[下载]XAssembler v3.1.3 by R. Kmiecik
发表于: 2008-2-28 15:26 3247
XAssembler v3.1.3 by R. Kmiecik
The XAssembler Compiler is an assembly language compiler for 80x86 family processors and compatibles. It combines simplicity of pascal-like syntax and power of low level language, without annoying "features" other compilers are known of.
Few facts about XAssembler :
* generation of 16-bit and 32-bit code,
* support for most popular executable, library and object formats, *
* easy to use, in most cases a call with single parameter is enough,
* high speed, the average is about 50 thousand lines per second,
* unlimited source file size,
* full control over generated code,
* conditional compilation, macros and aliases,
* long file names under DOS,
and much more.
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