Given the source code for a Visual C++ program, how do you generate a profile for each function called during the execution of the program, together with parameters and return values.
MS Visual C++ compiler has a rarely known compiler option /Gh, designed for hooking function calls. Once enabled, each function will call a user provided routine _penter. Withing the _penter routine, it's quite easy to get to the address of the original function caller, and parameters. With some stack manipulation, it's also possible to hook into each function return point to log function return values. These binary data can be decoded into more readable forms using a table of function information.
Implementation: a simple profiling library (profile.lib, do NOT compile with /Gh option)
Header File: Profile.h
// Copyright (C) 2000 by Feng Yuan (44aK9s2c8@1M7q4)9K6b7g2)9J5c8W2)9J5c8Y4N6%4N6#2)9J5k6h3k6W2L8X3N6&6N6h3q4F1i4K6u0W2j5$3!0E0i4K6t1&6
typedef struct
const void * function; // function address
const TCHAR * parameter; // formatting string for parameter decoding, '?' for class method
const TCHAR * returnval; // formatting string for return value decoding,
} Signature;
extern Signature FuncTable[]; // function signature table
void Expect(Signature * pSig); // expecting a call to record its address in its signature
Cpp File: Profile.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2000 by Feng Yuan (2c0K9s2c8@1M7q4)9K6b7g2)9J5c8W2)9J5c8Y4N6%4N6#2)9J5k6h3k6W2L8X3N6&6N6h3q4F1i4K6u0W2j5$3!0E0i4K6t1&6
#define STRICT
if ( pSig )
wsprintf(temp+depth*2, pSig->returnval, pStack[0]); // print return value in EAX register
wsprintf(temp+depth*2, "returns 0x%x", pStack[0]);
SP --;
pStack[0] = (unsigned) Stack[SP]; // change return address to point to original caller
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __cdecl _pexit(void)
push eax // function return value and placehold for return to original caller
pushad // save all general purpose registers
mov eax, esp // current stack pointer
add eax, 32 // stack pointer before pushad
push eax // push pointer to where EAX is saved as parameter to ExitFunc
call ExitFunc
popad // restore general registers
ret // return to original caller
// pStack[-8] : EDI general purpose registers saved on stack
// pStack[-7] : ESI
// pStack[-6] : EBP
// pStack[-5] : ESP
// pStack[-4] : EBX
// pStack[-3] : EDX usually 'this' pointer for an object
// pStack[-2] : ECX
// pStack[-1] : EAX
// pStack[0] : return address to the caller of _penter
// pStack[0]-5: first byte of caller function, for example WinMain
// pStack[1] : return address to the caller function
// pStack[2] : parameter1
// pStack[3] : parameter2
// pStack[4] : parameter3
// ...
// pStack[N+1]: parameterN
pCaller = (void *) (pStack[0] - 5); // the instruction for calling _penter is 5 bytes long
pSig = FuncTable;
while ( pSig->function ) // search in the signature table
const BYTE * func = (const BYTE *) pSig->function;
if ( (func==(const BYTE *) pCaller) || // release or debug with extra indirection (jmp)
( ( * func==0xE9 ) && ( (func + * (DWORD *) (func+1) + 5) == (const BYTE *) pCaller ) )
pSig ++;
strcpy(temp, " ");
if ( pSig->function ) // decode parameters
if ( pSig->parameter[0]=='?' ) // special marker for class method, need 'this' pointer in ECX register
wsprintf(temp+depth*2, pSig->parameter+1, pStack[-2], pStack[2], pStack[3], pStack[4], pStack[5], pStack[6]);
wsprintf(temp+depth*2, pSig->parameter, pStack[2], pStack[3], pStack[4], pStack[5], pStack[6]);
wsprintf(temp+depth*2, "%x(%x, %x, %x, ...)", pCaller, pStack[2], pStack[3], pStack[4]);
pSig = NULL;
Stack[SP++] = (void *) pStack[1]; // save return address to original caller
Stack[SP++] = pSig; // save functions signature
pStack[1] = (unsigned) _pexit; // HACK stack to link to _pexit
depth ++;
Signature * pExpect = NULL;
void Expect(Signature * pSig) // expecting a call to setup caller address
pExpect = pSig;
void _stdcall EnterFunc0(unsigned * pStack)
if ( pExpect ) // if expecting a call during setup
pExpect->function = (const void *) (pStack[0] - 5); // just record function address
pExpect = NULL;
EnterFunc(pStack); // process the call
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void __cdecl _penter(void)
pushad // save all general purpose registers
mov eax, esp // current stack pointer
add eax, 32 // stack pointer before pushad
push eax // push pointer to return address as parameter to EnterFunc0
call EnterFunc0
popad // restore general purpose registers
ret // start executing original function
Sample Program, compiled with /Gh option, link with profile.lib
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "profile\profile.h"
int gcd(int x, int y)
if ( x==0 )
return y;
return gcd(y % x, x);
int fac(int n)
if (n<=1)
return 1;
return n * fac(n-1);
Current implementation uses a single stack in global variables, so it can't handle multiple threading. Refer to Chapter 4 of Windows Graphics Programming for how to support multhreading in similar situation.
(Resolved) C++ support can be easily added by profiling a mechanism to specify whether this pointer is used and how it should be decoded.
/Gh compiler option is only available in MSVC professional and enterprise edition.