[转帖]JustDecompile 2011.1.708.3 Beta 2
发表于: 2011-7-15 00:39 3166

[转帖]JustDecompile 2011.1.708.3 Beta 2

2011-7-15 00:39
JustDecompile 2011.1.708.3 Beta 2

JustDecompile description

Decompile your applications with ease

JustDecompile is a productivity tool for developers designed to enable easy .NET assembly decompiling and browsing.

JustDecompile builds on years of experience in code analysis and development productivity originally created for JustCode, Telerik's Visual Studio productivity add-in. JustDecompile lets you effortlessly explore and analyze compiled .NET assemblies, decompiling code with the simple click of a button.

Here are some key features of "JustDecompile":

Innovative Code Navigation and Analysis:
· Telerik JustDecompile offers the industry’s leading code search and navigation features enabling you to quickly locate and navigate to different parts of your code. All loaded assemblies can be effortlessly browsed by type, method or member, results appear on-the-fly as you type and can be navigated effortlessly. JustDecompile also benefits from one-click load of all system libraries for each framework and trim. Developers can also create their own custom assembly lists and load them at the click of a button.

Side-by-side Assembly Loading:
· Telerik’s stand-alone free decompiling tool allows the concurrent load of a broad range of .NET framework version systems (1.1, 2.0….4.0, Silverlight and Compact Framework). This capability enables references to be resolved correctly, results in the seamless navigation through any given framework version system library, and eliminates the need for jumping across version boundaries.

Better Decompiling Accuracy:
· Not all decompiling is created equal. JustDecompile goes beyond existing decompiling tools by better decompiling language features like lambda expressions, generics, yield statements, and auto-generated properties. Decompiling speed and accuracy will continue to improve during the BETA.

Powerful Free Tool by a Leading Commercial Vendor:
· Unlike Open Source alternatives, Telerik JustDecompile benefits from a dedicated development team, which is focused on continuously improving the product in line with your feedback. Telerik is recognized as one of the leading providers of .NET development tools and JustDecompile will benefit from our years of experience in the field.

Auto-updating and Regular Updates:
· JustDecompile is evolving quickly. Thankfully, from day one JustDecompile ships with built-in support for auto-updating when new versions are available. JustDecompile will be updated frequently during the BETA, and will receive 3 major updates per year. Stop settling for stale tools, and always work with JustDecompile, a decompiling tool that is evolving and has the latest and greatest features.

Professional Support:
· Getting started and resolving any issues that you might face is easy with Telerik’s Forums. In addition to tips and tricks by one of the largest and most passionate .NET communities out there, you will benefit from professional support by the very same developers who created JustDecompile. They frequent the forums to ensure no question is left unanswered and no issue left unaddressed.

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· Added assembly version in the Referenced assembly nodes. They are now sorted by name.
· Added ability to sort referenced assemblies.
· Added visual marker for non public types.
· Added ability to sort resources in the resource view.

· Performance and memory improvements.
· Various fixes.


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免费 1
最新回复 (2)
雪    币: 761
活跃值: (3687)
能力值: ( LV5,RANK:60 )
下了个试了下,是用的mono cecil,效果远不如他们网站上说的那么好.稍微有混淆就挂了.
2011-7-15 08:59
雪    币: 98824
活跃值: (201059)
能力值: (RANK:10 )


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Пожалуйста, уважайте авторское право в Интернете.
來源于互聯網, 請尊重版權.
Issued by all the resources of public resources from the Internet to collect and collate,
study purposes only,
please delete themselves 24 hours after downloading!
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2012-6-2 14:19
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