This is the First release of this tool which can help you Deobfuscate an assembly to see its code better in Reflector.
anyway It won't restore the original names for the members of the assembly but it will help you alot, the produced assembly doesn't always run as the original one but I coded this tool for viewing purposes only.
Features :
1 - Keeps the integrity of the Obfuscated assembly so you will get the same number of namespaces for two assemblies.
2- I added a "Type Detection" algo to enhance renaming process so that the new name for the class will contain its BaseType name like "Class_20_Form" instead of "Class_20"
3- Ultra-fast algo even for huge files !!!
4- Can defeat most Obfuscation schemes used in commercial **** protectors.
All bug reports are appreciated ... Really will help me improve it.
This is the 0.2 version of Deobfuscator and I have removed the external GUI libraries for more speed and enhanced the error reporting.
BTW some files can't be loaded into this utility simply because it has an invalid PE image like invalid sections or flags or whatever so don't blame me for that since Cecil library is sensitive to messed up assemblies, so try to fix the Obfuscated assembly first then perform the DeObfuscation here.