[下载].NET Component Inspector
发表于: 2008-7-20 16:47 3009

[下载].NET Component Inspector

2008-7-20 16:47
.NET Component Inspector

Have you ever wished you could explore the behavior of a component or some code without having to write any code? To watch events occur on any object and examine the history of events? To quickly try something and see how it affects the component? To look at the visual behavior of a component as you adjust not only its properties, but execute its methods? If so the .NET Component Inspector is the tool you have been seeking.

The Component Inspector allows you to:

open any .NET assembly (executable or library), any number of which can be opened at once;
trace events on any object by simple one click event registration either on all events for an object or selected events;
create any object from a class in the opened assemblies using drag/drop;
create Controls on the design surface, move, resize or embed them in other Controls;
search for types or object content.
use the same set of Control objects both in design mode and normal running mode and go back and forth between the two with a single click;
examine or alter any field or property in the created objects, regardless of visibility;
execute any method on the created objects, regardless of visibility;
quickly examine and manipulate objects in common collections (IList, IDictionary) without concern of the implementation details of the collections. For example, you can cut/copy/paste objects to/from lists;
directly execute an application, class, or Control without writing any code; and
explore the contents of assemblies and the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).



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