痕?Please checkout "_RDW-ANTIPIRATE" directory. You will find three 痕?
痕?files: ida.wll, ida64.wll and ida-antipirate.dll. Just copy them 痕?
痕?to IDA root directory, overwriting previous copy of files (you can 痕?
痕?backup them for the future needs). Now you will be able to open 痕?
痕?any old .idb files, including .idb files made with pirated versions 痕?
痕?of IDA.
按照NOF里面的说明 拷贝3个文件后 打开旧IDA 仍然提示 Database is corrupt 错误
.text:100043AE test al, al
.text:100043B0 jnz short loc_100043BC
.text:100043B2 push offset aDatabaseIsCo_0 ; "Database is corrupt"
.text:100043B7 call sub_100010F0