[旧帖] [求助]W32Dasm黄金版的串式参考找不到我要的串式参考怎么办? 0.00雪花
发表于: 2009-12-11 13:15 1919

[旧帖] [求助]W32Dasm黄金版的串式参考找不到我要的串式参考怎么办? 0.00雪花

2009-12-11 13:15
免费 0
最新回复 (1)
雪    币: 9
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
String Resource ID=61446: "an unnamed file"
String Resource ID=61472: "No error message is available."
String Resource ID=61473: "An unsupported operation was attempted."
String Resource ID=61474: "A required resource was unavailable."
String Resource ID=61475: "Out of memory."
String Resource ID=61476: "An unknown error has occurred."
String Resource ID=61703: "Failed to launch help."
String Resource ID=61704: "Internal application error."
String Resource ID=61706: "Insufficient memory to perform operation."
String Resource ID=61856: "No error occurred."
String Resource ID=61872: "No error occurred."
String Resource ID=61888: "pixels"
"          (((((               "
"  "
" ??"
" 闌"
" 霡"
"        "
"# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# "
"%d "
"%d (unknown)"
"%s "
"%s %s %s
"%s %s%s HTTP/%s
"%s (%d) %s (%d)
"%s (%d)
"%s (%d)"
"%s (%s)"
"%s auth using %s with user '%s'
"%s cookie %s="%s" for domain %s, "
"%s IAC SB "
"%s%s%s        %s        %s        %s        %lld        %s        %s"
"%s; boundary=%s
"%sAuthorization: Basic %s
"%sAuthorization: Digest username="%s", "
", "
"; "
"[%s %s %s]"
"<program name unknown>"
"A libcurl function was given a "
"A required function in the library "
"About to connect() to %s%s port "
"Access denied to remote resource"
"Bad quota"
"Bind to local port %d failed, "
"blksize is smaller than min supported"
"blksize parsed from OACK"
"buffer error"
"Call interrupted"
"Caller must register CURLOPT_CONV_ "
"Can not set SSL crypto engine "
"Can't complete SOCKS4 connection "
"Can't complete SOCKS5 connection "
"CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/%s
"Connection accepted from server
"Control Panel\Desktop"
"Conversion failed"
"Couldn't connect to server"
"Couldn't read a file:// file"
"Couldn't resolve host name"
"Couldn't resolve proxy name"
"Couldn't resume download"
"Couldn't use specified SSL cipher"
"Disables POST, goes with %s
"Disk full or allocation exceeded"
"DN: "
"Embed Source"
"Embedded Object"
"Error accept()ing server connect"
"Error in the SSH layer"
"Error while waiting for server "
"Excessive FTP response line length "
"Failed binding local connection "
"Failed initialization"
"Failed sending data to the peer"
"failed to find WSACloseEvent function "
"failed to find WSACreateEvent "
"failed to find WSAEnumNetworkEvents "
"failed to find WSAEventSelect "
"Failed to initialise SSL crypto "
"Failed to load CRL file (path? "
"failed to load WS2_32.DLL (%d)"
"Failed to open/read local data "
"Failed to send SOCKS4 connect "
"Failed to send SOCKS5 connect "
"Failed to send SOCKS5 sub-negotiation "
"Failed to shut down the SSL connection"
"Failed writing received data to "
"Failure when receiving data from "
"FreeLibrary(wsock2) failed (%d)"
"FTP response aborted due to select/poll "
"FTP: can't figure out the host "
"FTP: command PORT failed"
"FTP: command REST failed"
"FTP: couldn't retrieve (RETR failed) "
"FTP: couldn't set file type"
"FTP: unknown 227 response format"
"FTP: unknown PASS reply"
"FTP: unknown PASV reply"
"FTP: weird server reply"
"Host down"
"Host not found"
"Host not found, try again"
"Host unreachable"
"Host: %s%s%s
"Host: %s%s%s:%d
"HTTP response code said error"
"If-Unmodified-Since: %s
"incorrect length check"
"insufficient winsock version to "
"Internal problem setting up the "
"invalid bit length repeat"
"invalid distance code"
"Invalid IPv6 address format
"Invalid LDAP URL"
"invalid literal/length code"
"ios failure"
"Issuer check against peer certificate "
"Last-Modified: %s
"LDAP local: %s"
"LDAP local: Cannot connect to "
"LDAP local: LDAP Vendor = %s ; "
"LDAP local: ldap_simple_bind_s "
"LDAP local: trying to establish "
"LDAP remote: %s"
"LDAP: cannot bind"
"LDAP: search failed"
"Link Source Descriptor"
"Link Source"
"listen(2) failed on socket"
"Local port: %d
"Login denied"
"Malformed telnet option"
"Maximum file size exceeded"
"MS Shell Dlg"
"No authentication method was acceptable. "
"No authentication method was acceptable."
"No data record of requested type"
"No error"
"Not empty"
"Number of redirects hit maximum "
"Object Descriptor"
"Operation was aborted by an application "
"Out of memory"
"PASS %s"
"Peer certificate cannot be authenticated "
"Problem with the local SSL certificate"
"Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? "
"Process limit reached"
"Quote command returned error"
"Read-only file system"
"Received HTTP code %d from proxy "
"Received too short packet"
"Remote error"
"Remote file already exists"
"Remote file not found"
"Requested range was not delivered "
"Requested SSL level failed"
"Rich Text Format"
"RichEdit Text and Objects"
"Send failed since rewinding of "
"Sending data failed (%d)"
"server requested blksize larger "
"Server returned nothing (no headers, "
"Socket not ready for send/recv"
"socket(2) failed (%s)"
"SOCKS4 request granted.
"SOCKS5 GSSAPI per-message authentication "
"Something is stale"
"SSL connect error"
"SSL crypto engine not found"
"SSL peer certificate or SSH md5 "
"STOR %s"
"stream error"
"TFTP: Access Violation"
"TFTP: File Not Found"
"TFTP: Illegal operation"
"TFTP: No such user"
"TFTP: Unknown transfer ID"
"There are more than %d entries
"Timeout waiting for block %d ACK. "
"Timeout was reached"
"Too many users"
"Transferred a partial file"
"Unable to receive initial SOCKS5 "
"Unable to receive SOCKS5 sub-negotiation "
"Unable to send initial SOCKS5 "
"Undocumented SOCKS5 mode attempted "
"Unknown error %d (%#x)"
"Unknown error"
"Unrecognized HTTP Content-Encoding"
"Unrecoverable error in call to "
"Unsupported protocol"
"Upload failed (at start/before "
"URL using bad/illegal format or "
"USER %s"
"User specified an unknown telnet "
"Violate RFC 2616/10.3.2 and switch "
"Winsock library is not ready"
"Winsock library not initialised"
"Winsock version not supported"
"WSACloseEvent failed (%d)"
"WSACreateEvent failed (%d)"
"WSAStartup failed (%d)"
"升级模块 %s (%s / %s)"
"在您的系统中发现有恶意程序屏蔽, "
2009-12-11 16:42
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