After many months of work, IDA Pro 5.5 is now in alpha stage and this week the beta will be out for testing. In this version many small and big improvements took place, here is a partial change list: PC module improvements PE loader improvements ARM processor module improvements Improved Hex-View: Edit support Data display format: words, dwords, doubles, ... Unicode or custom codepages Bochsrc file loader: load a bochsrc file and start debugging the disk image Windows Crash dump support: IDA now accepts MS Windows Crash dump files. Load the crash dump file and IDA Pro will create a database with the memory contents of the crash (if they were included). You can also run the Windbg debugger module and issue commands to the debugger engine to investigate more about the crash Docking interface: all windows are now dockable, allowing you to make optimal use of the desktop space.
This is for example how a desktop configuration could look like:
And this is another desktop configuration for the debugger:
IDA Pro 5.5 and Hex-Rays 1.1 have been released!
IDA Pro 5.5
We are happy to announce a new version of IDA Pro! The major news is the new docking user interface. There are many other improvements: processor modules, file formats, analysis tweaks, well, the usual stuff. There is a new MS Windows Crash Dump Loader and improved Bochs debugger. The complete list of new features and bug fixes is available here
Hex-Rays 1.1
We also release a new version of our decompiler: now with the floating point support. It was a technically challenging task and required lots of testing, but we are very happy with the end result. It can really handle floating point computations and generates reliable output. All subtle nuances, like conversion rules, fpu stack state, predefined compiler helper functions, are all taken care of.
The decompiler uses debug information if it is available: in this case, even local variable names and types will be restored. If there is no debug information, the decompiler will still generate correct and precise output. In fact, it is designed to work without debug information, which means that virtually any compiler-generated executable can be analyzed and turned into C output.
New pricing and support plans
With this release, we update the pricing of IDA Pro and Hex-Rays Decompiler. While the initial purchase prices are increased, upgrade prices go down. In order to streamline the upgrade process, we will use the same rules for all our products: now a support plan is renewable any time while it is active and also three months after its expiration. The new support period is counted from the expiration date of the previous support period.
If you upgraded your IDA/Hex-Rays copy the last month with older prices, do not worry. For you, we will add a month of support for the IDA license, and three months of support for Hex-Rays Decompiler.
We will continue to accept old-style upgrade orders until 12 October 2009.
How to request the new versions
As usual, the new versions are free for users whose licenses are within active support plan. Submit your ida.key to
and expect a message from us within 5-10 minutes. Sometimes we do not have your email in the database, so please specify it (otherwise we will have no means of communicating with you).
To request the new version of the decompiler, please use Edit, Plugins, Hex-Rays, Check for updates in IDA.
Is your key too old?
If your key is too old for a free update, you might still be eligible for a discounted upgrade. Until 12 October 2009 we offer the upgrade prices for all purchases made two years ago or less. The order forms can be found here:
We will arrange an electronic delivery to existing customers.