软件类别:国外软件/共享版/FTP 工具
.text:00406844 push 51h
.text:00406846 push offset aDick ; "dick" //用户名
.text:0040684B push 485h
.text:00406850 mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406855 call sub_44D5DA
.text:0040685A mov eax, dword_498238
.text:0040685F push ebp
.text:00406860 push offset aDick ; "dick"
.text:00406865 push eax
.text:00406866 call sub_41AF80
.text:0040686B add esp, 0Ch
.text:0040686E cmp eax, ebp
.text:00406870 jz loc_406902
.text:00406902 push 80h
.text:00406907 push offset aHotfire1258cn@ ; "hotfire1258cn@yahoo.com.cn" //邮箱
.text:0040690C push 486h
.text:00406911 mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406916 call sub_44D5DA
.text:0040691B mov ecx, dword_498238
.text:00406921 push ebp
.text:00406922 push offset aHotfire1258cn@ ; "hotfire1258cn@yahoo.com.cn"
.text:00406927 push ecx
.text:00406928 call sub_41B010
.text:0040692D add esp, 0Ch
.text:00406930 cmp eax, ebp
.text:00406932 jz loc_4069C7
.text:004069D7 xor eax, eax
.text:004069D9 mov edi, offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838" //作者将注册码
.text:004069DE rep stosd 定义为字符串。
.text:004069E0 push 20h
.text:004069E2 push offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:004069E7 push 484h
.text:004069EC mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:004069F1 call sub_44D5DA
.text:004069F6 mov ecx, 40h
.text:004069FB xor eax, eax
.text:004069FD mov edi, offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A02 push offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A07 push offset Caption ; "32bit FTP"
.text:00406A0C push offset aDick ; "dick"
.text:00406A11 rep stosd
.text:00406A13 call sub_417060
.text:00406A18 push offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A1D call sub_417020
.text:00406A22 push offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A27 call sub_417020
.text:00406A2C mov edi, offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A31 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406A34 xor eax, eax
.text:00406A36 push offset aCWindows32bitf ; "C:\\WINDOWS\\32bitftp.ini"
.text:00406A3B repne scasb //将注册码写入文件
.text:00406A3D not ecx
.text:00406A3F sub edi, ecx
.text:00406A41 push offset a303333343838_1 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A46 mov edx, ecx
.text:00406A48 mov esi, edi
.text:00406A4A mov edi, offset a303333343838_1 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A4F push offset aCurrentusersta ; "CurrentUserStatus"
.text:00406A54 shr ecx, 2
.text:00406A57 rep movsd
.text:00406A59 mov ecx, edx
.text:00406A5B push offset aConfigure ; "Configure"
.text:00406A60 and ecx, 3
.text:00406A63 rep movsb
.text:00406A65 call sub_426B60
.text:00406A6A mov edi, offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A6F or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406A72 xor eax, eax
.text:00406A74 add esp, 24h
.text:00406A77 repne scasb
.text:00406A79 not ecx
.text:00406A7B dec ecx
.text:00406A7C mov edi, offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A81 mov esi, offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A86 xor eax, eax
.text:00406A88 repe cmpsb
.text:00406A8A jnz short loc_406B07
.text:00406A8C mov edi, offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A91 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406A94 repne scasb
.text:00406A96 not ecx
.text:00406A98 dec ecx
.text:00406A99 mov edi, offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406A9E mov edx, ecx
.text:00406AA0 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406AA3 repne scasb
.text:00406AA5 not ecx
.text:00406AA7 dec ecx
.text:00406AA8 cmp ecx, edx
.text:00406AAA jnz short loc_406B07
.text:00406AAC mov dword_4981C4, ebp
.text:00406AB2 mov dword_463B60, 0C8h
.text:00406ABC push offset Caption ; "32bit FTP"
.text:00406AC1 push offset aThankYouForReg ; "Thank you for registering "
.text:00406AC6 push offset aSS_0 ; "%s%s!"
.text:00406ACB push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406AD0 call sub_4376B9
.text:00406AD5 add esp, 10h
.text:00406AD8 mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406ADD push 40h
.text:00406ADF push offset Caption ; "32bit FTP"
.text:00406AE4 push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406AE9 call sub_44C3BF
.text:00406AEE mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406AF3 mov dword_497E98, 0
.text:00406AFD call sub_449FDD
.text:00406B02 jmp loc_406D0C
.text:00406B07 loc_406B07: ; CODE XREF: .text:00406A8Aj
.text:00406B07 ; .text:00406AAAj
.text:00406B07 push 9
.text:00406B09 push offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406B0E push 484h
.text:00406B13 mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406B18 call sub_44D5DA
.text:00406B1D push offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406B22 call sub_41AE00
.text:00406B27 add esp, 4
.text:00406B2A mov dword_490D08, eax
.text:00406B2F test eax, eax
.text:00406B31 jle loc_406CE1
.text:00406B37 push offset aCWindows32bitf ; "C:\\WINDOWS\\32bitftp.ini"
.text:00406B3C push 800h
.text:00406B41 push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406B46 mov ecx, 200h
.text:00406B4B xor eax, eax
.text:00406B4D mov edi, offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846" //试用的临时注册码
.text:00406B52 push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406B57 push offset aCurrentusertmp ; "CurrentUserTmpReg"
.text:00406B5C rep stosd
.text:00406B5E push offset aConfigure ; "Configure"
.text:00406B63 call sub_4268A0
.text:00406B68 push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406B6D call sub_41AE00
.text:00406B72 add esp, 1Ch
.text:00406B75 test eax, eax
.text:00406B77 jnz loc_406C26
.text:00406B7D mov edi, offset a303333343838 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406B82 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406BC8 push eax
.text:00406BC9 push offset off_46A9C0
.text:00406BCE push offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406BD3 mov dword_49810C, eax
.text:00406BD8 call sub_4376B9
.text:00406BDD mov edi, offset a303333343838_0 ; "303333343838"
.text:00406BE2 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406BE5 xor eax, eax
.text:00406BE7 push offset aCWindows32bitf ; "C:\\WINDOWS\\32bitftp.ini"
.text:00406BEC repne scasb
.text:00406BEE not ecx
.text:00406BF0 sub edi, ecx
.text:00406BF2 push offset unk_490F44
.text:00406BF7 mov esi, edi
.text:00406BF9 mov edx, ecx
.text:00406BFB mov edi, offset unk_490F44
.text:00406C00 or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00406C03 repne scasb
.text:00406C05 mov ecx, edx
.text:00406C07 dec edi
.text:00406C08 shr ecx, 2
.text:00406C0B rep movsd
.text:00406C0D mov ecx, edx
.text:00406C0F push offset aCurrentusertmp ; "CurrentUserTmpReg"
.text:00406C14 and ecx, 3
.text:00406C17 push offset aConfigure ; "Configure"
.text:00406C1C rep movsb
.text:00406C1E call sub_426B60
.text:00406C23 add esp, 1Ch
.text:00406C85 cmp eax, ecx
.text:00406C87 jnb short loc_406CDB
.text:00406C89 push offset Caption ; "32bit FTP"
.text:00406C8E push offset aThankYouForReg ; "Thank you for registering "
.text:00406C93 push offset aSS_0 ; "%s%s!"
.text:00406C98 push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406C9D mov dword_4981C4, 2
.text:00406CA7 call sub_4376B9
.text:00406CAC add esp, 10h
.text:00406CAF mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406CB4 push 40h
.text:00406CB6 push offset Caption ; "32bit FTP"
.text:00406CBB push offset a1123298846 ; "1123298846"
.text:00406CC0 call sub_44C3BF
.text:00406CC5 mov ecx, offset off_477218
.text:00406CCA mov dword_497E98, 0
.text:00406CD4 call sub_449FDD
.text:00406CD9 jmp short loc_406D0C