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function IsEmptyDDKs() { return (GetDDKs().length == 0); }
function SetSymbolDDKs() { window.external.AddSymbol("DDK_LISTBOX", GetDDKs()); // Seems VS has problems to get symbol values from disabled elements. Hence enable them ... var autoinc = document.getElementById('AUTOINCBUILDNR_CHECKBOX'); var buildscr = document.getElementById('BUILDSCRIPTS_CHECKBOX'); autoinc.disabled = false; buildscr.disabled = false; }
function OnClickLink(elem) { var objShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"); objShell.ShellExecute(elem.href, "", "", "open", 1); objShell = null; }
var bOldAutoIncVal = true; var bOldBuildScriptsVal = true;
<table class="one" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <!--OPEN OF INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION TABLE//--> <tr> <td class="two bottomline"> <div style="float:left;"> <img id="SUBHEAD_IMAGE" class="smallest" src="../../Images/Driver.gif" width="98" height="70" alt="Logo" border="0" /> </div> <div> <h4 class="head" id="head">Welcome to <tt style="font-weight:bold; font-size:120%;">DDKWizard</tt></h4> <p class="subhead" id="subhead" style="display:inline;"></p> </div> </td> </tr> <!--CLOSE OF INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION TABLE//-->
<td valign="top" height="100%"> <!--OPEN OF CONTENT AND BUTTON TABLE//-->
<table class="one" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td height="100%"> <!--OPEN OF CONTENT//--> <table width="100%" class="twocolumnstyle"> <tr> <!-- FIRST COLUMN --> <td width="50%" class="twocolumnstyle"> <div> <label for="DDKBUILD_COMBOBOX" accesskey="B" title="From this combobox choose the flavor of DDKBUILD you want to use!" >Choose the DDK<u>B</u>UILD you want to use:</label><br /> <select size="1" id="DDKBUILD_COMBOBOX" onchange="OnChangeDdkBuildChoice(this);" style="width:70%;"> <option value="ddkbuild.cmd">DDKBUILD.CMD</option> <option value="ddkbuild.bat">DDKBUILD.BAT</option> </select> </div>
<div style="padding-top:1em;"> <label for="DDK_CHOICE_LISTBOX" accesskey="D" title="Choose one or more of the supported DDKs/WDKs that you want to be supported by the created projects." >Which <u>D</u>DK(s) do you want to use:</label><br /> <select size="4" id="DDK_CHOICE_LISTBOX" multiple="multiple" style="width:70%;"> <option value="0">Windows 2000 DDK</option> <option value="1">Windows XP DDK</option> <option value="2" selected="selected">Windows 2003 DDK</option> <option value="3" selected="selected">Longhorn/Vista WDK</option> </select> </div>
<div id="SUPPORT64BIT_CHECKBOX_LBL"> <input type="checkbox" id="SUPPORT64BIT_CHECKBOX" onclick="Bitness64Checkboxes();" /> <label for="SUPPORT64BIT_CHECKBOX" accesskey="6" title="Support building 64bit binaries (obviously the selected DDK/WDK has to support it)" >Support <u>6</u>4bit builds</label> <span id="SUPPORT64BIT_CHOICE_DESCRIPTION">(for <input type="checkbox" id="SUPPORT64BIT_AMD64_CHECKBOX" onclick="Bitness64Checkboxes();" /> <label for="SUPPORT64BIT_AMD64_CHECKBOX" title="This is to create a configuration for AMD64 and/or Intel EM64T binaries." >X64</label> <input type="checkbox" id="SUPPORT64BIT_IA64_CHECKBOX" onclick="Bitness64Checkboxes();" /> <label for="SUPPORT64BIT_IA64_CHECKBOX" title="This is to create a configuration for Intels IA64 architecture, e.g. Itanium." >IA64</label>)</span> </div>
<div id="PREFASTCONFIG_CHECKBOX_LBL" style="padding-top:0.5em;"> <input type="checkbox" id="PREFASTCONFIG_CHECKBOX" onclick="PrefastCheckboxes();" /> <label for="PREFASTCONFIG_CHECKBOX" accesskey="A" title="Allows you to create an extra configuration with PREfast settings. PREfast is a static code analysis tool that comes with the newer DDKs/WDKs." >Create PREf<u>a</u>st configuration</label> <span id="PREFASTCONFIG_ONLYCHECKED_DESCRIPTION">(<input type="checkbox" id="PREFASTCONFIG_ONLYCHECKED_CHECKBOX" onclick="PrefastCheckboxes();" /> <label for="PREFASTCONFIG_ONLYCHECKED_CHECKBOX" accesskey="Y" title="Creates the PREfast configuration only for checked (i.e. debug) configurations." >Onl<u>y</u> checked</label>)</span> </div>
<div id="STRICTERCPP_CHECKBOX_LBL"> <input type="checkbox" id="STRICTERCPP_CHECKBOX" /> <label for="STRICTERCPP_CHECKBOX" accesskey="S" title="C++ has several advantages, even when used in a kernel mode driver code. Despite stricter type-checking, namespaces are quite useful as well as templates. This option enables the creation of C++ files or keeps them as ordinary C files." ><u>S</u>tricter type checking (<tt>.cpp</tt>)</label> </div>
<div id="AUTOINCBUILDNR_CHECKBOX_LBL"> <input type="checkbox" id="AUTOINCBUILDNR_CHECKBOX" onclick="OnClickAutoIncCheckbox(this);" /> <label for="AUTOINCBUILDNR_CHECKBOX" accesskey="I" title="DDKBUILD.CMD offers so-called 'build scripts'. These can be used to perform certain automatic steps. Build scripts are required to increase the build number everytime you build the project." >Auto-<u>i</u>ncrement build number</label> </div>
<div id="BUILDSCRIPTS_CHECKBOX_LBL"> <input type="checkbox" id="BUILDSCRIPTS_CHECKBOX"" /> <label for="BUILDSCRIPTS_CHECKBOX" accesskey="O" title="DDKBUILD.CMD offers so-called 'build scripts'. These can be used to perform certain automatic steps. Required for the previous option." >Create pre/p<u>o</u>st build scripts</label> </div>
<div id="MAKEFILEINC_CHECKBOX_LBL"> <input type="checkbox" id="MAKEFILEINC_CHECKBOX" /> <label for="MAKEFILEINC_CHECKBOX" accesskey="K" title="If you want to take full control of the build process, this option allows you to create a file which gets automatically included by the central make file of the DDK/WDK." >Create <tt>ma<u>k</u>efile.inc</tt></label> </div>
<script language="jscript" type="text/javascript"> function GetParentDir_(strDir) { return strDir.substr(0, strDir.lastIndexOf("\\")); }
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// Load the document and initialize the controls // with the appropriate symbol values // window.external.Load(document);
// Extract version number of VS/VC (or whatever we are running on) var sVersion = window.external.dte.Version; var iVersion = 1; iVersion *= sVersion.substr(0, sVersion.indexOf(".")); // as a number
// Override the defaults try { DDKWizard_OverrideDefaults(iVersion, GetInstallFilePath_()); } catch(e) { window.alert("Could not fetch default settings from INI file: " + e.description); }
// Check for minimum version to support property sheets if(iVersion < 8) { var elem = document.getElementById('VS_2005_COMPAT'); elem.style.display = "inline"; // Property sheets only work on version 8 and later for now // TODO: possibly adapt to later versions elem = document.getElementById('PROPERTYSHEET_CHECKBOX'); elem.checked = false; elem.disabled = true; PropertySheetCheckbox(elem); } Bitness64Checkboxes(); PrefastCheckboxes(); if(window.external.FindSymbol('WIZARD_NAME') == "EmptyDrv") { EnDisAbleAllOverrideCheckboxes(); HideSuperfluousControls(); } else { EnDisAbleAllOverrideCheckboxes(); OnClickAutoIncCheckbox(document.getElementById('AUTOINCBUILDNR_CHECKBOX')); } document.getElementById('subhead').innerHTML = "This wizard creates a <span style='color:#006000; font-weight:bold;'>" + window.external.FindSymbol('WIZARD_NAME') + "</span> project for DDKBUILD (from <a href=\"http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?article=43\" onclick=\"OnClickLink(this);\" target=\"_blank\">OSR</a>) and the specified DDK"; document.getElementById('SUBHEAD_IMAGE').src = "../../Images/" + window.external.FindSymbol('WIZARD_NAME') + ".gif"; window.dialogArguments = "" }
// If the wizard has more than 1 page, this // function will browse to the page specified // function Next(document, linkto) { window.external.Next(document, linkto); //全文第536行 }
// This is an example of a function which // gets called when the user clicks on 'Finish' // function OnFinish(document) { OnWizFinish(document); }
</script> <script id="INCLUDE_SCRIPT" language="jscript" type="text/javascript"></script> <script id="INCLUDE_COMMON" language="jscript" type="text/javascript"></script> <script id="INCLUDE_DDKWIZARD" language="jscript" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Common.js is a script file which contains the helper functions used by the wizards. Include this line if you want to call these functions from your html scripts. //--> <script language="jscript" type="text/javascript"> var strPath = window.external.FindSymbol("PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR"); strPath += "VCWizards/"; // var strDDKWizScript = strPath + "/DDKWizard/DDKWizIniFile.js"; strPath += window.external.GetHostLocale(); var strScriptPath = strPath + "/Script.js"; var strCommonPath = strPath + "/Common.js"; document.scripts("INCLUDE_SCRIPT").src = strScriptPath; document.scripts("INCLUDE_COMMON").src = strCommonPath; // Path to our own script document.scripts("INCLUDE_DDKWIZARD").src = GetInstallFilePath_()+"\\DDKWizIniFile.js"; </script> </body> </html>