( LV2,RANK:10 )
2 楼
0xB48FB810 | 8BFF | mov edi, edi |
0xB48FB812 | 55 | push ebp |
0xB48FB813 | 8BEC | mov ebp, esp |
0xB48FB815 | 56 | push esi |
0xB48FB816 | FF75 14 | push dword ptr [ebp+14] | 参数4 out retLen
0xB48FB819 | 8B75 0C | mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+C] |
0xB48FB81C | FF75 10 | push dword ptr [ebp+10] | 参数3 int len
0xB48FB81F | 56 | push esi | 参数2 out PVOID infomation
0xB48FB820 | FF75 08 | push dword ptr [ebp+8] | 参数1 in systemInfomationclass
0xB48FB823 | FF15 100590B4 | call dword ptr [<&NtQuerySystemInformation>] 调用原 NtQuerySystemInformation
0xB48FB829 | 837D 08 05 | cmp dword ptr [ebp+8], 5 |
0xB48FB82D | 8945 14 | mov dword ptr [ebp+14], eax | 居然是 把 [EBP+14]=EAX
0xB48FB830 | 0F85 80000000 | jne B48FB8B6 |
0xB48FB836 | 85C0 | test eax, eax |
0xB48FB838 | 75 7C | jne short B48FB8B6 | 跳到 标记1
0xB48FB83A | 85F6 | test esi, esi |
0xB48FB83C | 74 78 | je short B48FB8B6 | 跳到 标记1
0xB48FB83E | FF15 58F48FB4 | call dword ptr [B48FF458] | 标记2 [B48FF458]= 804F03C8 返回当前EPROCESS 这个是 psGetCurrentProcess
0xB48FB844 | 50 | push eax | 这个 eax=EPROCESS
0xB48FB845 | E8 14FFFFFF | call B48FB75E | //判断函数 判断是否是在查询 moon.exe
0xB48FB84A | 85C0 | test eax, eax | 非0=moon.exe
0xB48FB84C | 74 68 | je short B48FB8B6 | 跳到 标记1
0xB48FB84E | E9 54380100 | jmp B490F0A7 | // 转到一个 jmp函数 很诡异
0xB48FB853 | 3275 C9 | xor dh, byte ptr [ebp-37] |
0xB48FB856 | DA3D 1B5FF3B5 | fidivr dword ptr [B5F35F1B] |
0xB48FB85C | E9 0FFF5919 | jmp CDE9B770 | // 这个地方好像跳往地方全是 0
0xB48FB861 | 0A5D 08 | or bl, byte ptr [ebp+8] |
0xB48FB864 | F6F6 | div dh |
0xB48FB866 | 76 D7 | jbe short B48FB83F | 跳到 标记2 是个循环哦
0xB48FB868 | F792 470B2756 | not dword ptr [edx+56270B47] |
0xB48FB86E | B6 AA | mov dh, AA |
0xB48FB870 | C781 41525AB9 8BB6D50A | mov dword ptr [ecx+B95A5241], AD5B68B |
0xB48FB87A | A1 A27B8F2E | mov eax, dword ptr [2E8F7BA2] |
0xB48FB87F | 3D 0797A9A0 | cmp eax, A0A99707 |
0xB48FB884 | 53 | push ebx |
0xB48FB885 | 6A 7A | push 7A |
0xB48FB887 | 35 981AD0EC | xor eax, ECD01A98 |
0xB48FB88C | 5F | pop edi |
0xB48FB88D | 9A DCB34B08 A8DD | call far DDA8:084BB3DC |
0xB48FB894 | AF | scas dword ptr es:[edi] |
0xB48FB895 | 24 19 | and al, 19 |
0xB48FB897 | EF | out dx, eax |
0xB48FB898 | 3965 A8 | cmp dword ptr [ebp-58], esp |
0xB48FB89B | 70 17 | jo short B48FB8B4 |
0xB48FB89D | 4B | dec ebx |
0xB48FB89E | 3C 8C | cmp al, 8C |
0xB48FB8A0 | 4C | dec esp |
0xB48FB8A1 | 95 | xchg eax, ebp |
0xB48FB8A2 | 3F | aas |
0xB48FB8A3 | 59 | pop ecx |
0xB48FB8A4 | EB 10 | jmp short B48FB8B6 | 跳到 标记1
0xB48FB8A6 | D9DD | fstp ebp | Illegal use of register
0xB48FB8A8 | 96 | xchg eax, esi |
0xB48FB8A9 | EB 8F | jmp short B48FB83A |
0xB48FB8AB | 1E | push ds |
0xB48FB8AC | F4 | hlt |
0xB48FB8AD | 6E | outs dx, byte ptr es:[edi] |
0xB48FB8AE | 2C 2B | sub al, 2B |
0xB48FB8B0 | 06 | push es |
0xB48FB8B1 | 91 | xchg eax, ecx |
0xB48FB8B2 | E8 54026E8B | call 3FFDBB0B
0xB48FB8B7 | 45 | inc ebp | 标记1
0xB48FB8B8 | 14 5E | adc al, 5E |
0xB48FB8BA | 5D | pop ebp |
0xB48FB8BB | C2 1000 | retn 10 |
( LV2,RANK:10 )
3 楼
HOOK的 NtQuerySystemInformation
| F4 | hlt |
0xB48FB8AD | 6E | outs dx, byte ptr es:[edi] |
C5D0 | lds edx, eax | Illegal use of register
这些很有问题啊 是不是被VM了啊 我还以为驱动就不会被VM哦
( LV9,RANK:200 )
4 楼
( LV2,RANK:10 )
5 楼
额 我也想问这问题
( LV2,RANK:10 )
6 楼
( LV9,RANK:200 )
7 楼
( LV2,RANK:10 )
8 楼
谢谢你 既然VM了就再慢慢研究了。一下子可能也搞不定