[原创]1.1 26bytes
发表于: 2010-10-20 17:41 18068

[原创]1.1 26bytes

2010-10-20 17:41
免费 7
最新回复 (51)
雪    币: 357
活跃值: (4063)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:25 )
2010-10-20 18:47
雪    币: 284
活跃值: (16)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2010-10-20 18:49
雪    币: 411
活跃值: (262)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2010-10-20 18:52
雪    币: 440
活跃值: (119)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:80 )
2010-10-20 18:56
雪    币: 411
活跃值: (262)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2010-10-20 19:00
雪    币: 440
活跃值: (119)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:80 )
2010-10-20 19:02
雪    币: 103
活跃值: (25)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2010-10-20 19:11
雪    币: 95
活跃值: (419)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:310 )
2010-10-20 19:17
雪    币: 440
活跃值: (119)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:80 )
2010-10-20 19:18
雪    币: 116
活跃值: (70)
能力值: ( LV10,RANK:170 )
唉...不知道只读段还有"success"的字串...自己的49个字节里把串"ExploitMe "和"Exploit success"都加进去了...杯具~~不过还是学习了~~
2010-10-20 19:36
雪    币: 136
活跃值: (48)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2010-10-20 19:42
雪    币: 95
活跃值: (15)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
2010-10-20 19:43
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (488)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2010-10-20 19:59
雪    币: 379
活跃值: (152)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:330 )
2010-10-20 20:03
雪    币: 146
活跃值: (182)
能力值: ( LV13,RANK:220 )
2010-10-20 20:11
雪    币: 213
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
这个太强大了。。。。调试就直接停止了。。。。运行居然能成功。。。。 只读区段也能写入。。。膜拜。。。
2010-10-20 20:24
雪    币: 458
活跃值: (426)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:610 )
2010-10-20 20:35
雪    币: 379
活跃值: (152)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:330 )
0,          "The operation completed successfully."
1,          "Incorrect function."
2,          "The system cannot find the file specified."
3,          "The system cannot find the path specified."
4,          "The system cannot open the file."
5,          "Access is denied."
6,          "The handle is invalid."
7,          "The storage control blocks were destroyed."
8,          "Not enough storage is available to process this command."
9,          "The storage control block address is invalid."
8229,          "The compare response was false."
8230,          "The compare response was true."
8231,          "The requested authentication method is not supported by the server."
8232,          "A more secure authentication method is required for this server."
8233,          "Inappropriate authentication."
8234,          "The authentication mechanism is unknown."
8235,          "A referral was returned from the server."
8236,          "The server does not support the requested critical extension."
8237,          "This request requires a secure connection."
8238,          "Inappropriate matching."
8239,          "A constraint violation occurred."
8240,          "There is no such object on the server."
8241,          "There is an alias problem."
8242,          "An invalid dn syntax has been specified."
8243,          "The object is a leaf object."
8244,          "There is an alias dereferencing problem."
8245,          "The server is unwilling to process the request."
8246,          "A loop has been detected."
8247,          "There is a naming violation."
8248,          "The result set is too large."
8249,          "The operation affects multiple DSAs"
8250,          "The server is not operational."
8251,          "A local error has occurred."
8252,          "An encoding error has occurred."
8253,          "A decoding error has occurred."
8254,          "The search filter cannot be recognized."
8255,          "One or more parameters are illegal."
8256,          "The specified method is not supported."
8257,          "No results were returned."
8258,          "The specified control is not supported by the server."
8259,          "A referral loop was detected by the client."
8260,          "The preset referral limit was exceeded."
8261,          "The search requires a SORT control."
8262,          "The search results exceed the offset range specified."
8301,          "The root object must be the head of a naming context. The root object cannot have an instantiated parent."
8302,          "The add replica operation cannot be performed. The naming context must be writable in order to create the replica."
8303,          "A reference to an attribute that is not defined in the schema occurred."
8304,          "The maximum size of an object has been exceeded."
8305,          "An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use."
8306,          "An attempt was made to add an object of a class that does not have an RDN defined in the schema."
8307,          "An attempt was made to add an object using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema."
8308,          "None of the requested attributes were found on the objects."
8309,          "The user buffer is too small."
8310,          "The attribute specified in the operation is not present on the object."
8311,          "Illegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted."
8312,          "The specified object is too large."
8313,          "The specified instance type is not valid."
8314,          "The operation must be performed at a master DSA."
8315,          "The object class attribute must be specified."
8316,          "A required attribute is missing."
8317,          "An attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class."
8318,          "The specified attribute is already present on the object."
8320,          "The specified attribute is not present, or has no values."
8321,          "Mutliple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value."
8322,          "A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values."
8323,          "The specified value already exists."
8324,          "The attribute cannot be removed because it is not present on the object."
8325,          "The attribute value cannot be removed because it is not present on the object."
8326,          "The specified root object cannot be a subref."
8327,          "Chaining is not permitted."
8328,          "Chained evaluation is not permitted."
8329,          "The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted."
8330,          "Having a parent that is an alias is not permitted. Aliases are leaf objects."
8331,          "The object and parent must be of the same type, either both masters or both replicas."
8332,          "The operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object."
8333,          "Directory object not found."
8334,          "The aliased object is missing."
8335,          "The object name has bad syntax."
8336,          "It is not permitted for an alias to refer to another alias."
8337,          "The alias cannot be dereferenced."
8338,          "The operation is out of scope."
8339,          "The operation cannot continue because the object is in the process of being removed."
8340,          "The DSA object cannot be deleted."
8341,          "A directory service error has occurred."
8342,          "The operation can only be performed on an internal master DSA object."
8343,          "The object must be of class DSA."
8344,          "Insufficient access rights to perform the operation."
8345,          "The object cannot be added because the parent is not on the list of possible superiors."
8346,          "Access to the attribute is not permitted because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager (SAM)."
8347,          "The name has too many parts."
8348,          "The name is too long."
8349,          "The name value is too long."
8350,          "The directory service encountered an error parsing a name."
8351,          "The directory service cannot get the attribute type for a name."
8352,          "The name does not identify an object; the name identifies a phantom."
8353,          "The security descriptor is too short."
8354,          "The security descriptor is invalid."
8355,          "Failed to create name for deleted object."
8356,          "The parent of a new subref must exist."
8357,          "The object must be a naming context."
8358,          "It is not permitted to add an attribute which is owned by the system."
8359,          "The class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class."
8360,          "The schema object could not be found."
8361,          "A local object with this GUID (dead or alive) already exists."
8362,          "The operation cannot be performed on a back link."
8363,          "The cross reference for the specified naming context could not be found."
8364,          "The operation could not be performed because the directory service is shutting down."
8365,          "The directory service request is invalid."
8366,          "The role owner attribute could not be read."
8367,          "The requested FSMO operation failed. The current FSMO holder could not be contacted."
8368,          "Modification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted."
8369,          "The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system."
8370,          "Only the replicator can perform this function."
8371,          "The specified class is not defined."
8372,          "The specified class is not a subclass."
8373,          "The name reference is invalid."
8374,          "A cross reference already exists."
8375,          "It is not permitted to delete a master cross reference."
8376,          "Subtree notifications are only supported on NC heads."
8377,          "Notification filter is too complex."
8378,          "Schema update failed: duplicate RDN."
8379,          "Schema update failed: duplicate OID."
8380,          "Schema update failed: duplicate MAPI identifier."
8381,          "Schema update failed: duplicate schema-id GUID."
8382,          "Schema update failed: duplicate LDAP display name."
8383,          "Schema update failed: range-lower less than range upper."
8384,          "Schema update failed: syntax mismatch."
8385,          "Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in must-contain."
8386,          "Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in may-contain."
8387,          "Schema update failed: attribute in may-contain does not exist."
8388,          "Schema update failed: attribute in must-contain does not exist."
8389,          "Schema update failed: class in aux-class list does not exist or is not an auxiliary class."
8390,          "Schema update failed: class in poss-superiors does not exist."
8391,          "Schema update failed: class in subclassof list does not exist or does not satisfy hierarchy rules."
8392,          "Schema update failed: Rdn-Att-Id has wrong syntax."
8393,          "Schema deletion failed: class is used as auxiliary class."
8394,          "Schema deletion failed: class is used as sub class."
8395,          "Schema deletion failed: class is used as poss superior."
8396,          "Schema update failed in recalculating validation cache."
8397,          "The tree deletion is not finished.  The request must be made again to continue deleting the tree."
8398,          "The requested delete operation could not be performed."
8399,          "Cannot read the governs class identifier for the schema record."
8400,          "The attribute schema has bad syntax."
8401,          "The attribute could not be cached."
8402,          "The class could not be cached."
8403,          "The attribute could not be removed from the cache."
8404,          "The class could not be removed from the cache."
8405,          "The distinguished name attribute could not be read."
8406,          "A required subref is missing."
8407,          "The instance type attribute could not be retrieved."
8408,          "An internal error has occurred."
8409,          "A database error has occurred."
8410,          "The attribute GOVERNSID is missing."
8411,          "An expected attribute is missing."
8412,          "The specified naming context is missing a cross reference."
8413,          "A security checking error has occurred."
8414,          "The schema is not loaded."
8415,          "Schema allocation failed. Please check if the machine is running low on memory."
8416,          "Failed to obtain the required syntax for the attribute schema."
8417,          "The global catalog verification failed. The global catalog is not available or does not support the operation. Some part of the directory is currently not available."
8418,          "The replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved."
8419,          "The DSA object could not be found."
8420,          "The naming context could not be found."
8421,          "The naming context could not be found in the cache."
8422,          "The child object could not be retrieved."
8423,          "The modification was not permitted for security reasons."
8424,          "The operation cannot replace the hidden record."
8425,          "The hierarchy file is invalid."
8426,          "The attempt to build the hierarchy table failed."
8427,          "The directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry."
8428,          "The attempt to count the address book indices failed."
8429,          "The allocation of the hierarchy table failed."
8430,          "The directory service encountered an internal failure."
8431,          "The directory service encountered an unknown failure."
8432,          "A root object requires a class of 'top'."
8433,          "This directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single-master operation roles."
8434,          "The directory service is missing mandatory configuration information, and is unable to determine the ownership of floating single-master operation roles."
8435,          "The directory service was unable to transfer ownership of one or more floating single-master operation roles to other servers."
8436,          "The replication operation failed."
8437,          "An invalid parameter was specified for this replication operation."
8438,          "The directory service is too busy to complete the replication operation at this time."
8439,          "The distinguished name specified for this replication operation is invalid."
8440,          "The naming context specified for this replication operation is invalid."
8441,          "The distinguished name specified for this replication operation already exists."
8442,          "The replication system encountered an internal error."
8443,          "The replication operation encountered a database inconsistency."
8444,          "The server specified for this replication operation could not be contacted."
8445,          "The replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance type."
8446,          "The replication operation failed to allocate memory."
8447,          "The replication operation encountered an error with the mail system."
8448,          "The replication reference information for the target server already exists."
8449,          "The replication reference information for the target server does not exist."
8450,          "The naming context cannot be removed because it is replicated to another server."
8451,          "The replication operation encountered a database error."
8452,          "The naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server."
8453,          "Replication access was denied."
8454,          "The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service."
8455,          "The replication remote procedure call was cancelled."
8456,          "The source server is currently rejecting replication requests."
8457,          "The destination server is currently rejecting replication requests."
8458,          "The replication operation failed due to a collision of object names."
8459,          "The replication source has been reinstalled."
8460,          "The replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing."
8461,          "The replication operation was preempted."
8462,          "The replication synchronization attempt was abandoned because of a lack of updates."
8463,          "The replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down."
8464,          "The replication synchronization attempt failed as the destination partial attribute set is not a subset of source partial attribute set."
8465,          "The replication synchronization attempt failed because a master replica attempted to sync from a partial replica."
8466,          "The server specified for this replication operation was contacted, but that server was unable to contact an additional server needed to complete the operation."
8467,          "The version of the Active Directory schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of Active Directory on this computer.  You must upgrade the operating system on a domain controller in the source forest before this computer can be added as a domain controller to that forest."
8468,          "Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists."
8469,          "Name translation: Generic processing error."
8470,          "Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name."
8471,          "Name translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name."
8472,          "Name translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format."
8473,          "Name translation: Unable to resolve completely, only the domain was found."
8474,          "Name translation: Unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire."
8475,          "Modification of a constructed att is not allowed."
8476,          "The OM-Object-Class specified is incorrect for an attribute with the specified syntax."
8477,          "The replication request has been posted; waiting for reply."
8478,          "The requested operation requires a directory service, and none was available."
8479,          "The LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains non-ASCII characters."
8480,          "The requested search operation is only supported for base searches."
8481,          "The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database."
8482,          "The schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link."
8483,          "Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's epoch number.  Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object."
8484,          "Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's current name.  Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object."
8485,          "Source and destination for the cross-domain move operation are identical.  Caller should use local move operation instead of cross-domain move operation."
8486,          "Source and destination for a cross-domain move are not in agreement on the naming contexts in the forest.  Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the Partitions container."
8487,          "Destination of a cross-domain move is not authoritative for the destination naming context."
8488,          "Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the identity of the source object.  Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the source object."
8489,          "Object being moved across-domains is already known to be deleted by the destination server.  The source server does not have the latest version of the source object."
8490,          "Another operation which requires exclusive access to the PDC FSMO is already in progress."
8491,          "A cross-domain move operation failed such that two versions of the moved object exist - one each in the source and destination domains.  The destination object needs to be removed to restore the system to a consistent state."
8492,          "This object may not be moved across domain boundaries either because cross-domain moves for this class are disallowed, or the object has some special characteristics, eg: trust account or restricted RID, which prevent its move."
8493,          "Can't move objects with memberships across domain boundaries as once moved, this would violate the membership conditions of the account group.  Remove the object from any account group memberships and retry."
8494,          "A naming context head must be the immediate child of another naming context head, not of an interior node."
8495,          "The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context name because it does not hold a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context.  Please ensure that the domain naming master role is held by a server that is configured as a global catalog server, and that the server is up to date with its replication partners. (Applies only to Windows 2000 Domain Naming masters)"
8496,          "Destination domain must be in native mode."
8497,          "The operation can not be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest."
8498,          "Cross-domain move of non-empty account groups is not allowed."
8499,          "Cross-domain move of non-empty resource groups is not allowed."
8500,          "The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings."
8501,          "Tree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed."
8502,          "The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use."
8503,          "The directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion."
8504,          "Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1.\nError Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for detailed information."
8505,          "Only an administrator can modify the membership list of an administrative group."
8506,          "Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account."
8507,          "An attempt is made to modify the base schema."
8508,          "Adding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a backlink attribute (directly or through inheritance, for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class) is not allowed."
8509,          "Schema update is not allowed on this DC because the DC is not the schema FSMO Role Owner."
8510,          "An object of this class cannot be created under the schema container. You can only create attribute-schema and class-schema objects under the schema container."
8511,          "The replica/child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it."
8512,          "The replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory."
8513,          "The specified group type is invalid."
8514,          "You cannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled."
8515,          "You cannot nest local groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled."
8516,          "A global group cannot have a local group as a member."
8517,          "A global group cannot have a universal group as a member."
8518,          "A universal group cannot have a local group as a member."
8519,          "A global group cannot have a cross-domain member."
8520,          "A local group cannot have another cross domain local group as a member."
8521,          "A group with primary members cannot change to a security-disabled group."
8522,          "The schema cache load failed to convert the string default SD on a class-schema object."
8523,          "Only DSAs configured to be Global Catalog servers should be allowed to hold the Domain Naming Master FSMO role. (Applies only to Windows 2000 servers)"
8524,          "The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure."
8525,          "While processing a change to the DNS Host Name for an object, the Service Principal Name values could not be kept in sync."
8526,          "The Security Descriptor attribute could not be read."
8527,          "The object requested was not found, but an object with that key was found."
8528,          "The syntax of the linked attribute being added is incorrect. Forward links can only have syntax,, and, and backlinks can only have syntax"
8529,          "Security Account Manager needs to get the boot password."
8530,          "Security Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk."
8531,          "Directory Service cannot start."
8532,          "Directory Services could not start."
8533,          "The connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better."
8534,          "The source domain may not be in the same forest as destination."
8535,          "The destination domain must be in the forest."
8536,          "The operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled."
8537,          "The operation couldn't locate a DC for the source domain."
8538,          "The source object must be a group or user."
8539,          "The source object's SID already exists in destination forest."
8540,          "The source and destination object must be of the same type."
8541,          "Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1.\nError Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Safe Mode. Check the event log for detailed information."
8542,          "Schema information could not be included in the replication request."
8543,          "The replication operation could not be completed due to a schema incompatibility."
8544,          "The replication operation could not be completed due to a previous schema incompatibility."
8545,          "The replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information regarding a recent cross-domain move operation."
8546,          "The requested domain could not be deleted because there exist domain controllers that still host this domain."
8547,          "The requested operation can be performed only on a global catalog server."
8548,          "A local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain."
8549,          "Foreign security principals cannot be members of universal groups."
8550,          "The attribute is not allowed to be replicated to the GC because of security reasons."
8551,          "The checkpoint with the PDC could not be taken because there too many modifications being processed currently."
8552,          "The operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled."
8553,          "Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts."
8554,          "A Service Principal Name (SPN) could not be constructed because the provided hostname is not in the necessary format."
8555,          "A Filter was passed that uses constructed attributes."
8556,          "The unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes."
8557,          "Your computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased."
8558,          "For security reasons, the operation must be run on the destination DC."
8559,          "For security reasons, the source DC must be NT4SP4 or greater."
8560,          "Critical Directory Service System objects cannot be deleted during tree delete operations.  The tree delete may have been partially performed."
8561,          "Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1.\nError Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further."
8562,          "Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1.\nError Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further."
8563,          "This version of Windows is too old to support the current directory forest behavior.  You must upgrade the operating system on this server before it can become a domain controller in this forest."
8564,          "This version of Windows is too old to support the current domain behavior.  You must upgrade the operating system on this server before it can become a domain controller in this domain."
8565,          "This version of Windows no longer supports the behavior version in use in this directory forest.  You must advance the forest behavior version before this server can become a domain controller in the forest."
8566,          "This version of Windows no longer supports the behavior version in use in this domain.  You must advance the domain behavior version before this server can become a domain controller in the domain."
8567,          "The version of Windows is incompatible with the behavior version of the domain or forest."
8568,          "The behavior version cannot be increased to the requested value because Domain Controllers still exist with versions lower than the requested value."
8569,          "The behavior version value cannot be increased while the domain is still in mixed domain mode.  You must first change the domain to native mode before increasing the behavior version."
8570,          "The sort order requested is not supported."
8571,          "Found an object with a non unique name."
8572,          "The machine account was created pre-NT4.  The account needs to be recreated."
8573,          "The database is out of version store."
8574,          "Unable to continue operation because multiple conflicting controls were used."
8575,          "Unable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this partition."
8576,          "Schema update failed: The link identifier is reserved."
8577,          "Schema update failed: There are no link identifiers available."
8578,          "A account group can not have a universal group as a member."
8579,          "Rename or move operations on naming context heads or read-only objects are not allowed."
8580,          "Move operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed."
8581,          "A system flag has been set on the object and does not allow the object to be moved or renamed."
8582,          "This object is not allowed to change its grandparent container. Moves are not forbidden on this object, but are restricted to sibling containers."
8583,          "Unable to resolve completely, a referral to another forest is generated."
8584,          "The requested action is not supported on standard server."
8585,          "Could not access a partition of the Active Directory located on a remote server.  Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question."
8586,          "The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context.  Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming master."
8587,          "The thread limit for this request was exceeded."
8588,          "The Global catalog server is not in the closest site."
8589,          "The DS cannot derive a service principal name (SPN) with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the corresponding server object in the local DS database has no serverReference attribute."
8590,          "The Directory Service failed to enter single user mode."
8591,          "The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error."
8592,          "The Directory Service cannot process the script because of an error."
8593,          "The directory service cannot perform the requested operation because the servers\ninvolved are of different replication epochs (which is usually related to a\ndomain rename that is in progress)."
8594,          "The directory service binding must be renegotiated due to a change in the server\nextensions information."
8595,          "Operation not allowed on a disabled cross ref."
8596,          "Schema update failed: No values for msDS-IntId are available."
8597,          "Schema update failed: Duplicate msDS-INtId. Retry the operation."
8598,          "Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in rDNAttID."
8599,          "The directory service failed to authorize the request."
8600,          "The Directory Service cannot process the script because it is invalid."
8601,          "The remote create cross reference operation failed on the Domain Naming Master FSMO.  The operation's error is in the extended data."
9001,          "DNS server unable to interpret format."
9002,          "DNS server failure."
9003,          "DNS name does not exist."
9004,          "DNS request not supported by name server."
9005,          "DNS operation refused."
9006,          "DNS name that ought not exist, does exist."
9007,          "DNS RR set that ought not exist, does exist."
9008,          "DNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist."
9009,          "DNS server not authoritative for zone."
9010,          "DNS name in update or prereq is not in zone."
9016,          "DNS signature failed to verify."
9017,          "DNS bad key."
9018,          "DNS signature validity expired."
9501,          "No records found for given DNS query."
9502,          "Bad DNS packet."
9503,          "No DNS packet."
9504,          "DNS error, check rcode."
9505,          "Unsecured DNS packet."
9551,          "Invalid DNS type."
9552,          "Invalid IP address."
9553,          "Invalid property."
9554,          "Try DNS operation again later."
9555,          "Record for given name and type is not unique."
9556,          "DNS name does not comply with RFC specifications."
9557,          "DNS name is a fully-qualified DNS name."
9558,          "DNS name is dotted (multi-label)."
9559,          "DNS name is a single-part name."
9560,          "DNS name contains an invalid character."
9561,          "DNS name is entirely numeric."
9562,          "The operation requested is not permitted on a DNS root server."
9601,          "DNS zone does not exist."
9602,          "DNS zone information not available."
9603,          "Invalid operation for DNS zone."
9604,          "Invalid DNS zone configuration."
9605,          "DNS zone has no start of authority (SOA) record."
9606,          "DNS zone has no Name Server (NS) record."
9607,          "DNS zone is locked."
9608,          "DNS zone creation failed."
9609,          "DNS zone already exists."
9610,          "DNS automatic zone already exists."
9611,          "Invalid DNS zone type."
9612,          "Secondary DNS zone requires master IP address."
9613,          "DNS zone not secondary."
9614,          "Need secondary IP address."
9615,          "WINS initialization failed."
9616,          "Need WINS servers."
9617,          "NBTSTAT initialization call failed."
9618,          "Invalid delete of start of authority (SOA)"
9619,          "A conditional forwarding zone already exists for that name."
9620,          "This zone must be configured with one or more master DNS server IP addresses."
9621,          "The operation cannot be performed because this zone is shutdown."
9651,          "Primary DNS zone requires datafile."
9652,          "Invalid datafile name for DNS zone."
9653,          "Failed to open datafile for DNS zone."
9654,          "Failed to write datafile for DNS zone."
9655,          "Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone."
9701,          "DNS record does not exist."
9702,          "DNS record format error."
9703,          "Node creation failure in DNS."
9704,          "Unknown DNS record type."
9705,          "DNS record timed out."
9706,          "Name not in DNS zone."
9707,          "CNAME loop detected."
9708,          "Node is a CNAME DNS record."
9709,          "A CNAME record already exists for given name."
9710,          "Record only at DNS zone root."
9711,          "DNS record already exists."
9712,          "Secondary DNS zone data error."
9713,          "Could not create DNS cache data."
9714,          "DNS name does not exist."
9715,          "Could not create pointer (PTR) record."
9716,          "DNS domain was undeleted."
9717,          "The directory service is unavailable."
9718,          "DNS zone already exists in the directory service."
9719,          "DNS server not creating or reading the boot file for the directory service integrated DNS zone."
9751,          "DNS AXFR (zone transfer) complete."
9752,          "DNS zone transfer failed."
9753,          "Added local WINS server."
9801,          "Secure update call needs to continue update request."
9851,          "TCP/IP network protocol not installed."
9852,          "No DNS servers configured for local system."
9901,          "The specified directory partition does not exist."
9902,          "The specified directory partition already exists."
9903,          "The DS is not enlisted in the specified directory partition."
9904,          "The DS is already enlisted in the specified directory partition."
10004,          "A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall."
10009,          "The file handle supplied is not valid."
10013,          "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions."
10014,          "The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call."
10022,          "An invalid argument was supplied."
10024,          "Too many open sockets."
10035,          "A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately."
10036,          "A blocking operation is currently executing."
10037,          "An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress."
10038,          "An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket."
10039,          "A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket."
10040,          "A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself."
10041,          "A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested."
10042,          "An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call."
10043,          "The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists."
10044,          "The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family."
10045,          "The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced."
10046,          "The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists."
10047,          "An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used."
10048,          "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted."
10049,          "The requested address is not valid in its context."
10050,          "A socket operation encountered a dead network."
10051,          "A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network."
10052,          "The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress."
10053,          "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."
10054,          "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
10055,          "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full."
10056,          "A connect request was made on an already connected socket."
10057,          "A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied."
10058,          "A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call."
10059,          "Too many references to some kernel object."
10060,          "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
10061,          "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."
10062,          "Cannot translate name."
10063,          "Name component or name was too long."
10064,          "A socket operation failed because the destination host was down."
10065,          "A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host."
10066,          "Cannot remove a directory that is not empty."
10067,          "A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously."
10068,          "Ran out of quota."
10069,          "Ran out of disk quota."
10070,          "File handle reference is no longer available."
10071,          "Item is not available locally."
10091,          "WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable."
10092,          "The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported."
10093,          "Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed."
10101,          "Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence."
10102,          "No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext."
10103,          "A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled."
10104,          "The procedure call table is invalid."
10105,          "The requested service provider is invalid."
10106,          "The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized."
10107,          "A system call that should never fail has failed."
10108,          "No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space."
10109,          "The specified class was not found."
10110,          "No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext."
10111,          "A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled."
10112,          "A database query failed because it was actively refused."
11001,          "No such host is known."
11002,          "This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server."
11003,          "A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup."
11004,          "The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for."
11005,          "At least one reserve has arrived."
11006,          "At least one path has arrived."
11007,          "There are no senders."
11008,          "There are no receivers."
11009,          "Reserve has been confirmed."
11010,          "Error due to lack of resources."
11011,          "Rejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials."
11012,          "Unknown or conflicting style."
11013,          "Problem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific buffer in general."
11014,          "Problem with some part of the flowspec."
11015,          "General QOS error."
11016,          "An invalid or unrecognized service type was found in the flowspec."
11017,          "An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS structure."
11018,          "Invalid QOS provider-specific buffer."
11019,          "An invalid QOS filter style was used."
11020,          "An invalid QOS filter type was used."
11021,          "An incorrect number of QOS FILTERSPECs were specified in the FLOWDESCRIPTOR."
11022,          "An object with an invalid ObjectLength field was specified in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
11023,          "An incorrect number of flow descriptors was specified in the QOS structure."
11024,          "An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
11025,          "An invalid policy object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
11026,          "An invalid QOS flow descriptor was found in the flow descriptor list."
11027,          "An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS provider specific buffer."
11028,          "An invalid FILTERSPEC was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
11029,          "An invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider specific buffer."
11030,          "An invalid shaping rate object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
11031,          "A reserved policy element was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer."
13000,          "The specified quick mode policy already exists."
13001,          "The specified quick mode policy was not found."
13002,          "The specified quick mode policy is being used."
13003,          "The specified main mode policy already exists."
13004,          "The specified main mode policy was not found"
13005,          "The specified main mode policy is being used."
13006,          "The specified main mode filter already exists."
13007,          "The specified main mode filter was not found."
13008,          "The specified transport mode filter already exists."
13009,          "The specified transport mode filter does not exist."
13010,          "The specified main mode authentication list exists."
13011,          "The specified main mode authentication list was not found."
13012,          "The specified quick mode policy is being used."
13013,          "The specified main mode policy was not found."
13014,          "The specified quick mode policy was not found"
13015,          "The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors."
13016,          "The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context."
13017,          "The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context."
13018,          "The Main Mode filter is pending deletion."
13019,          "The transport filter is pending deletion."
13020,          "The tunnel filter is pending deletion."
13021,          "The Main Mode policy is pending deletion."
13022,          "The Main Mode authentication bundle is pending deletion."
13023,          "The Quick Mode policy is pending deletion."
13801,          "IKE authentication credentials are unacceptable"
13802,          "IKE security attributes are unacceptable"
13803,          "IKE Negotiation in progress"
13804,          "General processing error"
13805,          "Negotiation timed out"
13806,          "IKE failed to find valid machine certificate"
13807,          "IKE SA deleted by peer before establishment completed"
13808,          "IKE SA deleted before establishment completed"
13809,          "Negotiation request sat in Queue too long"
13810,          "Negotiation request sat in Queue too long"
13811,          "Negotiation request sat in Queue too long"
13812,          "Negotiation request sat in Queue too long"
13813,          "No response from peer"
13814,          "Negotiation took too long"
13815,          "Negotiation took too long"
13816,          "Unknown error occurred"
13817,          "Certificate Revocation Check failed"
13818,          "Invalid certificate key usage"
13819,          "Invalid certificate type"
13820,          "No private key associated with machine certificate"
13822,          "Failure in Diffie-Helman computation"
13824,          "Invalid header"
13825,          "No policy configured"
13826,          "Failed to verify signature"
13827,          "Failed to authenticate using kerberos"
13828,          "Peer's certificate did not have a public key"
13829,          "Error processing error payload"
13830,          "Error processing SA payload"
13831,          "Error processing Proposal payload"
13832,          "Error processing Transform payload"
13833,          "Error processing KE payload"
13834,          "Error processing ID payload"
13835,          "Error processing Cert payload"
13836,          "Error processing Certificate Request payload"
13837,          "Error processing Hash payload"
13838,          "Error processing Signature payload"
13839,          "Error processing Nonce payload"
13840,          "Error processing Notify payload"
13841,          "Error processing Delete Payload"
13842,          "Error processing VendorId payload"
13843,          "Invalid payload received"
13844,          "Soft SA loaded"
13845,          "Soft SA torn down"
13846,          "Invalid cookie received."
13847,          "Peer failed to send valid machine certificate"
13848,          "Certification Revocation check of peer's certificate failed"
13849,          "New policy invalidated SAs formed with old policy"
13850,          "There is no available Main Mode IKE policy."
13851,          "Failed to enabled TCB privilege."
13852,          "Failed to load SECURITY.DLL."
13853,          "Failed to obtain security function table dispatch address from SSPI."
13854,          "Failed to query Kerberos package to obtain max token size."
13855,          "Failed to obtain Kerberos server credentials for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service.  Kerberos authentication will not function.  The most likely reason for this is lack of domain membership.  This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup."
13856,          "Failed to determine SSPI principal name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service (QueryCredentialsAttributes)."
13857,          "Failed to obtain new SPI for the inbound SA from Ipsec driver.  The most common cause for this is that the driver does not have the correct filter.  Check your policy to verify the filters."
13858,          "Given filter is invalid"
13859,          "Memory allocation failed."
13860,          "Failed to add Security Association to IPSec Driver.  The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long to complete.  If the problem persists, reduce the load on the faulting machine."
13861,          "Invalid policy"
13862,          "Invalid DOI"
13863,          "Invalid situation"
13864,          "Diffie-Hellman failure"
13865,          "Invalid Diffie-Hellman group"
13866,          "Error encrypting payload"
13867,          "Error decrypting payload"
13868,          "Policy match error"
13869,          "Unsupported ID"
13870,          "Hash verification failed"
13871,          "Invalid hash algorithm"
13872,          "Invalid hash size"
13873,          "Invalid encryption algorithm"
13874,          "Invalid authentication algorithm"
13875,          "Invalid certificate signature"
13876,          "Load failed"
13877,          "Deleted via RPC call"
13878,          "Temporary state created to perform reinit. This is not a real failure."
13879,          "The lifetime value received in the Responder Lifetime Notify is below the Windows 2000 configured minimum value.  Please fix the policy on the peer machine."
13881,          "Key length in certificate is too small for configured security requirements."
13882,          "Max number of established MM SAs to peer exceeded."
13883,          "IKE received a policy that disables negotiation."
14000,          "The requested section was not present in the activation context."
14001,          "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
14002,          "The application binding data format is invalid."
14003,          "The referenced assembly is not installed on your system."
14004,          "The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information."
14005,          "The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors."
14006,          "The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context."
14007,          "The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context."
14008,          "A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active."
14009,          "The type requested activation context section does not match the query API used."
14010,          "Lack of system resources has required isolated activation to be disabled for the current thread of execution."
14011,          "An attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already set."
14012,          "The encoding group identifier specified is not recognized."
14013,          "The encoding requested is not recognized."
14014,          "The manifest contains a reference to an invalid URI."
14015,          "The application manifest contains a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed"
14016,          "The manifest for an assembly used by the application has a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed"
14017,          "The manifest contains an attribute for the assembly identity which is not valid."
14018,          "The manifest is missing the required default namespace specification on the assembly element."
14019,          "The manifest has a default namespace specified on the assembly element but its value is not \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\"."
14020,          "The private manifest probed has crossed reparse-point-associated path"
14021,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have files by the same name."
14022,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name."
14023,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM server CLSIDs."
14024,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have proxies for the same COM interface IIDs."
14025,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM type library TLBIDs."
14026,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs."
14027,          "Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest are different versions of the same component which is not permitted."
14028,          "A component's file does not match the verification information present in the\ncomponent manifest."
14029,          "The policy manifest contains one or more syntax errors."
14030,          "Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found."
14031,          "Manifest Parse Error : Incorrect syntax was used in a comment."
14032,          "Manifest Parse Error : A name was started with an invalid character."
14033,          "Manifest Parse Error : A name contained an invalid character."
14034,          "Manifest Parse Error : A string literal contained an invalid character."
14035,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid syntax for an xml declaration."
14036,          "Manifest Parse Error : An Invalid character was found in text content."
14037,          "Manifest Parse Error : Required white space was missing."
14038,          "Manifest Parse Error : The character '>' was expected."
14039,          "Manifest Parse Error : A semi colon character was expected."
14040,          "Manifest Parse Error : Unbalanced parentheses."
14041,          "Manifest Parse Error : Internal error."
14042,          "Manifest Parse Error : Whitespace is not allowed at this location."
14043,          "Manifest Parse Error : End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding."
14044,          "Manifest Parse Error : Missing parenthesis."
14045,          "Manifest Parse Error : A single or double closing quote character (\\' or \\\") is missing."
14046,          "Manifest Parse Error : Multiple colons are not allowed in a name."
14047,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for decimal digit."
14048,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for hexidecimal digit."
14049,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid unicode character value for this platform."
14050,          "Manifest Parse Error : Expecting whitespace or '?'."
14051,          "Manifest Parse Error : End tag was not expected at this location."
14052,          "Manifest Parse Error : The following tags were not closed: %1."
14053,          "Manifest Parse Error : Duplicate attribute."
14054,          "Manifest Parse Error : Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document."
14055,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid at the top level of the document."
14056,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid xml declaration."
14057,          "Manifest Parse Error : XML document must have a top level element."
14058,          "Manifest Parse Error : Unexpected end of file."
14059,          "Manifest Parse Error : Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset."
14060,          "Manifest Parse Error : Element was not closed."
14061,          "Manifest Parse Error : End element was missing the character '>'."
14062,          "Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was not closed."
14063,          "Manifest Parse Error : A comment was not closed."
14064,          "Manifest Parse Error : A declaration was not closed."
14065,          "Manifest Parse Error : A CDATA section was not closed."
14066,          "Manifest Parse Error : The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string \"xml\"."
14067,          "Manifest Parse Error : System does not support the specified encoding."
14068,          "Manifest Parse Error : Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported."
14069,          "Manifest Parse Error : The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case."
14070,          "Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'."
14071,          "Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities."
14072,          "Manifest Parse Error : Invalid version number."
14073,          "Manifest Parse Error : Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value."
14074,          "Assembly Protection Error : Unable to recover the specified assembly."
14075,          "Assembly Protection Error : The public key for an assembly was too short to be allowed."
14076,          "Assembly Protection Error : The catalog for an assembly is not valid, or does not match the assembly's manifest."
14077,          "An HRESULT could not be translated to a corresponding Win32 error code."
14078,          "Assembly Protection Error : The catalog for an assembly is missing."
14079,          "The supplied assembly identity is missing one or more attributes which must be present in this context."
14080,          "The supplied assembly identity has one or more attribute names that contain characters not permitted in XML names."
197120,          "The underlying file was converted to compound file format."
197121,          "The storage operation should block until more data is available."
197122,          "The storage operation should retry immediately."
197123,          "The notified event sink will not influence the storage operation."
197124,          "Multiple opens prevent consolidated. (commit succeeded)."
197125,          "Consolidation of the storage file failed. (commit succeeded)."
197126,          "Consolidation of the storage file is inappropriate. (commit succeeded)."
262144,          "Use the registry database to provide the requested information"
262145,          "Success, but static"
262146,          "Macintosh clipboard format"
262400,          "Successful drop took place"
262401,          "Drag-drop operation canceled"
262402,          "Use the default cursor"
262448,          "Data has same FORMATETC"
262464,          "View is already frozen"
262512,          "FORMATETC not supported"
262513,          "Same cache"
262514,          "Some cache(s) not updated"
262528,          "Invalid verb for OLE object"
262529,          "Verb number is valid but verb cannot be done now"
262530,          "Invalid window handle passed"
262560,          "Message is too long; some of it had to be truncated before displaying"
262592,          "Unable to convert OLESTREAM to IStorage"
262626,          "Moniker reduced to itself"
262628,          "Common prefix is this moniker"
262629,          "Common prefix is input moniker"
262630,          "Common prefix is both monikers"
262631,          "Moniker is already registered in running object table"
262656,          "An event was able to invoke some but not all of the subscribers"
262658,          "An event was delivered but there were no subscribers"
267008,          "The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time."
267009,          "The task is currently running."
267010,          "The task will not run at the scheduled times because it has been disabled."
267011,          "The task has not yet run."
267012,          "There are no more runs scheduled for this task."
267013,          "One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set."
267014,          "The last run of the task was terminated by the user."
267015,          "Either the task has no triggers or the existing triggers are disabled or not set."
267016,          "Event triggers don't have set run times."
315392,          "An asynchronous operation was specified. The operation has begun, but its outcome is not known yet."
315393,          "XACT_S_DEFECT"
315394,          "The method call succeeded because the transaction was read-only."
315395,          "The transaction was successfully aborted. However, this is a coordinated transaction, and some number of enlisted resources were aborted outright because they could not support abort-retaining semantics"
315396,          "No changes were made during this call, but the sink wants another chance to look if any other sinks make further changes."
315397,          "The sink is content and wishes the transaction to proceed. Changes were made to one or more resources during this call."
315398,          "The sink is for the moment and wishes the transaction to proceed, but if other changes are made following this return by other event sinks then this sink wants another chance to look"
315399,          "The transaction was successfully aborted. However, the abort was non-retaining."
315400,          "An abort operation was already in progress."
315401,          "The resource manager has performed a single-phase commit of the transaction."
315402,          "The local transaction has not aborted."
315408,          "The resource manager has requested to be the coordinator (last resource manager) for the transaction."
524306,          "Not all the requested interfaces were available"
524307,          "The specified machine name was not found in the cache."
590610,          "The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the context"
590611,          "The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called"
590612,          "The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context"
590613,          "The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information"
590615,          "The context has expired and can no longer be used."
590624,          "The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context."
590625,          "The context data must be renegotiated with the peer."
590627,          "There is no LSA mode context associated with this context."
593938,          "The protected data needs to be re-protected."
-2147483647,          "Not implemented"
-2147483646,          "Ran out of memory"
-2147483645,          "One or more arguments are invalid"
-2147483644,          "No such interface supported"
-2147483643,          "Invalid pointer"
-2147483642,          "Invalid handle"
-2147483641,          "Operation aborted"
-2147483640,          "Unspecified error"
-2147483639,          "General access denied error"
-2147483638,          "The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available."
-2147467263,          "Not implemented"
-2147467262,          "No such interface supported"
-2147467261,          "Invalid pointer"
-2147467260,          "Operation aborted"
-2147467259,          "Unspecified error"
-2147467258,          "Thread local storage failure"
-2147467257,          "Get shared memory allocator failure"
-2147467256,          "Get memory allocator failure"
-2147467255,          "Unable to initialize class cache"
-2147467254,          "Unable to initialize RPC services"
-2147467253,          "Cannot set thread local storage channel control"
-2147467252,          "Could not allocate thread local storage channel control"
-2147467251,          "The user supplied memory allocator is unacceptable"
-2147467250,          "The OLE service mutex already exists"
-2147467249,          "The OLE service file mapping already exists"
-2147467248,          "Unable to map view of file for OLE service"
-2147467247,          "Failure attempting to launch OLE service"
-2147467246,          "There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single threaded"
-2147467245,          "A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowed"
-2147467244,          "A Remote activation was necessary but the server name provided was invalid"
-2147467243,          "The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller"
-2147467242,          "Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is disabled"
-2147467241,          "A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\\<user name> or simply <user name>"
-2147467240,          "The server process could not be started.  The pathname may be incorrect."
-2147467239,          "The server process could not be started as the configured identity.  The pathname may be incorrect or unavailable."
-2147467238,          "The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect.  Check the username and password."
-2147467237,          "The client is not allowed to launch this server."
-2147467236,          "The service providing this server could not be started."
-2147467235,          "This computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server."
-2147467234,          "The server did not respond after being launched."
-2147467233,          "The registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete."
-2147467232,          "The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete."
-2147467231,          "The operation attempted is not supported."
-2147467230,          "A dll must be loaded."
-2147467229,          "A Microsoft Software Installer error was encountered."
-2147467228,          "The specified activation could not occur in the client context as specified."
-2147467227,          "Activations on the server are paused."
-2147467226,          "Activations on the server are not paused."
-2147467225,          "The component or application containing the component has been disabled."
-2147467224,          "The common language runtime is not available"
-2147467223,          "The thread-pool rejected the submitted asynchronous work."
-2147467222,          "The server started, but did not finish initializing in a timely fashion."
-2147467221,          "Unable to complete the call since there is no COM+ security context inside IObjectControl.Activate."
-2147467216,          "The provided tracker configuration is invalid"
-2147467215,          "The provided thread pool configuration is invalid"
-2147467214,          "The provided side-by-side configuration is invalid"
-2147467213,          "The server principal name (SPN) obtained during security negotiation is malformed."
-2147418113,          "Catastrophic failure"
-2147418111,          "Call was rejected by callee."
-2147418110,          "Call was canceled by the message filter."
-2147418109,          "The caller is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via PostMessage."
-2147418108,          "The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of this call."
-2147418107,          "It is illegal to call out while inside message filter."
-2147418106,          "The connection terminated or is in a bogus state and cannot be used any more. Other connections are still valid."
-2147418105,          "The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed."
-2147418104,          "The caller (client) disappeared while the callee (server) was processing a call."
-2147418103,          "The data packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect."
-2147418102,          "The call was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not emptied after yielding."
-2147418101,          "The client (caller) cannot marshall the parameter data - low memory, etc."
-2147418100,          "The client (caller) cannot unmarshall the return data - low memory, etc."
-2147418099,          "The server (callee) cannot marshall the return data - low memory, etc."
-2147418098,          "The server (callee) cannot unmarshall the parameter data - low memory, etc."
-2147418097,          "Received data is invalid; could be server or client data."
-2147418096,          "A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un)marshalled."
-2147418095,          "There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation."
-2147418094,          "The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute."
-2147417856,          "System call failed."
-2147417855,          "Could not allocate some required resource (memory, events, ...)"
-2147417854,          "Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode."
-2147417853,          "The requested interface is not registered on the server object."
-2147417852,          "RPC could not call the server or could not return the results of calling the server."
-2147417851,          "The server threw an exception."
-2147417850,          "Cannot change thread mode after it is set."
-2147417849,          "The method called does not exist on the server."
-2147417848,          "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients."
-2147417847,          "The object invoked chose not to process the call now.  Try again later."
-2147417846,          "The message filter indicated that the application is busy."
-2147417845,          "The message filter rejected the call."
-2147417844,          "A call control interfaces was called with invalid data."
-2147417843,          "An outgoing call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call."
-2147417842,          "The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread."
-2147417841,          "CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread."
-2147417840,          "The version of OLE on the client and server machines does not match."
-2147417839,          "OLE received a packet with an invalid header."
-2147417838,          "OLE received a packet with an invalid extension."
-2147417837,          "The requested object or interface does not exist."
-2147417836,          "The requested object does not exist."
-2147417835,          "OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a reply."
-2147417834,          "OLE is waiting before retrying a request."
-2147417833,          "Call context cannot be accessed after call completed."
-2147417832,          "Impersonate on unsecure calls is not supported."
-2147417831,          "Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It cannot be changed once initialized."
-2147417830,          "No security packages are installed on this machine or the user is not logged on or there are no compatible security packages between the client and server."
-2147417829,          "Access is denied."
-2147417828,          "Remote calls are not allowed for this process."
-2147417827,          "The marshaled interface data packet (OBJREF) has an invalid or unknown format."
-2147417826,          "No context is associated with this call. This happens for some custom marshalled calls and on the client side of the call."
-2147417825,          "This operation returned because the timeout period expired."
-2147417824,          "There are no synchronize objects to wait on."
-2147417823,          "Full subject issuer chain SSL principal name expected from the server."
-2147417822,          "Principal name is not a valid MSSTD name."
-2147417821,          "Unable to impersonate DCOM client"
-2147417820,          "Unable to obtain server's security context"
-2147417819,          "Unable to open the access token of the current thread"
-2147417818,          "Unable to obtain user info from an access token"
-2147417817,          "The client who called IAccessControl::IsAccessPermitted was not the trustee provided to the method"
-2147417816,          "Unable to obtain the client's security blanket"
-2147417815,          "Unable to set a discretionary ACL into a security descriptor"
-2147417814,          "The system function, AccessCheck, returned false"
-2147417813,          "Either NetAccessDel or NetAccessAdd returned an error code."
-2147417812,          "One of the trustee strings provided by the user did not conform to the <Domain>\\<Name> syntax and it was not the \"*\" string"
-2147417811,          "One of the security identifiers provided by the user was invalid"
-2147417810,          "Unable to convert a wide character trustee string to a multibyte trustee string"
-2147417809,          "Unable to find a security identifier that corresponds to a trustee string provided by the user"
-2147417808,          "The system function, LookupAccountSID, failed"
-2147417807,          "Unable to find a trustee name that corresponds to a security identifier provided by the user"
-2147417806,          "The system function, LookupAccountName, failed"
-2147417805,          "Unable to set or reset a serialization handle"
-2147417804,          "Unable to obtain the Windows directory"
-2147417803,          "Path too long"
-2147417802,          "Unable to generate a uuid."
-2147417801,          "Unable to create file"
-2147417800,          "Unable to close a serialization handle or a file handle."
-2147417799,          "The number of ACEs in an ACL exceeds the system limit."
-2147417798,          "Not all the DENY_ACCESS ACEs are arranged in front of the GRANT_ACCESS ACEs in the stream."
-2147417797,          "The version of ACL format in the stream is not supported by this implementation of IAccessControl"
-2147417796,          "Unable to open the access token of the server process"
-2147417795,          "Unable to decode the ACL in the stream provided by the user"
-2147417793,          "The COM IAccessControl object is not initialized"
-2147417792,          "Call Cancellation is disabled"
-2147352577,          "An internal error occurred."
-2147352575,          "Unknown interface."
-2147352573,          "Member not found."
-2147352572,          "Parameter not found."
-2147352571,          "Type mismatch."
-2147352570,          "Unknown name."
-2147352569,          "No named arguments."
-2147352568,          "Bad variable type."
-2147352567,          "Exception occurred."
-2147352566,          "Out of present range."
-2147352565,          "Invalid index."
-2147352564,          "Unknown language."
-2147352563,          "Memory is locked."
-2147352562,          "Invalid number of parameters."
-2147352561,          "Parameter not optional."
-2147352560,          "Invalid callee."
-2147352559,          "Does not support a collection."
-2147352558,          "Division by zero."
-2147352557,          "Buffer too small"
-2147319786,          "Buffer too small."
-2147319785,          "Field name not defined in the record."
-2147319784,          "Old format or invalid type library."
-2147319783,          "Old format or invalid type library."
-2147319780,          "Error accessing the OLE registry."
-2147319779,          "Library not registered."
-2147319769,          "Bound to unknown type."
-2147319768,          "Qualified name disallowed."
-2147319767,          "Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type."
-2147319766,          "Type mismatch."
-2147319765,          "Element not found."
-2147319764,          "Ambiguous name."
-2147319763,          "Name already exists in the library."
-2147319762,          "Unknown LCID."
-2147319761,          "Function not defined in specified DLL."
-2147317571,          "Wrong module kind for the operation."
-2147317563,          "Size may not exceed 64K."
-2147317562,          "Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy."
-2147317553,          "Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember."
-2147316576,          "Type mismatch."
-2147316575,          "Invalid number of arguments."
-2147316574,          "I/O Error."
-2147316573,          "Error creating unique tmp file."
-2147312566,          "Error loading type library/DLL."
-2147312509,          "Inconsistent property functions."
-2147312508,          "Circular dependency between types/modules."
-2147287039,          "Unable to perform requested operation."
-2147287038,          "%1 could not be found."
-2147287037,          "The path %1 could not be found."
-2147287036,          "There are insufficient resources to open another file."
-2147287035,          "Access Denied."
-2147287034,          "Attempted an operation on an invalid object."
-2147287032,          "There is insufficient memory available to complete operation."
-2147287031,          "Invalid pointer error."
-2147287022,          "There are no more entries to return."
-2147287021,          "Disk is write-protected."
-2147287015,          "An error occurred during a seek operation."
-2147287011,          "A disk error occurred during a write operation."
-2147287010,          "A disk error occurred during a read operation."
-2147287008,          "A share violation has occurred."
-2147287007,          "A lock violation has occurred."
-2147286960,          "%1 already exists."
-2147286953,          "Invalid parameter error."
-2147286928,          "There is insufficient disk space to complete operation."
-2147286800,          "Illegal write of non-simple property to simple property set."
-2147286790,          "An API call exited abnormally."
-2147286789,          "The file %1 is not a valid compound file."
-2147286788,          "The name %1 is not valid."
-2147286787,          "An unexpected error occurred."
-2147286786,          "That function is not implemented."
-2147286785,          "Invalid flag error."
-2147286784,          "Attempted to use an object that is busy."
-2147286783,          "The storage has been changed since the last commit."
-2147286782,          "Attempted to use an object that has ceased to exist."
-2147286781,          "Can't save."
-2147286780,          "The compound file %1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage."
-2147286779,          "The compound file %1 was produced with a newer version of storage."
-2147286778,          "Share.exe or equivalent is required for operation."
-2147286777,          "Illegal operation called on non-file based storage."
-2147286776,          "Illegal operation called on object with extant marshallings."
-2147286775,          "The docfile has been corrupted."
-2147286768,          "OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address."
-2147286767,          "The compound file is too large for the current implementation"
-2147286766,          "The compound file was not created with the STGM_SIMPLE flag"
-2147286527,          "The file download was aborted abnormally.  The file is incomplete."
-2147286526,          "The file download has been terminated."
-2147286267,          "Generic Copy Protection Error."
-2147286266,          "Copy Protection Error - DVD CSS Authentication failed."
-2147286265,          "Copy Protection Error - The given sector does not have a valid CSS key."
-2147286264,          "Copy Protection Error - DVD session key not established."
-2147286263,          "Copy Protection Error - The read failed because the sector is encrypted."
-2147286262,          "Copy Protection Error - The current DVD's region does not correspond to the region setting of the drive."
-2147286261,          "Copy Protection Error - The drive's region setting may be permanent or the number of user resets has been exhausted."
-2147221504,          "Invalid OLEVERB structure"
-2147221503,          "Invalid advise flags"
-2147221502,          "Can't enumerate any more, because the associated data is missing"
-2147221501,          "This implementation doesn't take advises"
-2147221500,          "There is no connection for this connection ID"
-2147221499,          "Need to run the object to perform this operation"
-2147221498,          "There is no cache to operate on"
-2147221497,          "Uninitialized object"
-2147221496,          "Linked object's source class has changed"
-2147221495,          "Not able to get the moniker of the object"
-2147221494,          "Not able to bind to the source"
-2147221493,          "Object is static; operation not allowed"
-2147221492,          "User canceled out of save dialog"
-2147221491,          "Invalid rectangle"
-2147221490,          "compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initialized"
-2147221489,          "Invalid window handle"
-2147221488,          "Object is not in any of the inplace active states"
-2147221487,          "Not able to convert object"
-2147221486,          "Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yet"
-2147221404,          "Invalid FORMATETC structure"
-2147221403,          "Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure"
-2147221402,          "Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure"
-2147221401,          "Invalid STATDATA structure"
-2147221400,          "Invalid lindex"
-2147221399,          "Invalid tymed"
-2147221398,          "Invalid clipboard format"
-2147221397,          "Invalid aspect(s)"
-2147221396,          "tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid"
-2147221395,          "Object doesn't support IViewObject interface"
-2147221248,          "Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered"
-2147221247,          "This window has already been registered as a drop target"
-2147221246,          "Invalid window handle"
-2147221232,          "Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote)"
-2147221231,          "ClassFactory cannot supply requested class"
-2147221230,          "Class is not licensed for use"
-2147221184,          "Error drawing view"
-2147221168,          "Could not read key from registry"
-2147221167,          "Could not write key to registry"
-2147221166,          "Could not find the key in the registry"
-2147221165,          "Invalid value for registry"
-2147221164,          "Class not registered"
-2147221163,          "Interface not registered"
-2147221162,          "Threading model entry is not valid"
-2147221152,          "CATID does not exist"
-2147221151,          "Description not found"
-2147221148,          "No package in the software installation data in the Active Directory meets this criteria."
-2147221147,          "Deleting this will break the referential integrity of the software installation data in the Active Directory."
-2147221146,          "The CLSID was not found in the software installation data in the Active Directory."
-2147221145,          "The software installation data in the Active Directory is corrupt."
-2147221144,          "There is no software installation data in the Active Directory."
-2147221143,          "There is no software installation data object in the Active Directory."
-2147221142,          "The software installation data object in the Active Directory already exists."
-2147221141,          "The path to the software installation data in the Active Directory is not correct."
-2147221140,          "A network error interrupted the operation."
-2147221139,          "The size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the Administrator."
-2147221138,          "The schema for the software installation data in the Active Directory does not match the required schema."
-2147221137,          "An error occurred in the software installation data in the Active Directory."
-2147221136,          "Cache not updated"
-2147221120,          "No verbs for OLE object"
-2147221119,          "Invalid verb for OLE object"
-2147221088,          "Undo is not available"
-2147221087,          "Space for tools is not available"
-2147221056,          "OLESTREAM Get method failed"
-2147221055,          "OLESTREAM Put method failed"
-2147221054,          "Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format"
-2147221053,          "There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a DIB"
-2147221052,          "Contents of the IStorage not in correct format"
-2147221051,          "Contents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streams"
-2147221050,          "There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the DIB to a bitmap.\n"
-2147221040,          "OpenClipboard Failed"
-2147221039,          "EmptyClipboard Failed"
-2147221038,          "SetClipboard Failed"
-2147221037,          "Data on clipboard is invalid"
-2147221036,          "CloseClipboard Failed"
-2147221024,          "Moniker needs to be connected manually"
-2147221023,          "Operation exceeded deadline"
-2147221022,          "Moniker needs to be generic"
-2147221021,          "Operation unavailable"
-2147221020,          "Invalid syntax"
-2147221019,          "No object for moniker"
-2147221018,          "Bad extension for file"
-2147221017,          "Intermediate operation failed"
-2147221016,          "Moniker is not bindable"
-2147221015,          "Moniker is not bound"
-2147221014,          "Moniker cannot open file"
-2147221013,          "User input required for operation to succeed"
-2147221012,          "Moniker class has no inverse"
-2147221011,          "Moniker does not refer to storage"
-2147221010,          "No common prefix"
-2147221009,          "Moniker could not be enumerated"
-2147221008,          "CoInitialize has not been called."
-2147221007,          "CoInitialize has already been called."
-2147221006,          "Class of object cannot be determined"
-2147221005,          "Invalid class string"
-2147221004,          "Invalid interface string"
-2147221003,          "Application not found"
-2147221002,          "Application cannot be run more than once"
-2147221001,          "Some error in application program"
-2147221000,          "DLL for class not found"
-2147220999,          "Error in the DLL"
-2147220998,          "Wrong OS or OS version for application"
-2147220997,          "Object is not registered"
-2147220996,          "Object is already registered"
-2147220995,          "Object is not connected to server"
-2147220994,          "Application was launched but it didn't register a class factory"
-2147220993,          "Object has been released"
-2147220991,          "An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers"
-2147220989,          "A syntax error occurred trying to evaluate a query string"
-2147220988,          "An invalid field name was used in a query string"
-2147220987,          "An unexpected exception was raised"
-2147220986,          "An unexpected internal error was detected"
-2147220985,          "The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist"
-2147220984,          "A user-supplied component or subscriber raised an exception"
-2147220983,          "An interface has too many methods to fire events from"
-2147220982,          "A subscription cannot be stored unless its event class already exists"
-2147220981,          "Not all the objects requested could be removed"
-2147220980,          "COM+ is required for this operation, but is not installed"
-2147220979,          "Cannot modify or delete an object that was not added using the COM+ Admin SDK"
-2147220978,          "Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Admin SDK"
-2147220977,          "The event class for this subscription is in an invalid partition"
-2147220976,          "The owner of the PerUser subscription is not logged on to the system specified"
-2147216631,          "Trigger not found."
-2147216630,          "One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task have not been set."
-2147216629,          "There is no running instance of the task to terminate."
-2147216628,          "The Task Scheduler Service is not installed on this computer."
-2147216627,          "The task object could not be opened."
-2147216626,          "The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object."
-2147216625,          "No account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated."
-2147216624,          "Unable to establish existence of the account specified."
-2147216623,          "Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database; the database has been reset."
-2147216622,          "Task Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT."
-2147216621,          "The task object version is either unsupported or invalid."
-2147216620,          "The task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run time options."
-2147216619,          "The Task Scheduler Service is not running."
-2147168256,          "Another single phase resource manager has already been enlisted in this transaction."
-2147168255,          "A retaining commit or abort is not supported"
-2147168254,          "The transaction failed to commit for an unknown reason. The transaction was aborted."
-2147168253,          "Cannot call commit on this transaction object because the calling application did not initiate the transaction."
-2147168252,          "Instead of committing, the resource heuristically aborted."
-2147168251,          "Instead of aborting, the resource heuristically committed."
-2147168250,          "Some of the states of the resource were committed while others were aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions."
-2147168249,          "Some of the states of the resource may have been committed while others may have been aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions."
-2147168248,          "The requested isolation level is not valid or supported."
-2147168247,          "The transaction manager doesn't support an asynchronous operation for this method."
-2147168246,          "Unable to enlist in the transaction."
-2147168245,          "The requested semantics of retention of isolation across retaining commit and abort boundaries cannot be supported by this transaction implementation, or isoFlags was not equal to zero."
-2147168244,          "There is no resource presently associated with this enlistment"
-2147168243,          "The transaction failed to commit due to the failure of optimistic concurrency control in at least one of the resource managers."
-2147168242,          "The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted"
-2147168241,          "An invalid combination of flags was specified"
-2147168240,          "The resource manager id is not associated with this transaction or the transaction manager."
-2147168239,          "This method was called in the wrong state"
-2147168238,          "The indicated unit of work does not match the unit of work expected by the resource manager."
-2147168237,          "An enlistment in a transaction already exists."
-2147168236,          "An import object for the transaction could not be found."
-2147168235,          "The transaction cookie is invalid."
-2147168234,          "The transaction status is in doubt. A communication failure occurred, or a transaction manager or resource manager has failed"
-2147168233,          "A time-out was specified, but time-outs are not supported."
-2147168232,          "The requested operation is already in progress for the transaction."
-2147168231,          "The transaction has already been aborted."
-2147168230,          "The Transaction Manager returned a log full error."
-2147168229,          "The Transaction Manager is not available."
-2147168228,          "A connection with the transaction manager was lost."
-2147168227,          "A request to establish a connection with the transaction manager was denied."
-2147168226,          "Resource manager reenlistment to determine transaction status timed out."
-2147168225,          "This transaction manager failed to establish a connection with another TIP transaction manager."
-2147168224,          "This transaction manager encountered a protocol error with another TIP transaction manager."
-2147168223,          "This transaction manager could not propagate a transaction from another TIP transaction manager."
-2147168222,          "The Transaction Manager on the destination machine is not available."
-2147168221,          "The Transaction Manager has disabled its support for TIP."
-2147168220,          "The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions."
-2147168219,          "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions."
-2147168218,          "The transaction manager has disabled its support for XA transactions."
-2147168217,          "MSDTC was unable to read its configuration information."
-2147168216,          "MSDTC was unable to load the dtc proxy dll."
-2147168215,          "The local transaction has aborted."
-2147168128,          "XACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUND"
-2147168127,          "XACT_E_CLERKEXISTS"
-2147168126,          "XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESS"
-2147168125,          "XACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSED"
-2147168124,          "XACT_E_INVALIDLSN"
-2147168123,          "XACT_E_REPLAYREQUEST"
-2147164158,          "The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted"
-2147164157,          "You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already aborted or in the process of aborting."
-2147164156,          "There is no MTS object context"
-2147164154,          "The component is configured to use synchronization and a thread has timed out waiting to enter the context."
-2147164153,          "You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already committed or aborted."
-2147164148,          "The specified role was not configured for the application"
-2147164145,          "COM+ was unable to talk to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator"
-2147164127,          "An unexpected error occurred during COM+ Activation."
-2147164126,          "COM+ Activation failed. Check the event log for more information"
-2147164125,          "COM+ Activation failed due to a catalog or configuration error."
-2147164124,          "COM+ activation failed because the activation could not be completed in the specified amount of time."
-2147164123,          "COM+ Activation failed because an initialization function failed.  Check the event log for more information."
-2147164122,          "The requested operation requires that JIT be in the current context and it is not"
-2147164121,          "The requested operation requires that the current context have a Transaction, and it does not"
-2147164120,          "The components threading model has changed after install into a COM+ Application.  Please re-install component."
-2147164119,          "IIS intrinsics not available.  Start your work with IIS."
-2147164118,          "An attempt to write a cookie failed."
-2147164117,          "An attempt to use a database generated a database specific error."
-2147164116,          "The COM+ component you created must use object pooling to work."
-2147164115,          "The COM+ component you created must use object construction to work correctly."
-2147164114,          "The COM+ component requires synchronization, and it is not configured for it."
-2147164113,          "The TxIsolation Level property for the COM+ component being created is stronger than the TxIsolationLevel for the \"root\" component for the transaction.  The creation failed."
-2147024891,          "General access denied error"
-2147024890,          "Invalid handle"
-2147024882,          "Ran out of memory"
-2147024809,          "One or more arguments are invalid"
-2146959359,          "Attempt to create a class object failed"
-2146959358,          "OLE service could not bind object"
-2146959357,          "RPC communication failed with OLE service"
-2146959356,          "Bad path to object"
-2146959355,          "Server execution failed"
-2146959354,          "OLE service could not communicate with the object server"
-2146959353,          "Moniker path could not be normalized"
-2146959352,          "Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it"
-2146959351,          "An invalid root block pointer was specified"
-2146959344,          "An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer"
-2146959343,          "The requested allocation size was too large"
-2146893823,          "Bad UID."
-2146893822,          "Bad Hash."
-2146893821,          "Bad Key."
-2146893820,          "Bad Length."
-2146893819,          "Bad Data."
-2146893818,          "Invalid Signature."
-2146893817,          "Bad Version of provider."
-2146893816,          "Invalid algorithm specified."
-2146893815,          "Invalid flags specified."
-2146893814,          "Invalid type specified."
-2146893813,          "Key not valid for use in specified state."
-2146893812,          "Hash not valid for use in specified state."
-2146893811,          "Key does not exist."
-2146893810,          "Insufficient memory available for the operation."
-2146893809,          "Object already exists."
-2146893808,          "Access denied."
-2146893807,          "Object was not found."
-2146893806,          "Data already encrypted."
-2146893805,          "Invalid provider specified."
-2146893804,          "Invalid provider type specified."
-2146893803,          "Provider's public key is invalid."
-2146893802,          "Keyset does not exist"
-2146893801,          "Provider type not defined."
-2146893800,          "Provider type as registered is invalid."
-2146893799,          "The keyset is not defined."
-2146893798,          "Keyset as registered is invalid."
-2146893797,          "Provider type does not match registered value."
-2146893796,          "The digital signature file is corrupt."
-2146893795,          "Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly."
-2146893794,          "Provider DLL could not be found."
-2146893793,          "The Keyset parameter is invalid."
-2146893792,          "An internal error occurred."
-2146893791,          "A base error occurred."
-2146893790,          "Provider could not perform the action since the context was acquired as silent."
-2146893789,          "The security token does not have storage space available for an additional container."
-2146893788,          "The profile for the user is a temporary profile."
-2146893787,          "The key parameters could not be set because the CSP uses fixed parameters."
-2146893056,          "Not enough memory is available to complete this request"
-2146893055,          "The handle specified is invalid"
-2146893054,          "The function requested is not supported"
-2146893053,          "The specified target is unknown or unreachable"
-2146893052,          "The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted"
-2146893051,          "The requested security package does not exist"
-2146893050,          "The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials"
-2146893049,          "The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installed"
-2146893048,          "The token supplied to the function is invalid"
-2146893047,          "The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed"
-2146893046,          "The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security package"
-2146893045,          "The security context does not allow impersonation of the client"
-2146893044,          "The logon attempt failed"
-2146893043,          "The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized"
-2146893042,          "No credentials are available in the security package"
-2146893041,          "The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered"
-2146893040,          "The message supplied for verification is out of sequence"
-2146893039,          "No authority could be contacted for authentication."
-2146893034,          "The requested security package does not exist"
-2146893033,          "The context has expired and can no longer be used."
-2146893032,          "The supplied message is incomplete.  The signature was not verified."
-2146893024,          "The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized."
-2146893023,          "The buffers supplied to a function was too small."
-2146893022,          "The target principal name is incorrect."
-2146893020,          "The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed."
-2146893019,          "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted."
-2146893018,          "The message received was unexpected or badly formatted."
-2146893017,          "An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate."
-2146893016,          "The received certificate has expired."
-2146893015,          "The specified data could not be encrypted."
-2146893008,          "The specified data could not be decrypted.\n"
-2146893007,          "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm."
-2146893006,          "The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication or delegation)."
-2146893005,          "A security context was deleted before the context was completed.  This is considered a logon failure."
-2146893004,          "The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but didn't send a TGT reply."
-2146893003,          "Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have any IP addresses."
-2146893002,          "The supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context."
-2146893001,          "The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable."
-2146893000,          "The number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded."
-2146892999,          "The local machine must be a Kerberos KDC (domain controller) and it is not."
-2146892998,          "The other end of the security negotiation is requires strong crypto but it is not supported on the local machine."
-2146892997,          "The KDC reply contained more than one principal name."
-2146892996,          "Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found."
-2146892995,          "The client cert name does not matches the user name or the KDC name is incorrect."
-2146892994,          "Smartcard logon is required and was not used."
-2146892993,          "A system shutdown is in progress."
-2146892992,          "An invalid request was sent to the KDC."
-2146892991,          "The KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested."
-2146892990,          "The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC."
-2146892989,          "An unsupported preauthentication mechanism was presented to the kerberos package."
-2146892987,          "The requested operation requires delegation to be enabled on the machine."
-2146892986,          "Client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect."
-2146892985,          "The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts."
-2146892984,          "SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY"
-2146889727,          "An error occurred while performing an operation on a cryptographic message."
-2146889726,          "Unknown cryptographic algorithm."
-2146889725,          "The object identifier is poorly formatted."
-2146889724,          "Invalid cryptographic message type."
-2146889723,          "Unexpected cryptographic message encoding."
-2146889722,          "The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute."
-2146889721,          "The hash value is not correct."
-2146889720,          "The index value is not valid."
-2146889719,          "The content of the cryptographic message has already been decrypted."
-2146889718,          "The content of the cryptographic message has not been decrypted yet."
-2146889717,          "The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient."
-2146889716,          "Invalid control type."
-2146889715,          "Invalid issuer and/or serial number."
-2146889714,          "Cannot find the original signer."
-2146889713,          "The cryptographic message does not contain all of the requested attributes."
-2146889712,          "The streamed cryptographic message is not ready to return data."
-2146889711,          "The streamed cryptographic message requires more data to complete the decode operation."
-2146885631,          "The length specified for the output data was insufficient."
-2146885630,          "An error occurred during encode or decode operation."
-2146885629,          "An error occurred while reading or writing to a file."
-2146885628,          "Cannot find object or property."
-2146885627,          "The object or property already exists."
-2146885626,          "No provider was specified for the store or object."
-2146885625,          "The specified certificate is self signed."
-2146885624,          "The previous certificate or CRL context was deleted."
-2146885623,          "Cannot find the requested object."
-2146885622,          "The certificate does not have a property that references a private key."
-2146885621,          "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption."
-2146885620,          "Cannot find the certificate and private key to use for decryption."
-2146885619,          "Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly."
-2146885618,          "The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index."
-2146885617,          "Final closure is pending until additional frees or closes."
-2146885616,          "The certificate is revoked."
-2146885615,          "No Dll or exported function was found to verify revocation."
-2146885614,          "The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate."
-2146885613,          "The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline."
-2146885612,          "The certificate is not in the revocation server's database."
-2146885600,          "The string contains a non-numeric character."
-2146885599,          "The string contains a non-printable character."
-2146885598,          "The string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set."
-2146885597,          "The string contains an invalid X500 name attribute key, oid, value or delimiter."
-2146885596,          "The dwValueType for the CERT_NAME_VALUE is not one of the character strings.  Most likely it is either a CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_TDN_OCTED_STRING."
-2146885595,          "The Put operation can not continue.  The file needs to be resized.  However, there is already a signature present.  A complete signing operation must be done."
-2146885594,          "The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting."
-2146885593,          "No DLL or exported function was found to verify subject usage."
-2146885592,          "The called function was unable to do a usage check on the subject."
-2146885591,          "Since the server was offline, the called function was unable to complete the usage check."
-2146885590,          "The subject was not found in a Certificate Trust List (CTL)."
-2146885589,          "None of the signers of the cryptographic message or certificate trust list is trusted."
-2146885588,          "The public key's algorithm parameters are missing."
-2146881536,          "OSS Certificate encode/decode error code base\n\nSee asn1code.h for a definition of the OSS runtime errors. The OSS\nerror values are offset by CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR."
-2146881535,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Output Buffer is too small."
-2146881534,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Signed integer is encoded as a unsigned integer."
-2146881533,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Unknown ASN.1 data type."
-2146881532,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Output buffer is too small, the decoded data has been truncated."
-2146881531,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881530,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid argument."
-2146881529,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode version mismatch."
-2146881528,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Out of memory."
-2146881527,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode Error."
-2146881526,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal Error."
-2146881525,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881524,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881523,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Unsupported BER indefinite-length encoding."
-2146881522,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Access violation."
-2146881521,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881520,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881519,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881518,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal Error."
-2146881517,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Multi-threading conflict."
-2146881516,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881515,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881514,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881513,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode function not implemented."
-2146881512,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."
-2146881511,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Function not implemented."
-2146881510,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881509,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."
-2146881508,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."
-2146881507,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881506,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data."
-2146881505,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881504,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881503,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881502,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881501,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881500,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881499,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881498,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881497,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881496,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881495,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881494,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881493,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881492,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error."
-2146881491,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: System resource error."
-2146881490,          "OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error."
-2146881280,          "ASN1 Certificate encode/decode error code base.\n\nThe ASN1 error values are offset by CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR."
-2146881279,          "ASN1 internal encode or decode error."
-2146881278,          "ASN1 unexpected end of data."
-2146881277,          "ASN1 corrupted data."
-2146881276,          "ASN1 value too large."
-2146881275,          "ASN1 constraint violated."
-2146881274,          "ASN1 out of memory."
-2146881273,          "ASN1 buffer overflow."
-2146881272,          "ASN1 function not supported for this PDU."
-2146881271,          "ASN1 bad arguments to function call."
-2146881270,          "ASN1 bad real value."
-2146881269,          "ASN1 bad tag value met."
-2146881268,          "ASN1 bad choice value."
-2146881267,          "ASN1 bad encoding rule."
-2146881266,          "ASN1 bad unicode (UTF8)."
-2146881229,          "ASN1 bad PDU type."
-2146881228,          "ASN1 not yet implemented."
-2146881023,          "ASN1 skipped unknown extension(s)."
-2146881022,          "ASN1 end of data expected"
-2146877439,          "The request subject name is invalid or too long."
-2146877438,          "The request does not exist."
-2146877437,          "The request's current status does not allow this operation."
-2146877436,          "The requested property value is empty."
-2146877435,          "The certification authority's certificate contains invalid data."
-2146877434,          "Certificate service has been suspended for a database restore operation."
-2146877433,          "The certificate contains an encoded length that is potentially incompatible with older enrollment software."
-2146877432,          "The operation is denied. The user has multiple roles assigned and the certification authority is configured to enforce role separation."
-2146877431,          "The operation is denied. It can only be performed by a certificate manager that is allowed to manage certificates for the current requester."
-2146877430,          "Cannot archive private key.  The certification authority is not configured for key archival."
-2146877429,          "Cannot archive private key.  The certification authority could not verify one or more key recovery certificates."
-2146877428,          "The request is incorrectly formatted.  The encrypted private key must be in an unauthenticated attribute in an outermost signature."
-2146877427,          "At least one security principal must have the permission to manage this CA."
-2146877426,          "The request contains an invalid renewal certificate attribute."
-2146877425,          "An attempt was made to open a Certification Authority database session, but there are already too many active sessions.  The server may need to be configured to allow additional sessions."
-2146877424,          "A memory reference caused a data alignment fault."
-2146877423,          "The permissions on this certification authority do not allow the current user to enroll for certificates."
-2146877422,          "The permissions on the certificate template do not allow the current user to enroll for this type of certificate."
-2146875392,          "The requested certificate template is not supported by this CA."
-2146875391,          "The request contains no certificate template information."
-2146875390,          "The request contains conflicting template information."
-2146875389,          "The request is missing a required Subject Alternate name extension."
-2146875388,          "The request is missing a required private key for archival by the server."
-2146875387,          "The request is missing a required SMIME capabilities extension."
-2146875386,          "The request was made on behalf of a subject other than the caller.  The certificate template must be configured to require at least one signature to authorize the request."
-2146875385,          "The request template version is newer than the supported template version."
-2146875384,          "The template is missing a required signature policy attribute."
-2146875383,          "The request is missing required signature policy information."
-2146875382,          "The request is missing one or more required signatures."
-2146875381,          "One or more signatures did not include the required application or issuance policies.  The request is missing one or more required valid signatures."
-2146875380,          "The request is missing one or more required signature issuance policies."
-2146875379,          "The UPN is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."
-2146875378,          "The Active Directory GUID is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."
-2146875377,          "The DNS name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name."
-2146875376,          "The request includes a private key for archival by the server, but key archival is not enabled for the specified certificate template."
-2146875375,          "The public key does not meet the minimum size required by the specified certificate template."
-2146873344,          "The key is not exportable."
-2146873343,          "You cannot add the root CA certificate into your local store."
-2146873342,          "The key archival hash attribute was not found in the response."
-2146873341,          "An unexpetced key archival hash attribute was found in the response."
-2146873340,          "There is a key archival hash mismatch between the request and the response."
-2146873339,          "Signing certificate cannot include SMIME extension."
-2146869247,          "A system-level error occurred while verifying trust."
-2146869246,          "The certificate for the signer of the message is invalid or not found."
-2146869245,          "One of the counter signatures was invalid."
-2146869244,          "The signature of the certificate can not be verified."
-2146869243,          "The timestamp signature and/or certificate could not be verified or is malformed."
-2146869232,          "The digital signature of the object did not verify."
-2146869223,          "A certificate's basic constraint extension has not been observed."
-2146869218,          "The certificate does not meet or contain the Authenticode financial extensions."
-2146865151,          "Tried to reference a part of the file outside the proper range."
-2146865150,          "Could not retrieve an object from the file."
-2146865149,          "Could not find the head table in the file."
-2146865148,          "The magic number in the head table is incorrect."
-2146865147,          "The offset table has incorrect values."
-2146865146,          "Duplicate table tags or tags out of alphabetical order."
-2146865145,          "A table does not start on a long word boundary."
-2146865144,          "First table does not appear after header information."
-2146865143,          "Two or more tables overlap."
-2146865142,          "Too many pad bytes between tables or pad bytes are not 0."
-2146865141,          "File is too small to contain the last table."
-2146865140,          "A table checksum is incorrect."
-2146865139,          "The file checksum is incorrect."
-2146865136,          "The signature does not have the correct attributes for the policy."
-2146865135,          "The file did not pass the hints check."
-2146865134,          "The file is not an OpenType file."
-2146865133,          "Failed on a file operation (open, map, read, write)."
-2146865132,          "A call to a CryptoAPI function failed."
-2146865131,          "There is a bad version number in the file."
-2146865130,          "The structure of the DSIG table is incorrect."
-2146865129,          "A check failed in a partially constant table."
-2146865128,          "Some kind of structural error."
-2146762751,          "Unknown trust provider."
-2146762750,          "The trust verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust provider."
-2146762749,          "The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider."
-2146762748,          "The subject is not trusted for the specified action."
-2146762747,          "Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process."
-2146762746,          "Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process."
-2146762745,          "Reading / writing Extensions where Attributes are appropriate, and visa versa."
-2146762744,          "Unspecified cryptographic failure."
-2146762743,          "The size of the data could not be determined."
-2146762742,          "The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined."
-2146762741,          "This object does not read and write self-sizing data."
-2146762496,          "No signature was present in the subject."
-2146762495,          "A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file."
-2146762494,          "The validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly."
-2146762493,          "A certificate that can only be used as an end-entity is being used as a CA or visa versa."
-2146762492,          "A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated."
-2146762491,          "A certificate contains an unknown extension that is marked 'critical'."
-2146762490,          "A certificate being used for a purpose other than the ones specified by its CA."
-2146762489,          "A parent of a given certificate in fact did not issue that child certificate."
-2146762488,          "A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as a subject or issuer name."
-2146762487,          "A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider."
-2146762486,          "An internal certificate chaining error has occurred."
-2146762485,          "Generic trust failure."
-2146762484,          "A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer."
-2146762483,          "The certification path terminates with the test root which is not trusted with the current policy settings."
-2146762482,          "The revocation process could not continue - the certificate(s) could not be checked."
-2146762481,          "The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value."
-2146762480,          "The certificate is not valid for the requested usage."
-2146762479,          "The certificate was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user."
-2146762478,          "A certification chain processed correctly, but one of the CA certificates is not trusted by the policy provider."
-2146762477,          "The certificate has invalid policy."
-2146762476,          "The certificate has an invalid name. The name is not included in the permitted list or is explicitly excluded."
-2146500608,          "A non-empty line was encountered in the INF before the start of a section."
-2146500607,          "A section name marker in the INF is not complete, or does not exist on a line by itself."
-2146500606,          "An INF section was encountered whose name exceeds the maximum section name length."
-2146500605,          "The syntax of the INF is invalid."
-2146500352,          "The style of the INF is different than what was requested."
-2146500351,          "The required section was not found in the INF."
-2146500350,          "The required line was not found in the INF."
-2146500349,          "The files affected by the installation of this file queue have not been backed up for uninstall."
-2146500096,          "The INF or the device information set or element does not have an associated install class."
-2146500095,          "The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class."
-2146500094,          "An existing device was found that is a duplicate of the device being manually installed."
-2146500093,          "There is no driver selected for the device information set or element."
-2146500092,          "The requested device registry key does not exist."
-2146500091,          "The device instance name is invalid."
-2146500090,          "The install class is not present or is invalid."
-2146500089,          "The device instance cannot be created because it already exists."
-2146500088,          "The operation cannot be performed on a device information element that has not been registered."
-2146500087,          "The device property code is invalid."
-2146500086,          "The INF from which a driver list is to be built does not exist."
-2146500085,          "The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree."
-2146500084,          "The icon representing this install class cannot be loaded."
-2146500083,          "The class installer registry entry is invalid."
-2146500082,          "The class installer has indicated that the default action should be performed for this installation request."
-2146500081,          "The operation does not require any files to be copied."
-2146500080,          "The specified hardware profile does not exist."
-2146500079,          "There is no device information element currently selected for this device information set."
-2146500078,          "The operation cannot be performed because the device information set is locked."
-2146500077,          "The operation cannot be performed because the device information element is locked."
-2146500076,          "The specified path does not contain any applicable device INFs."
-2146500075,          "No class installer parameters have been set for the device information set or element."
-2146500074,          "The operation cannot be performed because the file queue is locked."
-2146500073,          "A service installation section in this INF is invalid."
-2146500072,          "There is no class driver list for the device information element."
-2146500071,          "The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance."
-2146500070,          "There is presently no default device interface designated for this interface class."
-2146500069,          "The operation cannot be performed because the device interface is currently active."
-2146500068,          "The operation cannot be performed because the device interface has been removed from the system."
-2146500067,          "An interface installation section in this INF is invalid."
-2146500066,          "This interface class does not exist in the system."
-2146500065,          "The reference string supplied for this interface device is invalid."
-2146500064,          "The specified machine name does not conform to UNC naming conventions."
-2146500063,          "A general remote communication error occurred."
-2146500062,          "The machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time."
-2146500061,          "The Plug and Play service is not available on the remote machine."
-2146500060,          "The property page provider registry entry is invalid."
-2146500059,          "The requested device interface is not present in the system."
-2146500058,          "The device's co-installer has additional work to perform after installation is complete."
-2146500057,          "The device's co-installer is invalid."
-2146500056,          "There are no compatible drivers for this device."
-2146500055,          "There is no icon that represents this device or device type."
-2146500054,          "A logical configuration specified in this INF is invalid."
-2146500053,          "The class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device."
-2146500052,          "One of the filter drivers installed for this device is invalid."
-2146500051,          "The driver selected for this device does not support Windows XP."
-2146500050,          "The driver selected for this device does not support Windows."
-2146500049,          "The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information."
-2146500048,          "An invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other platforms."
-2146500047,          "The device cannot be disabled."
-2146500046,          "The device could not be dynamically removed."
-2146500045,          "Cannot copy to specified target."
-2146500044,          "Driver is not intended for this platform."
-2146500043,          "Operation not allowed in WOW64."
-2146500042,          "The operation involving unsigned file copying was rolled back, so that a system restore point could be set."
-2146500041,          "An INF was copied into the Windows INF directory in an improper manner."
-2146500040,          "The Security Configuration Editor (SCE) APIs have been disabled on this Embedded product."
-2146496512,          "No installed components were detected."
-2146435071,          "An internal consistency check failed."
-2146435070,          "The action was cancelled by an SCardCancel request."
-2146435069,          "The supplied handle was invalid."
-2146435068,          "One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted."
-2146435067,          "Registry startup information is missing or invalid."
-2146435066,          "Not enough memory available to complete this command."
-2146435065,          "An internal consistency timer has expired."
-2146435064,          "The data buffer to receive returned data is too small for the returned data."
-2146435063,          "The specified reader name is not recognized."
-2146435062,          "The user-specified timeout value has expired."
-2146435061,          "The smart card cannot be accessed because of other connections outstanding."
-2146435060,          "The operation requires a Smart Card, but no Smart Card is currently in the device."
-2146435059,          "The specified smart card name is not recognized."
-2146435058,          "The system could not dispose of the media in the requested manner."
-2146435057,          "The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the smart card."
-2146435056,          "The reader or smart card is not ready to accept commands."
-2146435055,          "One or more of the supplied parameters values could not be properly interpreted."
-2146435054,          "The action was cancelled by the system, presumably to log off or shut down."
-2146435053,          "An internal communications error has been detected."
-2146435052,          "An internal error has been detected, but the source is unknown."
-2146435051,          "An ATR obtained from the registry is not a valid ATR string."
-2146435050,          "An attempt was made to end a non-existent transaction."
-2146435049,          "The specified reader is not currently available for use."
-2146435048,          "The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit."
-2146435047,          "The PCI Receive buffer was too small."
-2146435046,          "The reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support."
-2146435045,          "The reader driver did not produce a unique reader name."
-2146435044,          "The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support."
-2146435043,          "The Smart card resource manager is not running."
-2146435042,          "The Smart card resource manager has shut down."
-2146435041,          "An unexpected card error has occurred."
-2146435040,          "No Primary Provider can be found for the smart card."
-2146435039,          "The requested order of object creation is not supported."
-2146435038,          "This smart card does not support the requested feature."
-2146435037,          "The identified directory does not exist in the smart card."
-2146435036,          "The identified file does not exist in the smart card."
-2146435035,          "The supplied path does not represent a smart card directory."
-2146435034,          "The supplied path does not represent a smart card file."
-2146435033,          "Access is denied to this file."
-2146435032,          "The smartcard does not have enough memory to store the information."
-2146435031,          "There was an error trying to set the smart card file object pointer."
-2146435030,          "The supplied PIN is incorrect."
-2146435029,          "An unrecognized error code was returned from a layered component."
-2146435028,          "The requested certificate does not exist."
-2146435027,          "The requested certificate could not be obtained."
-2146435026,          "Cannot find a smart card reader."
-2146435025,          "A communications error with the smart card has been detected.  Retry the operation."
-2146435024,          "The requested key container does not exist on the smart card."
-2146434971,          "The reader cannot communicate with the smart card, due to ATR configuration conflicts."
-2146434970,          "The smart card is not responding to a reset."
-2146434969,          "Power has been removed from the smart card, so that further communication is not possible."
-2146434968,          "The smart card has been reset, so any shared state information is invalid."
-2146434967,          "The smart card has been removed, so that further communication is not possible."
-2146434966,          "Access was denied because of a security violation."
-2146434965,          "The card cannot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented."
-2146434964,          "The card cannot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached."
-2146434963,          "The end of the smart card file has been reached."
-2146434962,          "The action was cancelled by the user."
-2146434961,          "No PIN was presented to the smart card."
-2146368511,          "Errors occurred accessing one or more objects - the ErrorInfo collection may have more detail"
-2146368510,          "One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalid"
-2146368509,          "The object was not found in the catalog"
-2146368508,          "The object is already registered"
-2146368505,          "Error occurred writing to the application file"
-2146368504,          "Error occurred reading the application file"
-2146368503,          "Invalid version number in application file"
-2146368502,          "The file path is invalid"
-2146368501,          "The application is already installed"
-2146368500,          "The role already exists"
-2146368499,          "An error occurred copying the file"
-2146368497,          "One or more users are not valid"
-2146368496,          "One or more users in the application file are not valid"
-2146368495,          "The component's CLSID is missing or corrupt"
-2146368494,          "The component's progID is missing or corrupt"
-2146368493,          "Unable to set required authentication level for update request"
-2146368492,          "The identity or password set on the application is not valid"
-2146368488,          "Application file CLSIDs or IIDs do not match corresponding DLLs"
-2146368487,          "Interface information is either missing or changed"
-2146368486,          "DllRegisterServer failed on component install"
-2146368485,          "No server file share available"
-2146368483,          "DLL could not be loaded"
-2146368482,          "The registered TypeLib ID is not valid"
-2146368481,          "Application install directory not found"
-2146368477,          "Errors occurred while in the component registrar"
-2146368476,          "The file does not exist"
-2146368475,          "The DLL could not be loaded"
-2146368474,          "GetClassObject failed in the DLL"
-2146368473,          "The DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLib"
-2146368472,          "The TypeLib could not be loaded"
-2146368471,          "The file does not contain components or component information"
-2146368470,          "Changes to this object and its sub-objects have been disabled"
-2146368469,          "The delete function has been disabled for this object"
-2146368468,          "The server catalog version is not supported"
-2146368467,          "The component move was disallowed, because the source or destination application is either a system application or currently locked against changes"
-2146368466,          "The component move failed because the destination application no longer exists"
-2146368464,          "The system was unable to register the TypeLib"
-2146368461,          "This operation can not be performed on the system application"
-2146368460,          "The component registrar referenced in this file is not available"
-2146368459,          "A component in the same DLL is already installed"
-2146368458,          "The service is not installed"
-2146368457,          "One or more property settings are either invalid or in conflict with each other"
-2146368456,          "The object you are attempting to add or rename already exists"
-2146368455,          "The component already exists"
-2146368453,          "The registration file is corrupt"
-2146368452,          "The property value is too large"
-2146368450,          "Object was not found in registry"
-2146368449,          "This object is not poolable"
-2146368442,          "A CLSID with the same GUID as the new application ID is already installed on this machine"
-2146368441,          "A role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the application"
-2146368440,          "You must have components in an application in order to start the application"
-2146368439,          "This operation is not enabled on this platform"
-2146368438,          "Application Proxy is not exportable"
-2146368437,          "Failed to start application because it is either a library application or an application proxy"
-2146368436,          "System application is not exportable"
-2146368435,          "Can not subscribe to this component (the component may have been imported)"
-2146368434,          "An event class cannot also be a subscriber component"
-2146368433,          "Library applications and application proxies are incompatible"
-2146368432,          "This function is valid for the base partition only"
-2146368431,          "You cannot start an application that has been disabled"
-2146368425,          "The specified partition name is already in use on this computer"
-2146368424,          "The specified partition name is invalid. Check that the name contains at least one visible character"
-2146368423,          "The partition cannot be deleted because it is the default partition for one or more users"
-2146368422,          "The partition cannot be exported, because one or more components in the partition have the same file name"
-2146368421,          "Applications that contain one or more imported components cannot be installed into a non-base partition"
-2146368420,          "The application name is not unique and cannot be resolved to an application id"
-2146368419,          "The partition name is not unique and cannot be resolved to a partition id"
-2146368398,          "The COM+ registry database has not been initialized"
-2146368397,          "The COM+ registry database is not open"
-2146368396,          "The COM+ registry database detected a system error"
-2146368395,          "The COM+ registry database is already running"
-2146368384,          "This version of the COM+ registry database cannot be migrated"
-2146368383,          "The schema version to be migrated could not be found in the COM+ registry database"
-2146368382,          "There was a type mismatch between binaries"
-2146368381,          "A binary of unknown or invalid type was provided"
-2146368380,          "There was a type mismatch between a binary and an application"
-2146368379,          "The application cannot be paused or resumed"
-2146368378,          "The COM+ Catalog Server threw an exception during execution"
-2146368000,          "Only COM+ Applications marked \"queued\" can be invoked using the \"queue\" moniker"
-2146367999,          "At least one interface must be marked \"queued\" in order to create a queued component instance with the \"queue\" moniker"
-2146367998,          "MSMQ is required for the requested operation and is not installed"
-2146367997,          "Unable to marshal an interface that does not support IPersistStream"
-2146367996,          "The message is improperly formatted or was damaged in transit"
-2146367995,          "An unauthenticated message was received by an application that accepts only authenticated messages"
-2146367994,          "The message was requeued or moved by a user not in the \"QC Trusted User\" role"
-2146367743,          "Cannot create a duplicate resource of type Distributed Transaction Coordinator"
-2146367480,          "One of the objects being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collection"
-2146367479,          "One of the specified objects cannot be found"
-2146367478,          "The specified application is not currently running"
-2146367477,          "The partition(s) specified are not valid."
-2146367475,          "COM+ applications that run as NT service may not be pooled or recycled"
-2146367474,          "One or more users are already assigned to a local partition set."
-2146367473,          "Library applications may not be recycled."
-2146367471,          "Applications running as NT services may not be recycled."
-2146367470,          "The process has already been recycled."
-2146367469,          "A paused process may not be recycled."
-2146367468,          "Library applications may not be NT services."
-2146367467,          "The ProgID provided to the copy operation is invalid. The ProgID is in use by another registered CLSID."
-2146367466,          "The partition specified as default is not a member of the partition set."
-2146367465,          "A recycled process may not be paused."
-2146367464,          "Access to the specified partition is denied."
-2146367463,          "Only Application Files (*.MSI files) can be installed into partitions."
-2146367462,          "Applications containing one or more legacy components may not be exported to 1.0 format."
-2146367461,          "Legacy components may not exist in non-base partitions."
-2146367460,          "A component cannot be moved (or copied) from the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable application"
-2146367459,          "A component cannot be moved (or copied) to the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable application"
-2146367458,          "A private component cannot be moved (or copied) to a library application or to the base partition"
-2146367457,          "The Base Application Partition exists in all partition sets and cannot be removed."
-2146367456,          "Alas, Event Class components cannot be aliased."
-2146367455,          "Access is denied because the component is private."
-2146367454,          "The specified SAFER level is invalid."
-2146367453,          "The specified user cannot write to the system registry"
-2146367232,          "REMOVE THIS ERROR"
-2146367231,          "REMOVE THIS ERROR"
-1073151999,          "The specified event is currently not being audited."
-1073151998,          "The SID filtering operation removed all SIDs."
2010-10-20 21:05
雪    币: 199
活跃值: (17)
能力值: ( LV6,RANK:90 )
2010-10-20 21:13
雪    币: 334
活跃值: (151)
能力值: ( LV7,RANK:100 )
精妙,想到用rep movs ,甚至想到用memcopy,没想到用pushd,和系统空间的字符串……
2010-10-20 21:17
雪    币: 401
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2010-10-20 23:44
雪    币: 264
活跃值: (129)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )




2010-10-21 01:53
雪    币: 26
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2010-10-21 08:23
雪    币: 1969
活跃值: (46)
能力值: (RANK:550 )
膜拜 有谁能帮忙解释下那个只读地址如何写入的原理吗 OD跟了下 还是没弄明白
2010-10-21 11:38
雪    币: 29
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2012-11-28 22:48
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