EECTOOL is a utility implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC).
EECTOOL is freeware for non-commercial use, may be freely distributed, unmodified.
Copyright remains with MR.readyu.
Author: readyu#gmail.com
Bug report is welcome.
main fuctions:
1.generate elliptic curve, compute np/order;
2.trap small ecdlp (< 64 bits), using kangaroo method;
3.generate keypairs.
4.ECDSA/ECNR sign/verify.
support curves:
1. support curve bits: 32-1024;
2. support elliptic curve over GF(p);
3. support elliptic curve over GF(2^m), with irreducible ploy:
Trinomial: f(t)=t^m + t^a + 1,
Pentanomial: f(t) = t^m + t^a + t^b + t^c + 1
4. support NIST-recommended elliptic curves.
not support:
Curve over GF(2^m) with ONB (Optimal Normal Basis).
[to do]
write help file.
v1.04 2008-08-29
! fix a minor bug in kangaroo message display, when np is prime
* improve GUI
v1.03 2008-08-09
* improve ecc encrypt
! fix a minor bug in find poly
v1.02 2008-07-02
+ add NIST-curves cfg file
+ add load/save cfg
+ add sign.privkey recovery
! fix a minor bug in computing np
v1.01 2008-05-30
fisrt public version.
+ add trap ecdlp