【工具】Reflector, ildasm, OD, ultraedit
【研究软件】.NET Reflector
于是考虑第二种思路,直接加入IL代码。用ildasm打开,导出……非法操作了!!上网查找发现也有不少人碰到过这种问题,这是混淆器的另外一种功能,利用ildasm的bug可以使得ildasm crack掉,无法完整导出文件。可是没有人提出解决办法。
偶然发现ildasm是vc7编译的,于是我想起了老本行,打破这种僵局的唯一办法就是自己把ildasm的bug fix掉。用OD attach上ildasm线程(ildasm是启动后再自己创建一个线程运行的,不知道这样做的道理是什么,可能是想防止debug吧),运行,停在异常处,跟踪堆栈来到这里
00421892 |. FF91 D0000000 call dword ptr ds:[ecx+D0]
00421898 |. 0FB645 C4 movzx eax,byte ptr ss:[ebp-3C]
0042189C |. 8D48 FE lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-2] ; Switch (cases 2..12),这里ecx变成0xffffffff
0042189F |. 83F9 10 cmp ecx,10
004218A2 |. 0F87 87010000 ja ildasm.00421A2F ;跳到Default case
004218A8 |. FF248D 8E1A42>jmp dword ptr ds:[ecx*4+421A8E]
004218AF |> 0FB645 CC movzx eax,byte ptr ss:[ebp-34] ; Cases 4,5 of switch 0042189C
004218B3 |. 50 push eax
004218B4 |. 68 3C6E4000 push ildasm.00406E3C ; ASCII " = int8(0x%02X)"
004218B9 |. E9 0C010000 jmp ildasm.004219CA
004218BE |> 0FB745 CC movzx eax,word ptr ss:[ebp-34] ; Cases 6,7 of switch 0042189C
004218C2 |. 50 push eax
004218C3 |. 68 286E4000 push ildasm.00406E28 ; ASCII " = int16(0x%04X)"
004218C8 |. E9 FD000000 jmp ildasm.004219CA
00421A2F |> 57 push edi ; Default case of switch 0042189C
00421A30 |. FF75 D4 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-2C] ; /<%d>
00421A33 |. 8B3D 24134000 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCR71.sprintf>>; |MSVCR71.sprintf
00421A39 |. 50 push eax ; |<%02X>
00421A3A |. 68 4C6D4000 push ildasm.00406D4C ; |format = " /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x%02X, size:%d bytes, blob: "
00421A3F |. 56 push esi ; |s
00421A40 |. FFD7 call edi ; \sprintf
00421A42 |. 83C4 10 add esp,10
00421A45 |. 03F0 add esi,eax
00421A47 |. 837D CC 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp-34],0 ;buffer的长度,发现是个很大的数
00421A4B 74 1B je short ildasm.00421A68 ; 爆破,改成jmp
00421A4D |. 68 244D4000 push ildasm.00404D24 ; /format = "("
00421A52 |. 56 push esi ; |s
00421A53 |. FFD7 call edi ; \sprintf
00421A55 |. 59 pop ecx
00421A56 |. 59 pop ecx
00421A57 |. FF75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10] ; /Arg4
00421A5A |. FF75 D4 push dword ptr ss:[ebp-2C] ; |Arg3
00421A5D |. FF75 CC push dword ptr ss:[ebp-34] ; |Arg2
00421A60 |. 53 push ebx ; |Arg1
00421A61 |. E8 99FCFFFF call ildasm.004216FF ; 输出buffer的内容
00421A66 |. EB 0A jmp short ildasm.00421A72
00421A68 |> 68 446D4000 push ildasm.00406D44 ; ASCII "NULL"
00421A6D |. 56 push esi
00421A6E |. FFD7 call edi
00421A70 |. 59 pop ecx
00421A71 |. 59 pop ecx
00421A72 |> 68 406D4000 push ildasm.00406D40 ; /src = " */"
00421A77 |. 53 push ebx ; |dest
00421A78 |. E8 F1AB0000 call <jmp.&MSVCR71.strcat> ; \strcat
00421A7D |. 59 pop ecx
00421A7E |. 59 pop ecx
00421A7F |. 5F pop edi
00421A80 |> 8B4D FC mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
00421A83 |. 5E pop esi
00421A84 |. 5B pop ebx
00421A85 |. E8 97AB0000 call ildasm.0042C621
00421A8A |. C9 leave
00421A8B \. C2 0C00 retn 0C
00421A2F 这段是用于默认情况的处理,如果遇到ildasm不认识的标识位,就直接把缓冲的内容全部输出到il文件当中。正是这里使得ildasm发生越界访问错误。简单爆破一下,跳过缓冲区内容的输出。
00421A4B 74 1B je short ildasm.00421A68
00421A4B EB 1B jmp short ildasm.00421A68
再把有问题的那段il code简单修复一下
.class auto ansi sealed nested private _1
extends [mscorlib]System.Enum
.field public specialname rtspecialname int32 value__
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
.field public static literal specialname rtspecialname valuetype _3/_1 _Deleted /* ILLEGAL CONSTANT type:0x01, size:415192 bytes, blob: NULL */
} // end of class _1
.class auto ansi sealed nested private _1
extends [mscorlib]System.Enum
.field public specialname rtspecialname int32 value__
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum0 = int32 (0x00000000)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum1 = int32 (0x00000001)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum2 = int32 (0x00000002)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum3 = int32 (0x00000003)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum4 = int32 (0x00000004)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum5 = int32 (0x00000005)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum6 = int32 (0x00000006)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum7 = int32 (0x00000007)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum8 = int32 (0x00000008)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum9 = int32 (0x00000009)
.field public static literal valuetype _3/_1 enum10 = int32 (0x0000000a)
} // end of class _1
newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.InvalidOperationException::.ctor()
这两句IL相当于throw new InvalidOperationException(),把它尝试插入到代码中,如果程序抛InvalidOperationException,说明抛FileLoadException的语句在插入语句之后.经过一些分析调试,确认了FileLoadException是在这里抛出的:
public Application(IWindowManager windowManager)
this._1 = base.GetType().Assembly;
Type type1 = this._1.GetType("Reflector.ApplicationManager");
if (type1 == null)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(this._1);
using (Stream stream1 = this._1.GetManifestResourceStream("Reflector.resources")) {
this._1 = Assembly.Load(_2._1()); //没有抛出exception
type1 = this._1.GetType("Reflector.ApplicationManager", true);
object[] objArray1 = new object[1] { windowManager } ;
this._1 = (IServiceProvider) Activator.CreateInstance(type1, objArray1);//抛出FileLoadException
IL_00c4: callvirt instance unsigned int8[] _4::_1()
stloc.s temp
ldstr "C:\\out.dll"
newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.FileStream::.ctor(string,
valuetype [mscorlib]System.IO.FileMode,
valuetype [mscorlib]System.IO.FileAccess)
stloc.s fs
ldloc.s fs
ldloc.s temp
ldloc.s temp
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.Stream::Write(unsigned int8[], int32, int32)
ldloc.s fs
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.Stream::Close()
ldloc.s temp
IL_00c9: call class [mscorlib]System.Reflection.Assembly [mscorlib]System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(unsigned int8[])
.locals init (class [mscorlib]System.Type V_0,
class [mscorlib]System.IO.Stream V_1,
int32 V_2,
unsigned int8[] V_3,
unsigned int8 V_4,
unsigned int8 V_5,
int32 V_6,
class _3 V_7,
class _4 V_8,
object[] V_9,
unsigned int8[] temp,//增加
class [mscorlib]System.IO.FileStream fs)//增加
_3 _1 = new _3(new MemoryStream(buffer1));
_4 _2 = (_4) _1.Current;
byte[] buffer2 = _2._1(); //修改过的代码,原来是this._1 = Assembly.Load(_2._1());
FileStream stream2 = new FileStream(@"C:\out.dll", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); //添加的代码
stream2.Write(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); //添加的代码
this._1 = Assembly.Load(buffer2);//修改过的代码
type1 = this._1.GetType("Reflector.ApplicationManager", true);
1、 加入了反ildasm,利用ildasm的溢出漏洞来防止ildasm导出
2、 用了强名字,文件中有publickey信息,签名用的private key只有作者才有,文件被修改后签名信息必然会改变。
3、 混淆,并且构造大量不同类型、重名的类和变量,并用同一个命名空间,使得无法通过修改命名空间的字符串来进行区分两者,导出的源码也无法直接编译。
1、 把核心部分加密后作为resource保存,并利用Assembly.Load将解密后的核心部分动态加载
2、 利用.NET的机制,当核心部分检测到外壳的强名字无效时,拒绝运行