Option Explicit
Private Function GetRndNum(nMax As Long) As Long
GetRndNum = Int(Rnd * nMax) + 1
End Function
Private Function GetSN(UN As String) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, SN As String
For i = 1 To Len(UN)
j = Asc(Mid$(UN, i, 1))
SN = SN & Chr(j - &H1B) & Chr(j - &H20)
GetSN = SN
End Function
Private Function GetNewStr(UN As String) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, NEWSTR As String
Do Until i = &H18
k = Asc(Mid$(STR, j + 1, 1)) + &H20
If k = Asc(Mid$(UN, 1, 1)) Or k = Asc(Mid$(UN, 6, 1)) Then j = j + 1
NEWSTR = NEWSTR & Mid$(STR, j + 1, 1)
i = i + 1
j = j + 2
If j >= Len(STR) And i < &H18 Then j = 1
GetNewStr = NEWSTR
End Function
Private Function CheckSN(SN As String, NEWSTR As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, k As Long, m As Long, n As Long
Dim iRet As Long
i = 0
k = 5
n = 0
iRet = 0
Do Until i = 12
m = k * 4 - 4
If Mid$(SN, i + 1, 1) = Mid$(NEWSTR, m + 1, 1) Then Exit Do
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
If n > 4 Then Exit Do
iRet = iRet * 2 + IIf(n = 5, 0, 1)
i = i + 2
k = k - 1
If k = 0 Then k = 6
n = 0
CheckSN = iRet
End Function
Private Function GetValidUser() As String
Dim SN1(), SN2(), SN3(), SN4(), SN5(), SN6 As String
Dim ID(1 To 5) As Long
Dim UN As String, SN As String, NEWSTR As String
Dim iCheck As Long, iCount As Long
Const MAX_TIMES = &H20 '循环最大次数,达到时重新生成每一位用户名
SN1() = Array("b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n") '用户名第一位
SN2() = Array("t", "u", "b", "c", "d", "e") '用户名第二位
SN3() = Array("l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u") '用户名第三位
SN4() = Array("d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m") '用户名第四位
SN5() = Array("b", "c", "d", "e") '用户名第五位
SN6 = "p" '用户名第六位
iCount = 0
iCheck = 0
ID(1) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN1)) '随机生成用户名第1--5位
ID(2) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN2))
ID(3) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN3))
ID(4) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN4))
ID(5) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN5))
UN = SN1(ID(1)) & SN2(ID(2)) & SN3(ID(3)) & SN4(ID(4)) & SN5(ID(5)) & SN6 '组合用户名
SN = GetSN(UN) '获取序列号
iCheck = CheckSN(SN, NEWSTR) '校验序列号
Select Case True
Case (iCheck And &H20) = 0 '从第一位开始检测,某位不正确时重新生成
ID(1) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN1))
Case (iCheck And &H10) = 0
ID(2) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN2))
Case (iCheck And &H8) = 0
ID(3) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN3))
Case (iCheck And &H4) = 0
ID(4) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN4))
Case (iCheck And &H2) = 0
ID(5) = GetRndNum(UBound(SN5))
Case (iCheck And &H1) = 0
iCount = MAX_TIMES '最后一位不正确?那是不可能的
End Select
iCount = iCount + 1 '循环次数,防止死循环
Loop Until iCheck = &H3F Or iCount >= MAX_TIMES '找到合法用户名或达到循环次数?
Loop Until iCheck = &H3F '=0b00111111 '找到合法用户了?
GetValidUser = UN '返回用户名
End Function
Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click()
txtText1.Text = GetValidUser
txtText2.Text = GetSN(txtText1.Text)
End Sub