Hi to all.
In process of reversing many of us know that a serial routine is tied of computer datas like CPUID, motherboard serial, HDD serial, MAC ID etc.
A keygen can be composed more easely if we have all these datas already extracted.
I made a tool that do that for us in a instant.
Is developed in Framework 4 environment so make sure you have all windows updates installed.
I post here the program and the sourcecode if you want to develop furter this program or if you want any bug and you want to correct.
You can distribute this freely but mention the original developer.
Hope you can find this useful.
I have included the sourcecode also.
It extracts:
-Computer name
-Operating System
-Windows user
-Volume C: serial
-Drive model
-Drive serial number
-Part C: size (GB)
-Part C: free space (GB)
-Part C: filesystem
-Moterboard serial
-CPU name
-BIOS version
-BIOS serial
-NIC vendor
-Sound device name
-Date and time