[下载]Symbol Type Viewer Version (beta) by Lionel d'Hauenens
发表于: 2008-2-28 11:23 3655
Symbol Type Viewer Version (beta) by Lionel d'Hauenens
Symbol Type Viewer 32Bit/64Bit Version beta
Symbol Type Viewer is a tool which makes it possible to easily visualize the types which can be defined in the symbols of the modules of the systems Microsoft Windows 32/64bit. Moreover, it makes it possible to convert these informations for the C language (.h) and the disassembler IDA of DataRescue (.idc).
Symbol Type Viewer allows to :
- download the symbols (pdb) very simply.
- sail and visualize in a detailed way the types and their members in the form of tree structure
easily find the unused areas in the structures (padding). These areas are theoretically usable to put personal data there
- translate the structures for the C Language (.h) and for IDA script (.idc) of DataRescue (http://www.datarescue.com/idabase/)
- personalize the formatting: addition of suffix in the names of types, freeze the sizes of structures and members (the pointers become ULONG32 for a 32bit system and UINT64 for a 64bit system)
- apply searchs of texts or regular expressions
- do a batch processing by treating all modules met in a directory and its under-directories. For example: C:\Windows;)
[+] February 27th, 2008 : Version beta (32Bit / 64Bit)
- Addition of a function of research starting from a text or a regular expression
- Addition of buttons of navigation keeping in memory the 100 last selections
- Possibility to fixing the size of the pointers in the structures for the C language. This option can be very useful when one wishes to make a work with 32bits processes in an 64bits environment.
- Possibility to personalizing a suffix at the end of all the names of the unions, structures, enumerations and functions. This makes it possible to use the entities formatted in projects while avoiding the conflicts of declaration which can appear.
- All the entities deduced or without name (unnamed) met in the members from the structures have a single name then. In order to give a maximum of information making it possible to identify the role of these entities, it is added to the single name the names of all the members dependant on this entity. Each name of added member is separated by a character “_”
- Addition of Exit menu (Thank to ouadji (most crazy of my friends) -> "An application without Exit menu is not a application. It's like the Camenbert… There doesn't exist Alsatian Camembert cheese..." )
- [bug] Correction of a problem of size of pointers in 64bit structures formatted for IDA script
- [bug] Correction of a problem of principal window refresh under Vista.
- [bug] Correction of a problem when one makes “Brut copy” with the “Format view” panel wich is empty. (Thank to ouadji )
[+] January 15th, 2008 : Version beta (32Bit / 64Bit)
- Symbol Type Viewer is now compatible with the versions 32bits and 64bits of Windows.
- The functions met in the structures are now accessible directly since the tree view.
- Preparing of the tree with icons significant.
- In the format C structures, the unused zones appear now clearly in red. These zones are theoretically available to store personal data.
- [bug] Correction of bad size estimate with certain local structures.
[+] December 29th, 2007 : Version beta (32Bit)
- [bug] Correction of a problem giving (with certain parameters of system appearance) a nonwhite background in the formatted structures view. This can be disturbing. Especially when the background appears in black. (Thank to DarKPhoeniX).
- [bug] Correction of a bad management of the variable system _NT_SYMBOLS_PATH when this one isn't completly in lower case (Thank to Neitsa)
[+] December 28th, 2007 : Version beta (32Bit)
- Initial version
Bugs report : stv(at)syseclabs.com