[分享]IEEE Globecom 2010 - Communications Software, Services & Multimedia
发表于: 2010-1-8 11:14 8274

[分享]IEEE Globecom 2010 - Communications Software, Services & Multimedia

2010-1-8 11:14
[GC10 - CSSMA] CFP - IEEE Globecom 2010 - Communications Software, Services and Multimedia

IEEE Globecom 2010 - Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications Symposium
Dec 6 - 10, 2010
Miami, FL USA

The Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications
Symposium covers challenges and advances for service delivery and
management in fixed and mobile communication networks. These topics
are particularly relevant for researchers, developers and industries
in the areas of networking and services covered by many Technical
Committees. The symposium will follow GC2010 instructions for
paper submission, review, and session construction. Papers offering
novel research contributions in any aspect of Communications Software
and Services are solicited for submission to the symposium.

Topics of Interest

   * Next Generation Services and Service Platforms
         o Mobile Services and Service Platforms including IMS
         o Home Network Service Platform
         o VoP2P and P2P-SIP Services
         o Converged Application/Communication Servers and Services
         o Location-based Services
         o Social Networking Communication Services
         o Advanced Communication Services and Feature Interaction
   * Multimedia applications and services including VoIP, IPTV, Gaming
         o Multimedia delivery over wired and wireless networks
         o Cross-layer optimization for multimedia service support
         o Multicast, Broadcast and IPTV
         o Media streaming
         o Peer-to-Peer services
   * Software and Protocol Technologies for advanced service support
         o Web Services and distributed SW technology
         o Distributed systems and applications, including Grid Services
         o Peer-to-Peer technologies for communication services
         o Service overlay networks
         o Context Awareness and Personalization
   * Network and Service Management and Provisioning
         o Multimedia QoS provisioning
         o Quality of Experience for End-to-End Communications
         o End-to-End Quality of Service Routing algorithms
         o Service Creation, Delivery, Management
         o Network Management
         o Virtual Home Environment
         o Charging, Pricing, Business Models
         o Triple Play Services
         o Security and Privacy in Network and Service Management
         o Service Overlay Networks
         o Cooperative Networking for Streaming Media Content

Submission deadline:  March 15, 2010
Notifications due:    July 1, 2010
Final version due:    Aug 1, 2010

For more information about IEEE Globecom 2010, please see

Symposium Co-Chairs

John Buford, Avaya Labs Research, USA (buford at avaya.com)
Mohammad S. Obaidat, Monmouth university, USA (obaidat at monmouth.edu)
Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal (joelr at
Bin Wei, AT&T Research, USA (bw at research.att.com)

Sponsoring Technical Committees

Communications Software
Multimedia Communications----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Dear friend,

It is TONIGHT, the long waiting for the Super Bowl 2010 is over! The game will start at 6:30 PM EST (Feb. 7) in Sun Life Stadium, MIAMI. The game is between the Indianaplois Colts VS New Orleans Saints. Don't miss it!

Couldn't make a trip to Miami for this year's Super Bowl? Don't worry - there is still time to submit your papers to GLOBECOM 2010, which will be held in Miami during Dec. 6-10. The deadline to submit your papers is March 15, 2010.

Dr. Kia Makki and the GC10 Organizing Committee are preparing exciting tours for you to visit many attractions around this beautiful city. Check out the Local information at http://www.ieee-globecom.org/2010/


Haohong Wang
2010-2-8 06:59
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