;Email:leguanyuan at 126 dot com
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
include gdi32.inc
includelib gdi32.lib
hInstance dd ?
hWinMain dd ?
stMsg MSG <>
szClassName db "correy",0
szCaptionMain db "made by correy",0
pwndclassex dd 48,3,offset liuchunli,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,offset szClassName,0
cxClient DD ?
cyClient DD ?
colour DD ?
p DD 328,2621,4915
limit DD 250000
j DD ?
scaleX DD ?
scaleY DD ?
x_offset DD ?
y_offset DD ?
xx DD ?
yy DD ?
random_init DD 0ae37a9bh;随机数的种子。
a real4 0.0,0.20,-0.15,0.85
b real4 0.0,-0.26,0.28,0.04
cc real4 0.0,0.23,0.26,-0.04
d real4 0.16,0.22,0.24,0.85
e real4 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
f real4 0.0,1.60,0.44,1.6
x real4 0.0
y real4 0.0
liuchunli proc hWnd:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM
mov eax,lParam
and eax,0FFFFh
mov cxClient,eax
shr eax,1
mov x_offset,eax
mov ecx,15
mov eax,cxClient
mov edx,0
div ecx
mov scaleX,eax
mov ebx,lParam
shr ebx,16
mov cyClient,ebx
shr ebx,3
mov y_offset,ebx
mov ecx,12
mov eax,cyClient
mov edx,0
div ecx
mov scaleY,eax
mov colour,0ff00h
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
mov hdc,eax
mov esi,0
.WHILE esi < limit
mov al,16
mov cl,al ;生成随机数
xor eax,eax
mov bl,byte ptr random_init
and bl,1
Gen_bit:shl eax,1
mov edx,random_init
shr edx,9
xor bl,dl
shr edx,5
xor bl,dl
bt ebx,1
rcr random_init,1
setc bl
or al,bl
dec cl
jnz Gen_bit
.IF eax < p[0]
mov ebx,0
.ELSEIF eax < p[4]
mov ebx,1
.ELSEIF eax < p[8]
mov ebx,2
mov ebx,3
shl ebx,2
fld dword ptr a[ebx]
fmul x
fld dword ptr b[ebx]
fmul y
fadd e[ebx]
fld dword ptr cc[ebx]
fmul x
fld dword ptr d[ebx]
fmul y
fadd dword ptr f[ebx]
fstp y
fst x
fimul scaleX
fiadd x_offset
fistp xx
mov ecx,xx
fld y
fimul scaleY
fiadd y_offset
fistp yy
mov edx,yy
.IF (ecx >= 0 && ecx < cxClient && edx >= 0 && edx < cyClient)
invoke SetPixel,hdc,xx,yy,colour
inc esi
invoke EndPaint,hWnd,ADDR ps
invoke PostQuitMessage,0
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
xor eax,eax
liuchunli endp
start:invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov hInstance,eax
mov pwndclassex+20,eax
invoke LoadIcon,hInstance,1;其实这四行也可以去掉。
mov pwndclassex+24,eax
invoke LoadCursor,0,32512
mov pwndclassex+28,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx,addr pwndclassex
invoke CreateWindowEx,200h,offset szClassName,offset szCaptionMain,00cf0000h,80000000h,80000000h,1028,768,0,0,hInstance,0;0cf0000h ca0000h
mov hWinMain,eax
invoke ShowWindow,hWinMain,1;不想显示这一两行也可以不要。
invoke UpdateWindow,hWinMain
again:invoke GetMessage,addr stMsg,0,0,0
cmp eax,0
je exit
invoke TranslateMessage,addr stMsg;这一行也可以去掉,特别是不处理字符信息。
invoke DispatchMessage,addr stMsg
jmp again
exit:invoke ExitProcess,0
end start
;made at 2010.03.31