Speed Dial
Speed Dial gives you quick access to your favorite Web sites. Every time a new tab is opened, you are presented with a 3x3 grid of thumbnails, each representing a Web address. To open a page, click on the corresponding thumbnail, or use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + [1-9].
To save a Web address as a speed dial entry, open a new tab and click on one of the nine squares. A dialogue box presents a multitude of options, including frequently visited pages and open pages: you may select a Web page from the list or type in a new address. It is also possible to drag and drop from bookmarks, panels, or any other location where Web addresses are displayed.
To delete a speed dial entry, click on the cross on the upper right corner of the thumbnail. To rearrange, drag and drop the thumbnails from one space to another. If you drop a thumbnail from one space onto an already occupied space, the entries will be exchanged. If you drop an address from outside speed dial onto an already occupied space, the old entry will be overwritten.