<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Peach xmlns="http://phed.org/2008/Peach" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://phed.org/2008/Peach ../peach.xsd" version="1.0"
author="Michael Eddington">
Example of the WindowsDebugger monitor. This example will launch a
program with an attached debugger and log stack traces on faults. The
included example program will fault on test 47.
python peach.py -a
python peach.py samples\Debugger.xml
You will see the tests scroll along. Once test 47 has occured you can check
the c:\peach\logfiles folder for a log of this test that will include a Debugger.txt
faul output.
Michael Eddington (mike@phed.org)
$Id: Debugger.xml 807 2008-03-25 08:34:38Z meddingt $
<!-- Import defaults for Peach instance -->
<Include ns="default" src="file:defaults.xml" />
<DataModel name="TestTemplate">
<String name="TheString" value="Hello World!" />
<StateModel name="State" initialState="Initial">
<State name="Initial">
<Action name="SendValue1" type="output">
<DataModel ref="TestTemplate" />
<Agent name="LocalAgent" location="">
<Monitor class="debugger.UnixDebugger">
<Param name="Command"
value="samples/UnixCrashServer/unixcrash" />
<Param name="Params" value="" />
<Test name="TheTest">
<Agent ref="LocalAgent" />
<StateModel ref="State"/>
<Publisher class="tcp.Tcp">
<Param name="host" value="" />
<Param name="port" value="4242" />
<Run name="DefaultRun">
<Test ref="TheTest" />
<Logger class="logger.Filesystem">
<Param name="path" value="logtest" />
unixcrash一旦崩溃了之后 就不会重新启动了? who can tell me why?