发表于: 2005-5-19 10:21 7594


2005-5-19 10:21


To learn the basic techniques required to modify the code segment of
a DOS COM file and to write a program with a practical application
that does so.


The program COMGUARD.COM is DOS application which modifies the code
segment of every other COM file in the same directory.  COMGUARD
adds code to each of these programs that requires the user to enter
a password in order to continue execution of the program.


Unlike the EXE file format, the programmer has no input into the
segment format of COM files.  All COM files consist of 1 segment
only, with no defined distinction between data and code.  After
DOS finishes some preparatory work, the COM file is loaded at
offset 100h.  The first 256 bytes are known as the Program Segment
Prefix(PSP).  Located at offset 80h is an important data structure
called the DTA or Data Transfer Area.  The DTA is important, but
most of the rest of the PSP can be ignored by the programmer.
Before actually starting execution of the COM program, DOS sets
up the stack at the top of the segment.


1. Search for files in current directory ending in ".com".
2. Open the file and read 1st 5 bytes.
3. Check to see if the file has already been modified by COMGUARD
   by checking if the values of the 4th and 5th bytes match the
   COMGUARD identification string of "CG".
4. Make sure the file is not really an EXE file because after
   DOS 6.0 some files ending in ".com" were really EXEs.
5. Make sure the file is not so large that when COMGUARD adds its
   code it doesn't exceed the 64k segment size.
6. If the file passes 3-5 then its ok to modify, so COMGUARD opens
   it and writes the authentication code to the end of the file.
7. Calculate the size of the jump to the authentication code and
   write the jump instruction along with the identificatioin
   string to the beginning of the file.
8. Jump to step #1 and repeat until all files in the current
   directory have been checked.


1. Jump to the authentication code at the end of the program body.
2. Calculate what virus writers call the Delta Offset.  This is
   necessary because data is always referenced by absolute
   addresses which will change with every program COMGUARD infects.
3. Ask for the password and if the answer is wrong, then quit to
4. If the password is correct, then restore the first 5 bytes of the
   file and continue execution from there just like COMGUARD never


Add the capability to modify the EXE file format as well.

.model tiny

        ORG        100h

        jmp        BEGINCODE                ;Jump the identification string
        DB        'CG'

        mov        ah, 4Eh                        ;Search for files matching filter
        mov        dx, offset filter
        int        21h

        jc        DONE
        mov        ax, 3D02h                ;Open file R/W
        mov        dx, 9Eh                        ;Filename, stored in DTA
        int        21h
        mov        bx, ax                        ;Save file handle in bx
        mov        ax, 3F00h                ;Read first 5 bytes from file
        mov        cx, 5
        mov        dx, offset obytes
        int        21h

        ;Check to see if file is already infected
        ;if it is, then skip it
        cmp        word ptr [obytes + 3], 'GC'
        je        NOINFECT

        ;Check to see if file is really an EXE
        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je NOINFECT

        ;Make sure file isn't too large
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;Size of file
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD + 100h
        jc        NOINFECT                ;If ax overflows then don't infect

        ;If we made it this far then we know the file is safe to modify
        xor        cx, cx                  ;cx = 0
        xor         dx, dx                        ;dx = 0
        mov        ax, 4202h                ;Move file pointer to the end of file
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4000h                ;Write the code to the end of file
        mov        dx, offset COMGUARD
        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4200h                ;Move file pointer to beginning of
        xor        cx, cx                        ; file to write jump
        xor         dx, dx
        int        21h

        ;Prepare the jump instruction to be written to beginning of file
        xor        ax, ax
        mov        byte ptr [bytes], 0E9h        ;opcode for jmp
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;size of the file
        sub        ax, 3                        ;size of the jump instruction
        mov        word ptr [bytes + 1], ax;size of the jump

        ;Write the jump
        mov        cx, 5;                        ;size to be written
        mov        dx, offset bytes
        mov        ax, 4000h
        int        21h

        mov        ah, 3Eh                        ;Close file
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4F00h                ;Find next file
        int        21h
        jmp        SLOOP


        mov        ax, 4C00h                ;DOS terminate
        int        21h

        call        GET_START

        pop        bp
        sub        bp, offset GET_START

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + prompt]       ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp + guess]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        CHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        READLOOP

        lea        di, [bp + guess]        ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp +passwd]        ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        FAIL                    ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        CHECKLOOP               ;Loop until you've read first 8

        mov        cx, 5
        lea        si, [bp + obytes]
        mov        di, 100h
        rep        movsb
        push        100h                        ;return from the jump to execute
        ret                             ;the host program

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + badpass]      ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

prompt        DB        'password: ','$'
badpass        DB        'Invalid password!','$'
passwd        DB         'smcrocks'
guess        DB        10 dup (0)
obytes        DB        0,0,0,0,0

filter        DB        '*.com',0
bytes        DB        0,0,0,'CG'




To learn the basic techniques required to modify the code segment of
a DOS EXE file and to write a program with a practical application
that does so.


The program DOSGUARD.COM is a DOS application which modifies the code
segment of every COM and EXE file in the same directory.  DOSGUARD
adds code to each of these programs that requires the user to enter
a password in order to continue execution of the program.


The EXE file format is much more complicated than the COM format.
The big differnece is that EXE files allow the program to specify
how it wants its segments to be laid out in memory, allowing
programs to exceed one 64k segment in size.  Most EXEs will have
seperate code, data, and stack segments.

All of this information is stored in the EXE Header.  Here's a brief
rundown of what the header looks like:

        Offset        Size        Field
        0        2        Signature.  Will always be 'MZ'
        2        2        Last Page Size.  Number of bytes on the last
                        page of memory.
        4        2        Page Count.  Number of 512 byte pages in the file.
        6        2        Relocation Table Entries.  Number of items in the
                        relocation pointer table.
        8        2        Header Size.  Size of header in paragraphs,
                        including the relocation pointer table.
        10        2        Minalloc
        12        2        Maxalloc
        14        2        Initial Stack Segment.
        16        2        Initial Stack Pointer.
        18        2        Checksum.  (Usually ignored)
        20        2        Initial Instruction Pointer
        22        2        Initial Code Segment
        24        2        Relocation Table Offset.  Offset to the start of
                        the relocation pointer table.
        26        2        Overlay Number.  Primary executables(the ones we
                        wish to modify) always have this set to zero.

Following the EXE header is the relocation pointer table, with a
variable amount of blank space between the header and the start of the
table.  The relocation table is a table of offsets.  These offsets are
combined with starting segment values calculated by DOS to point to a word
in memory where the final segment address is written.  Essentially, the
relocation pointer table is DOS's way to handle the dynamic placement of
segments into physical memory.  This isn't a problem with COM files
because there is only one segment and the program isn't aware of anything
else.  Following the relocation pointer table is another variable amount
of reserved space and finally the program body.

To succesfully add code to an EXE file requires careful manipulation of
the EXE header and relocation pointer table.


DOSGUARD is a small DOS utility that adds code to all DOS EXE and COM files
within the same directory it inhabits.  DOSGUARD will skip over windows
and OS/2 executables and will only modify those COM files which have
enough available space.  Also, it avoids modifying itself and files which
it has already changed.  Successfully modified files will prompt the user
to enter a password before running the program.         DOSGUARD serves as a
good example of the steps necessary to add modify the code of a DOS EXE
file.  Also, it demonstrates one practical application of code modification.

DOSGUARD begins by finding and infecting all the COM files in the same
directory.  This document will ignore the details of COM file modification
as that subject is covered sufficiently in the documentation of DOSGUARD's
little brother COMGUARD.  DOSGUARD borrow its COM file code directly from

Next, DOSGUARD has to search for EXE files and determine which ones it can
safely modify.  First of all, it checks the first 2 bytes of the file to
make sure that they are 'MZ', the signature which all EXE files have in
common.  After that, DOSGUARD ensures that the file hasn't already been
infected.  If the following caluation is true, then the file has already
been modified by DOSGUARD:

        (initial CS * 16) + 9Fh + size of EXE header in bytes == filesize

9Fh is the length(in bytes) of the code that DOSGUARD adds to the end of
each EXE file it infects.  So, the initial CS which is stored in the EXE
header, combined with the initial IP(which is always zero in this case so
it is left out of the calculation) is exactly 9Fh bytes from the end of the
file.  Those 2 figures plus the size of the EXE header(which is ignored by
the program when it determines segment offsets) equals the size of the file
if it has already been infected by DOSGUARD.  Also, DOSGUARD only infects
primary executables, so it checks to make sure the Overlay Number in the
EXE header is zero.

DOSGUARD also must avoid non-DOS executables like those for Windows or OS/2.
DOSGUARD does this by checking the offset to the relocation pointer table.
If the offset is greater than 40h, then the EXE could possibly be for
windows or OS/2.  The problem with this method is that it also causes
DOSGUARD to skip some valid DOS executables.  

Once a file has been deemed safe to modify, DOSGUARD copies its code to the
end of the file and determines the starting CS and IP for this code.  These
values will become the new starting segment values, so the new code will be
executed before the main program.  When the infected program is finished
executing, it will jump to the original starting CS and IP if the proper
password was given and execute the main program.


1.  Check the relocation pointer table to make sure there is room.

DOSGUARD has to add 2 entries to the relocation pointer table.  Each of
these pointers is a double word(4 bytes).  Since the relocation pointer
table is part of the EXE header and the header can't be a fraction of a
paragraph in size, there is a chance that the header will have to be
extended one paragraph in order to fit the extra 8 bytes.  Extending the
header requires reading in the entire file below the header and writing
it back out one paragraph down.  Also, the header will have to be modified
appropriately(Last Page Size, Page Count, and Header Size will need to be
updated).  In either case, the number of relocation table entries will need
to be increased by two in the header.

2.  Save original ss, sp, cs, and ip.

These four values must be copied from the EXE header and stored within the
code which will be added to the EXE file.

3.  Adjust file length to paragraph boundary.

In order to simplify the new code's starting IP, the file's length is
extended to a paragraph boundary(multiple of 16).  This causes the new code's
staring IP to always be zero and makes it easier to calculate the starting
code segment.

4.  Write code to the end of the file.

Write the code we want to add to the end of the EXE file.

5.  Adjust the EXE header and write it out to the file.

Make modifications to the EXE heder to reflect the changes we've made:

initial CS = (file size before we added our code) / 16 - (header size in paragraphs)
initial IP = 0
initlal SS = same as the initial CS (all of our code operates in one segment)
initial SP = size of the code we added + 100h
recalculate Last Page Size and Page Count
increase relocation table entires by 2

6.  Modify relocation table

We'll be adding two 4 byte pointers to the end of the relocation table.  The
segment for both of these pointers will be the same as the initial CS of our
code.  The offsets will point to the initial SS and initial CS.  In
DOSGUARD they correspond to the offsets "hosts" and "hostc+2".  So the end
result are two pointers which point to the location of the initial SS and
the initial CS of our code.   


There are several items which the code module we added must take into
consideration.  First of all, when its finished, the state of registers, etc.
must be exactly what the original program would expect them to be.  For
instance, ax is set by DOS to indicate whether or not the Drive ID stored in
the FCBs is valid.  So,  the value of ax must be preserved by our code.  Also,
the original program may expect other registers to be set to initial values
of zero.  And of course, the segment registers need to be restored after our
code's execution.

Another thing is that inserted code can't be dependent on absolute addresses
for its data.  Therefore, DOSGUARD accesses all data by its offset from the
end of the file.


The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses, 2nd Edition.  Mark Ludwig
DOS Programmer's Reference.  Terry R. Dettmann

.model tiny

        ORG        100h

        jmp        BEGINCODE                ;Jump the identification string
        DB        'CG'


        mov        dx, offset filter1
        call        FIND_FILES
        mov        dx, offset filter2
        call        FIND_FILES

        mov        ax, 4C00h                ;DOS terminate
        int        21h

;Procedure to find and then infect files

        mov        ah, 4Eh                        ;Search for files matching filter
        int        21h

        jc        DONE
        mov        ax, 3D02h                ;Open file R/W
        mov        dx, 9Eh                        ;Filename, stored in DTA
        int        21h
        mov        bx, ax                        ;Save file handle in bx
        mov        ax, 3F00h                ;Read first 5 bytes from file
        mov        cx, 5
        mov        dx, offset obytes
        int        21h

        ;Check to see if file is really an EXE
        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je         EXE

        ;Check to see if file is already infected
        ;if it is, then skip it
        cmp        word ptr [obytes + 3], 'GC'
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure file isn't too large
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;Size of file
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD + 100h
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;If ax overflows then don't infect

        ;If we made it this far then we know the file is safe to modify
        call        INFECT_COM
        jmp        NO_INFECT

        ;Read the EXE Header
        call         READ_HEADER
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;error reading file so skip it

        ;Make sure it hasn't already been infected
        ;If (initial CS * 16) + (size of EXEGUARD) + (size of header) == filesize
        ;  then the file has already been infected
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        dx, 16
        mul        dx
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+8]
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        ax, cx
        adc        dx, 0
        cmp        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        jne        EXEOK
        cmp        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure Overlay Number is 0
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+26], 0
        jnz        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure it is a DOS EXE (as opposed to windows or OS/2
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+24], 40h
        jae        NO_INFECT

        call         INFECT_EXE

        mov        ax, 4F00h                ;Find next file
        int        21h
        jmp        SLOOP



;Procedure to infect COM files
        xor        cx, cx                  ;cx = 0
        xor         dx, dx                        ;dx = 0
        mov        ax, 4202h                ;Move file pointer to the end of file
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4000h                ;Write the code to the end of file
        mov        dx, offset COMGUARD
        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4200h                ;Move file pointer to beginning of
        xor        cx, cx                        ; file to write jump
        xor         dx, dx
        int        21h

        ;Prepare the jump instruction to be written to beginning of file
        xor        ax, ax
        mov        byte ptr [bytes], 0E9h        ;opcode for jmp
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;size of the file
        sub        ax, 3                        ;size of the jump instruction
        mov        word ptr [bytes + 1], ax;size of the jump

        ;Write the jump
        mov        cx, 5;                        ;size to be written
        mov        dx, offset bytes
        mov        ax, 4000h
        int        21h

        mov        ah, 3Eh                        ;Close file
        int        21h


;Procedure to infect EXE files

        ;Check the relocation pointer table to see if there is
        ;room.  If there isn't then we'll have to make room.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];size of header in paragraphs
        add        ax, ax                  ;
        add        ax, ax                  ;Convert to double words.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Subtract # of entries each of
        add        ax, ax                  ;which is a double word and then
        add        ax, ax                  ;convert the final total to bytes.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+24];If there are 8 bytes left after
        cmp        ax, 8                    ;you subtract the offset to the
        jc        NOROOM                   ;reloc table then there is room.
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Not enough room in the relocation table so we are going to
        ;have to add a paragraph to the table.  As a result, we must
        ;read in the whole file after the relocation table and write
        ;it back out one paragraph down in memory.
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer to the end of
        mov        dx, word ptr [exehead+24]  ;the relocation pointer table.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];size of relocation table in doubles
        add        ax, ax                  ;* 4 to get bytes
        add        ax, ax
        add        dx, ax                  ;add that to start of table
        push        dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        pop     dx
        call        CALC_SIZE
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer
        call        READ_PAGE
        mov        dx, offset para
        call        READ_PARA
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        call        READ_PAGE
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        jne        MOVELOOP

        sub        word ptr [lps], 16
        mov        cx, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h
        push         cx
        mov        dx, cx
        neg        dx
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        ax, 4201h
        int        21h
        pop        cx
        add        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;Got to adjust the file size since it will be used later
        add        word ptr cs:[9Ah], 16
        adc        word ptr cs:[9Ch], 0

        ;Increment the header size within the EXE header
        add        word ptr cs:[exehead+8], 1

        ;Change Page Count and Last Page Size in EXE header
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+2], 496
        jae        ADDPAGE
        add        word ptr [exehead+2], 16
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Adjust the header to add a page if the 16 additional bytes run
        ;over to a new page.
        inc        word ptr [exehead+4]
        mov        ax, 512
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        dx, 16
        sub        dx, ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx

        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+14] ;save orig stack segment
        mov        [hosts], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+16] ;save orig stack pointer
        mov        [hosts+2], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+20] ;save orig ip
        mov        [hostc], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22] ;save orig cs
        mov        [hostc+2], ax

        mov        cx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;adjust file length to paragraph
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ah]   ;  boundary
        or        dl, 0Fh
        add        dx, 1
        adc        cx, 0
        mov        cs:[9Ch], cx
        mov        cs:[9Ah], dx
        mov        ax, 4200h                ;move file pointer to end of file
        int        21h                     ;plus boundary

        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD        ;write code to end
        mov        dx, offset EXEGUARD                     ;of the exe file
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        xor        cx, cx                        ;Move file pointer to beginning of file
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        ;adjust the EXE header and then write it back out
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]        ;calculate module's CS
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]      ;ax:dx contains orig file size
        mov        cx, 16                  ;CS = file size / 16 - header size
        div        cx
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];header size in paragraphs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+22], ax ;ax is now initial cs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+14], ax ;ax is now initial ss
        mov        word ptr [exehead+20], 0  ;initial ip
        mov        word ptr [exehead+16], offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 100h ;initial sp

        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;calculate new size file size
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 200h
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, 200h
        div        cx
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx
        add        word ptr [exehead+6], 2

        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;Write out the new header
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;modify relocatables table
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Get the # of relocatables
        dec        ax                      ;Position to add relocatable equals
        dec        ax                      ;(# - 2)*4 + table offset
        mov        cx, 4
        mul         cx
        add        ax, word ptr [exehead+24]
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, dx
        mov        dx, ax
        mov        ax, 4200h               ;move file pointer to position
        int        21h

        ;Use exehead as a buffer for relocatables.
        ;Put two pointers in this buffer, first points to ss in
        ;hosts and second points to cs in hostc.
        mov        word ptr [exehead], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 10
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 4
        mov        word ptr [exehead+6], ax
        mov        cx, 8
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h                   ;Write the 8 bytes.
        int        21h
        mov        ah, 3Eh                 ;Close the file.
        int        21h

        ret                             ;Done!

;Procedure to calculate the amount that needs to be written
        ;dx holds the position in the file where we want to start reading.
        ;So, the amount to read in and write back out is equal to the size
        ;of the file minus dx.

        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        word ptr [lps], cx           ;Copy Last Page Size into lps
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];Copy Num Pages into cx

        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]      ;If bytes to subtract are less than
        jbe        FINDLPS                 ;lps then just subtract them and exit
        mov        ax, dx
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        cx, 512
        div        cx                        ;ax = pages to subtract
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];dx = remainder to subtract from lps
        sub        cx, ax
        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]
        jbe        FINDLPS
        sub        cx, 1
        mov        ax, dx
        sub        ax, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, 512
        sub        dx, ax

        sub        word ptr [lps], dx      ;Subtract start position and leave
                                        ;Num Pages the same


;Procedure to read the EXE Header
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer back
        xor        dx, dx                  ;to the beginning of the file
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int         21h
        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;read exe header (28 bytes)
        mov        dx, offset exehead        ;into buffer
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h

        ret                                ;return with cf set properly

;Procedure to read a page
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 512
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to read a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 16
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 512
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -512
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a para
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -16
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move the paragraph buffer to the front
        push         cx

        mov        si, offset para
        mov        di, offset buffer
        mov        cx, 16
        rep        movsb

        pop        cx


;Code to add to COM files
        call        GET_START

        pop        bp
        sub        bp, offset GET_START

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + prompt]       ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp + guess]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        CHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        READLOOP

        lea        di, [bp + guess]        ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp +passwd]        ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        FAIL                    ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        CHECKLOOP               ;Loop until you've read first 8

        mov        cx, 5
        lea        si, [bp + obytes]
        mov        di, 100h
        rep        movsb
        push        100h                        ;return from the jump to execute
        ret                             ;the host program

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + badpass]      ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

prompt        DB        'password: ','$'
badpass        DB        'Invalid password!','$'
passwd        DB         'smcrocks'
guess        DB        10 dup (0)
obytes        DB        0,0,0,0,0


;Code to add to EXE files
        push        ax                        ;Save startup value in ax
        push         ds                        ;Save value of ds
        mov        ax, cs                  ;Put cs into ds and es
        mov        ds, ax
        mov        es, ax
        mov        bp, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        mov        ax, [bp-4]

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-57]                ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp-20]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        ECHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        EREADLOOP

        lea        di, [bp-20]                   ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp-28]              ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        EFAIL                   ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        ECHECKLOOP              ;Loop until you've read first 8

        pop        ds
        mov        ax, ds
        mov        es, ax
        pop        ax

        mov        ss, word ptr cs:[bp-10]
        mov        sp, word ptr cs:[bp-8]

               xor        cx, cx
        xor        dx, dx
        xor        bp, bp
        xor        si, si
        xor        di, di
        xor         ah, ah

        jmp        dword ptr cs:[ENDGUARD2-EXEGUARD-6]

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-46]                ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

eprompt        DB        'password: ','$'
ebadpass DB        'Invalid password!','$'
epasswd        DB         'smcrocks'
eguess        DB        10 dup (0)
hosts        DW        0, 0
hostc        DW        0, 0
delta        DW        0


filter1        DB        '*.com',0
filter2 DB      '*.exe',0
bytes        DB        0,0,0,'CG'
exehead DB        28 dup (0)
buffer        DB        512 dup (0)
para        DB        16 dup (0)
lps        DW        0


Dosguard with self-encryption.  

.model tiny

        ORG        100h

        jmp        BEGINCODE                ;Jump the identification string
        DB        'CG'


        mov        dx, offset filter1
        call        FIND_FILES
        mov        dx, offset filter2
        call        FIND_FILES

        mov        ax, 4C00h                ;DOS terminate
        int        21h

;Procedure to find and then infect files

        mov        ah, 4Eh                        ;Search for files matching filter
        int        21h

        jc        DONE
        mov        ax, 3D02h                ;Open file R/W
        mov        dx, 9Eh                        ;Filename, stored in DTA
        int        21h
        mov        bx, ax                        ;Save file handle in bx
        mov        ax, 3F00h                ;Read first 5 bytes from file
        mov        cx, 5
        mov        dx, offset obytes
        int        21h

        ;Check to see if file is really an EXE
        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je         EXE

        ;Check to see if file is already infected
        ;if it is, then skip it
        cmp        word ptr [obytes + 3], 'GC'
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure file isn't too large
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;Size of file
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD + 100h
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;If ax overflows then don't infect

        ;If we made it this far then we know the file is safe to modify
        call        INFECT_COM
        jmp        NO_INFECT

        ;Read the EXE Header
        call         READ_HEADER
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;error reading file so skip it

        ;Make sure it hasn't already been infected
        ;If (initial CS * 16) + (size of EXEGUARD) + (size of header) == filesize
        ;  then the file has already been infected
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        dx, 16
        mul        dx
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+8]
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        ax, cx
        adc        dx, 0
        cmp        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        jne        EXEOK
        cmp        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure Overlay Number is 0
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+26], 0
        jnz        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure it is a DOS EXE (as opposed to windows or OS/2
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+24], 40h
        jae        NO_INFECT

        call         INFECT_EXE

        mov        ax, 4F00h                ;Find next file
        int        21h
        jmp        SLOOP



;Procedure to infect COM files
        xor        cx, cx                  ;cx = 0
        xor         dx, dx                        ;dx = 0
        mov        ax, 4202h                ;Move file pointer to the end of file
        int        21h

        ;Encrypt the code before we write it out
        mov        si, offset ENCRYPTED    ;si and di set to address to start
        mov        di, si                  ;encrypting.
        in        al, 40h                 ;Grab random key from the system clock
        mov        [comkey], al            ;The encryption key
        mov        dl, al
        mov        cx, COMCRYPT - ENCRYPTED;Size of code to encrypt
        call        COMCRYPT                ;The encryption function

        mov        ax, 4000h                ;Write the code to the end of file
        mov        dx, offset COMGUARD
        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4200h                ;Move file pointer to beginning of
        xor        cx, cx                        ; file to write jump
        xor         dx, dx
        int        21h

        ;Prepare the jump instruction to be written to beginning of file
        xor        ax, ax
        mov        byte ptr [bytes], 0E9h        ;opcode for jmp
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;size of the file
        sub        ax, 3                        ;size of the jump instruction
        mov        word ptr [bytes + 1], ax;size of the jump

        ;Write the jump
        mov        cx, 5;                        ;size to be written
        mov        dx, offset bytes
        mov        ax, 4000h
        int        21h

        mov        ah, 3Eh                        ;Close file
        int        21h


;Procedure to infect EXE files

        ;Check the relocation pointer table to see if there is
        ;room.  If there isn't then we'll have to make room.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];size of header in paragraphs
        add        ax, ax                  ;
        add        ax, ax                  ;Convert to double words.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Subtract # of entries each of
        add        ax, ax                  ;which is a double word and then
        add        ax, ax                  ;convert the final total to bytes.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+24];If there are 8 bytes left after
        cmp        ax, 8                    ;you subtract the offset to the
        jc        NOROOM                   ;reloc table then there is room.
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Not enough room in the relocation table so we are going to
        ;have to add a paragraph to the table.  As a result, we must
        ;read in the whole file after the relocation table and write
        ;it back out one paragraph down in memory.
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer to the end of
        mov        dx, word ptr [exehead+24]  ;the relocation pointer table.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];size of relocation table in doubles
        add        ax, ax                  ;* 4 to get bytes
        add        ax, ax
        add        dx, ax                  ;add that to start of table
        push        dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        pop     dx
        call        CALC_SIZE
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer
        call        READ_PAGE
        mov        dx, offset para
        call        READ_PARA
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        call        READ_PAGE
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        jne        MOVELOOP

        sub        word ptr [lps], 16
        mov        cx, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h
        push         cx
        mov        dx, cx
        neg        dx
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        ax, 4201h
        int        21h
        pop        cx
        add        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;Got to adjust the file size since it will be used later
        add        word ptr cs:[9Ah], 16
        adc        word ptr cs:[9Ch], 0

        ;Increment the header size within the EXE header
        add        word ptr cs:[exehead+8], 1

        ;Change Page Count and Last Page Size in EXE header
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+2], 496
        jae        ADDPAGE
        add        word ptr [exehead+2], 16
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Adjust the header to add a page if the 16 additional bytes run
        ;over to a new page.
        inc        word ptr [exehead+4]
        mov        ax, 512
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        dx, 16
        sub        dx, ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx

        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+14] ;save orig stack segment
        mov        [hosts], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+16] ;save orig stack pointer
        mov        [hosts+2], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+20] ;save orig ip
        mov        [hostc], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22] ;save orig cs
        mov        [hostc+2], ax

        mov        cx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;adjust file length to paragraph
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ah]   ;  boundary
        or        dl, 0Fh
        add        dx, 1
        adc        cx, 0
        mov        cs:[9Ch], cx
        mov        cs:[9Ah], dx
        mov        ax, 4200h                ;move file pointer to end of file
        int        21h                     ;plus boundary

        ;Encrypt the code before we write it out
        mov        si, offset ENCRYPTED2   ;si and di set to address to start
        mov        di, si                  ;encrypting
        in        al, 40h                 ;grab random key from the system clock
        mov        [exekey], al            ;the encryption key
        mov        dl, al
        mov        cx, ENDENC - ENCRYPTED2  ;Size of code to encrypt
        call        EXECRYPT                ;The encryption function

        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD        ;write code to end
        mov        dx, offset EXEGUARD                     ;of the exe file
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        xor        cx, cx                        ;Move file pointer to beginning of file
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        ;adjust the EXE header and then write it back out
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]        ;calculate module's CS
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]      ;ax:dx contains orig file size
        mov        cx, 16                  ;CS = file size / 16 - header size
        div        cx
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];header size in paragraphs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+22], ax ;ax is now initial cs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+14], ax ;ax is now initial ss
        mov        word ptr [exehead+20], 0  ;initial ip
        mov        word ptr [exehead+16], offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 100h ;initial sp

        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;calculate new size file size
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 200h
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, 200h
        div        cx
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx
        add        word ptr [exehead+6], 2

        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;Write out the new header
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;modify relocatables table
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Get the # of relocatables
        dec        ax                      ;Position to add relocatable equals
        dec        ax                      ;(# - 2)*4 + table offset
        mov        cx, 4
        mul         cx
        add        ax, word ptr [exehead+24]
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, dx
        mov        dx, ax
        mov        ax, 4200h               ;move file pointer to position
        int        21h

        ;Use exehead as a buffer for relocatables.
        ;Put two pointers in this buffer, first points to ss in
        ;hosts and second points to cs in hostc.
        mov        word ptr [exehead], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 10
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 4
        mov        word ptr [exehead+6], ax
        mov        cx, 8
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h                   ;Write the 8 bytes.
        int        21h
        mov        ah, 3Eh                 ;Close the file.
        int        21h

        ret                             ;Done!

;Procedure to calculate the amount that needs to be written
        ;dx holds the position in the file where we want to start reading.
        ;So, the amount to read in and write back out is equal to the size
        ;of the file minus dx.

        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        word ptr [lps], cx           ;Copy Last Page Size into lps
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];Copy Num Pages into cx

        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]      ;If bytes to subtract are less than
        jbe        FINDLPS                 ;lps then just subtract them and exit
        mov        ax, dx
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        cx, 512
        div        cx                        ;ax = pages to subtract
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];dx = remainder to subtract from lps
        sub        cx, ax
        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]
        jbe        FINDLPS
        sub        cx, 1
        mov        ax, dx
        sub        ax, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, 512
        sub        dx, ax

        sub        word ptr [lps], dx      ;Subtract start position and leave
                                        ;Num Pages the same


;Procedure to read the EXE Header
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer back
        xor        dx, dx                  ;to the beginning of the file
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int         21h
        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;read exe header (28 bytes)
        mov        dx, offset exehead        ;into buffer
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h

        ret                                ;return with cf set properly

;Procedure to read a page
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 512
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to read a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 16
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 512
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -512
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a para
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -16
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move the paragraph buffer to the front
        push         cx

        mov        si, offset para
        mov        di, offset buffer
        mov        cx, 16
        rep        movsb

        pop        cx


;Code to add to COM files
        call        GET_START

        pop        bp
        sub        bp, offset GET_START    ;Calculate delta offset

        lea        si, [bp + ENCRYPTED]    ;Set si and di to address of the
        mov        di, si                  ;the encrypted code.
        mov        dl, [bp + offset comkey];Get the encryption key
        mov        cx, COMCRYPT - ENCRYPTED;Calculate size of code to decrypt
        call        COMCRYPT                ;Decrypt

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + prompt]       ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp + guess]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        CHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        READLOOP

        lea        di, [bp + guess]        ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp +passwd]        ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        FAIL                    ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        CHECKLOOP               ;Loop until you've read first 8

        mov        cx, 5
        lea        si, [bp + obytes]
        mov        di, 100h
        rep        movsb
        push        100h                        ;return from the jump to execute
        ret                             ;the host program

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + badpass]      ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

prompt        DB        'password: ','$'
badpass        DB        'Invalid password!','$'
passwd        DB         'smcrocks'
guess        DB        10 dup (0)
obytes        DB        0,0,0,0,0

;Code to en(de)crypt com files
COMCRYPT:                                    ;Simple xor encryption algorithim
        xor        al, dl
        loop        COMCRYPT


comkey        DB        1Fh


;Code to add to EXE files
        push        ax                        ;Save startup value in ax
        mov        bp, ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD;Calc offset of ENDGUARD2
        push         ds                        ;Save value of ds
        mov        ax, cs                  ;Put cs into ds and es
        mov        ds, ax
        mov        es, ax
        jmp        DECRYPT
;Code to en(de)crypt exe files
EXECRYPT:                                ;simple xor encryption algorithim
        xor        al, dl
        loop        EXECRYPT

        mov        di, bp                        ;Calculate the address of ENCRYPTED2
        sub        di, ENDGUARD2 - ENCRYPTED2
        lea        si, [di]                ;Set si and di to address of the
        mov        di, si                  ;encrypted code.
        mov        dl, [bp-2]              ;Read encryption key
        mov        cx, ENDENC - ENCRYPTED2 ;Calculate amount to decrypt
        call        EXECRYPT                ;Decrypt

        mov        ax, [bp-4]

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-57]                ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp-20]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        ECHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        EREADLOOP

        lea        di, [bp-20]                   ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp-28]              ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        EFAIL                   ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        ECHECKLOOP              ;Loop until you've read first 8

        pop        ds                      ;Restore registers and pass control
        mov        ax, ds                  ;to the main program.
        mov        es, ax
        pop        ax

        mov        ss, word ptr cs:[bp-10]
        mov        sp, word ptr cs:[bp-8]

               xor        cx, cx
        xor        dx, dx
        xor        bp, bp
        xor        si, si
        xor        di, di
        xor         ah, ah

        jmp        dword ptr cs:[ENDGUARD2-EXEGUARD-6]

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-46]                ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

eprompt        DB        'password: ','$'
ebadpass DB        'Invalid password!','$'
epasswd        DB         'smcrocks'

eguess        DB        10 dup (0)
hosts        DW        0, 0
hostc        DW        0, 0
exekey        DB        0
blank        DB        0


filter1        DB        '*.com',0
filter2 DB      '*.exe',0
bytes        DB        0,0,0,'CG'
exehead DB        28 dup (0)
buffer        DB        512 dup (0)
para        DB        16 dup (0)
lps        DW        0


A tutorial on DOS file modification based on what I learned from writing Dosguard.

::/ \::::::.
/|    \::::::::.
:|   _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\  \::::::::::.
:::\_____\:::::::::::.................................EXTENDING DOS EXECUTABLES
                                                           by Digital Alchemist

The reason behind this essay is to show how techniques first developed by virus
writers can be used for benevolent purposes.  It is my opinion that all
knowledge is good and viral techniques are certainly no exception.  I will lead
you through the development of a program called DOSGUARD which benignly
modifies DOS executables, both COM and EXE.

DOSGUARD is a DOS COM program which I developed in order to restrict access to
certain programs on my computer.  DOSGUARD modifies all of the COM and EXE
files in the current directory, adding code to each one that requires the user
to correctly enter a password before running the original program.

DOSGUARD, while sufficient for this article, could use a little work in the
realm of user friendliness.  More user feedback and a better way to specify
which files to be modified are needed.        In addition, I have written a version
of DOSGUARD that uses simple xor encryption to improve security.  

DOSGUARD was written using turbo assembler.

Unlike the EXE file format, the programmer has no input into the segment format
of COM files.  All COM files consist of 1 segment only, with no predefined
distinction between data and code.  After DOS finishes some preparatory work,
the COM file is loaded at offset 100h.  The first 256 bytes are known as the
Program Segment Prefix(PSP).  Located at offset 80h is an important data
structure called the DTA or Data Transfer Area.  The DTA is important, but most
of the rest of the PSP can be ignored by the programmer.  Before actually
starting execution of the COM program, DOS sets up the stack at the top of the
segment(the highest memory address).

1. Open the file and read 1st 5 bytes.
2. Make sure the file is not really an EXE file because after DOS 6.0 some
   files ending in ".com" were really EXEs.
3. Check to see if the file has already been modified by DOSGUARD by checking
   if the values of the 4th and 5th bytes match the DOSGUARD identification
   string of "CG".   
4. Make sure the file is not so large that when DOSGUARD adds its code it
   doesn't exceed the 64k segment size.
5. If the file passes 2-4 then its ok to modify, so DOSGUARD opens it and
   writes the code to the end of the file.
6. Calculate the size of the jump to the code we added and write the jump
   instruction along with the identification string to the beginning of the

I'll go over each of these steps in a little more detail with code snippets
where necessary.  The complete source code for DOSGUARD can be found at the
end of the article and at my web page.  Hopefully, the comments will be enough
to explain any areas I don't discuss in detail.

Essentially, the way DOSGUARD modifies COM files is by inserting a jump at the
beginning of the file which goes straight to the password authentication code,
located at the end of the file.  If the correct password is entered by the
user, then it will restore the 5 bytes that were overwritten by the jump and
the identification string and execute the program just like DOSGUARD was never

Once we've found a COM file, the first thing to do is open it.  Then, after
running some tests on the file, we can determine if it is suitable for
modification.  But first, we need to read the first 5 bytes because we'll
need them later.

        mov        ax, 3D02h                ;Open file R/W
        mov        dx, 9Eh                        ;Filename, stored in DTA
        int        21h
        mov        bx, ax                        ;Save file handle in bx
        mov        ax, 3F00h                ;Read first 5 bytes from file
        mov        cx, 5
        mov        dx, offset obytes
        int        21h

After DOS 6.0, some files with the COM extension are actually EXEs.  
COMMAND.COM, for instance, is one of these.  If we try to modify an EXE file as
if it were a COM file, then we're going to really screw things up.  To prevent
this, we make sure that the string "MZ" doesn't appear in the first two bytes of
the file.  "MZ" is the string which tells DOS that a file is an EXE.

        ;Check to see if file is really an EXE
        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je         EXE

If the file had been previously altered by DOSGUARD, then the 4th and 5th bytes
will contain the identification string "CG".  We need to make sure we skip files
that have this identification string.

        ;Check to see if file is already infected
        ;if it is, then skip it
        cmp        word ptr [obytes + 3], 'GC'
        je        NO_INFECT

Another thing to watch out for is the file's size.  If the file will exceed
one segment in size when we add our code, then the file is too big to modify.
        ;Make sure file isn't too large
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;Size of file from DTA
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD + 100h
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;If ax overflows then don't infect

If the file is a suitable candidate for modification, then we simply write our
code to the end of the file.  Also, we have to save the original first 5 bytes
from the file somewhere in your code.  In DOSGUARD's case, the 5 bytes are
already saved in the proper place because "obytes" is located within the code
which we are about to write.
        xor        cx, cx                  ;cx = 0
        xor         dx, dx                        ;dx = 0
        mov        ax, 4202h                ;Move file pointer to the end of file
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4000h                ;Write the code to the end of file
        mov        dx, offset COMGUARD
        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD
        int        21h

The final step is to calculate the size of the jump to our code and write the
opcode for the jump and the identification string over the first 5 bytes of the

        mov        ax, 4200h                ;Move file pointer to beginning of
        xor        cx, cx                        ; file to write jump
        xor         dx, dx
        int        21h

        ;Prepare the jump instruction to be written to beginning of file
        xor        ax, ax
        mov        byte ptr [bytes], 0E9h        ;opcode for jmp
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;size of the file
        sub        ax, 3                        ;size of the jump instruction
        mov        word ptr [bytes + 1], ax;size of the jump

        ;Write the jump
        mov        cx, 5;                        ;size to be written
        mov        dx, offset bytes
        mov        ax, 4000h
        int        21h

        mov        ah, 3Eh                        ;Close file
        int        21h

There are two problems which the inserted code has to deal with.  First, since
the code could be located at any arbitrary offset within the segment, it cannot
depend on the compiled absolute addresses of its data labels.  To solve this
problem we use a technique virus writers call the delta offset.  The delta
offset is the difference between the actual and compiled addresses of data.
Anytime our code accesses data in memory it adds the delta offset to the data's
compiled address.  The following piece of code finds the delta offset.

        call        GET_START
        pop        bp
        sub        bp, offset GET_START

The "call" pushes the current ip onto the stack, which is the actual address of
the label "GET_START."        Subtract the compiled address from the actual one and
there's our delta offset.

The second problem is to make sure the first 5 bytes of the host are restored to
their original values before we return from our jump and execute the host.

The EXE file format is much more complicated than the COM format.  The big
difference is that EXE files allow the program to specify how it wants its
segments to be laid out in memory, allowing programs to exceed one 64k segment
in size.  Most EXEs will have separate code, data, and stack segments.

All of this information is stored in the EXE Header.  Here's a brief rundown of
what the header looks like:

        Offset        Size        Field
        0        2        Signature.  Will always be 'MZ'
        2        2        Last Page Size.  Number of bytes on the last
                        page of memory.
        4        2        Page Count.  Number of 512 byte pages in the file.
        6        2        Relocation Table Entries.  Number of items in the
                        relocation pointer table.
        8        2        Header Size.  Size of header in paragraphs,
                        including the relocation pointer table.
        10        2        Minalloc
        12        2        Maxalloc
        14        2        Initial Stack Segment.
        16        2        Initial Stack Pointer.
        18        2        Checksum.  (Usually ignored)
        20        2        Initial Instruction Pointer
        22        2        Initial Code Segment
        24        2        Relocation Table Offset.  Offset to the start of
                        the relocation pointer table.
        26        2        Overlay Number.  Primary executables(the ones we
                        wish to modify) always have this set to zero.

Following the EXE header is the relocation pointer table, with a variable
amount of blank space between the header and the start of the table.  The
relocation table is a table of offsets.  These offsets are combined with
starting segment values calculated by DOS to point to a word in memory where
the final segment address is written.  Essentially, the relocation pointer
table is DOS's way to handle the dynamic placement of segments into physical
memory.  This isn't a problem with COM files because there is only one segment
and the program isn't aware of anything else.  Following the relocation pointer
table is another variable amount of reserved space and finally the program

To successfully add code to an EXE file requires careful manipulation of the EXE
header and relocation pointer table.

1.  Open the file and read the 1st 2 bytes(DOSGUARD actually reads 5).
2.  Check for EXE signature "MZ".
3.  Read the EXE header.
4.  Check the file for previous infection.
5.  Make sure that the Overlay Number is 0.
6.  Make sure the file is a DOS EXE.
7.  If the file passes 2-6 then it is ok to modify.  The first step is to check
    the relocation pointer table to see if there is room to add 2 pointers.  If
    there is room, then jump to step 9.
8.  If there isn't enough room in the relocation pointer table, then DOSGUARD
    has to make room.  It reads in the entire file after the relocation pointer
    table and writes it back out one paragraph higher in memory.
9.  Save the original ss, sp, cs, and ip.
10. Adjust the file length to paragraph boundary.
11. Write code to the end of the file.
12. Adjust the EXE header to reflect the new starting segments and file size.
13. Write out the header.
14. Modify the relocation pointer table.

The easiest way to think about EXE modification is to imagine that we are
adding a complete COM program to the end of the file.  Our code will occupy its
own segment located just after the host.  This one segment will serve as a code,
data, and stack segment just like in a COM program.  Instead of inserting a jump
to take us there, we will simply adjust the starting segment values in the EXE
header to point to our segment.

The same as with COM files, except that the only bytes we actually need are the
first two.  With EXE files we will use different methods for determining
previous modification(I try to avoid using the viral term "infection") and for
transferring execution to our code.

Check the first two bytes for the EXE signature "MZ".  If the file doesn't
start with "MZ," then it isn't a DOS EXE.

        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je         EXE

Now, DOSGUARD simply reads the EXE header into a 28 byte buffer.  Later, we
will make the necessary changes to the header and write it back out.

        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer back
        xor        dx, dx                  ;to the beginning of the file
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int         21h
        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;read exe header (28 bytes)
        mov        dx, offset exehead        ;into buffer
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h

We don't use a signature string to mark EXE files.  Instead, we compare the
code entry point with the size of the file.  If the file has been previously
modified by DOSGUARD, then we know that the distance of the code entry point
from the end of the file will be the length of the code that DOSGUARD adds.  To
put things in mathematical terms:

        (initial cs * 16) + (size of code DOSGUARD adds) + (size of header)

will equal the size of the file.  The initial cs times 16 is the code entry
point, of course.  You have to add the header size because it isn't loaded into
memory along with the rest of the code and data.

        ;Make sure it hasn't already been infected
        ;If (initial CS * 16) + (size of code) + (size of header) == filesize
        ;  then the file has already been infected
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        dx, 16
        mul        dx
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+8]
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        ax, cx
        adc        dx, 0
        cmp        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        jne        EXEOK
        cmp        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]
        je        NO_INFECT

Another simple test that needs to be done is to make sure that the Overlay
Number stored in the EXE header is 0.  The code for this is simple.

        ;Make sure Overlay Number is 0
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+26], 0
        jnz        NO_INFECT

This part is kind of tricky.  There are lots of files out there with the EXE
extension that aren't DOS executables.  Both Windows and OS/2 use this
extension as well, for instance.  To complicate matters, there isn't an easy
way to automatically distinguish DOS EXEs from the others.  The technique that
I use in DOSGUARD is to check the offset of the relocation pointer table and
make sure that it is less than 40h.  This should always detect Windows and OS/2
programs, but it sometimes raises false alarms on valid DOS files.

        ;Make sure it is a DOS EXE (as opposed to windows or OS/2)
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+24], 40h
        jae        NO_INFECT

Now that we know we have a file that we can modify we just have to determine if
its going to be easy to modify or a real pain.  Here's the deal.  The
relocation pointer table is always an even multiple of 16 bytes in size.  Each
pointer in the table is 4 bytes.  For our purposes, we need to add 2 pointers to
the table.  That means the table must have at least 8 bytes free in order to
leave it at its current size.  If it doesn't have room for two more pointers,
then we will have to make room.  That means reading in the whole file after the
table and writing it back out with 16 bytes more space for the table.

To find out if there is enough room, all you have to do is subtract the offset
of the relocation pointer table and the number of entries in the table from the
size of the header.  The result is the amount of free space in the table.  All
of this information can be found in the handy dandy EXE header.  Of course, you
have to take into account the units that each of these values are stored in
(bytes, paragraphs, etc.)

        ;Check the relocation pointer table to see if there is
        ;room.  If there isn't then we'll have to make room.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];size of header in paragraphs
        add        ax, ax                  ;
        add        ax, ax                  ;Convert to double words.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Subtract # of entries each of
        add        ax, ax                  ;which is a double word and then
        add        ax, ax                  ;convert the final total to bytes.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+24];If there are 8 bytes left after
        cmp        ax, 8                    ;you subtract the offset to the
        jc        NOROOM                   ;reloc table then there is room.
        jmp        HAVEROOM

The first thing to do is move the file pointer to the correct spot just after
the last entry in the relocation pointer table.

        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer to the end of
        mov        dx, word ptr [exehead+24]  ;the relocation pointer table.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];size of relocation table in doubles
        add        ax, ax                  ;* 4 to get bytes
        add        ax, ax
        add        dx, ax                  ;add that to start of table
        push        dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

Now, DOSGUARD calculates the amount which needs to be written.        This code is in
the function called CALC_SIZE.  When CALC_SIZE is finished, cx will hold the
number of pages and "lps" will hold the size of the last page since it probably
will not be a full 512 byte page.

        ;dx holds the position in the file where we want to start reading.
        ;So, the amount to read in and write back out is equal to the size
        ;of the file minus dx.
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        word ptr [lps], cx           ;Copy Last Page Size into lps
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];Copy Num Pages into cx
        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]      ;If bytes to subtract are less than
        jbe        FINDLPS                 ;lps then just subtract them and exit
        mov        ax, dx
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        cx, 512
        div        cx                        ;ax = pages to subtract
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];dx = remainder to subtract from lps
        sub        cx, ax
        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]
        jbe        FINDLPS
        sub        cx, 1
        mov        ax, dx
        sub        ax, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, 512
        sub        dx, ax

        sub        word ptr [lps], dx      ;Subtract start position and leave
                                        ;Num Pages the same

Once you know the amount of code you have to move, you have to come up with a
way to simultaneously read and write from the same file without overwriting
data that hasn't been read yet.  DOSGUARD's solution is to use a 16 byte
buffer.  DOSGUARD's move loop reads 528 bytes and writes out 512 bytes with each
iteration.  In other words, it reads 16 bytes ahead of where it is writing so
that it doesn't overwrite bytes before they're read.  DOSGUARD has a number of
functions for reading and writing pages, reading and writing paragraphs,  and
moving the file pointer around.  It also has one function for moving the 16
bytes at the end of the 528 byte buffer in memory to the front.  Well, I'll shut
up now and show you the code for the move loop.  

        mov        dx, offset buffer
        call        READ_PAGE
        mov        dx, offset para
        call        READ_PARA
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        call        READ_PAGE
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        jne        MOVELOOP

When DOSGUARD gets to the last page, it finishes things off by reading the last
fraction of a page and then writing out those bytes plus the 16 bytes that were
left buffered from the last iteration of the move loop.

        sub        word ptr [lps], 16
        mov        cx, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h
        push         cx
        mov        dx, cx
        neg        dx
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        ax, 4201h
        int        21h
        pop        cx
        add        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

Last, but not least, there is a little maintanence to do.

        ;Got to adjust the file size since it will be used later
        add        word ptr cs:[9Ah], 16
        adc        word ptr cs:[9Ch], 0

        ;Increment the header size within the EXE header
        add        word ptr cs:[exehead+8], 1

        ;Change Page Count and Last Page Size in EXE header
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+2], 496
        jae        ADDPAGE
        add        word ptr [exehead+2], 16
        jmp        HAVEROOM

Oh yeah, there is one more condition that needs to be handled here.  If the last
page was almost full(496 or more bytes), then adding 16 bytes to the file size
will overflow that page so you have to add a whole new page.

        ;Adjust the header to add a page if the 16 additional bytes run
        ;over to a new page.
        inc        word ptr [exehead+4]
        mov        ax, 512
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        dx, 16
        sub        dx, ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx

Whew!  Step 8 was a doozy, but now we're almost done.  All Step 9 requires of
us is to save the original segment values from our victim.  DOSGUARD saves
these values in the order that they are found within the EXE header.  

        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+14] ;save orig stack segment
        mov        [hosts], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+16] ;save orig stack pointer
        mov        [hosts+2], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+20] ;save orig ip
        mov        [hostc], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22] ;save orig cs
        mov        [hostc+2], ax

It will make things a little easier later on if the end of the file we are
about to modify lies on a paragraph boundary.  This way the starting ip for the
new code that we're adding will always be zero.
        ;adjust file length to paragraph boundary         
        mov        cx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]       
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ah]  
        or        dl, 0Fh
        add        dx, 1
        adc        cx, 0
        mov        cs:[9Ch], cx
        mov        cs:[9Ah], dx
        mov        ax, 4200h                ;move file pointer to end of file
        int        21h                     ;plus boundary

Finally, we can write our code to the file.  Just like with the COM file, we
will write our code to the end of the file.  The difference is in how we get
there when its time to execute it.  With COM files we used a jump.  With EXE
files we adjust the starting cs:ip to point to our code.

        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD        ;write code to end
        mov        dx, offset EXEGUARD                     ;of the exe file
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

With our code neatly tucked after the host program's code, its time to modify
the EXE header so that our code is the first to execute.  We also have to
adjust the size fields in the EXE header to take into account all the code we
just added.

The first thing to is figure out what the starting segment values need to be.
The starting cs will simply be the original file size divided by 16 minus the
header size.  The initial ip will be 0 because of Step 11.  In DOSGUARD's case
the ss will be the same as the cs and the sp will point to an address 256 bytes
after the end of our code.  256 bytes is plenty of room for DOSGUARD's stack.

        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]        ;calculate module's CS
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]   ;ax:dx contains orig file size
        mov        cx, 16                  ;CS = file size / 16 - header size
        div        cx
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];header size in paragraphs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+22], ax ;ax is now initial cs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+14], ax ;ax is now initial ss
        mov        word ptr [exehead+20], 0  ;initial ip
        mov        word ptr [exehead+16], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD + 100h ;initial sp

This next bit of code calculates the new file size, in pages of course.

        ;calculate new file size
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]       
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 200h
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, 200h
        div        cx
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx
        add        word ptr [exehead+6], 2

Now, we should be through with the header so we can write it back out to the

        ;Write out the new header
        mov        cx, 1Ch
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

Last, but not least, we have to modify the relocation pointer table.  First,
we need to move the file pointer to where we need to add the new entries.

        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Get the # of relocatables
        dec        ax                      ;Position to add relocatable equals
        dec        ax                      ;(# - 2)*4 + table offset
        mov        cx, 4
        mul         cx
        add        ax, word ptr [exehead+24]
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, dx
        mov        dx, ax
        mov        ax, 4200h               ;move file pointer to position
        int        21h
Now, we have to add two pointers to the table.  The first points to "hosts,"
which is the stack segment of the original program.  The second points to
"hostc+2," which holds the original program's code segment.

        ;Use exehead as a buffer for relocatables.
        ;Put two pointers in this buffer, first points to ss in
        ;hosts and second points to cs in hostc.
        mov        word ptr [exehead], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 10
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 4
        mov        word ptr [exehead+6], ax
        mov        cx, 8
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h                   ;Write the 8 bytes.
        int        21h
        mov        ah, 3Eh                 ;Close the file.
        int        21h

There are several items which the code module we added must take into
consideration.  First of all, when it is finished, the state of registers, etc.
must be exactly what the original program would expect them to be.  For
instance, ax is set by DOS to indicate whether or not the Drive ID stored in
the FCBs is valid.  So,  the value of ax must be preserved by our code.  Also,
the original program may expect other registers to be set to initial values
of zero.  And of course, the segment registers need to be restored after our
code's execution.

In order to actually restore control to the host, our code must restore ss and
sp to their original values.  Then, it jumps to the original cs:ip.

Also, inserted code can't be dependent on absolute addresses for its data.
Therefore, DOSGUARD accesses all data by its offset from the end of the file.

Hopefully, i've explained the techniques I used in developing DOSGUARD well
enough for you to develop your own binary modiying programs.  As I mentioned at
the beginning of this article, DOSGUARD has a lot a room for improvement.  If
you are interested then you should check out my web page and download the
source for ENCGUARD, a more secure version of DOSGUARD.  A nice way to extend
DOSGUARD would be to improve on the encryption techniques used in ENCGUARD.  If
I ever find the time I would like to write a Win32 version of DOSGUARD which
could safely modify the PE file format.  If I ever do embark on such a task,
I'll be sure to let the readers of Assembly Programming Journal know about it.

"The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses, 2nd edition" by Mark Ludwig

email:  jjsimpso@eos.ncsu.edu
web page: http://www4.ncsu.edu/~jjsimpso/index.html

Check out my web page for more information on my research into code
modification.  Also, feel free to email me with ideas, corrections,
improvements, etc.

---------------------------BEGIN DOSGUARD.ASM----------------------------------
.model tiny

        ORG        100h

        jmp        BEGINCODE                ;Jump the identification string
        DB        'CG'


        mov        dx, offset filter1
        call        FIND_FILES
        mov        dx, offset filter2
        call        FIND_FILES

        mov        ax, 4C00h                ;DOS terminate
        int        21h

;Procedure to find and then infect files

        mov        ah, 4Eh                        ;Search for files matching filter
        int        21h

        jc        DONE
        mov        ax, 3D02h                ;Open file R/W
        mov        dx, 9Eh                        ;Filename, stored in DTA
        int        21h
        mov        bx, ax                        ;Save file handle in bx
        mov        ax, 3F00h                ;Read first 5 bytes from file
        mov        cx, 5
        mov        dx, offset obytes
        int        21h

        ;Check to see if file is really an EXE
        cmp        word ptr[obytes], 'ZM'
        je         EXE

        ;Check to see if file is already infected
        ;if it is, then skip it
        cmp        word ptr [obytes + 3], 'GC'
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure file isn't too large
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;Size of file
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD + 100h
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;If ax overflows then don't infect

        ;If we made it this far then we know the file is safe to modify
        call        INFECT_COM
        jmp        NO_INFECT

        ;Read the EXE Header
        call         READ_HEADER
        jc        NO_INFECT                ;error reading file so skip it

        ;Make sure it hasn't already been infected
        ;If (initial CS * 16) + (size of EXEGUARD) + (size of header) == size
        ;  then the file has already been infected
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        dx, 16
        mul        dx
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+8]
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        cx, cx
        add        ax, cx
        adc        dx, 0
        cmp        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        jne        EXEOK
        cmp        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]
        je        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure Overlay Number is 0
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+26], 0
        jnz        NO_INFECT

        ;Make sure it is a DOS EXE (as opposed to windows or OS/2
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+24], 40h
        jae        NO_INFECT

        call         INFECT_EXE

        mov        ax, 4F00h                ;Find next file
        int        21h
        jmp        SLOOP



;Procedure to infect COM files
        xor        cx, cx                  ;cx = 0
        xor         dx, dx                        ;dx = 0
        mov        ax, 4202h                ;Move file pointer to the end of file
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4000h                ;Write the code to the end of file
        mov        dx, offset COMGUARD
        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD - offset COMGUARD
        int        21h

        mov        ax, 4200h                ;Move file pointer to beginning of
        xor        cx, cx                        ; file to write jump
        xor         dx, dx
        int        21h

        ;Prepare the jump instruction to be written to beginning of file
        xor        ax, ax
        mov        byte ptr [bytes], 0E9h        ;opcode for jmp
        mov        ax, ds:[009Ah]                ;size of the file
        sub        ax, 3                        ;size of the jump instruction
        mov        word ptr [bytes + 1], ax;size of the jump

        ;Write the jump
        mov        cx, 5;                        ;size to be written
        mov        dx, offset bytes
        mov        ax, 4000h
        int        21h

        mov        ah, 3Eh                        ;Close file
        int        21h


;Procedure to infect EXE files

        ;Check the relocation pointer table to see if there is
        ;room.  If there isn't then we'll have to make room.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];size of header in paragraphs
        add        ax, ax                  ;
        add        ax, ax                  ;Convert to double words.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Subtract # of entries each of
        add        ax, ax                  ;which is a double word and then
        add        ax, ax                  ;convert the final total to bytes.
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+24];If there are 8 bytes left after
        cmp        ax, 8                    ;you subtract the offset to the
        jc        NOROOM                   ;reloc table then there is room.
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Not enough room in the relocation table so we are going to
        ;have to add a paragraph to the table.  As a result, we must
        ;read in the whole file after the relocation table and write
        ;it back out one paragraph down in memory.
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer to the end of
        mov        dx, word ptr [exehead+24]  ;the relocation pointer table.
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];size of relocation table in doubles
        add        ax, ax                  ;* 4 to get bytes
        add        ax, ax
        add        dx, ax                  ;add that to start of table
        push        dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        pop     dx
        call        CALC_SIZE
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer
        call        READ_PAGE
        mov        dx, offset para
        call        READ_PARA
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        je        LASTPAGE

        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        call        READ_PAGE
        call        DECFP_PAGE
        call        WRITE_PAGE
        call        MOVE_PARA
        dec        cx
        cmp        cx, 1
        jne        MOVELOOP

        sub        word ptr [lps], 16
        mov        cx, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, offset buffer + 16
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h
        push         cx
        mov        dx, cx
        neg        dx
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        ax, 4201h
        int        21h
        pop        cx
        add        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;Got to adjust the file size since it will be used later
        add        word ptr cs:[9Ah], 16
        adc        word ptr cs:[9Ch], 0

        ;Increment the header size within the EXE header
        add        word ptr cs:[exehead+8], 1

        ;Change Page Count and Last Page Size in EXE header
        cmp        word ptr [exehead+2], 496
        jae        ADDPAGE
        add        word ptr [exehead+2], 16
        jmp        HAVEROOM

        ;Adjust the header to add a page if the 16 additional bytes run
        ;over to a new page.
        inc        word ptr [exehead+4]
        mov        ax, 512
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        dx, 16
        sub        dx, ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx

        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+14] ;save orig stack segment
        mov        [hosts], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+16] ;save orig stack pointer
        mov        [hosts+2], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+20] ;save orig ip
        mov        [hostc], ax
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22] ;save orig cs
        mov        [hostc+2], ax

        mov        cx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;adjust file length to paragraph
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ah]   ;  boundary
        or        dl, 0Fh
        add        dx, 1
        adc        cx, 0
        mov        cs:[9Ch], cx
        mov        cs:[9Ah], dx
        mov        ax, 4200h                ;move file pointer to end of file
        int        21h                     ;plus boundary

        mov        cx, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD        ;write code to end
        mov        dx, offset EXEGUARD                     ;of the exe file
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        xor        cx, cx                        ;Move file pointer to beginning of file
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int        21h

        ;adjust the EXE header and then write it back out
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]        ;calculate module's CS
        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]      ;ax:dx contains orig file size
        mov        cx, 16                  ;CS = file size / 16 - header size
        div        cx
        sub        ax, word ptr [exehead+8];header size in paragraphs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+22], ax ;ax is now initial cs
        mov        word ptr [exehead+14], ax ;ax is now initial ss
        mov        word ptr [exehead+20], 0  ;initial ip
        mov        word ptr [exehead+16], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD + 100h ;initial sp

        mov        dx, word ptr cs:[9Ch]        ;calculate new size file size
        mov        ax, word ptr cs:[9Ah]
        add        ax, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD + 200h
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, 200h
        div        cx
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], dx
        add        word ptr [exehead+6], 2

        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;Write out the new header
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h
        int        21h

        ;modify relocatables table
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+6];Get the # of relocatables
        dec        ax                      ;Position to add relocatable equals
        dec        ax                      ;(# - 2)*4 + table offset
        mov        cx, 4
        mul         cx
        add        ax, word ptr [exehead+24]
        adc        dx, 0
        mov        cx, dx
        mov        dx, ax
        mov        ax, 4200h               ;move file pointer to position
        int        21h

        ;Use exehead as a buffer for relocatables.
        ;Put two pointers in this buffer, first points to ss in
        ;hosts and second points to cs in hostc.
        mov        word ptr [exehead], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 10
        mov        ax, word ptr [exehead+22]
        mov        word ptr [exehead+2], ax
        mov        word ptr [exehead+4], ENDGUARD2 - EXEGUARD - 4
        mov        word ptr [exehead+6], ax
        mov        cx, 8
        mov        dx, offset exehead
        mov        ah, 40h                   ;Write the 8 bytes.
        int        21h
        mov        ah, 3Eh                 ;Close the file.
        int        21h

        ret                             ;Done!

;Procedure to calculate the amount that needs to be written
        ;dx holds the position in the file where we want to start reading.
        ;So, the amount to read in and write back out is equal to the size
        ;of the file minus dx.

        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+2]
        mov        word ptr [lps], cx           ;Copy Last Page Size into lps
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];Copy Num Pages into cx

        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]      ;If bytes to subtract are less than
        jbe        FINDLPS                 ;lps then just subtract them and exit
        mov        ax, dx
        xor        dx, dx
        mov        cx, 512
        div        cx                        ;ax = pages to subtract
        mov        cx, word ptr [exehead+4];dx = remainder to subtract from lps
        sub        cx, ax
        cmp        dx, word ptr [lps]
        jbe        FINDLPS
        sub        cx, 1
        mov        ax, dx
        sub        ax, word ptr [lps]
        mov        dx, 512
        sub        dx, ax

        sub        word ptr [lps], dx      ;Subtract start position and leave
                                        ;Num Pages the same


;Procedure to read the EXE Header
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Move the file pointer back
        xor        dx, dx                  ;to the beginning of the file
        mov        ax, 4200h
        int         21h
        mov        cx, 1Ch                        ;read exe header (28 bytes)
        mov        dx, offset exehead        ;into buffer
        mov        ah, 3Fh
        int        21h

        ret                                ;return with cf set properly

;Procedure to read a page
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 512
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to read a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx

        mov        ah, 3Fh
        mov        cx, 16
        int        21h

        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 512
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to write a paragraph
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ah, 40h
        mov        cx, 16
        mov        dx, offset buffer
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a page
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -512
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move file pointer back a para
        push        ax
        push        cx
        push        dx

        mov        ax, 4201h
        mov        cx, -1
        mov        dx, -16
        int        21h

        pop        dx
        pop        cx
        pop        ax


;Procedure to move the paragraph buffer to the front
        push         cx

        mov        si, offset para
        mov        di, offset buffer
        mov        cx, 16
        rep        movsb

        pop        cx


;Code to add to COM files
        call        GET_START

        pop        bp
        sub        bp, offset GET_START

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + prompt]       ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp + guess]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        CHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        READLOOP

        lea        di, [bp + guess]        ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp +passwd]        ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        FAIL                    ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        CHECKLOOP               ;Loop until you've read first 8

        mov        cx, 5
        lea        si, [bp + obytes]
        mov        di, 100h
        rep        movsb
        push        100h                        ;return from the jump to execute
        ret                             ;the host program

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp + badpass]      ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

prompt        DB        'password: ','$'
badpass        DB        'Invalid password!','$'
passwd        DB         'smcrocks'
guess        DB        10 dup (0)
obytes        DB        0,0,0,0,0


;Code to add to EXE files
        push        ax                        ;Save startup value in ax
        push         ds                        ;Save value of ds
        mov        ax, cs                  ;Put cs into ds and es
        mov        ds, ax
        mov        es, ax
        mov        bp, offset ENDGUARD2 - offset EXEGUARD
        mov        ax, [bp-4]

        mov        ah, 9h                         ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-57]                ;Print the password prompt
        int        21h
        lea        di, [bp-20]
        xor        cx, cx

        mov         ah, 7h                        ;Read without echo
        int        21h
        inc        cx                      ;Count of characters entered
        stosb                           ;Store guess for comparison later
        cmp        cx, 10                  ;Limit guess to 10 chars including CR
        je        ECHECKPASS
        cmp        al, 13                  ;Quit loop when CR read
        jne        EREADLOOP

        lea        di, [bp-20]                   ;Setup for passwd checking loop
        lea        si, [bp-28]              ;Setup addresses for cmpsb
        xor        cx, cx                  ;Set counter to zero
        cld                             ;Tell cmpsb to increment si and di

        cmpsb                           ;Compare passwd with guess
        jne        EFAIL                   ;Abort program if password is wrong
        inc        cx                        ;Increment counter
        cmp        cx, 8                   ;Only check first 8 chars
        jne        ECHECKLOOP              ;Loop until you've read first 8

        pop        ds
        mov        ax, ds
        mov        es, ax
        pop        ax

        mov        ss, word ptr cs:[bp-10]
        mov        sp, word ptr cs:[bp-8]

               xor        cx, cx
        xor        dx, dx
        xor        bp, bp
        xor        si, si
        xor        di, di
        xor         ah, ah

        jmp        dword ptr cs:[ENDGUARD2-EXEGUARD-6]

        mov        ah, 9h                        ;DOS print string
        lea        dx, [bp-46]                ;Print bad password msg
        int        21h
        mov        ax, 4C00h
        int        21h

eprompt        DB        'password: ','$'
ebadpass DB        'Invalid password!','$'
epasswd        DB         'smcrocks'
eguess        DB        10 dup (0)
hosts        DW        0, 0
hostc        DW        0, 0
delta        DW        0


filter1        DB        '*.com',0
filter2 DB      '*.exe',0
bytes        DB        0,0,0,'CG'
exehead DB        28 dup (0)
buffer        DB        512 dup (0)
para        DB        16 dup (0)
lps        DW        0

---------------------------END DOSGUARD.ASM------------------------------------


免费 0
最新回复 (6)
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (412)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )

A Trip to China
Tuesday, May 22 Arrival in Beijing
We arrived in Beijing after a relatively uneventful 13 hour flight. The only interesting event was the scenery as we flew over Siberia. That is one inhospitable place! We arrived at the Beijing airport at approximately 2:00 PM. My exhaustion due to the long flight was exceeded only by my excitement at finally being in China.

The first thing I noticed as we left the airport were the huge billboards plastered with images of Arnold Schwarzneger hawking various electronic appliances. Absolutely hilarious! It turns out that Arnold would follow us all over China.

After stoping off at the hotel, we went out to grab some food and have a look around the city. First off, we took a cab to The Qianmen area just south of Tiananmen Square. We would come back to this area a lot as it had lots of shopping, an internet cafe, and Western resturants(McDonalds and KFC!). Tonight though, we weren't looking for western food. We ate at the famous Peking Duck instead. Both Richard Nixon and Fidel Castro had eaten at this resturant in the past, and I must say that I thought the food was excellent, not to mention cheap considering its quality. I also had my first taste of Beijing Beer, an excellent chinese rice-based beer.

Wednesday, May 23 Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City
We all woke up ridiculously early, approx. 4:00 AM(our internal clocks were completely screwed up due to the time difference), so we headed out to the Temple of Heaven park at about 5:30 or so. Personally, I was mainly hoping to see people practicing Taijiquan.

The park itself is a large area dotted with trees and crisscrossed by dirt and stone paths surrounding the Temple of Heaven(Tiantan). Spread throughout the park were chinese people of all ages practicing Qigong or Taijiquan, meditating, and playing badmitton. Yells and grunts from practitioners of martial arts carried through the trees as elderly chinese men and women moved silently and gracefully through the postures of Taijiquan. We were the only Westerners in sight.

After a while, with a little encouragement from Ran and Todd, I gathered the nerve to join in with a large group practicing Taiji. I did not know the form they were practicing, it may have been Chen style, but I did the best that I could. Afterwards, I found a place by myself and practiced the first 2 sections of the style I'm learning, 108 Wudang Mountain Taijiquan. I attracted a number of interested observers. Of course, I can't speak chinese but Ran explained to them that I studied Taiji back in the States. It was a neat experience, and I'm glad I had a chance to practice Taiji amongst the chinese people.

After a while, we left the park and began to make our way down a long, elevated, stone road towards the temple. More people were practicing Taiji along the road and one group in particular was very interesting. They were all carrying swords and were being led through the form by an impressive looking chinese man who carried his sword like he knew how to use it. After waiting a few minutes for the ticket office to open, we bought our tickets to the Temple of Heaven. Both me and Todd were surprised at the cheap cost of admission, being used to American prices. The temple was pretty, a nice example of chinese architecture, but to me it wasn't as exciting as the nearby park.

After lunch we headed out to the Forbidden City.

Thursday, May 24 The Great Wall

Friday, May 25 Train Station
It was crowded and it smelt funny, but I shouldn't complain. You go to the train station for cheap-ass transportation and nothing more. Well, if my chinese was better I probably could have enjoyed the company of the other travelers. We took an overnight sleeper to Tai Shan, about an 8 hour train ride.

Saturday, May 26 Tai Shan
We arrived at the base of Tai Shan at approximately 7:00 AM, and were greeted by a somewhat dirty little town, nothing at all like the modern face which Beijing presented. Although the city and hotel were somewhat disappointing, the mountain itself would not leave us dissatisfied. Tai Shan is an absolutely magical place.

The bottom portion of the 6,293 step stairway up the mountainside would prove to be quite a bit easier than the latter stages, though it seemed difficult enough at the time. This bottom portion was sprinkled with Taoist(and a few Buddhist) shrines, tombstone-like stones engraved with beautiful calligraphy, and the merchant stands which are a consistent presence throughout the journey. The mountain itself is a microcosm of chinese culture, history, spirituality, and entrepreneurship.

As we marched up the mountain everything became more and more beautiful: the calligraphy, the lush mountain vistas, everything. To me, the calligraphy was especially beautiful. Most of it was chiseled into rock faces and painted red. The most magnificent of all was a poem carved into a sheer cliff face several hundred feet from the path. Each character is nearly one meter wide and I imagine that the whole poem must have been over one hundred feet tall and half as many wide. Also noteworthy were a couple of poems by Chairman Mao.

When we finally made it to the summit, after nearly 6 hours of hiking, it was as if we had stepped into another world, or perhaps a fairy tale. The view of the surrounding mountains and the path that lead us there was exquisite. We stayed at the top long enough to explore the village, take some pictures, and watch the sunset. The trip down in the dark proved to be a bit harrowing, but luckily we managed to catch a bus at the halfway point. All in all, 8.5 hours of climbing.

The whole trip was so invigorating. The closer to the top I got, the looser my muscles became and the more energy I had. Until, once I reached Sky Road at the summit, I was bounding up steps.

Sunday, May 27 - Friday, June 1 Shanghai
Shanghai is awesome. Our hotel here is badass, and we have satelitte TV! At 14 million people, this is the biggest city I've been to. In a lot of ways, its similar to how I picture New York, only without the crime and a lot cheaper. There are tall buildings everywhere, many of them lit up in interesting colors at night. Another thing you notice quickly about Shanghai is that there are shopping malls everywhere. There are giant 10 story malls, underground malls, street malls, and basically every other type of mall except for the American strip-mall.

Saturday, June 2 Guilin
Today we took a boat ride down the famous Lijiang, and it is easy to see how this area became known as one of the most beautiful locations on Earth. We were especially fortunate today because it was rainy and misty, the best weather for a sight-seeing trip down the Lijiang. The mist hung low over and between the karst formations, lending an otherworldly and mysterious air to the already beautiful landscape.

In addition to the boat ride, we stopped to explore Crown Cave. Crown Cave is the 2nd largest of the caves in the area, and like most of them, it is filled with odd rock formations such as: a six-fingered hand, a parrot, a bear, a turtle, a frog, a monkey atop a column, plus many others. It was really strange how closely the formations resembled real-life objects. It was all made even more beautiful by the colored lights that were placed around the cave. Another neat feature of the cave was an underground river. Several rock bridges spanned the river and we also got to take a boat ride down a section of it. The whole underground exploration thing reminded me of years I spent playing Dungeons and Dragons as a kid.

After returning from our cruise, we met up with the cabbie who took us to Guilin from the airport and went out to dinner. Cab drivers in China are great, not only do they drive you around, they know the city better than anyone and often serve as travel agents. Our cabbie took us to a nice chinese resturaunt, got us a private room there, and actually had dinner with us! Speaking of dinner, it turned out to be quite an experience. At the front of the resturaunt were various cages and tanks holding an assortment of animals(dishes). In order to prove that their food was fresh, the customer goes with the waiter and selects the animal(s) he wants to eat and watches the waiter kill it(them) right before his eyes. We sentenced one crab, a rare subterranean fish, a chicken, and a rodent-like thing that we think was a chinchilla to death. We were gonig to order rabbit, but it was just too cute. Overall, the food was good, but different from what I'm accustomed.

Sunday, June 3 Guilin
We rented our cabbie from the night before for the day and she took us to various tourist sights within the city, the coolest of which was Reed Flute Cave. Since I've already talked about caves, I'll just say the it was pretty similar to Crown Cave. After driving around town for a while we went to KFC and then to the airport to catch our flight to Hainan island.

Monday, June 4 Hainan
Hainan Island is China's version of Hawaii. Its tropical, the water is clear and warm, and there are lush mountains all over the island. Actually, Hainan is better than hawaii because its a lot cheaper and a lot less crowded. I've never been to Hawaii, but Todd has and he says that Hainan beats the pants off Hawaii. Our hotel is magnificent and only $90 a night, of which my share is $45(Todd and I are sharing a room to save money). Our room has an ocean facing patio which is really nice. I'm actually writing this from the patio. The mood out here is very conducive to writing. You can hear the soft rumble of the waves and the view is spectacular. I've filled in a couple of journal entries while sitting out here.

Tuesday, June 5 Hainan
Today, we hung out at the hotel/beach all day. We also played a lot of chinese chess, including a 4.5 hour marathon between Todd and I which ended in a stalemate. I got a little sunburnt, but thats OK.

Wednesday, June 6 Hainan
After two days of rest, it was time for a little adventure. On the slate for today is the minority village, the shooting range, and scuba diving.

The minority village is sort of like an indian reservation in America. I think there were 3 different minority groups living in this particular village. It was a lot of fun learning about the customs and cultures of these chinese minorities. We got to see lots of neat performances as well as partake in a marriage ceremony(something that our girlfriends would take issue with later)!

The next stop was the shooting range, where we got to live out a variety of testosterone-induced fantasies. Both Todd and I tried our hand at firing AK-47's while Ran fired a couple of rounds from a 17mm anti-aircraft gun!

Thursday, June 7 Back to Beijing
2005-5-19 10:22
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (412)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
Objective To gain employment as a software developer with a cutting-edge company.  
Degree 12/2000
North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC
B.S. degree in Computer Science

Relevant Courses Computer Graphics
- Concentrated on the mathematics of 3D computer graphics.
- Programming assignments in C using OpenGL.

Computer Graphics Projects
- Concentrated on graphics algorithms and implementation.
- Programming assignments in C with minimal use of OpenGL.
- Implemented a direct volume renderer for the course's final project.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Learned basic techniques for AI, concentrating on search-based algorithms.
- Programming assignments in Common Lisp.

Technical Skills Languages: C, C++, x86 Assembly Language, Common Lisp, Scheme, Perl, Java, Forth
X Windows Programming using both Xlib and GTK+
Unix device driver development.
Graphics APIs: OpenGL, GLUT, SDL, VTK
Published "Extending DOS Executables" in Issue No. 7 of the Assembly Programming Journal

Business Experience 5/2001 - 7/2003
Tech Source Inc., Altamonte Springs FL
Software Engineer, Device Driver Group
- Developed PCI graphics card device drivers for Linux and Solaris. This included kernel level programming and close cooperation with the XServer developers.
- Developed Solaris firmware for Tech Source's graphics cards using Sun's OpenBoot firmware architecture.
- Part of a major project to support Tech Source's graphics cards on OpenVMS. Ported device drivers, set up the development environment, and learned the ins-and-outs of OpenVMS, all in close collaboration with Compaq.
- Ported kernel modules for Linux kernel 2.2.x to the 2.4 kernel.
- Researched and developed a Solaris application to monitor filesystem events.
- Assisted in adding Japanese language support to a large application.
- Miscellaneous Linux duties (rpm packaging, 3D/DRI setup).

7/2000 - 4/2001
Condensed Matter Theory Group at NCSU, Raleigh NC
- Worked independently to develop a Linux application to visualize electron density volume data. All Development was done in C using the GNU tools and GTK+.
- Responsible for a major rewrite of the group's molecular visualization tool, Rotmovie. I ported the old Rotmovie from C to C++ and rewrote all of the graphics functions to make use of The Visualization Toolkit(VTK). I also added a considerable amount of functionality to the program, such as the ability to view electron density isosurfaces. In addition, I rewrote the graphical user interface to use GTK+.

1/1999 - 8/1999
Object Technology International, Raleigh, NC
- Helped design, test, and implement a GUI framework for embedded Java.
- Worked on a Linux/X Windows port of a graphics library for embedded systems.

Summer 1998
Red Hat Software, Durham, NC
- Wrote Perl scripts to simplify web and system administration tasks.
- Assisted QA team with bug testing and fixing.

Summer 1997
Jackson Technical Services, Monroe, NC
- C programming in a DOS development environment.
- Wrote modules to extend the capabilities of a large database.
2005-5-19 10:23
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (412)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )

2005-5-19 10:26
雪    币: 726
活跃值: (3329)
能力值: ( LV5,RANK:60 )
2005-5-21 14:50
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (412)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )

2005-5-23 17:14
雪    币: 442
活跃值: (1216)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:1130 )
procedure TForm1.ModifyCode;
  lpBuffer: DWORD;
  a: DWORD;
  BaseAddr: Pointer;
  hProcess: THandle;
  hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, GetCurrentProcessId);
  VirtualQuery(@ModifyedProc, mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));

    PAGE_READWRITE,    // desired access protection
    mbi.Protect     // address of variable to get old protection

  a := 0;
  lpBuffer := 0;
  BaseAddr := Pointer($XXXXXXX);    //这个地址是Exe文件中根据标志找到的
    BaseAddr,    // address to start reading
    @lpBuffer,    // address of buffer to place read data
    1,    // number of bytes to read
    a     // address of number of bytes read


    mbi.BaseAddress,    // address of region of committed pages
    mbi.RegionSize,    // size of the region
    mbi.Protect,    // desired access protection
    a     // address of variable to get old protection
2005-5-24 19:58
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