// entry in the IDT, this is sometimes called
// an "interrupt gate"
typedef struct
unsigned short LowOffset;
unsigned short selector;
unsigned char unused_lo;
unsigned char segment_type:4; //0x0E is an interrupt gate
unsigned char system_segment_flag:1;
unsigned char DPL:2; // descriptor privilege level
unsigned char P:1; /* present */
unsigned short HiOffset;
/* sidt returns idt in this format */
typedef struct
unsigned short IDTLimit;
unsigned short LowIDTbase;
unsigned short HiIDTbase;
// entry in the IDT, this is sometimes called
// an "interrupt gate"
typedef struct
unsigned short LowOffset;
unsigned short selector;
unsigned char unused_lo;
unsigned char segment_type:4; //0x0E is an interrupt gate
unsigned char system_segment_flag:1;
unsigned char DPL:2; // descriptor privilege level
unsigned char P:1; /* present */
unsigned short HiOffset;
/* sidt returns idt in this format */
typedef struct
unsigned short IDTLimit;
unsigned short LowIDTbase;
unsigned short HiIDTbase;
#pragma pack()
unsigned long old_ISR_pointer; // better save the old one!!
VOID OnUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )
IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)
IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info
char _t[255];
// restore the original interrupt handler
__asm cli
idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].LowOffset = (unsigned short) old_ISR_pointer;
idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].HiOffset = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)old_ISR_pointer >> 16);
__asm sti
DbgPrint("UnHooking Interrupt complete.");
// using stdcall means that this function fixes the stack before returning (opposite of cdecl)
void __stdcall count_syscall( unsigned long system_call_number )
// naked functions have no prolog/epilog code - they are functionally like the
// target of a goto statement
__declspec(naked) my_interrupt_hook()
push eax
call count_syscall
jmp old_ISR_pointer
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath )
IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)
IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info
unsigned long addr;
unsigned long count;
char _t[255];
DbgPrint("Hooking Interrupt...");
// lets hook an interrupt
// exercise - choose your own interrupt
old_ISR_pointer = MAKELONG(idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].LowOffset,idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].HiOffset);
// debug, use this if you want some additional info on what is going on
#if 0
_snprintf(_t, 253, "old address for ISR is 0x%08x", old_ISR_pointer);
_snprintf(_t, 253, "address of my function is 0x%08x", my_interrupt_hook);
// remember we disable interrupts while we patch the table
__asm cli
idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].LowOffset = (unsigned short)my_interrupt_hook;
idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER].HiOffset = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)my_interrupt_hook >> 16);
__asm sti
// debug - use this if you want to check what is now placed in the interrupt vector
#if 0
i = &idt_entries[NT_INT_TIMER];
addr = MAKELONG(i->LowOffset, i->HiOffset);
_snprintf(_t, 253, "Interrupt ISR 0x%08X", addr);
// set this to the max int you want to hook
// the starting interrupt for patching
// to 'skip' some troublesome interrupts
// at the beginning of the table (TODO, find out why)
#define START_IDT_OFFSET 0x00
unsigned long g_i_count[MAX_IDT_ENTRIES];
unsigned long old_ISR_pointers[MAX_IDT_ENTRIES]; // better save the old one!!
// entry in the IDT, this is sometimes called
// an "interrupt gate"
typedef struct
unsigned short LowOffset;
unsigned short selector;
unsigned char unused_lo;
unsigned char segment_type:4; //0x0E is an interrupt gate
unsigned char system_segment_flag:1;
unsigned char DPL:2; // descriptor privilege level
unsigned char P:1; /* present */
unsigned short HiOffset;
/* sidt returns idt in this format */
typedef struct
unsigned short IDTLimit;
unsigned short LowIDTbase;
unsigned short HiIDTbase;
#pragma pack()
VOID OnUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )
int i;
IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)
IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info
char _t[255];
_snprintf(_t, 253, "interrupt %d called %d times", i, g_i_count[i]);
DbgPrint("UnHooking Interrupt...");
// restore the original interrupt handler
__asm cli
idt_entries[i].LowOffset = (unsigned short) old_ISR_pointers[i];
idt_entries[i].HiOffset = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)old_ISR_pointers[i] >> 16);
__asm sti
DbgPrint("UnHooking Interrupt complete.");
// using stdcall means that this function fixes the stack before returning (opposite of cdecl)
// interrupt number passed in EAX
void __stdcall count_interrupts(unsigned long inumber)
//todo, may have collisions here?
unsigned long *aCountP;
unsigned long aNumber;
// due to far call, we need to correct the base pointer
// the far call pushes a double dword as the return address
// and I don't know how to make the compiler understand this
// is a __far __stdcall (or whatever it's called)
// anyway:
// [ebp+0Ch] == arg1
__asm mov eax, [ebp+0Ch]
__asm mov aNumber, eax
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath )
IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)
IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info
unsigned long addr;
unsigned long count;
char _t[255];