IceStealth is a SoftICE hiding tool, that should protect from:CreateFileA, CreateFileW, NtCreateFile, also nmtrans.dll wont find SoftICE with these methodsNtQueryDirectoryObjectNtQueryObjectOpenServiceA, OpenServiceW, EnumServicesStatusA,EnumServicesStatusW,EnumServicesStatusExA, EnumServicesStatusExWUnhandledExceptionFilter (2 Options)SEH BPM ProtectionBPM ProtectionNtQuerySystemInformationint 41 killed + DPL 0 int 1 DPL 0Basic Registry Protection (if ever needed)(RegOpenKeyExA, RegOpenKeyExW, RegOpenKeyA, RegOpenKeyW)SaveDisk Protection
Программное обеспечение выпуска и Windows Crack Обучение Нам-Dabei Guanyin Бодхисаттва Нам без митабха