[推荐]HLA (High-Level Assembler) Frozen Version: HLA v1.99
发表于: 2008-2-25 23:34 3663

[推荐]HLA (High-Level Assembler) Frozen Version: HLA v1.99

2008-2-25 23:34
HLA (High-Level Assembler) The High-Level Assembler makes learning and using assembly language a breeze.
NEW! HLA is now available for FreeBSD in addition to Windows and Linux!

HomePage http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/

Frozen Version: HLA v1.99
HLA v1.99 is the last version of HLA whose installation includes v1.x of the HLA standard library. All following versions (i.e., HLA v1.100 and later) use the newer version of the HLA stdlib (v3.0 and later). HLA v1.99, the frozen version, is being maintained on HLA because some old documentation and examples have not been updated to use the newer library code (in particular, The Art of Assembly Language).
Windows Users:
HLA Installation Program (HLA v1.99, released 1/7/2008)
This version is intended for new HLA users who are learning assembly language under Windows with The Art of Assembly or advanced HLA users who need to maintain old HLA source code under Windows.

HLA Upgrade for Windows (HLA v1.99, released 1/7/2008)
If you've already installed and are using a previous version of HLA, then just download these binaries, includes, and library files as a ZIP file. Unzip these files over the top of your existing HLA installation. This code is intended for advanced HLA users who need to upgrade an older version of HLA or downgrade a newer version of HLA in order to support old HLA source code.
HLA Executables for Windows

Linux Users:
HLA for Linux (HLA v1.99, released 1/7/2008)
The hla.tar.gz file contains the binaries, includes, and library files for Linux. Please read the HLA installation guide to install these files under Linux. Note: The server has a nasty habit of thinking that this file is really named hla.tar.tar. If it saves this download under that name, please rename it to hla.tar.gz and everything will be fine. Note: Beginning HLA users who are learning assembly language with The Art of Assembly should download the frozen version of HLA using the link given earlier.
HLA Executables for Linux

For Everybody:
HLA Documentation (updated 4/7/2007)
Here's the documentation for HLA. Two versions are available: HTML and RTF. The RTF is better for printing or if you need to edit the document, and the HTML version is for those who prefer HTML. Note: All files are in a "ZIP" format.
Note that the PDF and CHM versions are no longer available.
HLA Reference (HTML)
1. Whole
2. By Section
HLA Stdlib (HTML)
1. whole
2. By Section
HLA Stdlib (RTF)

HLA Example Code (updated 4/2/2007)
Most of these programs are Windows-specific, but Linux users will also find some useful source code in here. This download includes the Iczelion tutorials for HLA. HLA Examples/Sample Code

HLA Standard Library Source Code (v1.x)
This ZIP file provides the source code for all the HLA Standard Library routines. This source code is for the older, v1.x, version of the HLA standard library.Library Source Code

HLA Compiler Source Code (HLA v1.99, released 1/7/2008)
This ZIP file provides the source code for the HLA compiler. Note that HLA was developed under Windows. The C files are moved to Linux and compiled there to produce the Linux version. Please see "compiling HLA" for details.HLA Compiler Source

"Art of Assembly" Files:
HLA Sample Code for AoA and WPA
These files provide all the sample code for the Published edition of "The Art of Assembly Language", the electronic edition of "The Art of Assembly Language Programming" and the electronic edition of "Windows Programming in Assembly". Note that the AoA files are applicable to both Linux and Windows users.
Art of Assembly Sample Files, published edition (updated 12/26/2003)
Art of Assembly Sample Files, electronic edition (updated 12/6/2003)


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NEW! The HLA Standard Library v3.x

The most popular component of the High Level Assembler (HLA) has always been the HLA Standard Library.
Check out the brand-new, revamped and improved, version of the HLA Standard Library!

SourceForge Download Page
2008-2-25 23:45
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2008-2-26 09:56
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