[推荐]SOLAR Assembler (new release)
发表于: 2008-2-28 03:33 3276

[推荐]SOLAR Assembler (new release)

2008-2-28 03:33
Re:: SOLAR Assembler Version 0.10.01

SOLAR Assembler is a multipass macro assembler designed for developers that consider ASM as their main programming language. Features
  • Fast on huge projects: 350.000 lines per second[*]Can output directly to PE, Binary, DLL[*]Can output OMF and COFF OBJ[*]Recursive and nested Macros[*]Includes HLL primitives: .IF, PROC, INVOKE, STRUC, etc[*]Conditional compilation: #ifdef, #if_used[*]Includes mini resource compiler[*]Listing[*]Clear syntax
  • Downloads Solar Assembler Binary 2008_02_23 ●
  • Solar Assembler version 0.10.01 2008_02_20 ● [*]Solar Assembler version 0.9.17 Solar Assembler Samples Main Samples ● [*]Solar Assembler main samples Vortex Samples This samples have been kindly provided by Vortex. His main site is here . I recomend that you visit his site because it contains interesting and useful tools. ● [*]Vortex samples

    Documentation in plain HTML format:
  • http://www.oby.ro/sol_asm/docs/sol_asm_manual.htm

    Solar Assembler Manualfor version 0.10.01
    Copyright 2007-2008 Bogdan Valentin Ontanu, All rights reserved.
    Contents ●
  • Chapter.1 Introduction ● [*]1.1.Design Goals [*]1.2 Targets [*]1.3 Fair warning [*]1.4 OS specific versions
  • Chapter.2 Running Solar assembler ● [*]2.1 Invocation [*]2.2 Options [*]2.3 OllyDbg specific debug info
  • Chapter 3. Program Setup ● [*]3.1 Sections ● [*]3.1.2 Section Name Alias [*]3.2 Imports ● [*]3.2.1 Imports Definition [*]3.2.2 Imports Alias [*]3.2.3 CDECL Imports [*]3.2.4 Argument count for Imports [*]3.3 EXTERN [*]3.3 EXPORTS [*]3.4 Entry point [*]3.5 Base address, ORG and DISP [*]3.6 Encoding Modes [*]3.7 Include files
  • Chapter 4. Language elements ● [*]4.1 Numbers [*]4.2 Expressions [*]4.3 ModRM Expressions [*]4.4 Small strings [*]4.5 User defined symbols [*]4.5 Comments ● [*]4.5.1 Line comments [*]4.5.2 Block comments [*]4.6 Very Long Lines
  • Chapter 5 Data definitions ● [*]5.1 Define initialized data [*]5.2 Define Floating point data [*]5.3 Structure data definitions [*]5.4 Structure Member data initializations [*]5.5 Reserve non initialized data
  • Chapter 6. General Code Syntax ● [*]6.1 Default ASM instruction syntax [*]6.2 Offset keyword [*]6.3 Structure members [*]6.4 Size overrides [*]6.5 Multiple instructions on the same line
  • Chapter 7. Directives ● [*]7.1 EQUATES [*]7.2 LABELS ● [*]7.2.1 Labels scope [*]7.3 STRUCTURES [*]7.4 PROCEDURES ● [*]7.4.1 PROC local buffers [*]7.5 INVOKE ● [*]CINVOKE [*]7.6 MACROS ● [*]7.6.1 Define MACRO [*]7.6.2 :VARARG in MACROS [*]7.6.2 :REQ in MACROS [*]7.6.2 Nested MACROS [*]7.6.5 Using "&" in MACROS [*]7.6.7 Recursive Macros [*]7.6.7 Using EXITM in macros [*]7.6.8 The REPT Macro [*]7.7 Conditional Assembly [*]7.8 Runtime High Level .IF [*]7.9 ENUMS
  • Chapter 8. Resource compiler ● [*]8.1 Resource ID's [*]8.2 Dialogs [*]8.3 MENUS [*]8.4 Emit Compiled Resources
  • Chapter 9. Listing
  • Apendix.1 Other issues ● [*]A1.1 Namespaces [*]A1.2 System requirements [*]A1.3 Speed testing
  • [*]Apendix.2 Known keywords

    [课程]FART 脱壳王!加量不加价!FART作者讲授!

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