[转]New ExeCrypt 2.1.6 (Share)
发表于: 2004-12-30 18:02 6142

[转]New ExeCrypt 2.1.6 (Share)

2004-12-30 18:02
New version of ExeCryptor.

EXECryptor updated to version 2.1.6
• improve antidebug
• improve: space efficient code allocation in protected PE
• bugfix in TLS processing (cause GPF on some specific TLS data if compressCode ON)
• bugfix: GPF on some PE if CompressCode is ON and DynamicImport is OFF


EXECryptor 2.1.6 [29 Dec 2004]

EXECryptor - is a powerful tool used for an application code protection
from reverse engineering, analysis and modifications, based on a brand
new metamorphing code tranformation technology, that allows to
significantly increase software security. With EXECryptor the code block
to protect is disassembling and becomes a subject of nondeterminate
transformations, which destroys the visible logical code structure.
After the code transformation it remains executable and working as it is
supposed to but its size will increase by a couple of dozens times, thus
it becomes a really paintfull to analyze transformed code. There is no
concept of the code decryption with EXECryptor unlike the others.
Protected code blocks are always in the executable state and they are
executed as a transformed code. Code restoration becomes an NP-hard problem.

EXECryptor has the innovative very powerful antidebug, antitrace and import
protection features. EXECryptor allows to work with the short registration
keys of 12/16 characters long. It is based on new generation of HardKey
algorithm - cryptographically strong ultrashort digital signature.
In addition to advanced protection features EXECryptor allows to compress
code and resources of your application.

Major features are includes:
- metamorphic code transformation without constant signatures in
  protected fragments
- user-key code fragments can be executed in registered version only
- total destruction of the protected code fragments logic, which makes
  it impossible to analyse by disassembling
- detection and protection from active debuggers like SoftIce, OllyDbg,
  TRW and others
- protection from registry/disk monitors
- protection from code tracing under a debugger
- protection of application's import table
- entry point protection
- protection from code modification
- protected registry work
- resource and executable code compression
- internal short (12 chars) serial number manager with strong encryption
  (asymmetric crypto-algorithm HardKey4 is used)
- external serial number generator with ole/dll interface
- OneTouch Trial technology allows for the quick addition of trial-features
  and short serial number support to any applications

EXECryptor is able to protect any 32bit PE executable files (exe, dll, bpl,
vxd, wdm). It has been tested with W95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003.
SDKs are available for Delphi, C++Builder and Microsoft Visual C++.

Copyright (c) 2001-2004, SoftComplete Development
Web:   http://www.strongbit.com
Email: [email]support@strongbit.com[/email]

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