[分享]CFP: The 34th Sarnoff Symposium May 2-4, 2011, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
发表于: 2010-11-6 08:53 4496

[分享]CFP: The 34th Sarnoff Symposium May 2-4, 2011, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

2010-11-6 08:53
[Sarnoff 2011] CALL FOR PAPERS: The 34th Sarnoff Symposium May 2-4, 2011, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]


The 34th Sarnoff Symposium May 2-4, 2011
Applications and Enablers for Networked Consumers

Sponsor: IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section

IEEE Region 1
IEEE Communicatioons Society
IEEE Electron Devices Society
IEEE MTT Society
IEEE Photonics Society
Princeton University

Conference Chairs:              Edwin Hou (NJIT)
                               Pantelis Monogioudis (Alcatel-Lucent)
Technical Program Chairs:       Walid Ahmed (Broadcom)
                               Roberto Rojas-Cessa (NJIT)
Publicity Chair:                Elias Kpodzo (L-3 Communications)
Publication Chair:              Shweta Jain (York College CUNY)
Student Poster Chair:           Pravin Raghuwanshi (DeVry University)
Tutorial Chair:                 Vasu Subramanian (Alcatel-Lucent)
Finance Chair:                  Malay Ganai (NEC)
Registration Chair:             Christian Makaya (Telcordia)
Local Arrangement Chair:        Silvija Kokalj-Filipovic (Alcatel-Lucent)
Exhibits & Demos Chair:         Frank OíBrien (IEEE/CS)
Commercial Panel Chair:         Eric Addeo (DeVry University)
Web master:                     Komlan Egoh (NJIT)

Since 1978 the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium has been bringing together a tremendous and rich
diversity of telecom experts from industry, universities, and government.  The popularity
of the Sarnoff Symposium, again being held in the historic Nassau Inn located in the
heart of downtown Princeton, NJ, continues to grow as the premier forum for researchers,
engineers, and business executives in the North East drawing an attendance from all over
the world.  Besides the technical paper presentations, the Symposium will include
tutorials, student paper poster presentations, executive panels, and exhibition.

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a full paper for review.  Only original
papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be
considered.  The submission process is carried through the EDAS conference management
system (http://edas.info/).  The manuscripts must follow the IEEE two-column format
with single-spaced, 10-point font in the text.  The maximum paper length is of
five (5) pages.  A sixth page may be accepted after an additional fee.  Submission
of a regular paper implies that at least one of the authors will have a full registration
to the Conference and present the paper upon the acceptance of the submission.  Manuscript
template available at: www.sarnoffsymposium.org.

All accepted papers (after review by experts in the field) will be presented in oral
sessions, included in the 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium Proceedings and published through

Student papers should be submitted to the Student Papers Chair (praghuwanshi@devry.edu).
Prospective tutorial presenters should contact the Tutorials Chair. Detailed procedure
is available at: www.sarnoffsymposium.org.

Tutorial Proposals Due:                 Dec. 3, 2010
Papers Due:                             Dec. 17, 2010
Student Papers Due:                     Dec. 24, 2010
Notification of Tutorials Acceptance:   Jan. 21, 2011
Notification of Papers Acceptance:      Feb. 6, 2011
Final Version Due:                      Mar. 6, 2011

Tutorials:                              May 2, 2011
Paper Sessions:                         May 3-4, 2011
Exhibits:                               May 3, 2011
Poster Presentations:                   May 4, 2011

The Symposium is soliciting state-of-the-art papers, tutorial proposals and demonstrators,
from both academic and commercial communities, in the following areas of interest.

Consumer Applications and Marketplaces
* Business Models
* Mobile applications
* Converged application markets
* Multimedia Applications for Mobile and Tethered Users
* Sensor Applications
* Mobile Payment Applications
* Trust, Security, and Privacy

Wireless Enablers
* LTE and 3G Communications
* Heterogeneous Networks (Femtos, Metros, Relays)
* Self Organizing Techniques

Network Architectures
* Mobile Network Architectures
* Broadband Access / Core Networks
* Overlay & Peer-to-Peer Networks
* Quad-play Convergence

Internet Neutrality
* Existing and New Regulatory Frameworks
* Charging Policies

Greener Communications
* Renewable Energy for Communications
* Communications for enabling the Smart Grid

Call for Demonstrators
This year Sarnoff offers free exhibition space for all students and startups that can
demonstrate their application/prototype implementations. We are particularly interested
to hear from students/startups active in applications development for smartphones and

For more information www.sarnoffsymposium.org or sarnoff.symposium@ieee.org----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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