Hardware DEP's time passed,microsoft please answer some questions
1. stack overflow attach exits more than ten years ,today, in windows system , why i only found hardware DEP component in system? Is there microsoft's programmers haven't time or haven't ability to develop software's component to avoid stack overflow attach , but the answer is no,why,i found visual studio's compiler have idea for defend stack overflow,but why not microsoft develop defend component like mcafee? perhaps microsoft happy in google attached by stack overflow ???
2. the other, ebank online web is attach by spyware,user's ebank username and password is filch normally now, why microsoft like to compare system safety with mac and linux ? linux system's users is too professional,but windows not. like keyboard focus in edit that have password attribute,microsoft process keyboard input like normal edit, call callback functions in SetWindowsHookEx hook module's that out of the edit control's process,pass other process's GetKeyState function normal,is there have safe idea ? windows is safe? i don't agree.
last , i hope microsoft improve window's safety in the future.