这两天在逆向分析MmIsAddressValid这个函数,学习了下PAE分页机制,并且也发现了一个问题。就是本机ntoskrnl中导出的MmIsAddressValid函数是采用非PAE方式的,而本机XP SP2系统采用的却是PAE方式的分页机制。这个可以通过windbg中看到。 在这里写出来与大家分享。关于PAE (Physical Address Extension 物理地址扩展)是 Intel x86 Pentium Pro处理器引入的一种内存映射模式。在此模式下CPU可以访问多达64GB的物理内存。
lkd> dt _hardware_pte
+0x000 Valid : Pos 0, 1 Bit
+0x000 Write : Pos 1, 1 Bit
+0x000 Owner : Pos 2, 1 Bit
+0x000 WriteThrough : Pos 3, 1 Bit
+0x000 CacheDisable : Pos 4, 1 Bit
+0x000 Accessed : Pos 5, 1 Bit
+0x000 Dirty : Pos 6, 1 Bit
+0x000 LargePage : Pos 7, 1 Bit
+0x000 Global : Pos 8, 1 Bit
+0x000 CopyOnWrite : Pos 9, 1 Bit
+0x000 Prototype : Pos 10, 1 Bit
+0x000 reserved0 : Pos 11, 1 Bit
+0x000 PageFrameNumber : Pos 12, 26 Bits
+0x000 reserved1 : Pos 38, 26 Bits
+0x000 LowPart : Uint4B
+0x004 HighPart : Uint4B
以上具体理论部分可以看下intel的v3.System Programming Guide。上面有这两种分页方式的介绍。 非PAE分页,理论部分,看图,分4K 和 4M两种页。
下面是ida 看到的ntoskrnl.exe中导出的MmIsAddressValid。
.text:0040C661 ; BOOLEAN __stdcall MmIsAddressValid(PVOID VirtualAddress)
.text:0040C661 public MmIsAddressValid
.text:0040C661 MmIsAddressValid proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_40D65E+Cp
.text:0040C661 ; sub_415459:loc_415470p ...
.text:0040C661 VirtualAddress = dword ptr 8
.text:0040C661 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT .text:0041B84E SIZE 00000007 BYTES
.text:0040C661 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT .text:0044A4F2 SIZE 00000019 BYTES
.text:0040C661 mov edi, edi
.text:0040C663 push ebp
.text:0040C664 mov ebp, esp
.text:0040C666 mov ecx, [ebp+VirtualAddress]
.text:0040C669 mov eax, ecx
.text:0040C66B shr eax, 14h ; 右移20位
.text:0040C66E mov edx, 0FFCh ; 取高10位
.text:0040C673 and eax, edx
.text:0040C675 sub eax, 3FD00000h ; 加上0xc0300000
.text:0040C675 ; PDE = ((VA >> 22) << 2 )& 0xffc + 0xc0300000
.text:0040C67A mov eax, [eax]
.text:0040C67C test al, 1 ; present位
.text:0040C67E jz loc_41B84E
.text:0040C684 test al, al
.text:0040C686 js short loc_40C6AC ; 判断page size位
.text:0040C688 shr ecx, 0Ah ; 右移10位
.text:0040C68B and ecx, 3FFFFCh
.text:0040C691 sub ecx, 40000000h
.text:0040C697 mov eax, ecx ; PTE = ((VA >> 12) << 2 ) & 0x3FFFC + 0xc0000000
.text:0040C699 mov ecx, [eax] ; ecx = PTE Context
.text:0040C69B test cl, 1 ; 判断present位
.text:0040C69E jz loc_41B84E
.text:0040C6A4 test cl, cl
.text:0040C6A6 js loc_44A4F2 ; 判断page size位
.text:0040C6AC loc_40C6AC: ; CODE XREF: MmIsAddressValid+25j
.text:0040C6AC ; MmIsAddressValid+3DE9Fj
.text:0040C6AC mov al, 1
.text:0040C6AE loc_40C6AE: ; CODE XREF: MmIsAddressValid+F1EFj
.text:0040C6AE pop ebp
.text:0040C6AF retn 4
.text:0040C6AF MmIsAddressValid endp
BOOLEAN MmIsAddressValid ( PVOID VirtualAddress )
BYTE PresentSign = 0x1;
BYTE PageSizeSign = 0x80;
BYTE PresentAndPageSizeSign = 0x81;
PVOID lVirtualAddress;
lVirtualAddress = VirtualAddress;
PDE = (((ULONG)lVirtualAddress>>22)<<2) & 0xffc + 0xC0300000;
if(!(PDEContext & PresentSign))
return FALSE;
if(PDEContext & PageSizeSign)
return TRUE;
PTE = (((ULONG)lVirtualAddress>>12)<<2) & 0x3FFFc + 0xC0000000;
if(!(PTEContext & PresentSign ))
return FALSE;
if(!(PTEContext & PageSizeSign))
return TRUE;
PDE = (ULONG)PTE & 0xffc + 0xc0300000;
if(PDEContext & PresentAndPageSizeSign)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
PDE = ((VA >> 22) << 2 ) & 0xffc + 0xc0300000;
PTE = ((VA >> 12) << 2 ) & 0x3FFFFC + 0xc0000000; PAE分页,理论部分,看图,分4K 和 2M两种页。
lkd> u MmIsAddressValid l 50
80510fa0 8bff mov edi,edi
80510fa2 55 push ebp
80510fa3 8bec mov ebp,esp
80510fa5 51 push ecx ;申请空间 EBP - 4
80510fa6 51 push ecx ;申请空间 EBP - 8
80510fa7 8b4d08 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] ; 取参数,虚拟地址
80510faa 56 push esi
80510fab 8bc1 mov eax,ecx
80510fad c1e812 shr eax,12h ; 右移12H(18位,相当于>>21<<3),即线性地址高11位(32- 21)代表页目录索引,而页目录中每
; 个索引占8个字节,故该索引在页目录中的相对偏移位置是页目录索引*8,也就是<<3。找到其
80510fb0 bef83f0000 mov esi,3FF8h ;3FF8H = 11 1111 1111 1 000 ,标示取高11位
80510fb5 23c6 and eax,esi
80510fb7 2d0000a03f sub eax,3FA00000h ; 页目录对应的虚拟地址 0 - 3FA00000 = c0600000h,页目录地址 + 原有的eax的偏移 =
; PDE,每个PDE中有8字节,代表64位的页表
80510fbc 8b10 mov edx,dword ptr [eax] ;取PDE低4字节
80510fbe 8b4004 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4] ;取PDE高4字节
80510fc1 8945fc mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax ;暂存
80510fc4 8bc2 mov eax,edx
80510fc6 57 push edi
80510fc7 83e001 and eax,1 ;页面存在标志 Present位
80510fca 33ff xor edi,edi
80510fcc 0bc7 or eax,edi
80510fce 7461 je nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x91 (80511031) ;如果页面存在标志Present位 = 0,表示该页没有加载到对应的
80510fd0 bf80000000 mov edi,80h ; 80H = 1000 0000
80510fd5 23d7 and edx,edi ;取Page size位,Page size位 = 1,表示LargePage
80510fd7 6a00 push 0
80510fd9 8955f8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx
80510fdc 58 pop eax ;EAX = 0
80510fdd 7404 je nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x43 (80510fe3) ; 最高位 = 0 ,非LargePage
80510fdf 85c0 test eax,eax
80510fe1 7452 je nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x95 (80511035) ;最高位 = 1,LargePage的情况,跳转
80510fe3 c1e909 shr ecx,9 ;ecx=线性地址,右移9位,相当于>>12 <<3 。即地址中的高20位代表pte偏移,低12位表示属性 80510fe6 81e1f8ff7f00 and ecx,7FFFF8h ;7FFFF8h = 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1 000,20位,第31到第12位,即前面20位
80510fec 8b81040000c0 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx-3FFFFFFCh];
80510ff2 81e900000040 sub ecx,40000000h ;pte=((VA>>12)<<3) &0x7FFFF8 +0xc0000000; (-0x40000000 means +0xc0000000)
80510ff8 8b11 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx] ;PTE context
80510ffa 8945fc mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
80510ffd 53 push ebx
80510ffe 8bc2 mov eax,edx
80511000 33db xor ebx,ebx
80511002 83e001 and eax,1 ; pte 页面存在标志 Present位
80511005 0bc3 or eax,ebx
80511007 5b pop ebx
80511008 7427 je nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x91 (80511031);无效位跳转
8051100a 23d7 and edx,edi ;edx=pte,edi=80h,取Page size位,Page size位 = 1,表示LargePage
8051100c 6a00 push 0
8051100e 8955f8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx ;暂存
80511011 58 pop eax
80511012 7421 je nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x95 (80511035) ;not LargePage,valid
80511014 85c0 test eax,eax ; LargePage
80511016 751d jne nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x95 (80511035)
80511018 23ce and ecx,esi ;ecx=pte,esi=3FF8h 3FF8H = 11 1111 1111 1 000 ,表示取高11位 2M分页的情况
8051101a 8b89000060c0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ecx-3FA00000h] ; 0 - 3FA00000 = c0600000h ;ecx = PDE Context
80511020 b881000000 mov eax,81h ;判断Page size位和Present位
80511025 23c8 and ecx,eax
80511027 33d2 xor edx,edx
80511029 3bc8 cmp ecx,eax
8051102b 7508 jne nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x95 (80511035)
8051102d 85d2 test edx,edx ;not valid
8051102f 7504 jne nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x95 (80511035)
80511031 32c0 xor al,al
80511033 eb02 jmp nt!MmIsAddressValid+0x97 (80511037)
80511035 b001 mov al,1
80511037 5f pop edi
80511038 5e pop esi
80511039 c9 leave
8051103a c20400 ret 4
BOOLEAN MmIsAddressValid ( PVOID VirtualAddress )
BYTE PresentSign = 0x1;
BYTE PageSizeSign = 0x80;
BYTE PresentAndPageSizeSign = 0x81;
PVOID lVirtualAddress;
lVirtualAddress = VirtualAddress;
PDE = (((ULONG)lVirtualAddress>>21)<<3) & 0x3FF8 + 0xC0600000;
if(!(PDEContext & PresentSign))
return FALSE;
if(PDEContext & PageSizeSign)
return TRUE;
PTE = (((ULONG)lVirtualAddress>>12)<<3) & 0x7FFFF8 + 0xC0000000;
if(!(PTEContext & PresentSign ))
return FALSE;
if(!(PTEContext & PageSizeSign))
return TRUE;
PDE = (ULONG)PTE & 0x3ff8 + 0xc0600000;
if(PDEContext & PresentAndPageSizeSign)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int PDE = ((lVirtualAddress>>21)<<3) & 0x3FF8 + 0xC0600000;
int PTE = ((lVirtualAddress>>12)<<3) & 0x7FFFF8 + 0xC0000000;
以上VA表示virtual address
lkd> !pte
VA 00000000
PDE at 00000000C0600000 PTE at 00000000C0000000
contains 000000004D5C1067 contains 0000000000000000
pfn 4d5c1 ---DA--UWEV