The GetTextInput dialog is used to obtain text from the user. It has the option to display an additional text field above the edit control where the user enters the text.
1. Parent The handle of the windows that calls the dialog box.
2. Instance The instance handle for the application.
3. Icon The handle of the application's icon.
4. caption A zero terminated string that contains the text to display on the title bar of the dialog.
5. subcaption A zero terminated string that contains the text to display in the addition field above the edit conrol.
6. lpbuffer The address of the buffer that will receive the text entered by the user. This buffer should be at least 128 bytes in length.
Return Value
The return value in EAX is always zero.
To test if the user has entered text, the first byte of the buffer should be tested for zero. If the value is not zero, the buffer contains the text typed by the user.