unit U_regist;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,
Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
GroupBox3: TGroupBox;
FlatButton11: TFlatButton;
Edit1: TEdit;
Label1: TLabel;
FlatButton1: TFlatButton;
Label2: TLabel;
Label3: TLabel;
Edit2: TEdit;
Label4: TLabel;
procedure FlatButton11Click(Sender : TObject);
procedure FlatButton1Click(Sender : TObject);
procedure Label2Click(Sender : TObject);
procedure Label2MouseLeave(Sender : TObject);
procedure Label2MouseEnter(Sender : TObject);
procedure FormShow(Sender : TObject);
procedure FormClose(Sender : TObject);
procedure Proc_00515C78(Sender : TObject);
procedure Proc_005163A4(Sender : TObject);
procedure Proc_00515D6C(Sender : TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
end ;
Form_regist: TForm_regist;
{This file is generated by DeDe Ver 3.50.02 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 DaFixer}
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm_regist.FlatButton11Click(Sender : TObject);
* Reference to: Forms.TCustomForm.Close(TCustomForm);
00515C70 E8FB08F5FF call 00466570
00515C75 C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.FlatButton1Click(Sender : TObject);
00515E7C 55 push ebp
00515E7D 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00515E7F 6A00 push $00
00515E81 6A00 push $00
00515E83 53 push ebx
00515E84 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
00515E86 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515E88 55 push ebp
00515E89 68205F5100 push $00515F20
***** TRY
00515E8E 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00515E91 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00515E94 8D55FC lea edx, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit2 : TEdit
00515E97 8B830C030000 mov eax, [ebx+$030C]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption;
00515E9D E8F633F3FF call 00449298
00515EA2 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040AC3C
00515EA5 E8924DEFFF call 0040AC3C
00515EAA 83C4F8 add esp, -$08
00515EAD DD1C24 fstp qword ptr [esp]
00515EB0 9B wait
00515EB1 8D55F8 lea edx, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit1 : TEdit
00515EB4 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption;
00515EBA E8D933F3FF call 00449298
00515EBF 8B55F8 mov edx, [ebp-$08]
00515EC2 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to : TForm_regist.Proc_00515C78()
00515EC4 E8AFFDFFFF call 00515C78
00515EC9 84C0 test al, al
00515ECB 742E jz 00515EFB
00515ECD C6058860520001 mov byte ptr [$00526088], $01
00515ED4 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to : TForm_regist.Proc_00515D6C()
00515ED6 E891FEFFFF call 00515D6C
* Possible String Reference to: '注册成功!,请记下随机码.如果改变机器,请使用原来的随机码和注册码进行注册!'
00515EDB B8345F5100 mov eax, $00515F34
* Reference to: Unit_005163A5.Proc_00516DE8
00515EE0 E8030F0000 call 00516DE8
* Reference to TForm_main instance
00515EE5 A1303E5200 mov eax, dword ptr [$00523E30]
00515EEA 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
* Reference to control TForm_main.Label19 : TLabel
00515EEC 8B80DC030000 mov eax, [eax+$03DC]
00515EF2 33D2 xor edx, edx
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.SetVisible(TControl;Boolean);
00515EF4 E8BF32F3FF call 004491B8
00515EF9 EB0A jmp 00515F05
* Possible String Reference to: '注册失败!'
00515EFB B8845F5100 mov eax, $00515F84
* Reference to: Unit_005163A5.Proc_00516DE8
00515F00 E8E30E0000 call 00516DE8
00515F05 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515F07 5A pop edx
00515F08 59 pop ecx
00515F09 59 pop ecx
00515F0A 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '[YY]???'
00515F0D 68275F5100 push $00515F27
00515F12 8D45F8 lea eax, [ebp-$08]
00515F15 BA02000000 mov edx, $00000002
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
00515F1A E871E8EEFF call 00404790
00515F1F C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
00515F20 E90BE1EEFF jmp 00404030
00515F25 EBEB jmp 00515F12
****** END
00515F27 5B pop ebx
00515F28 59 pop ecx
00515F29 59 pop ecx
00515F2A 5D pop ebp
00515F2B C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.Label2Click(Sender : TObject);
00515F90 55 push ebp
00515F91 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00515F93 6A00 push $00
00515F95 53 push ebx
00515F96 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
00515F98 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515F9A 55 push ebp
* Possible String Reference to: '槟囝?疔Y]?
00515F9B 68E75F5100 push $00515FE7
***** TRY
00515FA0 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00515FA3 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00515FA6 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
* Possible String Reference to: 'http://www.softreg.com.cn/shareware_view.asp?id=/8D105881-FDB2-4E09-B64A-1FFDE051F329/'
00515FA9 BAFC5F5100 mov edx, $00515FFC
* Reference to: System.@LStrLAsg(void;void;void;void);
00515FAE E851E8EEFF call 00404804
00515FB3 6A01 push $01
00515FB5 6A00 push $00
00515FB7 6A00 push $00
00515FB9 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrToPChar(String):PAnsiChar;
00515FBC E85BECEEFF call 00404C1C
00515FC1 50 push eax
00515FC2 6A00 push $00
00515FC4 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Controls.TWinControl.GetHandle(TWinControl):HWND;
00515FC6 E8659BF3FF call 0044FB30
00515FCB 50 push eax
* Reference to: shell32.ShellExecuteA()
00515FCC E8BB55F2FF call 0043B58C
00515FD1 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515FD3 5A pop edx
00515FD4 59 pop ecx
00515FD5 59 pop ecx
00515FD6 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '[Y]?
00515FD9 68EE5F5100 push $00515FEE
00515FDE 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
00515FE1 E886E7EEFF call 0040476C
00515FE6 C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
00515FE7 E944E0EEFF jmp 00404030
00515FEC EBF0 jmp 00515FDE
****** END
00515FEE 5B pop ebx
00515FEF 59 pop ecx
00515FF0 5D pop ebp
00515FF1 C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.Label2MouseLeave(Sender : TObject);
00516054 8B4268 mov eax, [edx+$68]
00516057 BA0000FF00 mov edx, $00FF0000
* Reference to: Graphics.TFont.SetColor(TFont;TColor);
0051605C E85FF4F0FF call 004254C0
00516061 C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.Label2MouseEnter(Sender : TObject);
00516064 8B4268 mov eax, [edx+$68]
00516067 BAFF000000 mov edx, $000000FF
* Reference to: Graphics.TFont.SetColor(TFont;TColor);
0051606C E84FF4F0FF call 004254C0
00516071 C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.FormShow(Sender : TObject);
00516074 55 push ebp
00516075 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00516077 B907000000 mov ecx, $00000007
0051607C 6A00 push $00
0051607E 6A00 push $00
00516080 49 dec ecx
00516081 75F9 jnz 0051607C
00516083 51 push ecx
00516084 53 push ebx
00516085 56 push esi
00516086 57 push edi
00516087 8945FC mov [ebp-$04], eax
0051608A 33C0 xor eax, eax
0051608C 55 push ebp
* Possible String Reference to: '?揞?捱^[?]?
0051608D 68F1615100 push $005161F1
***** TRY
00516092 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00516095 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00516098 B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class TRegistry
0051609A A154974A00 mov eax, dword ptr [$004A9754]
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9854
0051609F E8B037F9FF call 004A9854
005160A4 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
005160A6 BA02000080 mov edx, $80000002
005160AB 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A98F4
005160AD E84238F9FF call 004A98F4
005160B2 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
* Possible String Reference to: '\Software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\'
005160B4 BA08625100 mov edx, $00516208
005160B9 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9958
005160BB E89838F9FF call 004A9958
005160C0 84C0 test al, al
005160C2 7513 jnz 005160D7
005160C4 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
005160C6 B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class Exception
005160C8 A1F4804000 mov eax, dword ptr [$004080F4]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040CFDC
005160CD E80A6FEFFF call 0040CFDC
* Reference to: System.@RaiseExcept;
005160D2 E855E0EEFF call 0040412C
005160D7 8D4DE0 lea ecx, [ebp-$20]
* Possible String Reference to: 'RandomNo2'
005160DA BA3C625100 mov edx, $0051623C
005160DF 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9B20
005160E1 E83A3AF9FF call 004A9B20
005160E6 8B45E0 mov eax, [ebp-$20]
005160E9 8D55E4 lea edx, [ebp-$1C]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_00409010
005160EC E81F2FEFFF call 00409010
005160F1 837DE400 cmp dword ptr [ebp-$1C], +$00
005160F5 0F8598000000 jnz 00516193
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040B170
005160FB E87050EFFF call 0040B170
00516100 83C4F4 add esp, -$0C
00516103 DB3C24 fstp tbyte ptr [esp]
00516106 9B wait
00516107 8D45EC lea eax, [ebp-$14]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040AABC
0051610A E8AD49EFFF call 0040AABC
0051610F 8D45E8 lea eax, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
00516112 E855E6EEFF call 0040476C
00516117 8B45EC mov eax, [ebp-$14]
* Reference to: System.@LStrLen(String):Integer;
| or: System.@DynArrayLength;
| or: System.DynArraySize(Pointer):Integer;
0051611A E805E9EEFF call 00404A24
0051611F 8BF8 mov edi, eax
00516121 8BDF mov ebx, edi
00516123 85DB test ebx, ebx
00516125 7E27 jle 0051614E
00516127 BE01000000 mov esi, $00000001
0051612C 8D45DC lea eax, [ebp-$24]
0051612F 8BD7 mov edx, edi
00516131 2BD6 sub edx, esi
00516133 8B4DEC mov ecx, [ebp-$14]
00516136 8A5411FF mov dl, byte ptr [ecx+edx-$01]
* Reference to: System.@LStrFromChar(String;String;Char);
| or: System.@LStrFromWChar(String;String;WideChar);
| or: System.@WStrFromChar(WideString;WideString;Char);
| or: System.@WStrFromWChar(WideString;WideString;WideChar);
0051613A E80DE8EEFF call 0040494C
0051613F 8B55DC mov edx, [ebp-$24]
00516142 8D45E8 lea eax, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to: System.@LStrCat;
00516145 E8E2E8EEFF call 00404A2C
0051614A 46 inc esi
0051614B 4B dec ebx
0051614C 75DE jnz 0051612C
0051614E 8B45E8 mov eax, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040AC3C
00516151 E8E64AEFFF call 0040AC3C
00516156 DB7DD0 fstp tbyte ptr [ebp-$30]
00516159 9B wait
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040B144
0051615A E8E54FEFFF call 0040B144
0051615F D80D48625100 fmul dword ptr [$00516248]
00516165 DB6DD0 fld tbyte ptr [ebp-$30]
00516168 DEC1 faddp st(1), st(0)
0051616A DD5DF0 fstp qword ptr [ebp-$10]
0051616D 9B wait
0051616E DD45F0 fld qword ptr [ebp-$10]
00516171 83C4F4 add esp, -$0C
00516174 DB3C24 fstp tbyte ptr [esp]
00516177 9B wait
00516178 8D45CC lea eax, [ebp-$34]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040AABC
0051617B E83C49EFFF call 0040AABC
00516180 8B55CC mov edx, [ebp-$34]
00516183 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit2 : TEdit
00516186 8B800C030000 mov eax, [eax+$030C]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);
0051618C E83731F3FF call 004492C8
00516191 EB36 jmp 005161C9
00516193 8D45C8 lea eax, [ebp-$38]
00516196 50 push eax
00516197 8D4DC4 lea ecx, [ebp-$3C]
* Possible String Reference to: 'RandomNo2'
0051619A BA3C625100 mov edx, $0051623C
0051619F 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9B20
005161A1 E87A39F9FF call 004A9B20
005161A6 8B45C4 mov eax, [ebp-$3C]
005161A9 B901000000 mov ecx, $00000001
* Possible String Reference to: 'zxz'
005161AE BA54625100 mov edx, $00516254
* Reference to: Unit_005163A5.Proc_00516E50
005161B3 E8980C0000 call 00516E50
005161B8 8B55C8 mov edx, [ebp-$38]
005161BB 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit2 : TEdit
005161BE 8B800C030000 mov eax, [eax+$030C]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.SetText(TControl;TCaption);
005161C4 E8FF30F3FF call 004492C8
005161C9 33C0 xor eax, eax
005161CB 5A pop edx
005161CC 59 pop ecx
005161CD 59 pop ecx
005161CE 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '_^[?]?
005161D1 68F8615100 push $005161F8
005161D6 8D45C4 lea eax, [ebp-$3C]
005161D9 BA03000000 mov edx, $00000003
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
005161DE E8ADE5EEFF call 00404790
005161E3 8D45DC lea eax, [ebp-$24]
005161E6 BA05000000 mov edx, $00000005
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
005161EB E8A0E5EEFF call 00404790
005161F0 C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
005161F1 E93ADEEEFF jmp 00404030
005161F6 EBDE jmp 005161D6
****** END
005161F8 5F pop edi
005161F9 5E pop esi
005161FA 5B pop ebx
005161FB 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
005161FD 5D pop ebp
005161FE C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.FormClose(Sender : TObject);
00516258 55 push ebp
00516259 8BEC mov ebp, esp
0051625B 6A00 push $00
0051625D 6A00 push $00
0051625F 53 push ebx
00516260 56 push esi
00516261 8BF0 mov esi, eax
00516263 33C0 xor eax, eax
00516265 55 push ebp
* Possible String Reference to: '?蓊?柁[YY]?
00516266 68FE625100 push $005162FE
***** TRY
0051626B 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
0051626E 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00516271 B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class TRegistry
00516273 A154974A00 mov eax, dword ptr [$004A9754]
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9854
00516278 E8D735F9FF call 004A9854
0051627D 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
0051627F BA02000080 mov edx, $80000002
00516284 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A98F4
00516286 E86936F9FF call 004A98F4
0051628B 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
* Possible String Reference to: '\Software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\'
0051628D BA14635100 mov edx, $00516314
00516292 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9958
00516294 E8BF36F9FF call 004A9958
00516299 84C0 test al, al
0051629B 7513 jnz 005162B0
0051629D 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
0051629F B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class Exception
005162A1 A1F4804000 mov eax, dword ptr [$004080F4]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040CFDC
005162A6 E8316DEFFF call 0040CFDC
* Reference to: System.@RaiseExcept;
005162AB E87CDEEEFF call 0040412C
005162B0 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
005162B3 50 push eax
005162B4 8D55F8 lea edx, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit2 : TEdit
005162B7 8B860C030000 mov eax, [esi+$030C]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption;
005162BD E8D62FF3FF call 00449298
005162C2 8B45F8 mov eax, [ebp-$08]
005162C5 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
* Possible String Reference to: 'zxz'
005162C7 BA48635100 mov edx, $00516348
* Reference to: Unit_005163A5.Proc_00516E50
005162CC E87F0B0000 call 00516E50
005162D1 8B4DFC mov ecx, [ebp-$04]
* Possible String Reference to: 'RandomNo2'
005162D4 BA54635100 mov edx, $00516354
005162D9 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9AF4
005162DB E81438F9FF call 004A9AF4
005162E0 33C0 xor eax, eax
005162E2 5A pop edx
005162E3 59 pop ecx
005162E4 59 pop ecx
005162E5 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '^[YY]?
005162E8 6805635100 push $00516305
005162ED 8D45F8 lea eax, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
005162F0 E877E4EEFF call 0040476C
005162F5 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
005162F8 E86FE4EEFF call 0040476C
005162FD C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
005162FE E92DDDEEFF jmp 00404030
00516303 EBE8 jmp 005162ED
****** END
00516305 5E pop esi
00516306 5B pop ebx
00516307 59 pop ecx
00516308 59 pop ecx
00516309 5D pop ebp
0051630A C3 ret
procedure TForm_regist.Proc_00515C78(Sender : TObject);
00515C78 55 push ebp
00515C79 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00515C7B 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
00515C7D 51 push ecx
00515C7E 51 push ecx
00515C7F 51 push ecx
00515C80 51 push ecx
00515C81 51 push ecx
00515C82 53 push ebx
00515C83 56 push esi
00515C84 8955FC mov [ebp-$04], edx
00515C87 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrAddRef(void;void):Pointer;
00515C8A E87DEFEEFF call 00404C0C
00515C8F 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515C91 55 push ebp
00515C92 683D5D5100 push $00515D3D
***** TRY
00515C97 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00515C9A 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00515C9D 33DB xor ebx, ebx
00515C9F 8D55F8 lea edx, [ebp-$08]
00515CA2 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_00409010
00515CA5 E86633EFFF call 00409010
00515CAA DD4508 fld qword ptr [ebp+$08]
00515CAD D80D505D5100 fmul dword ptr [$00515D50]
00515CB3 DB2D545D5100 fld tbyte ptr [$00515D54]
00515CB9 DEF9 fdivp st(1), st(0)
00515CBB 83C4F4 add esp, -$0C
00515CBE DB3C24 fstp tbyte ptr [esp]
00515CC1 9B wait
00515CC2 8D45F4 lea eax, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040AABC
00515CC5 E8F24DEFFF call 0040AABC
00515CCA 8B55F4 mov edx, [ebp-$0C]
00515CCD B8685D5100 mov eax, $00515D68
* Reference to: System.@LStrPos;
00515CD2 E889F0EEFF call 00404D60
00515CD7 8BF0 mov esi, eax
00515CD9 8D45F0 lea eax, [ebp-$10]
00515CDC 50 push eax
00515CDD 8D5601 lea edx, [esi+$01]
00515CE0 B904000000 mov ecx, $00000004
00515CE5 8B45F4 mov eax, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrCopy;
00515CE8 E88FEFEEFF call 00404C7C
00515CED 8B45F0 mov eax, [ebp-$10]
00515CF0 50 push eax
00515CF1 8D45EC lea eax, [ebp-$14]
00515CF4 50 push eax
00515CF5 8BD6 mov edx, esi
00515CF7 83EA05 sub edx, +$05
00515CFA B905000000 mov ecx, $00000005
00515CFF 8B45F4 mov eax, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrCopy;
00515D02 E875EFEEFF call 00404C7C
00515D07 8B55EC mov edx, [ebp-$14]
00515D0A 8D45F4 lea eax, [ebp-$0C]
00515D0D 59 pop ecx
* Reference to: System.@LStrCat3;
00515D0E E85DEDEEFF call 00404A70
00515D13 8B45F8 mov eax, [ebp-$08]
00515D16 8B55F4 mov edx, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: System.@LStrCmp;
00515D19 E84AEEEEFF call 00404B68
00515D1E 7502 jnz 00515D22
00515D20 B301 mov bl, $01
00515D22 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515D24 5A pop edx
00515D25 59 pop ecx
00515D26 59 pop ecx
00515D27 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
00515D2A 68445D5100 push $00515D44
00515D2F 8D45EC lea eax, [ebp-$14]
00515D32 BA05000000 mov edx, $00000005
* Reference to: System.@LStrArrayClr(void;void;Integer);
00515D37 E854EAEEFF call 00404790
00515D3C C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
00515D3D E9EEE2EEFF jmp 00404030
00515D42 EBEB jmp 00515D2F
****** END
00515D44 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
00515D46 5E pop esi
00515D47 5B pop ebx
00515D48 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
00515D4A 5D pop ebp
00515D4B C20800 ret $0008
procedure TForm_regist.Proc_005163A4(Sender : TObject);
005163A4 55 push ebp
005163A5 8BEC mov ebp, esp
005163A7 51 push ecx
005163A8 B907000000 mov ecx, $00000007
005163AD 6A00 push $00
005163AF 6A00 push $00
005163B1 49 dec ecx
005163B2 75F9 jnz 005163AD
005163B4 874DFC xchg [ebp-$04], ecx
005163B7 53 push ebx
005163B8 56 push esi
005163B9 57 push edi
005163BA 8BF9 mov edi, ecx
005163BC 8855FB mov [ebp-$05], dl
005163BF 8945FC mov [ebp-$04], eax
005163C2 8B7508 mov esi, [ebp+$08]
005163C5 8B5D10 mov ebx, [ebp+$10]
005163C8 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrAddRef(void;void):Pointer;
005163CB E83CE8EEFF call 00404C0C
005163D0 33C0 xor eax, eax
005163D2 55 push ebp
005163D3 68CF675100 push $005167CF
***** TRY
005163D8 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
005163DB 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
005163DE C60301 mov byte ptr [ebx], $01
005163E1 8D55F4 lea edx, [ebp-$0C]
005163E4 8B450C mov eax, [ebp+$0C]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_004093C4
005163E7 E8D82FEFFF call 004093C4
005163EC 33C0 xor eax, eax
005163EE 8A45FB mov al, byte ptr [ebp-$05]
005163F1 83F825 cmp eax, +$25
005163F4 0F87B2030000 jnbe 005167AC
005163FA FF248501645100 jmp dword ptr [$516401+eax*4]
00516401 AC lodsb
00516402 6751 push ecx
00516404 0081675100AC add [ecx+$AC005167], al
0051640A 6751 push ecx
0051640C 00AC675100AC67 add [edi+$67AC0051], ch
00516413 51 push ecx
00516414 007367 add [ebx+$67], dh
00516417 51 push ecx
00516418 0099645100A9 add [ecx+$A9005164], bl
0051641E 6451 push ecx
00516420 00B9645100C7 add [ecx+$C7005164], bh
00516426 6451 push ecx
00516428 00D8 add al, bl
0051642A 6451 push ecx
0051642C 00E9 add cl, ch
0051642E 6451 push ecx
00516430 00FA add dl, bh
00516432 6451 push ecx
00516434 000A add [edx], cl
00516436 6551 push ecx
00516438 001A add [edx], bl
0051643A 6551 push ecx
0051643C 002E add [esi], ch
0051643E 6551 push ecx
00516440 004265 add [edx+$65], al
00516443 51 push ecx
00516444 007265 add [edx+$65], dh
00516447 51 push ecx
00516448 0086655100B6 add [esi+$B6005165], al
0051644E 6551 push ecx
00516450 00CA add dl, cl
00516452 6551 push ecx
00516454 00DE add dh, bl
00516456 6551 push ecx
00516458 00F2 add dl, dh
0051645A 6551 push ecx
0051645C 0006 add [esi], al
0051645E 6651 push cx
00516460 0036 add [esi], dh
00516462 6651 push cx
00516464 006666 add [esi+$66], ah
00516467 51 push ecx
00516468 007666 add [esi+$66], dh
0051646B 51 push ecx
0051646C 008A6651009E add [edx+$9E005166], cl
00516472 6651 push cx
00516474 00B2665100C6 add [edx+$C6005166], dh
0051647A 6651 push cx
0051647C 00DA add dl, bl
0051647E 6651 push cx
00516480 00EE add dh, ch
00516482 6651 push cx
00516484 001E add [esi], bl
00516486 6751 push ecx
00516488 002F add [edi], ch
0051648A 6751 push ecx
0051648C 004067 add [eax+$67], al
0051648F 51 push ecx
00516490 005167 add [ecx+$67], dl
00516493 51 push ecx
00516494 006267 add [edx+$67], ah
00516497 51 push ecx
00516498 008BC633D2B1 add [ebx+$B1D233C6], cl
0051649E 01E8 add eax, ebp
005164A0 08F4 or ah, dh
005164A2 EE out dx, al
005164A3 FFE9 jmp cx
005164A5 0303 add eax, [ebx]
005164A7 0000 add [eax], al
005164A9 8BC6 mov eax, esi
005164AB 33D2 xor edx, edx
005164AD B101 mov cl, $01
procedure TForm_regist.Proc_00515D6C(Sender : TObject);
00515D6C 55 push ebp
00515D6D 8BEC mov ebp, esp
00515D6F 6A00 push $00
00515D71 6A00 push $00
00515D73 53 push ebx
00515D74 56 push esi
00515D75 8BF0 mov esi, eax
00515D77 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515D79 55 push ebp
00515D7A 68195E5100 push $00515E19
***** TRY
00515D7F 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00515D82 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00515D85 B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class TRegistry
00515D87 A154974A00 mov eax, dword ptr [$004A9754]
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9854
00515D8C E8C33AF9FF call 004A9854
00515D91 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
00515D93 BA02000080 mov edx, $80000002
00515D98 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A98F4
00515D9A E8553BF9FF call 004A98F4
00515D9F 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
* Possible String Reference to: '\Software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\'
00515DA1 BA305E5100 mov edx, $00515E30
00515DA6 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9958
00515DA8 E8AB3BF9FF call 004A9958
00515DAD 84C0 test al, al
00515DAF 7513 jnz 00515DC4
00515DB1 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
00515DB3 B201 mov dl, $01
* Reference to class Exception
00515DB5 A1F4804000 mov eax, dword ptr [$004080F4]
* Reference to: Unit_004080C4.Proc_0040CFDC
00515DBA E81D72EFFF call 0040CFDC
* Reference to: System.@RaiseExcept;
00515DBF E868E3EEFF call 0040412C
00515DC4 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
00515DC7 50 push eax
00515DC8 8D55F8 lea edx, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to control TForm_regist.Edit1 : TEdit
00515DCB 8B86F8020000 mov eax, [esi+$02F8]
* Reference to: Controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):TCaption;
00515DD1 E8C234F3FF call 00449298
00515DD6 8B45F8 mov eax, [ebp-$08]
00515DD9 33C9 xor ecx, ecx
* Possible String Reference to: 'zxz'
00515DDB BA645E5100 mov edx, $00515E64
* Reference to: Unit_005163A5.Proc_00516E50
00515DE0 E86B100000 call 00516E50
00515DE5 8B4DFC mov ecx, [ebp-$04]
* Possible String Reference to: 'RandomNo'
00515DE8 BA705E5100 mov edx, $00515E70
00515DED 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: Unit_004A96F4.Proc_004A9AF4
00515DEF E8003DF9FF call 004A9AF4
00515DF4 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
* Reference to: System.TObject.Free(TObject);
00515DF6 E8A1DAEEFF call 0040389C
00515DFB 33C0 xor eax, eax
00515DFD 5A pop edx
00515DFE 59 pop ecx
00515DFF 59 pop ecx
00515E00 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '^[YY]?
00515E03 68205E5100 push $00515E20
00515E08 8D45F8 lea eax, [ebp-$08]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
00515E0B E85CE9EEFF call 0040476C
00515E10 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to: System.@LStrClr(void;void);
00515E13 E854E9EEFF call 0040476C
00515E18 C3 ret
* Reference to: System.@HandleFinally;
00515E19 E912E2EEFF jmp 00404030
00515E1E EBE8 jmp 00515E08
****** END
00515E20 5E pop esi
00515E21 5B pop ebx
00515E22 59 pop ecx
00515E23 59 pop ecx
00515E24 5D pop ebp
00515E25 C3 ret