Software packaged for detouring Win32 and application APIs.
What's New?
Detours 2.1 is now available. Detours 2.1 includes the following new features:
Complete documentation of the Detours API.
Transactional model for attaching and detaching detours.
Support for updating peer threads when attaching or detaching detours.
Unification of dynamic and static detours into a single API.
Support for detection of detoured processes.
Significant robustness improvements in APIs that start a process with a DLL containing detour functions.
New APIs to copy payloads into target processes.
Support for 64-bit code on x64 and IA64 processors (available in Professional edition only).
Supports building detours with Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio .NET (VC8), and Visual Studio (VC7).