-Search and Replace several Byte Patterns
choose if you want to patch all matches or a certain match.
Ignore Bytes during search and replace.
"Checking Search Bytes" occurrence in a file (very cool feature,very helpfull!).
-Offset Patch [RawOffset and VirtualAdress]
with Compare Function.
CRC32 check enable.
Create Loaders (defeat process CRC checks with MemCheck feature)
-Creating a patch for a packed target [UPX;FSG;ASPACK...]
-Saving Projects.
-Creating a Patcher with Appname,URL,Author & Release Info!
-Use costom Dialogs (Icon,Logo,Buttontext...)
-Add XM [Fast Tracker Module] to your patcher
-Compress patcher with your favorite packer.
UPX: [c:\upx.exe --best --force %s]
FSG: [c:\fsg.exe %s]
MEW: [c:\mew11.exe %s] mew 11 se 1.2 has problems with spaces in filename