( LV8,RANK:130 )
7 楼
最近刚好在学ASM 试着注释下。。
.386 ;扁平模式(使用线性地址),StdCall .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include ntstatus.inc include ntddk.inc include w2kundoc.inc include hal.inc include ntoskrnl.inc includelib hal.lib includelib ntoskrnl.lib .const ;szdevicename=\Device\zhtjia\0 szdevicename dw '\',' D ',' e ',' v ',' i ',' c ',' e ',' \ ',' z ',' h ',' t ',' j ',' i ',' a ',0 ;szconnect=\??\lszh\0 szconnect dw '\',' ? ',' ? ',' \ ',' l ',' s ',' z ',' h ',0 .data? ;一些变量 sz1 UNICODE_STRING <?> sz2 UNICODE_STRING <?> scr0 dd ? old dd ? padd dd ? .code ;这函数啥都没做。。 func proc p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 ;清理犯罪现场 xor eax , eax ;ret了 ret func endp ;改SDT的 workit proc ;保存所有寄存器 pushad ;改SDT之前的一系列常规操作 cli mov eax , cr0 mov scr0 , eax and eax , 0fffeffffh mov cr0 , eax ;把KSDT放到eax中 mov eax , KeServiceDescriptorTable ;取eax指向的数值 mov eax ,[ eax ] ;继续取 mov eax ,[ eax ] ;现在eax是KiServiceTable了,30是系统服务的序号 add eax , 30h * 4h ;保存指针(做的有点废物),感觉没多大必要 mov padd , eax ;取旧的地址到ecx mov ecx ,[ eax ] ;保存旧的地址 mov old , ecx ;把func的地址放到ecx中??? lea ecx , func ;抹表~ mov [ eax ], ecx ;改SDT之后的一系列常规操作 mov eax , scr0 mov cr0 , eax sti ;DF = 0 cld ;mov es:[di],eax ;add es:[di],4 ;???? stosd ;清理作案现场 恢复生态环境 popad ;return 1000?? 乱七八糟。。 mov eax , 1000h ret workit endp ;IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL makeit proc pdevice , pirp local status , dwbytesret ;保存所有寄存器 pushad ;没看出有什么意义 and dwbytesret , 0 ;从pirp中取东西。。偶就不查irp的结构了 -。- ;乱七八糟的偏移量。。。pass了。。 mov esi , pirp mov edi ,[ esi + 60h ] mov ecx ,[ edi + 0ch ] sub ecx , 22e000h or ecx , ecx jnz @1 mov ecx ,[ edi + 4h ] sub ecx , 1000h or ecx , ecx jnz @2 mov ecx ,[ edi + 8h ] sub ecx , 1000h or ecx , ecx jnz @2 mov edi ,[ esi + 0ch ] ;改SDT invoke workit mov dwbytesret , eax ;status = 0; and status , 0 jmp @3 @2 : mov status , STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL @1 : mov status , STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST @3 : ;?????压进去弹出来到底想干嘛-。- push status pop [ esi + 18h ] push dwbytesret pop [ esi + 1ch ] invoke IoCompleteRequest , pirp , IO_NO_INCREMENT ;清理作案现场 popad ;return STATUS_SUCCESS; (STATUS_SUCCESS = 0) mov eax , status ret makeit endp ;IRP_MJ_CREATE & IRP_MJ_CLOSE createclose proc pdevice , pirp ;啥都没做 直接return mov eax , pirp xor ecx , ecx mov [ eax ][ 18h ], ecx mov [ eax ][ 1ch ], ecx invoke IoCompleteRequest , pirp , IO_NO_INCREMENT xor eax , eax ret createclose endp ;DriverUnload driverunload proc pdri cli ;改SDT之前的一系列常规操作 mov eax , cr0 mov scr0 , eax and eax , 0fffeffffh mov cr0 , eax ;之前保存的指针 mov edi , padd ;旧的地址 mov eax , old ;????? ;mov edi,eax ??? where is "mov edi,eax"???? ;DF = 0 cld ;把eax扔到es:[di] 然后给es:[di]+=4 ;不知道是干什么用的-。- stosd ;常规操作 mov eax , scr0 mov cr0 , eax sti ;清理作案遗迹 invoke IoDeleteSymbolicLink ,offset sz2 mov eax , pdri invoke IoDeleteDevice ,[ eax + 04h ] ;ret了 ret driverunload endp ;DriverEntry driverentry proc pdri , pregpath local pdevice , status mov status , STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR ;初始化Unicode_String invoke RtlInitUnicodeString ,offset sz1 ,offset szdevicename invoke RtlInitUnicodeString ,offset sz2 ,offset szconnect ;创建设备 invoke IoCreateDevice , pdri , 0 ,offset sz1 , FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN , 0 , 0 ,addr pdevice .if ! eax ;创建成功 ;创建符号链接 invoke IoCreateSymbolicLink ,offset sz2 ,offset sz1 .if ! eax ;创建成功 mov eax , pdri ;设置派遣函数 mov [ eax ][ 38h + 4h * IRP_MJ_CREATE ],offset createclose mov [ eax ][ 38h + 4h * IRP_MJ_CLOSE ],offset createclose mov [ eax ][ 38h + 4h * IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL ],offset makeit mov [ eax ][ 34h ],offset driverunload ;status = 0 and status , 0 .else ;创建失败 ;删除之前创建的设备 invoke IoDeleteDevice , pdevice .endif .endif mov eax , status ;return STATUS_SUCCESS; ret driverentry endp end driverentry
( LV8,RANK:130 )
16 楼
driverunload proc pdri cli mov eax , cr0 mov scr0 , eax and eax , 0fffeffffh mov cr0 , eax mov edi , padd mov eax , old cld stosd mov eax , scr0 mov cr0 , eax sti invoke IoDeleteSymbolicLink ,offset sz2 mov eax , pdri invoke IoDeleteDevice ,[ eax + 04h ] ret driverunload endp ;怎么没有看到 mov edi,eax ?? 是在哪儿恢复SSDT的 ?
( LV5,RANK:60 )
25 楼
BOOL DeviceIoControl(
HANDLE hDevice, // handle to device of interest
DWORD dwIoControlCode, // control code of operation to perform
LPVOID lpInBuffer, // pointer to buffer to supply input data
DWORD nInBufferSize, // size, in bytes, of input buffer
LPVOID lpOutBuffer, // pointer to buffer to receive output data
DWORD nOutBufferSize, // size, in bytes, of output buffer
LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, // pointer to variable to receive byte count
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped // pointer to structure for asynchronous operation
HANDLE CreateFile(
LPCTSTR lpFileName, // pointer to name of the file
DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // access (read-write) mode
DWORD dwShareMode, // share mode
// pointer to security attributes
DWORD dwCreationDisposition, // how to create
DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
HANDLE hTemplateFile // handle to file with attributes to
// copy