[转帖]PSPad 4.5.7 Build 2450
发表于: 2013-1-26 01:11 2422

[转帖]PSPad 4.5.7 Build 2450

2013-1-26 01:11
PSPad 4.5.7 Build 2450

A small yet powerful programmer's editor that features syntax highlighting, HTML previewing and a FTP client

Written by Bogdan Popa on May 31st, 2012

PSPad is a comprehensive text and code editor that provides not only advanced text editing functions, but also many tools addressed to developers, regardless of the programming language they use.

The application has been specifically designed to serve a double purpose. It can easily replace the popular Wordpad and Notepad tools included in Windows and, in the same time, PSPad will prove its worth when dealing with complicated code syntax.

The ace up its sleeve is actually a mix between the excellent bundle of features and its quite easy to use and friendly interface. Since it was designed to help all types of users, PSPad comes with an impressive list of templates that includes PHP, Python, HTML, C++, Foxpro, XHTML and many others.

There are so many tools in there that some users may find PSPad a bit overwhelming at first glance, but it's just the way such an application is supposed to be in order to accommodate the needs of regular users and programmers alike.

Besides feature like syntax highlighting, macro recording or search and replace functions that are common to many similar apps, PSPad brings to the table much more. It comes with a full HEX editor, a FTP client so that you can edit files straight on the server, an internal web browser, a color translator and the code checking and formatting TiDy library.

All things considered, PSPad is definitely once of the top choices when it comes to code and text editing applications. It is designed for beginners as well as experienced programmer and comes with a great set of features to meet anyone's needs.

PSPad description

Here are some key features of "PSPad":

· work with projects
· work on several documents at the same time (MDI)
· Save desktop session to later reopen all open files
· FTP client - you can edit files directly from the web
· macro recorder to record, save and load macros
· search and replace in files
· text difference with color-coded differences highlighted
· templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...)
· installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...
· syntax highlighting auto set by file type
· user-defined highlighters for exotic environments
· auto correction
· inteligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla
· full HEX editor
· call external programs, different for each environment
· external compiler with catch command output, log window, log parser for each environment for "IDE" effect
· color syntax highlight printing and print preview
· integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML
· integrated free version of top CSS editor TopStyle Lite
· export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format into file or clipboard
· column block select, bookmarks, line numbers, ...
· reformat and compress HTML code, tags char case change
· line sorting with ability to sort on defined column, with option to drop duplicates
· ASCII chart with HTML entities
· Code explorer for Pascal, INI, HTML, XML, PHP, and more in future
· spell checker
· internal web browser with APACHE support
· matching bracket highlighting

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Code explorer for PVX

· Return of previous memory manager

Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:

· Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to download or install software or components (such as PSPad DB Toolbar) that the program does not require to fully function


[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)

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最新回复 (2)
雪    币: 98674
活跃值: (200999)
能力值: (RANK:10 )
PSPad editor 多国语言
PSPad是款免费的编辑器,支持简体中文界面。PSPad editor集各种编辑器的优点于一身,同时编辑多个文件,可以使用project;内置HEX编辑器;内置HEX编辑器;支持宏的录制和使用;支持语法高亮和彩色显示,HTML,PHP,Pascal,JScript,VBScript,SQL,Perl,JAVA...;内置文件比较工具;支持宏的录制和使用;内置FTP工具;可以针对不同的文件类型设置对应的外部工具;支持外部编译器。


2013-1-30 03:14
雪    币: 98674
活跃值: (200999)
能力值: (RANK:10 )
PSPad 4.5.7 Build 2450 / 4.5.8 Build 2453 Beta
What's new in PSPad 4.5.8 Build 2453 Beta:
February 18th, 2013
· Code explorer for SDL
· New TiDy.exe version with HTML5 support
· New keywords in Cobol highlighter
· New line comment style

What's new in PSPad 4.5.7 Build 2449 Beta:
August 16th, 2012
· Code explorer for PVX
· Return of previous memory manager

2013-2-19 02:01
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