C1BDCEEE]
00415C8B   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
00415C8D   |.  C1E3 16    shl ebx,16
00415C90   |.  C1EF 0A    shr edi,0A
00415C93   |.  0BDF       or ebx,edi
00415C95   |.  8B78 10    mov edi,dword ptr ds:[eax+10]
00415C98   |.  03DE       add ebx,esi
00415C9A   |.  897C24 44  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+44],edi
00415C9E   |.  895C24 10  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10],ebx
00415CA2   |.  236C24 10  and ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415CA6   |.  F7D3       not ebx
00415CA8   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00415CAA   |.  0BDD       or ebx,ebp
00415CAC   |.  03DF       add ebx,edi
00415CAE   |.  8D8C0B AF0>lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[ebx+ecx+F57C0FAF]
00415CB5   |.  8BF9       mov edi,ecx
00415CB7   |.  C1EF 19    shr edi,19
00415CBA   |.  C1E1 07    shl ecx,7
00415CBD   |.  8B5C24 10  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415CC1   |.  0BF9       or edi,ecx
00415CC3   |.  8B48 14    mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+14]
00415CC6   |.  03FB       add edi,ebx
00415CC8   |.  894C24 48  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+48],ecx
00415CCC   |.  8BCF       mov ecx,edi
00415CCE   |.  F7D1       not ecx
00415CD0   |.  8BEB       mov ebp,ebx
00415CD2   |.  23CE       and ecx,esi
00415CD4   |.  23EF       and ebp,edi
00415CD6   |.  0BCD       or ecx,ebp
00415CD8   |.  8B6C24 48  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00415CDC   |.  03CD       add ecx,ebp
00415CDE   |.  8D9411 2AC>lea edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edx+4787C62A]
00415CE5   |.  8BCA       mov ecx,edx
00415CE7   |.  C1E9 14    shr ecx,14
00415CEA   |.  C1E2 0C    shl edx,0C
00415CED   |.  0BCA       or ecx,edx
00415CEF   |.  8B50 18    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+18]
00415CF2   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00415CF4   |.  895424 24  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+24],edx
00415CF8   |.  8BD1       mov edx,ecx
00415CFA   |.  8BE9       mov ebp,ecx
00415CFC   |.  F7D2       not edx
00415CFE   |.  23D3       and edx,ebx
00415D00   |.  23EF       and ebp,edi
00415D02   |.  0BD5       or edx,ebp
00415D04   |.  8B6C24 24  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
00415D08   |.  03D5       add edx,ebp
00415D0A   |.  8BE9       mov ebp,ecx
00415D0C   |.  8DB432 134>lea esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+esi+A8304613]
00415D13   |.  8BD6       mov edx,esi
00415D15   |.  C1EA 0F    shr edx,0F
00415D18   |.  C1E6 11    shl esi,11
00415D1B   |.  0BD6       or edx,esi
00415D1D   |.  8B70 1C    mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+1C]
00415D20   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00415D22   |.  897424 28  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+28],esi
00415D26   |.  8BF2       mov esi,edx
00415D28   |.  23EA       and ebp,edx
00415D2A   |.  F7D6       not esi
00415D2C   |.  23F7       and esi,edi
00415D2E   |.  0BF5       or esi,ebp
00415D30   |.  8B6C24 28  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
00415D34   |.  03F5       add esi,ebp
00415D36   |.  8BEA       mov ebp,edx
00415D38   |.  8D9C1E 019>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+ebx+FD469501]
00415D3F   |.  8BF3       mov esi,ebx
00415D41   |.  C1E6 16    shl esi,16
00415D44   |.  C1EB 0A    shr ebx,0A
00415D47   |.  0BF3       or esi,ebx
00415D49   |.  8B58 20    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax+20]
00415D4C   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00415D4E   |.  895C24 40  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+40],ebx
00415D52   |.  897424 10  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10],esi
00415D56   |.  236C24 10  and ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415D5A   |.  F7D6       not esi
00415D5C   |.  23F1       and esi,ecx
00415D5E   |.  0BF5       or esi,ebp
00415D60   |.  03F3       add esi,ebx
00415D62   |.  8B5C24 10  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415D66   |.  8BEB       mov ebp,ebx
00415D68   |.  8DBC3E D89>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+edi+698098D8]
00415D6F   |.  8BF7       mov esi,edi
00415D71   |.  C1EE 19    shr esi,19
00415D74   |.  C1E7 07    shl edi,7
00415D77   |.  0BF7       or esi,edi
00415D79   |.  8B78 24    mov edi,dword ptr ds:[eax+24]
00415D7C   |.  03F3       add esi,ebx
00415D7E   |.  897C24 1C  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],edi
00415D82   |.  8BFE       mov edi,esi
00415D84   |.  23EE       and ebp,esi
00415D86   |.  F7D7       not edi
00415D88   |.  23FA       and edi,edx
00415D8A   |.  0BFD       or edi,ebp
00415D8C   |.  8B6C24 1C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00415D90   |.  03FD       add edi,ebp
00415D92   |.  8D8C0F AFF>lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[edi+ecx+8B44F7AF]
00415D99   |.  8BF9       mov edi,ecx
00415D9B   |.  C1EF 14    shr edi,14
00415D9E   |.  C1E1 0C    shl ecx,0C
00415DA1   |.  0BF9       or edi,ecx
00415DA3   |.  8B48 28    mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+28]
00415DA6   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00415DA8   |.  894C24 38  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+38],ecx
00415DAC   |.  8BCF       mov ecx,edi
00415DAE   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi
00415DB0   |.  F7D1       not ecx
00415DB2   |.  23CB       and ecx,ebx
00415DB4   |.  23EE       and ebp,esi
00415DB6   |.  0BCD       or ecx,ebp
00415DB8   |.  8B6C24 38  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]
00415DBC   |.  03CD       add ecx,ebp
00415DBE   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi
00415DC0   |.  8D9411 B15>lea edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edx+FFFF5BB1]
00415DC7   |.  8BCA       mov ecx,edx
00415DC9   |.  C1E9 0F    shr ecx,0F
00415DCC   |.  C1E2 11    shl edx,11
00415DCF   |.  0BCA       or ecx,edx
00415DD1   |.  8B50 2C    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+2C]
00415DD4   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00415DD6   |.  895424 30  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+30],edx
00415DDA   |.  8BD1       mov edx,ecx
00415DDC   |.  23E9       and ebp,ecx
00415DDE   |.  F7D2       not edx
00415DE0   |.  23D6       and edx,esi
00415DE2   |.  0BD5       or edx,ebp
00415DE4   |.  8B6C24 30  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00415DE8   |.  03D5       add edx,ebp
00415DEA   |.  8BE9       mov ebp,ecx
00415DEC   |.  8D9C1A BED>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[edx+ebx+895CD7BE]
00415DF3   |.  8BD3       mov edx,ebx
00415DF5   |.  C1E2 16    shl edx,16
00415DF8   |.  C1EB 0A    shr ebx,0A
00415DFB   |.  0BD3       or edx,ebx
00415DFD   |.  8B58 30    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax+30]
00415E00   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00415E02   |.  895C24 50  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+50],ebx
00415E06   |.  895424 10  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10],edx
00415E0A   |.  236C24 10  and ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415E0E   |.  F7D2       not edx
00415E10   |.  23D7       and edx,edi
00415E12   |.  0BD5       or edx,ebp
00415E14   |.  8B6C24 10  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415E18   |.  03D3       add edx,ebx
00415E1A   |.  8BDD       mov ebx,ebp
00415E1C   |.  8DB432 221>lea esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+esi+6B901122]
00415E23   |.  8BD6       mov edx,esi
00415E25   |.  C1EA 19    shr edx,19
00415E28   |.  C1E6 07    shl esi,7
00415E2B   |.  0BD6       or edx,esi
00415E2D   |.  8B70 34    mov esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+34]
00415E30   |.  03D5       add edx,ebp
00415E32   |.  897424 18  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],esi
00415E36   |.  8BF2       mov esi,edx
00415E38   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00415E3A   |.  F7D6       not esi
00415E3C   |.  23F1       and esi,ecx
00415E3E   |.  0BF3       or esi,ebx
00415E40   |.  8B5C24 18  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
00415E44   |.  03F3       add esi,ebx
00415E46   |.  8DBC3E 937>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+edi+FD987193]
00415E4D   |.  8BF7       mov esi,edi
00415E4F   |.  C1EE 14    shr esi,14
00415E52   |.  C1E7 0C    shl edi,0C
00415E55   |.  0BF7       or esi,edi
00415E57   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00415E59   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415E5B   |.  F7D3       not ebx
00415E5D   |.  8BFB       mov edi,ebx
00415E5F   |.  23FD       and edi,ebp
00415E61   |.  8BEE       mov ebp,esi
00415E63   |.  23EA       and ebp,edx
00415E65   |.  0BFD       or edi,ebp
00415E67   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi
00415E69   |.  8B78 38    mov edi,dword ptr ds:[eax+38]
00415E6C   |.  897C24 4C  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+4C],edi
00415E70   |.  03EF       add ebp,edi
00415E72   |.  8D8C29 8E4>lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+ebp+A679438E]
00415E79   |.  8BF9       mov edi,ecx
00415E7B   |.  C1EF 0F    shr edi,0F
00415E7E   |.  8B40 3C    mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+3C]
00415E81   |.  C1E1 11    shl ecx,11
00415E84   |.  0BF9       or edi,ecx
00415E86   |.  894424 14  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],eax
00415E8A   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00415E8C   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00415E8E   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi
00415E90   |.  23C7       and eax,edi
00415E92   |.  F7D5       not ebp
00415E94   |.  8BCD       mov ecx,ebp
00415E96   |.  23DF       and ebx,edi
00415E98   |.  23CA       and ecx,edx
00415E9A   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
00415E9C   |.  8B4424 14  mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00415EA0   |.  03C8       add ecx,eax
00415EA2   |.  8B4424 10  mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00415EA6   |.  8D8401 210>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+eax+49B40821]
00415EAD   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
00415EAF   |.  C1E1 16    shl ecx,16
00415EB2   |.  C1E8 0A    shr eax,0A
00415EB5   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
00415EB7   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00415EB9   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00415EBB   |.  23C1       and eax,ecx
00415EBD   |.  23E9       and ebp,ecx
00415EBF   |.  0BD8       or ebx,eax
00415EC1   |.  8B4424 34  mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
00415EC5   |.  03D8       add ebx,eax
00415EC7   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00415EC9   |.  8D9C13 622>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[ebx+edx+F61E2562]
00415ED0   |.  8BD3       mov edx,ebx
00415ED2   |.  C1EA 1B    shr edx,1B
00415ED5   |.  C1E3 05    shl ebx,5
00415ED8   |.  0BD3       or edx,ebx
00415EDA   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00415EDC   |.  23C2       and eax,edx
00415EDE   |.  0BE8       or ebp,eax
00415EE0   |.  8B4424 24  mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
00415EE4   |.  03E8       add ebp,eax
00415EE6   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
00415EE8   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415EEA   |.  8DAC2E 40B>lea ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi+ebp+C040B340]
00415EF1   |.  23C2       and eax,edx
00415EF3   |.  8BF5       mov esi,ebp
00415EF5   |.  C1EE 17    shr esi,17
00415EF8   |.  C1E5 09    shl ebp,9
00415EFB   |.  0BF5       or esi,ebp
00415EFD   |.  8B6C24 30  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00415F01   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00415F03   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415F05   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00415F07   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415F09   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00415F0B   |.  8B6C24 2C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]
00415F0F   |.  8D8438 515>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+265E5A51]
00415F16   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00415F18   |.  C1EF 12    shr edi,12
00415F1B   |.  C1E0 0E    shl eax,0E
00415F1E   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
00415F20   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
00415F22   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00415F24   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415F26   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
00415F28   |.  23C6       and eax,esi
00415F2A   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00415F2C   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415F2E   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415F30   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00415F32   |.  8B6C24 48  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00415F36   |.  8D8408 AAC>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+E9B6C7AA]
00415F3D   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
00415F3F   |.  C1E1 14    shl ecx,14
00415F42   |.  C1E8 0C    shr eax,0C
00415F45   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
00415F47   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00415F49   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00415F4B   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415F4D   |.  23C7       and eax,edi
00415F4F   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00415F51   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415F53   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00415F55   |.  8D8410 5D1>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+D62F105D]
00415F5C   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
00415F5E   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00415F60   |.  C1E0 05    shl eax,5
00415F63   |.  C1EA 1B    shr edx,1B
00415F66   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00415F68   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00415F6A   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415F6C   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00415F6E   |.  23C1       and eax,ecx
00415F70   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00415F72   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415F74   |.  8B5C24 38  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]
00415F78   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00415F7A   |.  8D8430 531>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+2441453]
00415F81   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00415F83   |.  C1E0 09    shl eax,9
00415F86   |.  C1EE 17    shr esi,17
00415F89   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
00415F8B   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
00415F8D   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00415F8F   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415F91   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415F93   |.  23C2       and eax,edx
00415F95   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00415F97   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415F99   |.  8B5C24 14  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00415F9D   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00415F9F   |.  8D8438 81E>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+D8A1E681]
00415FA6   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00415FA8   |.  C1EF 12    shr edi,12
00415FAB   |.  C1E0 0E    shl eax,0E
00415FAE   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
00415FB0   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
00415FB2   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00415FB4   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415FB6   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
00415FB8   |.  23C6       and eax,esi
00415FBA   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00415FBC   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415FBE   |.  8B5C24 44  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]
00415FC2   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00415FC4   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00415FC6   |.  8D8408 C8F>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+E7D3FBC8]
00415FCD   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
00415FCF   |.  C1E1 14    shl ecx,14
00415FD2   |.  C1E8 0C    shr eax,0C
00415FD5   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
00415FD7   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00415FD9   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00415FDB   |.  F7D0       not eax
00415FDD   |.  23C7       and eax,edi
00415FDF   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00415FE1   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00415FE3   |.  8B5C24 1C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00415FE7   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00415FE9   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
00415FEB   |.  8D8410 E6C>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+21E1CDE6]
00415FF2   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00415FF4   |.  C1EA 1B    shr edx,1B
00415FF7   |.  C1E0 05    shl eax,5
00415FFA   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00415FFC   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00415FFE   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416000   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416002   |.  23C1       and eax,ecx
00416004   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00416006   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00416008   |.  8B5C24 4C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]
0041600C   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
0041600E   |.  8D8430 D60>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+C33707D6]
00416015   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00416017   |.  C1EE 17    shr esi,17
0041601A   |.  C1E0 09    shl eax,9
0041601D   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
0041601F   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
00416021   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00416023   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416025   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
00416027   |.  23C2       and eax,edx
00416029   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
0041602B   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
0041602D   |.  8B5C24 20  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
00416031   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00416033   |.  8D8438 870>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+F4D50D87]
0041603A   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
0041603C   |.  C1E0 0E    shl eax,0E
0041603F   |.  C1EF 12    shr edi,12
00416042   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
00416044   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
00416046   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00416048   |.  F7D0       not eax
0041604A   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
0041604C   |.  23C6       and eax,esi
0041604E   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
00416050   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00416052   |.  8B5C24 40  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00416056   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00416058   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
0041605A   |.  8D8408 ED1>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+455A14ED]
00416061   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
00416063   |.  C1E1 14    shl ecx,14
00416066   |.  C1E8 0C    shr eax,0C
00416069   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
0041606B   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
0041606D   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
0041606F   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416071   |.  23C7       and eax,edi
00416073   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
00416075   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
00416077   |.  8B5C24 18  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0041607B   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
0041607D   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
0041607F   |.  8D8410 05E>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+A9E3E905]
00416086   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00416088   |.  C1EA 1B    shr edx,1B
0041608B   |.  C1E0 05    shl eax,5
0041608E   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416090   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416092   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416094   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416096   |.  23C1       and eax,ecx
00416098   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
0041609A   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
0041609C   |.  8B5C24 3C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]
004160A0   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
004160A2   |.  8D8430 F8A>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+FCEFA3F8]
004160A9   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
004160AB   |.  C1EE 17    shr esi,17
004160AE   |.  C1E0 09    shl eax,9
004160B1   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
004160B3   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
004160B5   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
004160B7   |.  F7D0       not eax
004160B9   |.  8BDE       mov ebx,esi
004160BB   |.  23C2       and eax,edx
004160BD   |.  23D9       and ebx,ecx
004160BF   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
004160C1   |.  8B5C24 28  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
004160C5   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
004160C7   |.  8D8438 D90>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+676F02D9]
004160CE   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
004160D0   |.  C1EF 12    shr edi,12
004160D3   |.  C1E0 0E    shl eax,0E
004160D6   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
004160D8   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
004160DA   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
004160DC   |.  F7D0       not eax
004160DE   |.  8BDF       mov ebx,edi
004160E0   |.  23C6       and eax,esi
004160E2   |.  23DA       and ebx,edx
004160E4   |.  0BC3       or eax,ebx
004160E6   |.  8B5C24 50  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+50]
004160EA   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
004160EC   |.  8D8408 8A4>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+8D2A4C8A]
004160F3   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
004160F5   |.  C1E1 14    shl ecx,14
004160F8   |.  C1E8 0C    shr eax,0C
004160FB   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
004160FD   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004160FF   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00416101   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
00416103   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416105   |.  8B5C24 30  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00416109   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
0041610B   |.  8B6C24 40  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
0041610F   |.  8D8410 423>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+FFFA3942]
00416116   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00416118   |.  C1E0 04    shl eax,4
0041611B   |.  C1EA 1C    shr edx,1C
0041611E   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416120   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416122   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416124   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416126   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416128   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
0041612A   |.  8D8430 81F>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+8771F681]
00416131   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00416133   |.  C1EE 15    shr esi,15
00416136   |.  C1E0 0B    shl eax,0B
00416139   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
0041613B   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
0041613D   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
0041613F   |.  8BEE       mov ebp,esi
00416141   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416143   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416145   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00416147   |.  8B5C24 4C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]
0041614B   |.  8D8438 226>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+6D9D6122]
00416152   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00416154   |.  C1EF 10    shr edi,10
00416157   |.  C1E0 10    shl eax,10
0041615A   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
0041615C   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
0041615E   |.  33EF       xor ebp,edi
00416160   |.  8BC5       mov eax,ebp
00416162   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416164   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
00416166   |.  8D8408 0C3>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+FDE5380C]
0041616D   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
0041616F   |.  C1E1 17    shl ecx,17
00416172   |.  C1E8 09    shr eax,9
00416175   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
00416177   |.  8B4424 34  mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
0041617B   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
0041617D   |.  33E9       xor ebp,ecx
0041617F   |.  03E8       add ebp,eax
00416181   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416183   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416185   |.  8DAC2A 44E>lea ebp,dword ptr ds:[edx+ebp+A4BEEA44]
0041618C   |.  8BD5       mov edx,ebp
0041618E   |.  C1EA 1C    shr edx,1C
00416191   |.  C1E5 04    shl ebp,4
00416194   |.  0BD5       or edx,ebp
00416196   |.  8B6C24 44  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]
0041619A   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
0041619C   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
0041619E   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004161A0   |.  8B6C24 28  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
004161A4   |.  8D8430 A9C>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+4BDECFA9]
004161AB   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
004161AD   |.  C1EE 15    shr esi,15
004161B0   |.  C1E0 0B    shl eax,0B
004161B3   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
004161B5   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
004161B7   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004161B9   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
004161BB   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
004161BD   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004161BF   |.  8B6C24 38  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]
004161C3   |.  8D8438 604>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+F6BB4B60]
004161CA   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
004161CC   |.  C1EF 10    shr edi,10
004161CF   |.  C1E0 10    shl eax,10
004161D2   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
004161D4   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004161D6   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
004161D8   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
004161DA   |.  8BD8       mov ebx,eax
004161DC   |.  33DA       xor ebx,edx
004161DE   |.  03DD       add ebx,ebp
004161E0   |.  8D9C0B 70B>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[ebx+ecx+BEBFBC70]
004161E7   |.  8BCB       mov ecx,ebx
004161E9   |.  8B6C24 18  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
004161ED   |.  C1E1 17    shl ecx,17
004161F0   |.  C1EB 09    shr ebx,9
004161F3   |.  0BCB       or ecx,ebx
004161F5   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
004161F7   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
004161F9   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004161FB   |.  8B6C24 2C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]
004161FF   |.  8D8410 C67>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+289B7EC6]    ;  
00416206   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00416208   |.  C1E0 04    shl eax,4
0041620B   |.  C1EA 1C    shr edx,1C
0041620E   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416210   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416212   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416214   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416216   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416218   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
0041621A   |.  8B6C24 20  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0041621E   |.  8D8430 FA2>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+EAA127FA]
00416225   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00416227   |.  C1EE 15    shr esi,15
0041622A   |.  C1E0 0B    shl eax,0B
0041622D   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
0041622F   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00416231   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00416233   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416235   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416237   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00416239   |.  8B6C24 24  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
0041623D   |.  8D8438 853>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+D4EF3085]
00416244   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00416246   |.  C1EF 10    shr edi,10
00416249   |.  C1E0 10    shl eax,10
0041624C   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
0041624E   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00416250   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00416252   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
00416254   |.  8BD8       mov ebx,eax
00416256   |.  33DA       xor ebx,edx
00416258   |.  03DD       add ebx,ebp
0041625A   |.  8B6C24 1C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
0041625E   |.  8D9C0B 051>lea ebx,dword ptr ds:[ebx+ecx+4881D05]
00416265   |.  8BCB       mov ecx,ebx
00416267   |.  C1E1 17    shl ecx,17
0041626A   |.  C1EB 09    shr ebx,9
0041626D   |.  0BCB       or ecx,ebx
0041626F   |.  8B5C24 14  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00416273   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00416275   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416277   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00416279   |.  8B6C24 50  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+50]
0041627D   |.  8D8410 39D>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+D9D4D039]
00416284   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00416286   |.  C1EA 1C    shr edx,1C
00416289   |.  C1E0 04    shl eax,4
0041628C   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
0041628E   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416290   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416292   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
00416294   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
00416296   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00416298   |.  8D8430 E59>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+E6DB99E5]
0041629F   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
004162A1   |.  C1EE 15    shr esi,15
004162A4   |.  C1E0 0B    shl eax,0B
004162A7   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
004162A9   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
004162AB   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004162AD   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
004162AF   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
004162B1   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
004162B3   |.  8D8438 F87>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+1FA27CF8]
004162BA   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
004162BC   |.  C1EF 10    shr edi,10
004162BF   |.  C1E0 10    shl eax,10
004162C2   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
004162C4   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004162C6   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
004162C8   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
004162CA   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
004162CC   |.  8B5C24 3C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]
004162D0   |.  03C3       add eax,ebx
004162D2   |.  8D8408 655>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+C4AC5665]
004162D9   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
004162DB   |.  C1E8 09    shr eax,9
004162DE   |.  C1E1 17    shl ecx,17
004162E1   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
004162E3   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004162E5   |.  F7D0       not eax
004162E7   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
004162E9   |.  0BC1       or eax,ecx
004162EB   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
004162ED   |.  034424 2C  add eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]
004162F1   |.  8D8410 442>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+F4292244]    ;  
004162F8   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
004162FA   |.  C1E0 06    shl eax,6
004162FD   |.  C1EA 1A    shr edx,1A
00416300   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416302   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416304   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416306   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416308   |.  0BC2       or eax,edx
0041630A   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
0041630C   |.  034424 28  add eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
00416310   |.  8D8430 97F>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+432AFF97]
00416317   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00416319   |.  C1E0 0A    shl eax,0A
0041631C   |.  C1EE 16    shr esi,16
0041631F   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
00416321   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
00416323   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
00416325   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416327   |.  0BC6       or eax,esi
00416329   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
0041632B   |.  034424 4C  add eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]
0041632F   |.  8D8438 A72>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+AB9423A7]
00416336   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00416338   |.  C1EF 11    shr edi,11
0041633B   |.  C1E0 0F    shl eax,0F
0041633E   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
00416340   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
00416342   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
00416344   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416346   |.  0BC7       or eax,edi
00416348   |.  33C6       xor eax,esi
0041634A   |.  034424 48  add eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
0041634E   |.  8D8408 39A>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+FC93A039]
00416355   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
00416357   |.  C1E1 15    shl ecx,15
0041635A   |.  C1E8 0B    shr eax,0B
0041635D   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
0041635F   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
00416361   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
00416363   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416365   |.  0BC1       or eax,ecx
00416367   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
00416369   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
0041636B   |.  8B6C24 20  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0041636F   |.  8D8410 C35>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+655B59C3]
00416376   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
00416378   |.  C1EA 1A    shr edx,1A
0041637B   |.  C1E0 06    shl eax,6
0041637E   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416380   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416382   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416384   |.  F7D0       not eax
00416386   |.  0BC2       or eax,edx
00416388   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
0041638A   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
0041638C   |.  8B6C24 38  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]
00416390   |.  8D8430 92C>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+8F0CCC92]
00416397   |.  8BF0       mov esi,eax
00416399   |.  C1EE 16    shr esi,16
0041639C   |.  C1E0 0A    shl eax,0A
0041639F   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
004163A1   |.  8BC1       mov eax,ecx
004163A3   |.  03F2       add esi,edx
004163A5   |.  F7D0       not eax
004163A7   |.  0BC6       or eax,esi
004163A9   |.  33C2       xor eax,edx
004163AB   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004163AD   |.  8D8438 7DF>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edi+FFEFF47D]
004163B4   |.  8B6C24 34  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
004163B8   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
004163BA   |.  C1EF 11    shr edi,11
004163BD   |.  C1E0 0F    shl eax,0F
004163C0   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
004163C2   |.  8BC2       mov eax,edx
004163C4   |.  03FE       add edi,esi
004163C6   |.  F7D0       not eax
004163C8   |.  0BC7       or eax,edi
004163CA   |.  33C6       xor eax,esi
004163CC   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004163CE   |.  8B6C24 40  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
004163D2   |.  8D8408 D15>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx+85845DD1]
004163D9   |.  8BC8       mov ecx,eax
004163DB   |.  C1E1 15    shl ecx,15
004163DE   |.  C1E8 0B    shr eax,0B
004163E1   |.  0BC8       or ecx,eax
004163E3   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
004163E5   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
004163E7   |.  F7D0       not eax
004163E9   |.  0BC1       or eax,ecx
004163EB   |.  33C7       xor eax,edi
004163ED   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
004163EF   |.  8B6C24 14  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
004163F3   |.  8D8410 4F7>lea eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx+6FA87E4F]
004163FA   |.  8BD0       mov edx,eax
004163FC   |.  C1EA 1A    shr edx,1A
004163FF   |.  C1E0 06    shl eax,6
00416402   |.  0BD0       or edx,eax
00416404   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
00416406   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416408   |.  F7D0       not eax
0041640A   |.  0BC2       or eax,edx
0041640C   |.  33C1       xor eax,ecx
0041640E   |.  03C5       add eax,ebp
00416410   |.  8B6C24 24  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
00416414   |.  8DB430 E0E>lea esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+esi+FE2CE6E0]
0041641B   |.  8BC6       mov eax,esi
0041641D   |.  C1E8 16    shr eax,16
00416420   |.  C1E6 0A    shl esi,0A
00416423   |.  0BC6       or eax,esi
00416425   |.  8BF1       mov esi,ecx
00416427   |.  03C2       add eax,edx
00416429   |.  F7D6       not esi
0041642B   |.  0BF0       or esi,eax
0041642D   |.  33F2       xor esi,edx
0041642F   |.  03F5       add esi,ebp
00416431   |.  8B6C24 18  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
00416435   |.  8DBC3E 144>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+edi+A3014314]
0041643C   |.  8BF7       mov esi,edi
0041643E   |.  C1EE 11    shr esi,11
00416441   |.  C1E7 0F    shl edi,0F
00416444   |.  0BF7       or esi,edi
00416446   |.  8BFA       mov edi,edx
00416448   |.  03F0       add esi,eax
0041644A   |.  F7D7       not edi
0041644C   |.  0BFE       or edi,esi
0041644E   |.  33F8       xor edi,eax
00416450   |.  03FD       add edi,ebp
00416452   |.  8B6C24 44  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]
00416456   |.  8DBC0F A11>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+ecx+4E0811A1]
0041645D   |.  8BCF       mov ecx,edi
0041645F   |.  C1E1 15    shl ecx,15
00416462   |.  C1EF 0B    shr edi,0B
00416465   |.  0BCF       or ecx,edi
00416467   |.  8BF8       mov edi,eax
00416469   |.  03CE       add ecx,esi
0041646B   |.  F7D7       not edi
0041646D   |.  0BF9       or edi,ecx
0041646F   |.  33FE       xor edi,esi
00416471   |.  03FD       add edi,ebp
00416473   |.  8DBC17 827>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+edx+F7537E82]
0041647A   |.  8BD7       mov edx,edi
0041647C   |.  C1EA 1A    shr edx,1A
0041647F   |.  C1E7 06    shl edi,6
00416482   |.  0BD7       or edx,edi
00416484   |.  8BFE       mov edi,esi
00416486   |.  03D1       add edx,ecx
00416488   |.  F7D7       not edi
0041648A   |.  0BFA       or edi,edx
0041648C   |.  8B6C24 30  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00416490   |.  33F9       xor edi,ecx
00416492   |.  03FD       add edi,ebp
00416494   |.  8DBC07 35F>lea edi,dword ptr ds:[edi+eax+BD3AF235]
0041649B   |.  8BC7       mov eax,edi
0041649D   |.  C1E8 16    shr eax,16
004164A0   |.  C1E7 0A    shl edi,0A
004164A3   |.  0BC7       or eax,edi
004164A5   |.  8BF9       mov edi,ecx
004164A7   |.  03C2       add eax,edx
004164A9   |.  F7D7       not edi
004164AB   |.  0BF8       or edi,eax
004164AD   |.  33FA       xor edi,edx
004164AF   |.  03FB       add edi,ebx
004164B1   |.  8B5C24 1C  mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
004164B5   |.  8DB437 BBD>lea esi,dword ptr ds:[edi+esi+2AD7D2BB]
004164BC   |.  8BFE       mov edi,esi
004164BE   |.  C1EF 11    shr edi,11
004164C1   |.  C1E6 0F    shl esi,0F
004164C4   |.  0BFE       or edi,esi
004164C6   |.  8BF2       mov esi,edx
004164C8   |.  03F8       add edi,eax
004164CA   |.  F7D6       not esi
004164CC   |.  0BF7       or esi,edi
004164CE   |.  33F0       xor esi,eax
004164D0   |.  03F3       add esi,ebx
004164D2   |.  8D8C0E 91D>lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx+EB86D391]
004164D9   |.  8BB424 980>mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+98]
004164E0   |.  8B5E 08    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+8]
004164E3   |.  03DA       add ebx,edx
004164E5   |.  8BD1       mov edx,ecx
004164E7   |.  C1E2 15    shl edx,15
004164EA   |.  C1E9 0B    shr ecx,0B
004164ED   |.  0BD1       or edx,ecx
004164EF   |.  8B4E 10    mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+10]
004164F2   |.  895E 08    mov dword ptr ds:[esi+8],ebx               ;  A
004164F5   |.  8B5E 0C    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+C]
004164F8   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi
004164FA   |.  03D3       add edx,ebx
004164FC   |.  894E 10    mov dword ptr ds:[esi+10],ecx              ;  C
004164FF   |.  8B4E 14    mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+14]
00416502   |.  03D7       add edx,edi
00416504   |.  03C8       add ecx,eax
00416506   |.  8956 0C    mov dword ptr ds:[esi+C],edx               ;  B
00416509   |.  894E 14    mov dword ptr ds:[esi+14],ecx              ;  D
0041650C   |.  5F         pop edi
0041650D   |.  5E         pop esi
0041650E   |.  5D         pop ebp
0041650F   |.  5B         pop ebx
00416510   |.  81C4 84000>add esp,84
00416516   \.  C3         retn


免费 0
最新回复 (3)
雪    币: 442
活跃值: (1241)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:1130 )
00415BDA <>|> \8B08       mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]                 ;  假码奇数位->ecx,12E9EC
00415BDC   |.  8B7A 0C    mov edi,dword ptr ds:[edx+C]               ;  EFCDAB89->edi,(b)
00415BDF   |.  8B5A 10    mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[edx+10]              ;  98BADCFE->ebx,(c)
00415BE2   |.  8B72 14    mov esi,dword ptr ds:[edx+14]              ;  10325476->esi,(d)
00415BE5   |.  894C24 2C  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+2C],ecx              ;  37353331(假码奇数位前4位)->[12e8b4]
00415BE9   |.  8BCF       mov ecx,edi                                ;  EFCDAB89(b)->ECX
00415BEB   |.  8B52 08    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edx+8]               ;  67452301->edx,(a)

00415BEE   |.  8BEB       mov ebp,ebx                                ;  98BADCFE(c)->EBP
00415BF0   |.  F7D1       not ecx                                    ;  not b
00415BF2   |.  23CE       and ecx,esi                                ;  (not b) and d
00415BF4   |.  23EF       and ebp,edi                                ;  c and b
00415BF6   |.  0BCD       or ecx,ebp                                 ;  ((not b) and d) or (c and b)//F(x,y,z)函数
00415BF8   |.  8B6C24 2C  mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]              ;  37353331(假码奇数位前4位)->ebp
00415BFC   |.  03CD       add ecx,ebp                                ;  f(b,c,d)+37353331(假码奇数位前4位)//F()+Block[0]
00415BFE   |.  8BEF       mov ebp,edi                                ;  b->ebp
00415C00   |.  8D9411 78A>lea edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+edx+D76AA478]    ;  f(b,c,d)+Block[0]+a+常数
00415C07   |.  8BCA       mov ecx,edx
00415C09   |.  C1E9 19    shr ecx,19                                 ; x Shr (32 - N)
00415C0C   |.  C1E2 07    shl edx,7                                  ; x Shl N
00415C0F   |.  0BCA       or ecx,edx                                 ; x = (x Shl N) Or (x Shr (32 - N))   
00415C11   |.  8B50 04    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]               ;  65636139->edx
00415C14   |.  03CF       add ecx,edi                                ;  x+b
00415C16   |.  895424 34  mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34],edx              ; 保存,完成的一轮变换

2005-10-8 11:53
雪    币: 212
活跃值: (40)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2005-10-8 15:35
雪    币: 442
活跃值: (1241)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:1130 )
Block[]就是你待MD5经过填充后的字节串  (kanxue说是字节串,不是字符串)
2005-10-8 17:05
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