I needed to access resources in a 64bit Windows executable so I've just updated Resource HackerTM to open (ie decompile/recompile) these files too. This new version also displays PNG image resources. However, please understand that I have no intention of reviving this project so please DON'T ask for other features. Also, because I've barely tested this new version I'm releasing it as a trial version only. You can download this new trial (beta) version here - http://angusj.com/resourcehacker/reshack_3.5beta.zip
19 November 2009 (Version 3.5 beta):
* Now decompiles/compiles 64bit executables too.
* Added PNG image support
* 32bit Resource Files (*.res) can now also be viewed and edited. * Added support for the following Dialog extended style flags: WS_EX_LAYERED, WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT, WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and WS_EX_NOACTIVATE. * All resource language ids (except those for cursors and icons) can now be easily changed. * Bug Fix: LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT and LBS_MULTICOLUMN listbox style flags in dialogs previously could not be combined.